Thursday, February 6, 2014

Scenario 1 – Nirvana Fruition (Most Wholesome in Supramundane and Mundane – 色空圆满 大涅槃 The Great Nirvana of the Whole Universe)

Scenario 2 – Male in Pureland and Female all perished (UnWholesome空斗)

Scenario 3 – All Male and Female want to live in Pureland (UnWholesome – as Nazism and Facism will rear their ugly head – to conquer land and infighting with one another – 色斗)

Scenario 3, Event 1 - When Compassion Boddhisattva, Panna Wisdom Boddhisattva and Di Zuang Wang Boddhisattva converged inwards – indicated by the 3 Generation Boddhisattvas.

Scenario 3, Event 2 - And When Singapore Leader, US Leader and Euro Leader are WOMEN.

When both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 applies – then the Whole Universe will converged inwards (Supramundane, Mundane and Paranormal) – into 1 BIG BLACK HOLE – and everyone PERISH.

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