Friday, February 7, 2014

阿弥陀佛菩提心 represented by Amituofo Bodhi Heart – experience 五蕴皆空 (5 Mental Aggregates Emptiness) represented by 观世音菩萨, Compassion Boddhisattva (expounded in Heart Sutra, 心经) and then experience 四大皆空 (4 Great Elements Emptiness expounded in 大乘无量寿经) represented by 大势智菩萨, Panna Wisdom Boddhisattva.

And from 阿弥陀佛菩提心 represented by Amituofo Bodhi Heart - experience expansion into 3 Ring Fruition 华严三昧 - represented by 无我 (No-Self), 大慈大悲 (Great Compassion), 般若智慧 (Panna Wisdom) that enwrap the Whole Universe.

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