Monday, February 17, 2014

More Insights on Asura realm and the 3 lower realms

When the highest Heavenly Realm beings are liberated, it means the last avici hell being will also be liberated and born on Earth.

The last avici hell being is the Asura that is highly jealous of Heavenly beings because the Heavenly beings administer justice and punishment on hell beings. In Christianity, this is the demon or satan that will hit God. God did not punish the demon or satan, it is the Law of Karma that punish hell beings. But the demon or satan – which is Asura beings are jealous of Heavenly beings for having good lives and thus will cause problem to the Heavenly beings.

阎罗王 is the Justice system that administer the punishment on hell beings for infringing the Law of Karma.

Hungry Ghosts roam the places or objects in which they are strongly attached with or extreme greed on wealth objects or people or places.

Animals are offered as offerings to Hungry Ghosts and Hell beings.

These 3 realms form the 3 lowest realms of sufferings.

地藏王菩萨 is the Compassion Boddhisattva that provide Compassion to console and alleviate the sufferings of these 3 lower realms.


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