19 Apr 2024
I :- Btw I sense that you have been quite busy lately.
Never mind I just kaypoh...
Also I abit worried...
Hope you are ok.
SK :- No, just don't want to talk. The world is jittery, less talk more peace.
I :- Oh I see.
Yes the world situations are turning quite bad.
I think even our government also voice it out.
PM Lee and Lawrence Wong also voice their worry publicly.
I :- But still can keep the heart and mind at ease - while handling worldly worries.
Unfortunately this is a part of Bodhisattva works.
I have gone through what you are going through now - during 911.
Now I have cross over this threshold - and walk the Bodhi path.
That is keep mind and heart peaceful - but yet doing Salvation.
心放下, 事不放下。
I :- 我不逃避他。
I :- I treat the world chaos like watching a movie (如 梦幻泡影).
Those humans are actors and actresses.
I 发慈悲心 - 普渡众生 离苦,悟道。
I :- But take it easy.
Slowly recover.
One day you will realise your mental strength become very strong.
I feel that increasingly i have this abilities - essentially the outcomes in REACH in influencing the government and REACH participants.
I :- 无恐怖,远离颠倒梦想。
I :- That is,
Even if,
This is a natural process - a sign that a 修行者 ready to promote or elevate into the next higher stage - if can "get over this mental threshold".
I have been through it and succeed.
Hence can explain all the phenomenon in 心经。
I :- Because all the world chaos, human kill one another are due to their past 因果。
No one can stop this.
Not even 佛 - who are unable to stop 释迦族 from 灭门 after succeeded twice but not the 3rd time。
Hence, in one Jataka story, 2 罗汉 腾云驾雾 - saw one man going to kill another man.
But they did nothing to stop it - because they saw their 因果。
凡人 see this and raise their anger to the Buddha, Buddha say both 罗汉 see their karma manifesting, even if both 罗汉 intervene to help, the man will still be killed by the other man.
I :- However in another Jataka story, a 菩萨 see another similar situation, the 菩萨 intervene to stop the killing.
And the 菩萨 succeeded.
The disciples ask the Buddha why this 菩萨 succeed when the 2 罗汉 fails?
佛 say because this 菩萨 发菩提愿 - just enough merits to 抵消 the karma of these men - and hence can prevent the killings from taking place.
Hence this Mahayana 大悲愿 - is so powerful.
Many disciples as a result 顿悟, and some 罗汉 from 小乘 transform into 大乘 - vowing to 普渡众生 and become a 菩萨。
I :- But note, not all karmas can be intercepted - if the karma is too powerful.
Gaza karma is too powerful - due to the religious hatred - no one can stop it.
So we will have to just 尽人事 to 普渡 - but not be affected by it, or be jittery about it.
心放下, 清净,事不放下。
I :-
I :- Hence, 无我执。无生死执。
No attachment to self. No attachment to life and death (result in fear of life and death) - result in jittery when world chaos erupt.
Will result in 超凡入圣。
Transform from mundane into Saint.
A truly fearless "Divine Warrior" that emerge from the darkness of Samsara and step into the Wisdom Light of Divine.
That's why I say, you are in the verge of
Ready to get elevated and promoted into the next higher level stage - if you can "Emerge and get over your current mental threshold".
I :- 从 有相菩萨,升华为 无相菩萨。
I :- Hence in 普觉寺 - 无相殿 - 供 无相佛。
不执相 - 真佛 啊!
I :- 四圣谛
苦,集 (执),灭 (破),道。
4 Noble Truths:-
- Sufferings (Fear, Jittery)
- Due to Attachment to Self, Life & Death (我执,生死执,相执)
- Break Attachment - break fear, break jittery (破我执,破生死执,破相执)
- Attain Enlightenment - no attachment, Emptiness (入空)。
I :- Actually I realised many people including xxxxxx are reaching an inflection point - fear and jittery over the world events.
1. xxxxx
2. xxxxx
3. xxxxx - also face fear and jittery (in turbo mode).
4. xxxxx - I know human realm has reached the inflection point - that is ready for the next stage Salvation.
Hence I know is time to expound the 心法。
One time all 普渡。
Some with exceptional wisdom will be able to understand.
You are one of them - I think among the 1st to realise.
I :- In fact, there is a news that say :-
H5N1 bird flu has spread from birds to mammals.
As mammals DNA is quite similar to human, fear creep in.
True enough, some farmers got infected by cows and other animals to humans.
The fatal rate quite high.
WHO together with the medical research bodies are scrambling to:-
1. Develop detection kits.
2. Vaccines
In case it develops into human to human transmission like covid.
I :- But remember all these are 相 - 假相。
That's it is 因果 - need not be too worried and develop fear or jittery.
We need to 看破放下自在 - 一心不乱,如如不动,清净 - 随缘普渡。
I :- Another analogy of 执,相 - result in 苦。
He is too 我执,相执 against his brother.
Thinking that cabinet decision not to sell his father's house is his brother decision as his brother is the Leader even though his brother recluse from the decision.
Unable to 放下 hence transfer into hatred.
He is unable to see beyond 面 (superficial) that is the 底 (root cause)。
Hence he cannot be a Leader.
He will be easily fool by superficial issues, unable to see through real underlying root cause - and mess up the country affairs.
I :- And his hatred against his brother on one issue - cloud his judgement against his brother on all other good things his brother does for the Nation.
Too 执着。
Not objective, 小心眼。
This is another analogy of 执,相 - result in 苦。
I :- 这就是 why I find it is the right time to expound the 心法。
实践 从心中找 真经。
悟 无我执,无生死执,无相执。
不为 我执,生死执,相执 所迷。
悟 无我, 无生死,无相。
Quantum physics
- qubits (not a human whole) 无我
- superposition (birth, life, old age and death - 4 qubits state "spooky actions in a distance" exist at the same time in different universe, multiverse) 无生死
- all matter are make up of atomic and sub-atomic states and its properties change in a flux not in a stable state 无相. As human impression of 相 in stable state is incorrect - a baby 相 is vastly different when he grow old.
I :- Only then, we can fully understand the underlying implications why the whole world is in chaos.
Not attached to it.
And hence will not develop fear and jittery when negative events unfold.
Because 无我,不生不灭,无相, 因果 (No self. No birth, no death. No one stable physical form. Human reap what they sow (retribution) - according to Metaphysics.
In fact according to quantum physics - is the real Truth State).
Hence human fear and jittery - due to our illusion of human lives - will cease once Universal Truth or (Enlightenment is attain 悟道).
No one punish the human and make them immerse in sufferings.
It is what they think, what they say, what they do in the past, present and future - determine whether they suffer or live in peace.
No one punish or reward them. They punish or reward themselves. Only if humans realize it.
The environment human live in, is due to human heart, whether they want to live in peace or in war.
Ignorance, greed and hatred - determine human want to live in hellish sufferings.
Selfless, Wisdom and Compassion - humans live in paradise.
I :-
I :- 无宗教法门 分别。
Means 不为 相所迷。
Hence I go Church, Taoist temple, Hindu temple and even mosque besides 佛寺。
I discover 心法 is the unifying Universal Truth.
I :-
I :- 明心见性。
(When Heart is Empty of stray thoughts fuel by ignorance, hatred and greed with all encompassing Unifying Elements - See the Nature of Universal Truth).
I :- And the Unifying Elements are:-
无我 (Selfless)
慈悲 (Compassion)
般若智慧 (Panna Wisdom)
Anchor on Pure Heart (心) represented by Lotus (莲花).
I :- Hence 心法 is :-
- 大神咒 (GOD mantra),
- 大明咒 (ENLIGHTENMENT mantra),
- 无上咒 (UNSURPASS mantra)
- 无等等咒 (All INFINITE mantra)
Hence 心法 is all encompassing Universal Dharma.
I :- 能除一却苦。真实不虚。
Can eliminate all Sufferings, fear, jittery.
As explain above and the few analogies illustrated showing the results.
Without a tainted Heart (心)- all Sufferings cease.
A good Heart 心 - build a Paradise.
A bad tainted Heart 心 - sow destruction, death - 执,贪, 嗔,痴 - strong attachment, greed, hatred, ignorance ----- Heart 心 --- result in Hell sufferings。
Hence 心法 (Heart Dharma) ---- is the Universal, Unifying, Unsurpass, All Encompassing, Enlightenment, God mantra !!!
I :- Hence All Religions preach - Divine is in the Heart.
I :- 心法 is 大团圆。
Heart Dharma is Great Reunification.
I :- 得道人,随缘不变。
凡人随缘 即变。
I :- 普渡众生不变。
I :- 这就是 禅定。
禅 (Mindfulness) - 随缘。
定 (Concentration) - 不变。
8 NoblePath - Right Mindfulness. Right Concentration.
八正道。- 正念。正定。
I :-
I :- 金刚经
不取于相。 如如不动。
十象 - 就是 圆通 - 圆满 - 大团圆。(10 dimension - Roundly Perfected -Perfection - Big Reunification)
四象 - 就是 生老病死象。(4 States (Quantum qubit 4 states - 00,01,10,11) - Birth, Aging, Sickness, Death states.

I:- 金刚经
Diamond Sutra
All science and physics - are illusion and myth - that have proven wrong by quantum physics.
Like mist and like light (whereby changes are unpredictable - whereby it comes and go), that only can be mindfully observe (where quantum physics - reveal that in atomic and subatomic level and through superposition of qubits states, via quantum entanglement (Einstein - "spooky action in a distance" - can reveal or observe the true state of universal phenomenon).
Traditional Science and Physics, Faith that preach One Divinity infer that there is One Universe. (Traditional belief). (一切有为法)
But Quantum physics proof tha - A universe can be created in a lab (Universe within a Universe) - that break the tradition - and make traditional science, physics, faith an Illusion. (如梦幻泡影)
(Note:- Scientists have created a simulation of an entire family of universes with curvature using ultracold quantum gases.
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity states that space and time are intertwined. In our Universe, the curvature of spacetime is relatively small and unchanging. However, researchers from Heidelberg University have successfully created a laboratory experiment in which the structure of spacetime can be manipulated.
The researchers used ultracold quantum gases to simulate a range of curved universes to explore various cosmological scenarios. They then compared these simulations with predictions from a quantum field theoretical model. The research findings were published in the journal Nature.)
I:- 心经
Heart Sutra
Form is Formless. Formless is Form.
(In traditional science and physics, matter that are observable in physical form (Form)- is in fact an illusion - as they are not a solid whole as observe, but are made up of mass of atoms and sub-atomic matter (Formless).)
(In traditional science and physics, what we cannot observe in physical matter (Emptiness - Formless) eg. gas, actually can be observed in atomic and sub-atomic form in quantum physics (Form).)
There are no birth, aged, sickness and death according to the Heart Sutra. As proven by quantum physics, birth, aged, sickness and death - the 4 superposition of quibbits states actually exist simultaneously in different realms - and can be correlated by quantum entanglement - "spooky action in a distance".
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