Science, religion go
hand-in-hand in US: Study
Published on Feb 17,
6:15 AM
6:15 AM
In any religions, science (mundane form) (色)= religion (spiritual)(空), religion (spiritual) (空)= science (mundane form)(色).
It is also represented by 1 and 0.
What is visible and seen with Authority or One that talk or post that make sense is 1. (色) (mundane form)
What is anonymous with Zen (the Silent discourse) is 0. (空) (spiritual)
What is anonymous with Zen (the Silent discourse) is 0. (空) (spiritual)
babe babe This is an era of 满天神佛,天龙八部 where all 十法界 - 色空 come into awareness.十法界 represent 6 sentinent beings realms of Hell realm, Hungry Ghost realm, Animal realm, Asura realm, Human realm, Heavenly realm (Sensual Desire Heavenly Realms, Form Heavenly Realms, Formless Heavenly Realms) - which represent 色界.
4 Nirvana realms of 声闻,缘觉,菩萨,佛 - which represent 空界。Any of this realms - possess all these 10 characteristics & will exhibit the varied 十法界 characteristics when face with different situation and environment facing them.
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