Monday, April 29, 2024

REACH 563 - What are your views on the use of technology and devices in schools? How can we ensure the appropriate use of technology and devices for learning purposes for young children? 


29 Apr 2024 (10am - 7pm)


29/4/24, 9:45 am - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from *10am to 7pm* today. ⏰

*House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:* 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

*Full set of Terms of Use:*

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

29/4/24, 10:00 am - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*

The topic of technology use in classrooms was discussed among education leaders at the recent International Summit on the Teaching Profession that was held in Singapore. 

Education Minister Chan Chun Sing said MOE takes a more “nuanced” approach to technology use as upper primary school pupils will have more opportunities to use digital devices for learning in school.

💬 *What are your views on the use of technology and devices in schools? How can we ensure the appropriate use of technology and devices for learning purposes for young children?* 

Minister Chan said “we make this distinction because we want to strengthen our ability to guide them in their self-regulated use, because you must use devices with discipline and responsibility". 

He added that more lessons in primary schools could adopt interactive or multimedia elements and said “at that age, we want more materials, more experience, guiding them before we consider the next step as to whether we should or should not issue them devices.” 

📌 _*Current measures*_

MOE currently allows students in secondary school and beyond to have their own personal learning devices, which are tablets or laptops. Those in secondary school have, since 2021, been issued these devices.

Primary school pupils currently do not have their own learning devices, but schools can bring them in for upper primary pupils to share and use with supervision.

📌 _*Need for varying approaches*_

MOE has noted, among other things, the need for varying approaches for different learners. Minister Chan said “high-ability students take to technology like fish to water; they will be able to master it and use it to stretch themselves.”

Minister Chan added that students with more needs will require guidance and social-emotional support.

📌 _*Research findings on usage of devices*_

Research has also shown that how one uses devices is important, beyond looking at one’s age and the amount of time spent on the devices. The impact on brain development can be quite different, depending on whether screen time is used for social media, games or learning.

Teachers play a key role in deciding which digital tools – if any – are most appropriate for students according to their abilities and needs, said Minister Chan.


29/4/24, 10:00 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow all members to send messages to this group

29/4/24, 10:01 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed the group description


29/4/24, 10:09 am - +SL: “We make this distinction because we want to strengthen our ability to guide them in their self-regulated use because you must use devices with discipline and responsibility,” said Mr Chan.

👍👏🙏, the social emotional, and online activities do and don't and its consequent, online bullying, appropriate website visits, and cultivating students' responsibility and accountability for online action may be one of the areas of focus in the initial stage of this pilot?

29/4/24, 10:14 am - +SL: Does the technology pilot include AI teaching in science subjects?

29/4/24, 10:17 am - +SL: With approved TAM

29/4/24, 12:43 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors*

We want to *HEAR MORE* from you! 

💬 *What are your views on the use of technology and devices in schools? How can we ensure the appropriate use of technology and devices for learning purposes for young children?* 

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!

Megan 😊

29/4/24, 1:43 pm - +Nic Freehold: A few days ago I mentioned insurance agents have too much access to our CPF information 

“Mr See said the family was concerned that Ong may have been nominated to receive Ms Fang's Central Provident Fund (CPF) money.

Spanish police retained her electronic devices for investigations and told the family that there was an attempt to make changes to Ms Fang's CPF account in March, before she left for her trip.

Now that the family has received Ms Fang's death certificate, they plan to approach the authorities to check if Ong had been made a beneficiary for her insurance plans or CPF money.

They will also try to verify whether money was transferred out of her bank account.”

29/4/24, 1:44 pm - +Rama: 😳🤦‍♂️😞

29/4/24, 1:46 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. None of my family and my extended family members have children of young age - hence it is very difficult to judge how primary schools - or for the matter lower primary and upper primary learn, including how receptive they are in using digital device to learn.

2. But I have observed in the community that some parents give smartphone to their young children to see Tiktok.

I am not sure does it include communication with people like WhatsApp, Telegram or post anything in the social media --- because of the young children limited linguistic skills.

3. Young children learn from pre-school and at primary schools is at their formative year - starting to learn alphabets, grammar, sentence construction, numbers, simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simple science.

4. Hence not sure for lower primary children - by using digital devices - will it get distracted or learn better.

I thought lower primary children should build solid basic foundation in linguisitic skills, numeral skills, and some science knowledge, reading skills, writing skills - without distraction such as digital devices - whereby they will spend more time meddling with the digital device and get distracted rather than learning basic skills.

5. When the children get older, have a good grasp of the basic foundation of reading, writing, numerical and science skils - then could exploit digital device to help in better learning.

6. This is my intuitive assessment - as I have no young children to test my hypothesis.

29/4/24, 1:47 pm - +Thank You Woman: OMG he was from ACS (INDEPENDENT) & RI 😱

29/4/24, 1:47 pm - +Nic Freehold: Technology is not a panacea for the need for gumption and hunger

29/4/24, 1:48 pm - +Nic Freehold: Are our students able and have the determination to prove themselves better than hungry Indians

29/4/24, 1:49 pm - +Thank You Woman: Recall there’s also an elite whom plan to bring the woman out to sea for diving.

29/4/24, 1:50 pm - +Thank You Woman: What is lacking in “moral” education

29/4/24, 1:50 pm - +Nic Freehold: Elite schools and rich families help their children

How do neighborhood school kids able to level up? 

Even devices need $$$ paid apps and subscriptions

29/4/24, 1:50 pm - +Nic Freehold: Devices may increase tech addiction

29/4/24, 2:04 pm - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*

29/4/24, 2:39 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Talking about upper primary children and secondary school children are given digital devices to learn, it is very likely that once they are exposed to Generative AI eg. ChatGpt, Llama 3 to help them generate answers to their questions given by the schools.

2. So instead of learning basic skills, they may fully rely on digital devices to generate answers to homework and questions given by their teachers - and hence fail to acquire basic knowledge and skills.

3. So homework given to children will be useless - as they rely on Generative AI to generate solutions to all their homework - if they are given homework without supervision.

It may come to a point whereby schools will not give homework to children - but expect all homework to be completed in the classroom under teachers' supervision - so that there will be no cheating.

4. But there are 1 aspect that need to take note, that Generative AI generated solutions may not be totally accurate.

Children may thought that whatever prompt they input into Generative AI such as ChatGpt or Llama 3 - will provide them the right answer - without verification.

5. For example, I input the following math questions to both ChatGpt 3.5 and Llama 3 and the following is the answer provided by the 2 different AI tools :-

Question :- (546/25)*256*8738 = 

Llama 3 = 48,833,111.12

ChatGpt 3.5 = 48,791,723.52

Calculator = 48,854,507.52 (Correct answer)

6. So both Generative AI tools provide "approximate answer" and not the precise absolute answer.

7. Hence, conclusion, AI tools is only a computing assistant tool to help in learning - and still need human, children to do the actual computation.

Just like when computers first invented, human express fear that computers will take away their jobs. But it turn out that computers are merely assistant tools after 3 decades - and still cannot replace jobs.

8. On hindsight, I get a feeling AI will be a even better, more effective, more efficient assistant tools to humans - using computers to bring solutions and answers to humans. But cannot replace humans.

But humans need to level up, and be able to learn and acquire knowledge on top of Generative AI.

That is, we need to be as smart as the best person in the World - in which Generative AI learns from the dataset trained by the AI model.

29/4/24, 2:42 pm - +Jimmy Chew: I thought it's good because then they learn to double check on the answers and see what is actually is

29/4/24, 2:42 pm - +Jimmy Chew: That's a good the right answer as they learn along the way as they check The details. Hopefully it will create a curiosity that will continue in that direction of self-learning.

29/4/24, 2:42 pm - +Jimmy Chew: This is lifelong learning right??

29/4/24, 2:43 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 2:43 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 2:43 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 2:43 pm - +Rama: Point two is worrying!

29/4/24, 2:44 pm - +Rama: Likewise 3!

29/4/24, 2:44 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

That's why they need teacher supervision.

29/4/24, 2:45 pm - +Jimmy Chew: Teacher add value by questioning them and validating their inputs

29/4/24, 2:45 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Children need teacher supervision.

Cannot let them learn on their own.

Until they grow up and know how to use digital devices responsibly.

29/4/24, 2:49 pm - +Jimmy Chew: Montessori classes allow kids to explore

29/4/24, 2:54 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I have further explore Generative AI with my son who is specialise in AI.

He help me to use ChatGpt 3.5 (not 4 as we need to pay) - and is able to generate logical network diagram using ASCII character text.

29/4/24, 2:54 pm - +Kenneth Lee WM: Providing kids with digital devices would certainly level the playing field.

However, the kids need to be taught the dangers of internet; how to deal with bullying, how to do fact finding, how to ask the correct questions to AI platforms, how to validate answers, how to collaborate with others, etc.

Else, kids are only going to use it to mainly watch mindless video clips and play time wasting games.

29/4/24, 2:54 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 2:55 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1st prompt that I input to ChatGpt 3.5 prompt - didn't produce the right solution.

29/4/24, 2:56 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

My son want me to provide more details in the prompt to make the AI train and learn to produce more accurate response.

29/4/24, 2:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

But the results still not very good.

Subsequently, my son help me to refine my prompts a couple of time, and the result is much better.

29/4/24, 2:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>


29/4/24, 2:59 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

ChatGpt 3.5 generated diagram - after my son help me to fine-tune my prompt a couple of times. (Not using the ChatGpt 4 text-to-image - as need to pay).

But I guess should be the same result even if I use ChatGpt 4.

Diagram correct, only I can understand.

But if give network engineers to configure and code - they will ask what is this?

29/4/24, 2:59 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

<Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:00 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

This should be the actual logical network diagram that domain network and system engineers know how to interpret and code.

29/4/24, 3:02 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Hence, conclusion, Generative AI is a computing assistant tool.

It helps workers to come out with solutions quickly but cannot replace human jobs as of now just like the invention of computers.

But humans need to level up and keep ahead of AI.

29/4/24, 3:06 pm - +Rama: Yes

29/4/24, 3:09 pm - +Jimmy Chew: Agree. Fast track to use AI. My friends says they use chatgpt the paid subscription to reduce creative working by 60 percent. Of course they need to validate it. It's not perfect yet but the AI is learning

29/4/24, 3:29 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

And I kachow (disturb) the 2 AI tools.

And again the answer is wrong.

Llama 3 blatantly ask me to give it the right answer.

29/4/24, 3:29 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:29 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:33 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Both make mistakes on the 2nd calculation set. <This message was edited>

29/4/24, 3:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

See the limitations of Generative AI.

29/4/24, 3:49 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:50 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

It uses optimisation approach to solve math problems - and hence may not be precise and accurate in solving mathematical problems. <This message was edited>

29/4/24, 3:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

But I doubt very few humans can beat Generative AI on science.

29/4/24, 3:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 4:00 pm - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*

29/4/24, 4:01 pm - +Frankie Wee: How to their student sit for exams when using the Ai assignment.

29/4/24, 4:03 pm - +Frankie Wee: Is there system education changed unlikely the old current no longer N/O level in subjects. Actual it’s allow educate combined into G1, G2 and G3

29/4/24, 4:03 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Unless human start to memorize all these details just on 1 chemical properties - sodium chloride.

And there are so many chemical properties to memorize.

29/4/24, 4:04 pm - +Frankie Wee: Save age for 16 those they choice major education

29/4/24, 4:14 pm - +~l or Smiely face: "The first man who noted the analogy between a group of seven fishes and a group of seven days made a notable advance in the history of thought. He was the first man who entertained a concept belonging to the science of pure mathematics."

-- Alfred North Whitehead, mathematician and philosopher

29/4/24, 4:29 pm - +Bhavani: Hi due to digital homework, my daughter is on the phone from the time she returns on the bus until she goes to sleep. This is making her aggressive, unresponsive, has poor attitude, defiant and more and more rebellious. She is very myopic now and I read that the internet can not only make our eyesight worse but also can give us headaches and modify our brain functions, lead to poor emotional control and tumours

29/4/24, 4:30 pm - +Rama: Not a good sign!😳🤦‍♂️😞

29/4/24, 4:31 pm - +Bhavani: This message was deleted

29/4/24, 4:31 pm - +Rama: Ti!?

29/4/24, 4:33 pm - +Jimmy Chew: There need to be safety reminders for online usage for parents. I understand from a research that if you watch a video on your handphone for more than an hour, you lose your concentration. So digital health need to be taught early

29/4/24, 4:40 pm - +Rama: How is MOE balancing eye care against usage of digital device?

29/4/24, 4:42 pm - +Jack Sparrow: I think we are not bold enough in introducing technology to the young population. While screen time is a valid concern, I think there are many other ways to bring technology to the young population. E.g. making AI enabled hologram generator available in classrooms - so students can have instant 3D visualisations. I'm not digital/technology savvy but perhaps if MOE can approach those in the industry to see what they can offer without adding screen time, why not? Bring Science centre into schools.

29/4/24, 4:43 pm - +Bhavani: She is becoming more and more rude and keeps telling me not to interfere even if I stand outside her room while cleaning outside!

29/4/24, 4:43 pm - +Bhavani: She is becoming more and more rude!

29/4/24, 4:44 pm - +Bhavani: She is completely changing from a sweet child to a very rude one

29/4/24, 4:45 pm - +Jimmy Chew: I understand US schools are introducing Python programming to as young as 12

29/4/24, 4:45 pm - +Bhavani: Keeps telling me that she is under great pressure!

29/4/24, 4:48 pm - +Bhavani: At the same time, she is asking me to spend time with her but does not allow my mum and myself to ask her about her studies and is struggling with maths not because she is poor at it but finds it hard to balance with 6 other subjects

29/4/24, 4:48 pm - +Bhavani: Because of too much time doing digital homework

29/4/24, 4:49 pm - +Bhavani: She is always viewing the laptop and phone

29/4/24, 4:50 pm - +Bhavani: She does not listen to me at all when I tell her to limit the time as she says she has to finish her homework using the laptop or mobile

29/4/24, 4:51 pm - +Timothy Low: Not only students need eye care… teachers also need eye care as well. Students spent 1 hour to complete HBL homework, teachers need 3-4 hours to review the entire class HBL homework

29/4/24, 4:55 pm - +Bhavani: I can't seem to find a 100 per cent anti blue light + anti radiation spectacles as many do not block 100 per cent so I still get a terrible headache daily despite using such spectacles. <This message was edited>

29/4/24, 4:56 pm - +Bhavani: 1 hour for 1 subject

29/4/24, 4:56 pm - +Bhavani: There are around 7 subjects in Sec school

29/4/24, 4:57 pm - +Bhavani: So my daughter is on the phone or laptop all the time

29/4/24, 4:58 pm - +Bhavani: I have mild cataract so after seeing the phone for about half an hour or so, the words will go completely blur

29/4/24, 5:04 pm - +Bhavani: Digital health can only be taught if children obey their parents. If children snd teenagers don't obey, then I think it would be a good idea for the government to step in as otherwise children and teenagers will end up poor in academics and emotional wrecks with poor physical and mental health <This message was edited>

29/4/24, 5:05 pm - +Bhavani: Forgive my typing if I make some errors like "ti" as it's due to my nerve problems

29/4/24, 5:08 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Wonder why can't primary, secondary and pre-U adopt the same format like University?

Such as 4 subjects per 1/2 year as 1 semester.

After exam 1/2 year, another 4 new subjects for the 2nd half.

This will be less stress for younger students - to cram and study exam for 7 or 8 subjects at the end of the year.

29/4/24, 5:10 pm - +Timothy Low: Primary school only have 4-5 subjects per year isn’t it? These 4-5 subjects are crucial for holistic development and lay as a foundation for later schooling years

29/4/24, 5:10 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Oh. I lost touch in primary school.

I mean secondary and pre-U.

29/4/24, 5:12 pm - +Timothy Low: Pre-U also only 3H2 + 1H1 + GP. Now H1 also not counted into University Admission Score already. So technically 4 subjects to study for 2 years (3H2 + GP)

29/4/24, 5:13 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I see.

So only secondary schools.

So I totally lost touch - as our children all adults.

29/4/24, 5:14 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I think polytechnic also 8 subjects at year end if I am not wrong. <This message was edited>

29/4/24, 5:30 pm - +Rama: Have you spoken to her teachers?

29/4/24, 5:47 pm - +Timothy Low: Poly is around 6 per semester, same as university

29/4/24, 5:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I see.

So left only secondary schools - GCE o level.

Just need to change this format for this level - and then education not much stress.

29/4/24, 5:50 pm - +~.@: double degree can hit 9 in one semester

29/4/24, 5:51 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 


Why stress ourselves.

Just complete the bachelor and then do a master.

29/4/24, 5:51 pm - +Timothy Low: Double degree different league

29/4/24, 5:51 pm - +~.@: now double degree become very common alr

29/4/24, 5:51 pm - +~.@: almost everyone has a minor

29/4/24, 5:52 pm - +~.@: i guess some just wanna maximize their utility in school

29/4/24, 5:52 pm - +Timothy Low: All my teacher friends all developed some form of eyesight problem. It comes with age and it’s also a occupation hazard

29/4/24, 5:53 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I don't think double degree give a person better chance to a job or more pay.

A bachelor degree if enter into the right job market - start with a good pay.

29/4/24, 5:53 pm - +SL: Become a Researcher and Ph.D. maybe be great..

29/4/24, 5:54 pm - +SL: Technical skills, leadership skills and interpersonal skills important too

29/4/24, 5:55 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

My son is a reasearcher.

He got his 1st scholarship for bachelor degree.

Now he got his 2nd scholarship to do his master - awaiting the university admission outcome.

29/4/24, 5:59 pm - +SL: I'm testing a kind of AI learning on a subject; it looks ok in learning science, astronomy, and mathematics. The drawback is it will become easy to search for items online when I can use a supported system for news broadcasts, searching for songs and storybooks, asking for weather, and control devices.

29/4/24, 6:00 pm - +SL: Congratulations 👍👏

29/4/24, 6:03 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

PhD unless if drill deep into research and lead in a particular field or teach in Universities will be useful.

But if want to explore more fields, Master will be a good avenue and not lock into a particular field.

29/4/24, 6:04 pm - +SL: Machine learning teaching and AI teaching (not gAI) are unique. I believe it will bring up a level of achievement for students based on its customisation and target to individuals learning patterns.

29/4/24, 6:04 pm - +SL: Customised to each student strengths and weaknesses…

29/4/24, 6:04 pm - +~l or Smiely face: Turning the tables of learning to the benefit of tomorrow learners. Empowering individuals to choose and decide the course of work in parts from half semester of one subject and the other half a separate subject. It is a flexible approach of "the sky the limit" for learners to create and craft their learning experiences, knowledge and skills; all for one purpose to learn and one purpose for the benefit of the cohort - to enjoy, have fun and have deeper meanings in lifelong learning! That's the breaking off from the old codes of learning and achievements! A revolution and a profound code of learnings all in digital formats and all AI generated, translatable texts in simplified to sophisticated, illustration of concepts and teachings using AV and real world VR application of learned concepts.

29/4/24, 6:05 pm - +~l or Smiely face: For the reasoning and assumption, it will be an inclusive and participation learning ecosystem of an open operational efficiency model of education enriching reskill, upskill, new skill and trainings; always close to learners and never will it closes!

29/4/24, 6:05 pm - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*

29/4/24, 6:07 pm - +SL: Mixed reality better than AR and VR

29/4/24, 6:08 pm - +~l or Smiely face: Slow learners versus moderate learners versus fast learners. Differentiation through learnings than gradings or intelligence of individuals.  Pace of learnings can be divided into several times from simplistic to sophisticated processes. And each learning process shall peg with the learner's abilities in determine how fast or moderate each course and module should be presented to individual. The highest learning chain of calibre is quality of work, accuracy, speed and response to assignments, tests and examinations.

29/4/24, 6:19 pm - +Timothy Low: I would suggest teaching students on financial literacy and on how to do investment in secondary school instead

29/4/24, 6:44 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

⏰ We will be closing the chat in *15 minutes* ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

29/4/24, 6:51 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Double degree will be useful to choose a different industry if a particular industry is not appealing.

Eg. Double degree in business and computer science.

Initially, a graduate may want to try a bank job.

But then difficult to get in, or pay not high enough or environment not appealing, then use the other degree computer science degree to join a tech company.

Then double degree is helpful.

29/4/24, 6:53 pm - +Nic Freehold: Make arduino type programming mandatory subject in primary school

29/4/24, 6:54 pm - +Nic Freehold: more on the job training for PURE Singaporean

29/4/24, 6:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

But most of the time, double degree hardly have time for themselves.

Those who involved in group projects hardly have time to be more involved as they are always caught up in attending lessons or do other projects.

This is the feedback from the undergraduates doing double degree.

29/4/24, 6:59 pm - +~l or Smiely face: 29 April, 2024

"Breaking The Code Of Learnings"

"Jean Piaget (9/8/1896 - 16/9/1980), a Swiss psychologist who believed the importance of a child's reasoning that invokes on the assumptions and the consequential reasoning thought are statistically unrepresentative, at times simplistic and spawn erroneous conclusions. In particular, reasoning and assumptions are two contributing factors of humankind and intelligences. Visually, in an example, a young child reaching a conclusion that a nail and a hammer are similar unlike a screwdriver or a saw. Today, laptop and mobile phone are similar digital tools to any teenager and the critical considerations are diversified work for leisure and or for work. "

-- anonymity 

Now, in our primary school classrooms to secondary school classrooms, the enormous complexities of information driven learning and teaching through digital devices and flexible methods of information processing approach have thus proven beyond Piagetian theorists could imagine or incomprehensible. What is intelligence and the universal idea of cognitive growth patterns of various trajectories from normal to exceptional IQ of children from the age of two years and older. Big topic on Cognitive Sciences: Music, Arts, Language, Factual, Logic and DNA all are spectrum of singular or multi gifts of intelligence and higher tendency of predetermined and intricate wiring of  billions of neurons in the human brain to drive specific IQ and tasks beyond excellence results (right side of brain). In a separate realm is human creativity which scientists have yet to fully understand and break the code on the fundamental of talents and creations. Lastly, more relevant in today's context of fierce competition is emotional intelligence (EQ) of humankind to be adaptive, control and manage the situation of small or big into amicable solution or settlement over conflicts or confrontations or simply quit.

"The first man who noted the analogy between a group of seven fishes and a group of seven days made a notable advance in the history of thought. He was the first man who entertained a concept belonging to the science of pure mathematics."

-- Alfred North Whitehead, mathematician and philosopher 

Breaking the Code?

Should future possibilities of the shortage of academia, lecturers and teachers, or short of physical space, tables and chairs; no worries!

Imagine the future classroom or lecture hall. Half of all lessons will be AI driven capabilities beyond the Piagetian nor psychologists could imagine and the benefits overweight people anxieties of the previous learning environments. Your AI is your new lecturer and your smartest professor for life. And one unintended consequence will be the sunset industry for private education, aka tuitions.

The entire faculty of knowledge will be banked in cloud driven computing with advanced technologies incorporated when prompted with instant answers and elaboration of concepts, ideas and real life experiences and examples to illustrate the value and takeaways of each lessons. All playback of esch lesson in modules are accessible anywhere and anytime too. 

Self taught and assisted AI tutors and physical lessons or lectures are cut to half of the entire semester schedule. Tests, written assignments and examinations are both online capable or physical attendance and deferment of exams are made possible through alternate time and day with different sets of questions that calibrate to equal the cohort studies and fair tests regime. The highly accurate time driven capabilities AI will set the course module, attendance, attenuation of students behavioral and focus, projects, written assignments, tests and examinations; all synthesizes with AI voices and human like model capabilities of servicing and managing subjectivities and objectively assigned grades to students for each course and tests regime.

Slow learners versus moderate learners versus fast learners. Differentiation through learnings than gradings or intelligence of individuals.  Pace of learnings can be divided into several times from simplistic to sophisticated processes. And each learning process shall peg with the learner's abilities in determine how fast or moderate each course and module should be presented to individual. The highest learning chain of calibre is quality of work, accuracy, speed and response to assignments, tests and examinations.

Turning the tables of learning to the benefit of tomorrow learners. Empowering individuals to choose and decide the course of work in parts from half semester of one subject and the other half a separate subject. It is a flexible approach of "the sky the limit" for learners to create and craft their learning experiences, knowledge and skills; all for one purpose to learn and one purpose for the benefit of the cohort - to enjoy, have fun and have deeper meanings in lifelong learning! That's the breaking off from the old codes of learning and achievements! A revolution and a profound code of learnings all in digital formats and all AI generated, translatable texts in simplified to sophisticated, illustration of concepts and teachings using AV and real world VR application of learned concepts.

For the reasoning and assumption, it will be an inclusive and participation learning ecosystem of an open operational efficiency model of education enriching reskill, upskill, new skill and trainings; always close to learners and never will it closes!

             - - in progress - -

29/4/24, 7:05 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

29/4/24, 7:06 pm - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow only admins to send messages to this group


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