Thursday, February 6, 2014

End of the Universe - 五蕴皆空 (5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness), 四大皆空 (4 Great Element Emptiness)

五蕴皆空 (5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness) – 5 Mental Aggregates refer to 5 sense consciousness (sight, hear, taste, touch, smell), feelings, perception, judgement, mental formation.

四大皆空 (4 Great Element Emptiness) – 4 Great Element refer to Air, Water, Temperature, Matter.

Stage 1 -五蕴皆空 (5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness)
When All (such as 10 Directions 6 Realms Sentinent Beings and 4 Nirvana Realms) want to enter and stay in 净土 (Pureland) – it will bring about the consequences of attaining 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness. When this happens, the Whole Universe 菩提心 (Bodhi Heart and Mind) will collapse inwards into the Pureland – where all the Bodhi Heart and Mind collapse into the Pureland.
When 1-pointed concentration Samadhi is attained, 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness will happen ie. 五蕴皆空 phenomenon will occur.

Stage 2 - 四大皆空 (4 Great Element Emptiness)
When五蕴皆空 (5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness) phenomenon occur, the next stage will trigger (4 Great Element Emptiness),  (四大皆空) where the Whole Physical Universe will collapse inwards into the Pureland Bodhi Heart 5 Mental Aggregate Emptiness五蕴皆空 phenomenon – into a Big Black Hole with very powerful suction and everyone perish.

And these 2 stages phenomenon is not the end of the World - it is the end of the Universe.

The 小三灾 (war, natural disaster, epidemic) - become 大三灾 (Pureland collapse, World/Earth collapse, Universe collapse).

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