Friday, February 7, 2014

地藏王菩萨 (Di Zhang Wan Boddhisattva)
There is a 地藏王菩萨 (Di Zhang Wan Boddhisattva) that control the 3 lower realms – animals, hungry ghosts and hell realms.
From Malaysia, it can be replicated or copy to Indonesia.
Note :- 地藏王菩萨 (Di Zhang Wan Boddhisattva) cannot stay together with 阿弥陀佛 because the 3 lower realms of animals, hungry ghosts and hell realms will come up to the higher realms to look for 地藏王菩萨 (Di Zhang Wan Boddhisattva)。

Indonesia have 1 地藏王菩萨。

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