Monday, February 17, 2014

More Insights on Asura realm and the 3 lower realms

When the highest Heavenly Realm beings are liberated, it means the last avici hell being will also be liberated and born on Earth.

The last avici hell being is the Asura that is highly jealous of Heavenly beings because the Heavenly beings administer justice and punishment on hell beings. In Christianity, this is the demon or satan that will hit God. God did not punish the demon or satan, it is the Law of Karma that punish hell beings. But the demon or satan – which is Asura beings are jealous of Heavenly beings for having good lives and thus will cause problem to the Heavenly beings.

阎罗王 is the Justice system that administer the punishment on hell beings for infringing the Law of Karma.

Hungry Ghosts roam the places or objects in which they are strongly attached with or extreme greed on wealth objects or people or places.

Animals are offered as offerings to Hungry Ghosts and Hell beings.

These 3 realms form the 3 lowest realms of sufferings.

地藏王菩萨 is the Compassion Boddhisattva that provide Compassion to console and alleviate the sufferings of these 3 lower realms.


At least 3 students killed, 50 trapped after building collapses in Gyeongju

Published on Feb 17, 2014
10:27 PM

Seems like the whole world is turning topsy turvy - a sign of Earth - 4 Great Elements (Water, Temperature, Matter and Air) - collapsing inwards.
The extreme weather and funny phenomenon is happening everywhere.
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      This is because the 4 Great Elements Boddhisattva is not in the right place.
    Australia's gone too far spying on Indonesia's shrimp trade talks with US: Marty

    Published on Feb 17, 2014
    4:04 PM

    This sounds like a literal translation from 虾兵蟹将 and associate this as security to shrimp business.
    虾兵蟹将 refer to unconventional force.

    Science, religion go hand-in-hand in US: Study

    Published on Feb 17, 2014
    6:15 AM

    In any religions, science (mundane form) (色)= religion (spiritual)(空), religion (spiritual) (空)= science (mundane form)(色).
    It is also represented by 1 and 0.
    What is visible and seen with Authority or One that talk or post that make sense is 1. (色) (mundane form)
    What is anonymous with Zen (the Silent discourse) is 0. (空) (spiritual)
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        This is an era of 满天神佛,天龙八部 where all 十法界 - 色空 come into awareness.
        十法界 represent 6 sentinent beings realms of Hell realm, Hungry Ghost realm, Animal realm, Asura realm, Human realm, Heavenly realm (Sensual Desire Heavenly Realms, Form Heavenly Realms, Formless Heavenly Realms) - which represent 色界.
        4 Nirvana realms of 声闻,缘觉,菩萨,佛 - which represent 空界。
        Any of this realms - possess all these 10 characteristics & will exhibit the varied 十法界 characteristics when face with different situation and environment facing them.
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            What is visible and seen with Authority is 1. (色) (mundane form) - This Authority must be Wholesome (自度,度人).
            But if what is visible and seen that is unwholesome - then it become (魔) - (自度,害人).

          Wednesday, February 12, 2014

          Singapore welcomes Indonesia's stance it meant no ill will in ship naming

          Published on Feb 12, 2014
          5:26 PM

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              Not a good idea to name the 2 passed away marines on the warships that bombed Singapore - because it signify and encourage war.
              In the cemetery or war memorial as a reminder (as it signify death and destruction) - that military confrontation does not pay is ok.
              Prayers in the cemetery or war memorial will appease their sufferings and pain at the point of death so that it will be a reminder to them that war act does not pay as it entail physical and mental sufferings. Only Peace and Compassion is the way to heal the pain and sufferings.

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                  In Middle East, holy places are named and prophets are
                  not anonymous – thus result in holy wars, fighting and conflicts for many decades.
                  Even Jesus was crucified and are not seen.

                  After note :-

                  Ancient Buddha, Saints need to make themselves known because majority cannot receive Zen – the Silent Discourse or the Holy Discourse in words cannot be written down as words in writing are still not available.

                  Only when Buddha, Saints or Prophets make themselves known can people learn the Holy Discourse through oral transmissions.

                  But with the proliferation of many holy books around with so many variants holy teachings, holy people must remain anonymous – to avoid holy wars, conflicts and fightings.

                  Note :-
                  Only the Bodhi Heart is untainted – which can only be transmitted via Zen – the Silence Discourse.

                  Thoughts in Mind – is 2nd after Bodhi Heart. 

                  Speeches from Mouth – is 3rd after Thoughts from Mind. 

                  When written – it is 4th. 

                  When prophets appear (and distracted by people around them and environment around them) – their 5 Mental Aggregates will be even more adversely distorted – and the discourse will be further deviated. 

                  What is worst, people tends to form perception of what prophets to be – and the outcomes will be worst. 

                  Unless the prophet is able to enter into Jhana Mindfulness – in an environment that is conducive for the prophet to convey the discourse from his Bodhi Heart. This is normally an Environment that protect his Anonymous identity and where Zen can be properly transmitted.

                  So only Business and Tour – are welcome.

                  In 2001, Sep 11, 911 in US is triggered the moment anonymous identity is not observed.

                  Natural disasters eg. earthquake, unnatural phenomenon, extreme weather, etc will also strike when anonymous identities are not observed and when outside people scramble to rush in.

                  People are not learning from history.

                  Because this will upset, delay, impede, mess up, veer it off-course the ongoing spiritual salvation.