Tuesday, February 4, 2014

PM Lee thanks Malay community leaders for attending tudung dialogue

Published on Feb 03, 2014
11:11 PM

听禅觉 (Realisation of Zen), 不执飞想天,飞飞想天 – (Move away from Perception and Non-Perception) and 不执相 (Move away from Nothingness and No-Nothingness) – refocus on the Common  Destiny and Common Goals. (Because except 声闻,缘觉,菩萨,佛 (Arahats, Pacekka Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Buddhas) with human body) – no other 6 realms sentinent beings can make it – not even the highest heavenly realms).
Before realising, seeing and listening Zen, see mountain – is mountain, see water – is water (based on mundane sentiment beings’ perception, past experience, biased judgement – that arise from 5 sense consciousness of see, hear, touch, smell, taste) – all anchor on the 3 evil roots of Ignorance of the Universal Truth & Universal Law, Attachment to Ego & Greed, Hatred and Revenge.
When realising, seeing and listening to Zen, what you see, hear and realised – is the untainted Bodhi Heart – and what a beings’ see, hear, touch, smell, taste is entirely different from what mundane sentinent beings’ see, hear, touch, smell, taste.
After realising, seeing and listening to Zen, beings need to live, work, play and rest and operate like mundane sentinent beings but do them wholesomely – anchor on the 3 wholesome roots of No-Self (无我), Compassion (大慈大悲) and Panna Wisdom or Insights (般若智慧).
How to to live, work, play and rest in the Mundane World in Human Realms.
So now in Business World – everyone need to collaborate on the Principle of Planned Economy (so as not to deplete the Earth
Resources) – as Earth resources are finite and expectations and desires are infinite and runaway.
After collaboration are done under the Principle of Win-Win outcome, then the Principle of Market Economy need to be introduced to ensure the Earth Resources are utilised efficiently so that there will be no wastage or minimal wastage at a good price and not inflated price.

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