Monday, April 29, 2024

REACH 563 - What are your views on the use of technology and devices in schools? How can we ensure the appropriate use of technology and devices for learning purposes for young children? 


29 Apr 2024 (10am - 7pm)


29/4/24, 9:45 am - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from *10am to 7pm* today. ⏰

*House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:* 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

*Full set of Terms of Use:*

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

29/4/24, 10:00 am - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*

The topic of technology use in classrooms was discussed among education leaders at the recent International Summit on the Teaching Profession that was held in Singapore. 

Education Minister Chan Chun Sing said MOE takes a more “nuanced” approach to technology use as upper primary school pupils will have more opportunities to use digital devices for learning in school.

💬 *What are your views on the use of technology and devices in schools? How can we ensure the appropriate use of technology and devices for learning purposes for young children?* 

Minister Chan said “we make this distinction because we want to strengthen our ability to guide them in their self-regulated use, because you must use devices with discipline and responsibility". 

He added that more lessons in primary schools could adopt interactive or multimedia elements and said “at that age, we want more materials, more experience, guiding them before we consider the next step as to whether we should or should not issue them devices.” 

📌 _*Current measures*_

MOE currently allows students in secondary school and beyond to have their own personal learning devices, which are tablets or laptops. Those in secondary school have, since 2021, been issued these devices.

Primary school pupils currently do not have their own learning devices, but schools can bring them in for upper primary pupils to share and use with supervision.

📌 _*Need for varying approaches*_

MOE has noted, among other things, the need for varying approaches for different learners. Minister Chan said “high-ability students take to technology like fish to water; they will be able to master it and use it to stretch themselves.”

Minister Chan added that students with more needs will require guidance and social-emotional support.

📌 _*Research findings on usage of devices*_

Research has also shown that how one uses devices is important, beyond looking at one’s age and the amount of time spent on the devices. The impact on brain development can be quite different, depending on whether screen time is used for social media, games or learning.

Teachers play a key role in deciding which digital tools – if any – are most appropriate for students according to their abilities and needs, said Minister Chan.


29/4/24, 10:00 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow all members to send messages to this group

29/4/24, 10:01 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed the group description


29/4/24, 10:09 am - +SL: “We make this distinction because we want to strengthen our ability to guide them in their self-regulated use because you must use devices with discipline and responsibility,” said Mr Chan.

👍👏🙏, the social emotional, and online activities do and don't and its consequent, online bullying, appropriate website visits, and cultivating students' responsibility and accountability for online action may be one of the areas of focus in the initial stage of this pilot?

29/4/24, 10:14 am - +SL: Does the technology pilot include AI teaching in science subjects?

29/4/24, 10:17 am - +SL: With approved TAM

29/4/24, 12:43 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors*

We want to *HEAR MORE* from you! 

💬 *What are your views on the use of technology and devices in schools? How can we ensure the appropriate use of technology and devices for learning purposes for young children?* 

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!

Megan 😊

29/4/24, 1:43 pm - +Nic Freehold: A few days ago I mentioned insurance agents have too much access to our CPF information 

“Mr See said the family was concerned that Ong may have been nominated to receive Ms Fang's Central Provident Fund (CPF) money.

Spanish police retained her electronic devices for investigations and told the family that there was an attempt to make changes to Ms Fang's CPF account in March, before she left for her trip.

Now that the family has received Ms Fang's death certificate, they plan to approach the authorities to check if Ong had been made a beneficiary for her insurance plans or CPF money.

They will also try to verify whether money was transferred out of her bank account.”

29/4/24, 1:44 pm - +Rama: 😳🤦‍♂️😞

29/4/24, 1:46 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. None of my family and my extended family members have children of young age - hence it is very difficult to judge how primary schools - or for the matter lower primary and upper primary learn, including how receptive they are in using digital device to learn.

2. But I have observed in the community that some parents give smartphone to their young children to see Tiktok.

I am not sure does it include communication with people like WhatsApp, Telegram or post anything in the social media --- because of the young children limited linguistic skills.

3. Young children learn from pre-school and at primary schools is at their formative year - starting to learn alphabets, grammar, sentence construction, numbers, simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simple science.

4. Hence not sure for lower primary children - by using digital devices - will it get distracted or learn better.

I thought lower primary children should build solid basic foundation in linguisitic skills, numeral skills, and some science knowledge, reading skills, writing skills - without distraction such as digital devices - whereby they will spend more time meddling with the digital device and get distracted rather than learning basic skills.

5. When the children get older, have a good grasp of the basic foundation of reading, writing, numerical and science skils - then could exploit digital device to help in better learning.

6. This is my intuitive assessment - as I have no young children to test my hypothesis.

29/4/24, 1:47 pm - +Thank You Woman: OMG he was from ACS (INDEPENDENT) & RI 😱

29/4/24, 1:47 pm - +Nic Freehold: Technology is not a panacea for the need for gumption and hunger

29/4/24, 1:48 pm - +Nic Freehold: Are our students able and have the determination to prove themselves better than hungry Indians

29/4/24, 1:49 pm - +Thank You Woman: Recall there’s also an elite whom plan to bring the woman out to sea for diving.

29/4/24, 1:50 pm - +Thank You Woman: What is lacking in “moral” education

29/4/24, 1:50 pm - +Nic Freehold: Elite schools and rich families help their children

How do neighborhood school kids able to level up? 

Even devices need $$$ paid apps and subscriptions

29/4/24, 1:50 pm - +Nic Freehold: Devices may increase tech addiction

29/4/24, 2:04 pm - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*

29/4/24, 2:39 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Talking about upper primary children and secondary school children are given digital devices to learn, it is very likely that once they are exposed to Generative AI eg. ChatGpt, Llama 3 to help them generate answers to their questions given by the schools.

2. So instead of learning basic skills, they may fully rely on digital devices to generate answers to homework and questions given by their teachers - and hence fail to acquire basic knowledge and skills.

3. So homework given to children will be useless - as they rely on Generative AI to generate solutions to all their homework - if they are given homework without supervision.

It may come to a point whereby schools will not give homework to children - but expect all homework to be completed in the classroom under teachers' supervision - so that there will be no cheating.

4. But there are 1 aspect that need to take note, that Generative AI generated solutions may not be totally accurate.

Children may thought that whatever prompt they input into Generative AI such as ChatGpt or Llama 3 - will provide them the right answer - without verification.

5. For example, I input the following math questions to both ChatGpt 3.5 and Llama 3 and the following is the answer provided by the 2 different AI tools :-

Question :- (546/25)*256*8738 = 

Llama 3 = 48,833,111.12

ChatGpt 3.5 = 48,791,723.52

Calculator = 48,854,507.52 (Correct answer)

6. So both Generative AI tools provide "approximate answer" and not the precise absolute answer.

7. Hence, conclusion, AI tools is only a computing assistant tool to help in learning - and still need human, children to do the actual computation.

Just like when computers first invented, human express fear that computers will take away their jobs. But it turn out that computers are merely assistant tools after 3 decades - and still cannot replace jobs.

8. On hindsight, I get a feeling AI will be a even better, more effective, more efficient assistant tools to humans - using computers to bring solutions and answers to humans. But cannot replace humans.

But humans need to level up, and be able to learn and acquire knowledge on top of Generative AI.

That is, we need to be as smart as the best person in the World - in which Generative AI learns from the dataset trained by the AI model.

29/4/24, 2:42 pm - +Jimmy Chew: I thought it's good because then they learn to double check on the answers and see what is actually is

29/4/24, 2:42 pm - +Jimmy Chew: That's a good the right answer as they learn along the way as they check The details. Hopefully it will create a curiosity that will continue in that direction of self-learning.

29/4/24, 2:42 pm - +Jimmy Chew: This is lifelong learning right??

29/4/24, 2:43 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 2:43 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 2:43 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 2:43 pm - +Rama: Point two is worrying!

29/4/24, 2:44 pm - +Rama: Likewise 3!

29/4/24, 2:44 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

That's why they need teacher supervision.

29/4/24, 2:45 pm - +Jimmy Chew: Teacher add value by questioning them and validating their inputs

29/4/24, 2:45 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Children need teacher supervision.

Cannot let them learn on their own.

Until they grow up and know how to use digital devices responsibly.

29/4/24, 2:49 pm - +Jimmy Chew: Montessori classes allow kids to explore

29/4/24, 2:54 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I have further explore Generative AI with my son who is specialise in AI.

He help me to use ChatGpt 3.5 (not 4 as we need to pay) - and is able to generate logical network diagram using ASCII character text.

29/4/24, 2:54 pm - +Kenneth Lee WM: Providing kids with digital devices would certainly level the playing field.

However, the kids need to be taught the dangers of internet; how to deal with bullying, how to do fact finding, how to ask the correct questions to AI platforms, how to validate answers, how to collaborate with others, etc.

Else, kids are only going to use it to mainly watch mindless video clips and play time wasting games.

29/4/24, 2:54 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 2:55 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1st prompt that I input to ChatGpt 3.5 prompt - didn't produce the right solution.

29/4/24, 2:56 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

My son want me to provide more details in the prompt to make the AI train and learn to produce more accurate response.

29/4/24, 2:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

But the results still not very good.

Subsequently, my son help me to refine my prompts a couple of time, and the result is much better.

29/4/24, 2:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>


29/4/24, 2:59 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

ChatGpt 3.5 generated diagram - after my son help me to fine-tune my prompt a couple of times. (Not using the ChatGpt 4 text-to-image - as need to pay).

But I guess should be the same result even if I use ChatGpt 4.

Diagram correct, only I can understand.

But if give network engineers to configure and code - they will ask what is this?

29/4/24, 2:59 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

<Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:00 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

This should be the actual logical network diagram that domain network and system engineers know how to interpret and code.

29/4/24, 3:02 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Hence, conclusion, Generative AI is a computing assistant tool.

It helps workers to come out with solutions quickly but cannot replace human jobs as of now just like the invention of computers.

But humans need to level up and keep ahead of AI.

29/4/24, 3:06 pm - +Rama: Yes

29/4/24, 3:09 pm - +Jimmy Chew: Agree. Fast track to use AI. My friends says they use chatgpt the paid subscription to reduce creative working by 60 percent. Of course they need to validate it. It's not perfect yet but the AI is learning

29/4/24, 3:29 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

And I kachow (disturb) the 2 AI tools.

And again the answer is wrong.

Llama 3 blatantly ask me to give it the right answer.

29/4/24, 3:29 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:29 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:33 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Both make mistakes on the 2nd calculation set. <This message was edited>

29/4/24, 3:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

See the limitations of Generative AI.

29/4/24, 3:49 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:50 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

It uses optimisation approach to solve math problems - and hence may not be precise and accurate in solving mathematical problems. <This message was edited>

29/4/24, 3:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

But I doubt very few humans can beat Generative AI on science.

29/4/24, 3:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 3:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

29/4/24, 4:00 pm - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*

29/4/24, 4:01 pm - +Frankie Wee: How to their student sit for exams when using the Ai assignment.

29/4/24, 4:03 pm - +Frankie Wee: Is there system education changed unlikely the old current no longer N/O level in subjects. Actual it’s allow educate combined into G1, G2 and G3

29/4/24, 4:03 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Unless human start to memorize all these details just on 1 chemical properties - sodium chloride.

And there are so many chemical properties to memorize.

29/4/24, 4:04 pm - +Frankie Wee: Save age for 16 those they choice major education

29/4/24, 4:14 pm - +~l or Smiely face: "The first man who noted the analogy between a group of seven fishes and a group of seven days made a notable advance in the history of thought. He was the first man who entertained a concept belonging to the science of pure mathematics."

-- Alfred North Whitehead, mathematician and philosopher

29/4/24, 4:29 pm - +Bhavani: Hi due to digital homework, my daughter is on the phone from the time she returns on the bus until she goes to sleep. This is making her aggressive, unresponsive, has poor attitude, defiant and more and more rebellious. She is very myopic now and I read that the internet can not only make our eyesight worse but also can give us headaches and modify our brain functions, lead to poor emotional control and tumours

29/4/24, 4:30 pm - +Rama: Not a good sign!😳🤦‍♂️😞

29/4/24, 4:31 pm - +Bhavani: This message was deleted

29/4/24, 4:31 pm - +Rama: Ti!?

29/4/24, 4:33 pm - +Jimmy Chew: There need to be safety reminders for online usage for parents. I understand from a research that if you watch a video on your handphone for more than an hour, you lose your concentration. So digital health need to be taught early

29/4/24, 4:40 pm - +Rama: How is MOE balancing eye care against usage of digital device?

29/4/24, 4:42 pm - +Jack Sparrow: I think we are not bold enough in introducing technology to the young population. While screen time is a valid concern, I think there are many other ways to bring technology to the young population. E.g. making AI enabled hologram generator available in classrooms - so students can have instant 3D visualisations. I'm not digital/technology savvy but perhaps if MOE can approach those in the industry to see what they can offer without adding screen time, why not? Bring Science centre into schools.

29/4/24, 4:43 pm - +Bhavani: She is becoming more and more rude and keeps telling me not to interfere even if I stand outside her room while cleaning outside!

29/4/24, 4:43 pm - +Bhavani: She is becoming more and more rude!

29/4/24, 4:44 pm - +Bhavani: She is completely changing from a sweet child to a very rude one

29/4/24, 4:45 pm - +Jimmy Chew: I understand US schools are introducing Python programming to as young as 12

29/4/24, 4:45 pm - +Bhavani: Keeps telling me that she is under great pressure!

29/4/24, 4:48 pm - +Bhavani: At the same time, she is asking me to spend time with her but does not allow my mum and myself to ask her about her studies and is struggling with maths not because she is poor at it but finds it hard to balance with 6 other subjects

29/4/24, 4:48 pm - +Bhavani: Because of too much time doing digital homework

29/4/24, 4:49 pm - +Bhavani: She is always viewing the laptop and phone

29/4/24, 4:50 pm - +Bhavani: She does not listen to me at all when I tell her to limit the time as she says she has to finish her homework using the laptop or mobile

29/4/24, 4:51 pm - +Timothy Low: Not only students need eye care… teachers also need eye care as well. Students spent 1 hour to complete HBL homework, teachers need 3-4 hours to review the entire class HBL homework

29/4/24, 4:55 pm - +Bhavani: I can't seem to find a 100 per cent anti blue light + anti radiation spectacles as many do not block 100 per cent so I still get a terrible headache daily despite using such spectacles. <This message was edited>

29/4/24, 4:56 pm - +Bhavani: 1 hour for 1 subject

29/4/24, 4:56 pm - +Bhavani: There are around 7 subjects in Sec school

29/4/24, 4:57 pm - +Bhavani: So my daughter is on the phone or laptop all the time

29/4/24, 4:58 pm - +Bhavani: I have mild cataract so after seeing the phone for about half an hour or so, the words will go completely blur

29/4/24, 5:04 pm - +Bhavani: Digital health can only be taught if children obey their parents. If children snd teenagers don't obey, then I think it would be a good idea for the government to step in as otherwise children and teenagers will end up poor in academics and emotional wrecks with poor physical and mental health <This message was edited>

29/4/24, 5:05 pm - +Bhavani: Forgive my typing if I make some errors like "ti" as it's due to my nerve problems

29/4/24, 5:08 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Wonder why can't primary, secondary and pre-U adopt the same format like University?

Such as 4 subjects per 1/2 year as 1 semester.

After exam 1/2 year, another 4 new subjects for the 2nd half.

This will be less stress for younger students - to cram and study exam for 7 or 8 subjects at the end of the year.

29/4/24, 5:10 pm - +Timothy Low: Primary school only have 4-5 subjects per year isn’t it? These 4-5 subjects are crucial for holistic development and lay as a foundation for later schooling years

29/4/24, 5:10 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Oh. I lost touch in primary school.

I mean secondary and pre-U.

29/4/24, 5:12 pm - +Timothy Low: Pre-U also only 3H2 + 1H1 + GP. Now H1 also not counted into University Admission Score already. So technically 4 subjects to study for 2 years (3H2 + GP)

29/4/24, 5:13 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I see.

So only secondary schools.

So I totally lost touch - as our children all adults.

29/4/24, 5:14 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I think polytechnic also 8 subjects at year end if I am not wrong. <This message was edited>

29/4/24, 5:30 pm - +Rama: Have you spoken to her teachers?

29/4/24, 5:47 pm - +Timothy Low: Poly is around 6 per semester, same as university

29/4/24, 5:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I see.

So left only secondary schools - GCE o level.

Just need to change this format for this level - and then education not much stress.

29/4/24, 5:50 pm - +~.@: double degree can hit 9 in one semester

29/4/24, 5:51 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 


Why stress ourselves.

Just complete the bachelor and then do a master.

29/4/24, 5:51 pm - +Timothy Low: Double degree different league

29/4/24, 5:51 pm - +~.@: now double degree become very common alr

29/4/24, 5:51 pm - +~.@: almost everyone has a minor

29/4/24, 5:52 pm - +~.@: i guess some just wanna maximize their utility in school

29/4/24, 5:52 pm - +Timothy Low: All my teacher friends all developed some form of eyesight problem. It comes with age and it’s also a occupation hazard

29/4/24, 5:53 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I don't think double degree give a person better chance to a job or more pay.

A bachelor degree if enter into the right job market - start with a good pay.

29/4/24, 5:53 pm - +SL: Become a Researcher and Ph.D. maybe be great..

29/4/24, 5:54 pm - +SL: Technical skills, leadership skills and interpersonal skills important too

29/4/24, 5:55 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

My son is a reasearcher.

He got his 1st scholarship for bachelor degree.

Now he got his 2nd scholarship to do his master - awaiting the university admission outcome.

29/4/24, 5:59 pm - +SL: I'm testing a kind of AI learning on a subject; it looks ok in learning science, astronomy, and mathematics. The drawback is it will become easy to search for items online when I can use a supported system for news broadcasts, searching for songs and storybooks, asking for weather, and control devices.

29/4/24, 6:00 pm - +SL: Congratulations 👍👏

29/4/24, 6:03 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

PhD unless if drill deep into research and lead in a particular field or teach in Universities will be useful.

But if want to explore more fields, Master will be a good avenue and not lock into a particular field.

29/4/24, 6:04 pm - +SL: Machine learning teaching and AI teaching (not gAI) are unique. I believe it will bring up a level of achievement for students based on its customisation and target to individuals learning patterns.

29/4/24, 6:04 pm - +SL: Customised to each student strengths and weaknesses…

29/4/24, 6:04 pm - +~l or Smiely face: Turning the tables of learning to the benefit of tomorrow learners. Empowering individuals to choose and decide the course of work in parts from half semester of one subject and the other half a separate subject. It is a flexible approach of "the sky the limit" for learners to create and craft their learning experiences, knowledge and skills; all for one purpose to learn and one purpose for the benefit of the cohort - to enjoy, have fun and have deeper meanings in lifelong learning! That's the breaking off from the old codes of learning and achievements! A revolution and a profound code of learnings all in digital formats and all AI generated, translatable texts in simplified to sophisticated, illustration of concepts and teachings using AV and real world VR application of learned concepts.

29/4/24, 6:05 pm - +~l or Smiely face: For the reasoning and assumption, it will be an inclusive and participation learning ecosystem of an open operational efficiency model of education enriching reskill, upskill, new skill and trainings; always close to learners and never will it closes!

29/4/24, 6:05 pm - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*

29/4/24, 6:07 pm - +SL: Mixed reality better than AR and VR

29/4/24, 6:08 pm - +~l or Smiely face: Slow learners versus moderate learners versus fast learners. Differentiation through learnings than gradings or intelligence of individuals.  Pace of learnings can be divided into several times from simplistic to sophisticated processes. And each learning process shall peg with the learner's abilities in determine how fast or moderate each course and module should be presented to individual. The highest learning chain of calibre is quality of work, accuracy, speed and response to assignments, tests and examinations.

29/4/24, 6:19 pm - +Timothy Low: I would suggest teaching students on financial literacy and on how to do investment in secondary school instead

29/4/24, 6:44 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

⏰ We will be closing the chat in *15 minutes* ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

29/4/24, 6:51 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Double degree will be useful to choose a different industry if a particular industry is not appealing.

Eg. Double degree in business and computer science.

Initially, a graduate may want to try a bank job.

But then difficult to get in, or pay not high enough or environment not appealing, then use the other degree computer science degree to join a tech company.

Then double degree is helpful.

29/4/24, 6:53 pm - +Nic Freehold: Make arduino type programming mandatory subject in primary school

29/4/24, 6:54 pm - +Nic Freehold: more on the job training for PURE Singaporean

29/4/24, 6:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

But most of the time, double degree hardly have time for themselves.

Those who involved in group projects hardly have time to be more involved as they are always caught up in attending lessons or do other projects.

This is the feedback from the undergraduates doing double degree.

29/4/24, 6:59 pm - +~l or Smiely face: 29 April, 2024

"Breaking The Code Of Learnings"

"Jean Piaget (9/8/1896 - 16/9/1980), a Swiss psychologist who believed the importance of a child's reasoning that invokes on the assumptions and the consequential reasoning thought are statistically unrepresentative, at times simplistic and spawn erroneous conclusions. In particular, reasoning and assumptions are two contributing factors of humankind and intelligences. Visually, in an example, a young child reaching a conclusion that a nail and a hammer are similar unlike a screwdriver or a saw. Today, laptop and mobile phone are similar digital tools to any teenager and the critical considerations are diversified work for leisure and or for work. "

-- anonymity 

Now, in our primary school classrooms to secondary school classrooms, the enormous complexities of information driven learning and teaching through digital devices and flexible methods of information processing approach have thus proven beyond Piagetian theorists could imagine or incomprehensible. What is intelligence and the universal idea of cognitive growth patterns of various trajectories from normal to exceptional IQ of children from the age of two years and older. Big topic on Cognitive Sciences: Music, Arts, Language, Factual, Logic and DNA all are spectrum of singular or multi gifts of intelligence and higher tendency of predetermined and intricate wiring of  billions of neurons in the human brain to drive specific IQ and tasks beyond excellence results (right side of brain). In a separate realm is human creativity which scientists have yet to fully understand and break the code on the fundamental of talents and creations. Lastly, more relevant in today's context of fierce competition is emotional intelligence (EQ) of humankind to be adaptive, control and manage the situation of small or big into amicable solution or settlement over conflicts or confrontations or simply quit.

"The first man who noted the analogy between a group of seven fishes and a group of seven days made a notable advance in the history of thought. He was the first man who entertained a concept belonging to the science of pure mathematics."

-- Alfred North Whitehead, mathematician and philosopher 

Breaking the Code?

Should future possibilities of the shortage of academia, lecturers and teachers, or short of physical space, tables and chairs; no worries!

Imagine the future classroom or lecture hall. Half of all lessons will be AI driven capabilities beyond the Piagetian nor psychologists could imagine and the benefits overweight people anxieties of the previous learning environments. Your AI is your new lecturer and your smartest professor for life. And one unintended consequence will be the sunset industry for private education, aka tuitions.

The entire faculty of knowledge will be banked in cloud driven computing with advanced technologies incorporated when prompted with instant answers and elaboration of concepts, ideas and real life experiences and examples to illustrate the value and takeaways of each lessons. All playback of esch lesson in modules are accessible anywhere and anytime too. 

Self taught and assisted AI tutors and physical lessons or lectures are cut to half of the entire semester schedule. Tests, written assignments and examinations are both online capable or physical attendance and deferment of exams are made possible through alternate time and day with different sets of questions that calibrate to equal the cohort studies and fair tests regime. The highly accurate time driven capabilities AI will set the course module, attendance, attenuation of students behavioral and focus, projects, written assignments, tests and examinations; all synthesizes with AI voices and human like model capabilities of servicing and managing subjectivities and objectively assigned grades to students for each course and tests regime.

Slow learners versus moderate learners versus fast learners. Differentiation through learnings than gradings or intelligence of individuals.  Pace of learnings can be divided into several times from simplistic to sophisticated processes. And each learning process shall peg with the learner's abilities in determine how fast or moderate each course and module should be presented to individual. The highest learning chain of calibre is quality of work, accuracy, speed and response to assignments, tests and examinations.

Turning the tables of learning to the benefit of tomorrow learners. Empowering individuals to choose and decide the course of work in parts from half semester of one subject and the other half a separate subject. It is a flexible approach of "the sky the limit" for learners to create and craft their learning experiences, knowledge and skills; all for one purpose to learn and one purpose for the benefit of the cohort - to enjoy, have fun and have deeper meanings in lifelong learning! That's the breaking off from the old codes of learning and achievements! A revolution and a profound code of learnings all in digital formats and all AI generated, translatable texts in simplified to sophisticated, illustration of concepts and teachings using AV and real world VR application of learned concepts.

For the reasoning and assumption, it will be an inclusive and participation learning ecosystem of an open operational efficiency model of education enriching reskill, upskill, new skill and trainings; always close to learners and never will it closes!

             - - in progress - -

29/4/24, 7:05 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

29/4/24, 7:06 pm - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow only admins to send messages to this group


Friday, April 26, 2024

REACH 562 - What are your views on the new FWA guidelines? What else can be done to improve working conditions?


27 Apr 2024 (10am - 7pm)


26/4/24, 9:50 am - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from *10am to 7pm* today. ⏰

*House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:* 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

*Full set of Terms of Use:*

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

26/4/24, 10:00 am - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢 

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) announced on April 25 that they will continue to help white-collar workers whose jobs are affected by emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), and has been boosting support for professionals, managers and executives (PMEs) in areas like workplace fairness and protection, career progression and job placement.

NTUC secretary-general Ng Chee Meng noted that PME numbers will continue to increase and form a vital part of Singapore’s workforce, and that NTUC is committed to provide PME with the support they need on career protection, progression and placements.  

💬 *What are your thoughts on the support measures for PMEs? Do you think these will help improve job stability for PMEs?*

📌 *Stepping up of workplace representation through affiliated unions and associations*

More unions are now representing PMEs after NTUC has been stepping up workplace representation through its affiliated unions and associations. NTUC has 58 affiliated unions and seven associations as at April 2024.

📌 *Nine recommendations to better support PMEs released in 2021*

In 2021, a taskforce by NTUC and the Singapore National Employers Federation released nine recommendations to better support PMEs, after a year-long consultation exercise to pinpoint better ways to assist PMEs.

📌 *A new career centre by NTUC’s Employment and Employability Institute (e2i)*

NTUC’s Employment and Employability Institute recently opened a new career centre in April. The centre at One Marina Boulevard offers workers – especially professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs) – tools, job opportunities and resources to boost their employability.




26/4/24, 10:00 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow all members to send messages to this group

26/4/24, 10:02 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed the group description


26/4/24, 10:27 am - +D LwT:

26/4/24, 10:29 am - +D LwT: Apple pulls Meta&#39;s WhatsApp, Threads from China store over security issues - YouTube

26/4/24, 10:30 am - +D LwT: Changi Airport&#39;s quarterly passenger traffic tops pre-pandemic level for first time - YouTube

26/4/24, 11:08 am - +Frankie Wee: Layoff is matter time upgrade skill and core strength training AI.

We need to know more about AI system how we can handles the job as well as timing speed productivity cost business and wage efficiency stay employability against lose job.

26/4/24, 11:10 am - +Frankie Wee: And also there will be war between US and China has different chip maker example intel and AMD that China can make successful without US.

26/4/24, 11:29 am - +Rama: Upskill and mid career switch are essential to mitigate a fast changing world wide work environment .

26/4/24, 11:30 am - +Frankie Wee: We would love to heard by 1st May Labour Day

26/4/24, 11:36 am - +Rama: Agree

26/4/24, 11:57 am - +Jack Sparrow: Apart from what NTUC will do, we should look at the national ecosystem on emerging tech to prepare our population from young too.

26/4/24, 12:15 pm - +Jiimmy Chew: Jack Sparrow are you tech savvy 😜

26/4/24, 12:24 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

"NTUC going all out to attract more PMEs to unions".

26/4/24, 12:34 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. NTUC going all out to attract PME to join unions will be a proactive steps to help PMEs.

2. In the past, PMEs mainly shy away from joining Unions because companies especially tech companies don't seems to encourage it. Because its seems like going against the companies interest.

3. PMEs don't have a clue where, which Unions and how to join.

4. I recall when I express interest in joining Unions, I was invited by SMMWU - The Singapore Manual & Mercantile Workers' Union.

5. I was wondering how this metal and mercantile union got to do with IT?

6. Hence I didn't join because i feel that it may not know how to represent IT workers.

7. I hope there is a IT union now.

8. The closest that I come across is Union of Telecom Employees. Is this the right Union for IT workers?

26/4/24, 12:40 pm - +Rama: Points 7 needs addressing

26/4/24, 12:42 pm - +Rama: Point 8 needs clarification

26/4/24, 12:44 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. I feel that the relevant Unions should actively go to companies by companies to recruit PMEs to join or at least send application and brochures to all employees and new employees to join.

26/4/24, 12:51 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. For eg. IT Union should have categorised companies as follows:-

a. GLCs - NCS, ST Engineering, Crimson Logic ST Telemedia, Singtel, Starhub etc.

b. MNCs - Microsoft, Google, HP, IBM, Amazon, Salesforce, Meta etc.

c. SMEs 

2. And then systematically arrange seminars for IT workers to attend and join in attendance with the companies management and HR.

3. At the same time, using the HR namelist to send application and brochures for IT workers to join.

4. This will be the only way to ensure PMEs have a good chance to join and be represented by the appropriate Unions. <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 12:54 pm - +Rama: How welcome are unions from management!?

26/4/24, 12:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I think companies are not really interested in inviting Unions in general - this is my perception, in particular PMEs.

In the past, manpower policy is - leave it to PMEs to negotiate with employers on their employment contract.

Now government seems to have a change in heart, and are actively getting Unions to get involved to represent PMEs.

Hence, similar proactive steps like representing blue collars workers - should be extended to white collar workers and PMEs.

26/4/24, 12:59 pm - +Rama: Probably

26/4/24, 1:08 pm - +Thank You Woman: Somethings must have happen hence this is coming up.

26/4/24, 1:09 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Another thing, as mention GLCs, MNCs and SMEs - to encourage PMEs to join Union.

2. What about civil servants eg. Govtech, Smart Nation, CSA and others?

3. I thought civil servants will expose to vulnerability of tech disruptors such as AI, etc that will similarly affect their jobs - and will need training, protection, compensation and representation.

4. They should similarly be encouraged to join Union.

26/4/24, 1:09 pm - +Thank You Woman: Should have enquire on point 5 only then it will be clear.

26/4/24, 1:10 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Tech disruptors such as AI will affect jobs in double quick time. <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 1:11 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 1:14 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Even WhatsApp are embedded with Meta AI - Llama 3.

Equally good, comparable to OpenAI ChatGpt Generative AI.

Provide me instant answer in less than a minute that I spend 1/2 hour to do.

26/4/24, 1:22 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

But realized that AI - Generative AI such as ChatGpt, Llama 3 - are as good as the best person in the whole world in a particular topic.

But unable to provide answers that are in R&D and not yet developed.

For eg., I tested the Llama 3 LLM GAI, this is the answer I get.

26/4/24, 1:24 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 1:25 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 1:29 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. See Llama 3 cannot provide an answer about qubits IP address schemes and quantum encryption code.

2. It only can provide the current binary IP addressing scheme and binary encryption code.

3. Generative AI is as good as the best person in developed IT based on the dataset it collected and train on.

4. It cannot invent new stuff.

26/4/24, 1:32 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Also at this current stage, Generative AI are not able to translate concepts into graphical representation, charts and diagram.

Only text form.

Still need human intervention.

26/4/24, 1:32 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 1:32 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 1:33 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 1:35 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 1:35 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 1:37 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

So PMEs still will be required & will not be easily displaced and go out of jobs.

But solid hands-on skillets, up-to-date knowledge, and relevant skills will be required.

Because Generative AI, also can generate codes.

26/4/24, 1:40 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

But Generative AI do short-circuit my times that are needed to complete my work.

It give me a very good framework to start with and need not begin from scratch.

I can complete my job in double quick time - productivity go up multiple fold.

26/4/24, 1:41 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 1:43 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

See the foundation codes it generates in less than 1 minute that I usually take 15 minutes to code.

It cannot be copy and paste and need modification.

But it certainly short-circuit the time that needed to code from scratch compare to amending it.

26/4/24, 1:47 pm - +~l or Smiley face: It's is called

26/4/24, 1:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Is this URL link - application to join Union?

26/4/24, 1:48 pm - +~l or Smiley face:

26/4/24, 1:49 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

It look like an event.

Not a union website.

26/4/24, 2:04 pm - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢 

26/4/24, 2:04 pm - +KL: Hmmm than one question the trade unions represent who in Singapore ?

26/4/24, 2:07 pm - +Rama: I just don't feel it right for a politician to be T loaned to a union and then go back to politics!

26/4/24, 2:13 pm - +KL: On top also Maybe someone should mystery shop at the NTUC booth at those hub like AMK etc . Than maybe u all can have a clue what I mean <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 2:19 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Ng Chee Meng is a very good labour chief looking at all the labour initiative coming out.

1. Being a government man, he can get access to the government and provide direct feedback to the government.

2. At the same time, he can have 1st hand information on government policies that affect labour and business.

3. Unlike Unions in overseas countries that come from the labour - they are more militants, unable to compromise, stubbornly stand on labour interest without regard and unable to work with business and government to forge a win-win outcomes.

4. As a part government and labour union chief - he is able to have more weight talking to the business while safeguarding labour interest and government policy to help both labour and business to thrive together in a Win-Win outcomes.

26/4/24, 2:20 pm - +Rama: Resigned from politics, become a unionist, Resigned from union, re-enter politics.

26/4/24, 2:21 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Personally I feel that Ng Chee Meng is conscientious and work very hard to protect the labour interest without being antagonistic to the business.

At the same time, he can work with the government very well to ensure labour policies help the workers and the business.

26/4/24, 2:21 pm - +KL: The open door really suppress wage at all level so who should we reach out to ?

26/4/24, 2:22 pm - +SL: It depends on the system design of the specific gen AI and the basic data garbage in garbage out principle applies. If the sources of data are incomplete or data is contaminated, the output will not meet expectations.

26/4/24, 2:22 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Suppress wages?

I thought Singapore workers wages keep going up?

26/4/24, 2:22 pm - +KL: I leave it to data team. Since data is not open <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 2:24 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 


That's why PMEs jobs are still safe.

Can use Generative AI to help us - it really increase our productivity.

But they cannot replace PMEs jobs yet.

26/4/24, 2:25 pm - +KL: Maybe u need to join Lazada

26/4/24, 2:25 pm - +KL: Tiagong sone are replaced but cos they a little expensive but some are PR thou, that why I wonder unions represent who ? <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 2:26 pm - +SL: Entanglement and hyoergramph topic not covered by this gen AI?

26/4/24, 2:26 pm - +KL: This message was deleted

26/4/24, 2:27 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Don't seems like.

Do you have illustrations from chatgpt how it is done?

26/4/24, 2:28 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 2:28 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 2:28 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Eg. This is definitely not helpful.

And not providing the right solution to the question. <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 2:29 pm - +SL: There are many types of AI; I agree that gen AI are something that is primitive and not in a position to replace pmet. However, industrial AI maybe having direct impact to pmet.

26/4/24, 2:30 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I see.

Well I not yet expose to industrial AI yet.

That's why I am still probing.

26/4/24, 2:30 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

To see how far AI can go.

26/4/24, 2:32 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I don't know about Lazada.

But based on my knowledge for those in IT fields which I know - their pay all very high.

26/4/24, 2:32 pm - +KL: How about other fields ?

26/4/24, 2:32 pm - +SL: Beware of the group-thinking phenomenon and different values of gen AI subscripted, which will segregate the users from others when everyone uses gen AI, and users lose competitive advantages.

26/4/24, 2:32 pm - +KL: U can’t just base on one sector alone

26/4/24, 2:34 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

That's why I still probing the full potential and capabilities of Generative AI.

I want to see how far AI can go and what impact and damages it can cause to our PMEs. <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 2:57 pm - +SL: Based on my limited assessment, the impact of gen AI on pet is minimal at this stage as the maturity level of such tools is just beginning.

26/4/24, 3:01 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Yes for now.

But my intuition tell me that it can do alot more when it gets more and more mature.

When that happens, then PMEs need to rethink what else can they do - short of all doing r&d work.

26/4/24, 3:23 pm - +Jiimmy Chew: AI learning by itself depending on inputs as it learns. programing 101. GIGO

26/4/24, 3:24 pm - +Jiimmy Chew: Garbage in garbage out 🤧

26/4/24, 3:42 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 3:43 pm - +SL: In a dynamic working environment, upskilling and re-training are very important to ensure individuals are relevant to the job market.

26/4/24, 3:43 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

This is the AI driven robot that is replacing cleaner at MRT station.

26/4/24, 3:45 pm - +SL: I saw video clips online on the AI customer service robot deployed by the Bank of China in China. It looks like AI has machine-learning capabilities.

26/4/24, 3:50 pm - +SL:

26/4/24, 3:52 pm - +SL: The supply chain decoupling on chips continues as both are managing the risks.

26/4/24, 3:55 pm - +SL: With continued upskilling, the risk of layoff and no longer being able to get another job should be able to be managed; I guess we need to use the skill future credit to increase productivity and upgrade our skills in advance to prepare for any possible future impact.

26/4/24, 3:55 pm - +Frankie Wee: Only closing hours robot will operator cleaning floor

26/4/24, 3:56 pm - +Frankie Wee: That was why we will heard 1st May Labour Day announcement

26/4/24, 3:56 pm - +Frankie Wee: Skillfuture will additional credit more than

26/4/24, 4:00 pm - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢 

26/4/24, 4:06 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 


This robot got machine learning capabilities.

It can learn like a human and interact like a human.

26/4/24, 4:09 pm - +SL: NTUC aims to step up support for PMEs amid layoffs, tech advancements

NTUC said the Ministry of Manpower launched the Complementarity Assessment (Compass) framework after heeding the union’s call to level the playing field for local PMEs. 

Ntuc and our Government are ensuring the best foreign talent is brought into Singapore to build the industry.

26/4/24, 4:11 pm - +Frankie Wee: I believe robot has no emotional nor physical abuse. It’s create by engineer technical and use database all into chip memory commands behaviour.

26/4/24, 4:44 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Actually, undergraduates in computer science/computer engineering can already develop the 2 robots in their group projects and internship.

For example, 

1. My son and his team build a similar robot use by MRT minus the broom and container to store the rubbish - to navigate a maze using vast arrays of IT technologies like computer vision, image recognition, color recognition, python programming, sensors etc.

2. My son internship uses machine learning and natural languages - I think he use python programming to develop AI that think and interact like a human training on dataset in an AI model with a high-tech R&D company.

So such robots and AI technologies are quite achievable by our current new graduates. <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 5:24 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

This robot is likely to have been developed with:-

1. Speech recognition 

2. Image recognition using computer vision - as it can differentiate a female.

3. Machine Learning - learn and train from dataset - likely develop via python programming - as it learn, think and interact like a human.

4. And possibly NLP (natural language processing) - as it seems to be able to do sentiment analysis. <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 5:25 pm - +Frankie Wee: Singapore will be like that one in future

26/4/24, 5:25 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

A Singaporean undergraduates from NTU and NUS - can build this robot.

Not an issue.

26/4/24, 5:30 pm - +KL: How about STDU ? <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 5:30 pm - +KL: I thgt STDu have special lab ? <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 5:30 pm - +KL: I think they even got a wafer lab

26/4/24, 5:30 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I don't know.

Because I am not familiar with the IT course in sutd.

26/4/24, 5:30 pm - +KL: Must survey all mah

26/4/24, 5:31 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

A wafer lab is semiconductor.

Not IT.

26/4/24, 5:31 pm - +KL: They also have lots of lab

26/4/24, 5:31 pm - +KL: Not sure what they are

26/4/24, 5:31 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Not all computer science undergraduates can do.

Only those specialise in AI.

26/4/24, 5:32 pm - +KL: Only STDU ppl can answer u liao uncle just a passerby A <This message was edited>

26/4/24, 5:34 pm - +Frankie Wee: STUD is designed technology innovation

26/4/24, 5:35 pm - +Frankie Wee: But it’s not researcher

26/4/24, 5:35 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Actually I don't know what it means.

Because all engineering and computer science - must start with design first before coding.

26/4/24, 5:36 pm - +Frankie Wee: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 5:37 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

NTU and NUS are research based Universities.

Because undergraduates have to work with professors who need to publish paper in their research work.

26/4/24, 5:37 pm - +KL: I see

26/4/24, 5:37 pm - +Frankie Wee: There are many major differences study

26/4/24, 5:41 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Don't know what it means - when the emphasis is on design.

For example the following design must come out first before engineers can build and do coding.

Without design, engineer cannot build or don't know how to build.

26/4/24, 5:42 pm - +Frankie Wee: It’s technology innovation mean create new idea

26/4/24, 5:42 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 5:43 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

With this design, then the following domain engineer will know what to build.

26/4/24, 5:44 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

REACH - *Login and Authentication detail Workflows - to do Bank Transaction via Internet/Intranet - to safeguard against Online Scams*

9 Apr 2024


Public User End

1. Users smartphone must have 2 SIM cards -  SIM-1 for In-band Internet connection (User will have to buy and subscribe this SIM-1 on their own).

2. Banks/Telcos/Government - co-sponsor to issue every users SIM-2 free for OOB (Out-Of-Band) (National) Intranet connection - to perform "Live Biometric authentication" - for bank transaction, CPF transaction and other public-driven confidential transaction.

Telco End

1. Maintain current 4G/5G base stations and network for users and Internet access. (Inband network) Adopt public IP address.

2. Set up new 4G/5G base stations and network for users and National Intranet access (co-sponsor by Telcos and Government to setup National Intranet) - for Live Biometric Authentication (with no connection to Internet). (OOB - Out-Of-Band network) Adopt Private IP address.

3. Note:- there are no physical connection and routing between the Inband network and OOB network. As OOB network are adopting Private IP address, physical connectivity and routing cannot be activated to bridge the Inband network adopting Public IP address - as it will trigger "IP conflict" - and cause both network to go down.

Bank, Financial Institution, CPF end

1. Every network devices, security devices, servers (2 NICs) will have 2 different IP - one coming from inband network and another from OOB network.

2. Bank Apps will update into the database (that are not IP addressable) via fiber-channel.

_Login process into Bank mobile apps or Bank Web page via "Internet"_

1. User use "In-band Internet SIM-1" to connect to Internet - Bank login webpage - key in "userid" and "password". (via public IP address e.g 192.168.x.x  Subnet - Class C address) via smartphone mobile bank (Internet) apps or laptop Bank https Web page via SIM-1.

2. Login userid and password will be updated into Database by Bank Authentication apps via fiber-channel. Login credentials will be keep alive for 30 minutes (for example).

3. Bank Apps or System or User --- will then automatically (or manually) disable "In-band Internet SIM-1"  - to cut off connection to the Internet (so that online Internet scammers will not be able to hack, scam or remotely take control of the user smartphone or laptops after this process - as the Internet connection will be cut off).

(Note a:- Important for bank apps have anti-malware measures and capabilities to ensure user devices (smartphone or laptop) are sanitised - else will refuse user login to bank apps until and unless user devices are clean out of malware.)

(Note b:- If users use laptop, user smartphone "In-band Internet SIM-1"  should be used as Wireless hotspot or mobile hotspot (USB tethering) for the laptop connection to Internet to access bank login webpage.)

_Login process into OOB (Out-Of-Band) National Biometric Authentication mobile apps or Web page via "Intranet"_

1. Bank Apps or System or User --- will then automatically (or manually)  enable "OOB Out-Of-Band Intranet SIM-2" in user smartphone - to begin Biometric Authentication in the OOB Intranet. For Intranet, Private IP address will be adopted (eg. 10.x.x.x Class A IP Address).

Note:- This Private Class A IP address in the Intranet network cannot enable route and be routed to Internet network - as this will crash both networks due to IP conflict with public IP address from the Internet. 

(Hence, logically, no way online scammers can activate the route between the Internet and our Intranet - to hack into our Intranet. Another physical safeguard is that, there are no physical network connectivity between the Intranet network and Internet network --- a real "Air-Gap".)

2. Bank (Intranet) Apps will pick up the user record to check the status of user login banking credentials updated into the database (including the 30 minutes timing). 

3. Bank (Intranet) Apps will then be redirected into the Central National Live Biometric system to authenticate the users (Face recognition/fingerprint/IRIS/Voice etc) - to ensure that users is a legitimate and authentic users (not scammers).

Note :- As Intranet is not accessible by Online scammers coming from the Internet - no way scammers can steal the live biometric of users or hack into users' bank account to steal users' money - as fund transfer and all bank transactions are done within Intranet and not Internet.

This is an "Air-Gap" concept - the "Barrier Approach" - ie. if Intranet is not physically connected to Internet -  there is a barrier between the 2 networks - online scam cannot succeed.

4. Upon successful live biometric authentication, users will then be granted authorisation to do bank transaction and any transaction records can be updated by Intranet bank apps into the database.

5. When banking transaction is completed within the Intranet - Bank Apps or System or User --- will then automatically (or manually) disable "OOB Out-Of-Band Intranet SIM-2"  - to cut off connection to the Intranet.

6. Thereafter,  Bank Apps or System or User --- will then automatically (or manually) reactivate the "In-band Internet SIM-1"  - to allow users to connect to the Internet to access their smartphone Internet data surfing or WhatsApp/Telegram communication.

_(Note :- for bank users or foreigners accessing from overseas to do local bank authentication - they can only do so via the "Inband Internet" - as they will not be accessible to the Intranet). In this case, biometric authentication will not be a good idea for overseas users doing local bank transaction)._

26/4/24, 5:45 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

A simple diagram - but you see, so many domain engineers involved in building and coding.

Without the drawing design, nobody knows what to build.

So design always come first.

26/4/24, 6:00 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Hence I don't know how far AI can go.

Based on the above assessment, Generative AI can only do 10% of the work.

Not sure how far industrial AI can go.

26/4/24, 6:01 pm - +Frankie Wee: How about affects Work flexibility arrangements

26/4/24, 6:02 pm - +Frankie Wee: Ai can run operator while human flexibility working hour

26/4/24, 6:04 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

No issues with flexible work arrangements.

Because engineers can work remotely unless they need to be on sites to mount and install equipment.

Even configuration and coding can be done at home and access the data center equipment remotely.

26/4/24, 6:05 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Unless the work involve code "red".

26/4/24, 6:05 pm - +Frankie Wee: In future will developers higher and very challenging economy outside like China

26/4/24, 6:07 pm - +Frankie Wee: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 6:26 pm - +SL: Dark factory, dark office

26/4/24, 6:29 pm - +Frankie Wee: I can said Singapore govt encouraged marriage need to have more babies it will help them cope de-stress while work is flexible

26/4/24, 6:39 pm - +Rama: Look at current legislation and why its not being a help. Talk to employers, the various chambers of commerce, assets, involve ntuc/mom

26/4/24, 6:40 pm - +Rama: Find out how pro family are the various businesses across all sectors of the economy.  Where are the stubborn points that need addressing.  Sit down and trash things out .

26/4/24, 6:45 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

⏰ We will be closing the chat in *15 minutes* ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

26/4/24, 6:59 pm - +~l or Smiley face: <Media omitted>

26/4/24, 6:59 pm - +D LwT: MFA director-general admits lying to ministry about use of diplomatic bags

26/4/24, 7:00 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

26/4/24, 7:00 pm - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow only admins to send messages to this group


Thursday, April 18, 2024



19 Apr 2024

I :- Btw I sense that you have been quite busy lately.

Never mind I just kaypoh...

Also I abit worried...

Hope you are ok.

SK :- No, just don't want to talk. The world is jittery, less talk more peace.

I :- Oh I see.

Yes the world situations are turning quite bad.

I think even our government also voice it out.

PM Lee and Lawrence Wong also voice their worry publicly.

I :- But still can keep the heart and mind at ease - while handling worldly worries.

Unfortunately this is a part of Bodhisattva works.

I have gone through what you are going through now - during 911.

Now I have cross over this threshold - and walk the Bodhi path.

That is keep mind and heart peaceful - but yet doing Salvation.

心放下, 事不放下。

I :- 我不逃避他。






I :- I treat the world chaos like watching a movie (如 梦幻泡影).

Those humans are actors and actresses.

I 发慈悲心 - 普渡众生 离苦,悟道。 

I :- But take it easy.

Slowly recover.

One day you will realise your mental strength become very strong.


I feel that increasingly i have this abilities - essentially the outcomes in REACH in influencing the government and REACH participants.

I :- 无恐怖,远离颠倒梦想。

I :- That is, 



Even if, 





This is a natural process - a sign that a 修行者 ready to promote or elevate into the next higher stage - if can "get over this mental threshold".

I have been through it and succeed.

Hence can explain all the phenomenon in 心经。 

I :- Because all the world chaos, human kill one another are due to their past 因果。

No one can stop this.

Not even 佛 - who are unable to stop 释迦族 from 灭门  after succeeded twice but not the 3rd time。

Hence, in one Jataka story, 2 罗汉 腾云驾雾 - saw one man going to kill another man.

But they did nothing to stop it - because they saw their 因果。

凡人 see this and raise their anger to the Buddha, Buddha say both 罗汉 see their karma manifesting, even if both 罗汉 intervene to help, the man will still be killed by the other man. 

I :- However in another Jataka story, a 菩萨 see another similar situation, the 菩萨 intervene to stop the killing.

And the 菩萨 succeeded.

The disciples ask the Buddha why this 菩萨  succeed when the 2 罗汉 fails?

佛 say because this 菩萨 发菩提愿 - just enough merits to 抵消 the karma of these men - and hence can prevent the killings from taking place.

Hence this Mahayana 大悲愿 - is so powerful.

Many disciples as a result 顿悟, and some 罗汉 from 小乘 transform into 大乘 - vowing to 普渡众生 and become a 菩萨。 

I :- But note, not all karmas can be intercepted - if the karma is too powerful.

Gaza karma is too powerful - due to the religious hatred - no one can stop it.

So we will have to just 尽人事 to 普渡 - but not be affected by it, or be jittery about it.

心放下, 清净,事不放下。 

I :- 

I :- Hence, 无我执。无生死执。

No attachment to self. No attachment to life and death (result in fear of life and death) - result in jittery when world chaos erupt.

Will result in 超凡入圣。

Transform from mundane into Saint.

A truly fearless "Divine Warrior" that emerge from the darkness of Samsara and step into the Wisdom Light of Divine.

That's why I say, you are in the verge of 


Ready to get elevated and promoted into the next higher level stage - if you can "Emerge and get over your current mental threshold". 

I :- 从 有相菩萨,升华为 无相菩萨。 

I :- Hence in 普觉寺 - 无相殿 - 供 无相佛。
不执相 - 真佛 啊!

I :- 四圣谛
苦,集 (执),灭 (破),道。

4 Noble Truths:-
- Sufferings (Fear, Jittery)
- Due to Attachment to Self, Life & Death (我执,生死执,相执)
- Break Attachment - break fear, break jittery (破我执,破生死执,破相执)
- Attain Enlightenment - no attachment, Emptiness (入空)。

I :- Actually I realised many people including xxxxxx are reaching an inflection point - fear and jittery over the world events.
1. xxxxx
2. xxxxx
3. xxxxx - also face fear and jittery (in turbo mode).
4. xxxxx - I know human realm has reached the inflection point - that is ready for the next stage Salvation.
Hence I know is time to expound the 心法。
One time all 普渡。
Some with exceptional wisdom will be able to understand.
You are one of them - I think among the 1st to realise.

I :- In fact, there is a news that say :-
H5N1 bird flu has spread from birds to mammals.
As mammals DNA is quite similar to human, fear creep in.
True enough, some farmers got infected by cows and other animals to humans.
The fatal rate quite high.
WHO together with the medical research bodies are scrambling to:-
1. Develop detection kits.
2. Vaccines 
In case it develops into human to human transmission like covid.

I :- But remember all these are 相 - 假相。
That's it is 因果 - need not be too worried and develop fear or jittery.
We need to 看破放下自在 - 一心不乱,如如不动,清净 - 随缘普渡。

I :- Another analogy of  执,相 - result in 苦。

He is too 我执,相执 against his brother.

Thinking that cabinet decision not to sell his father's house is his brother decision as his brother is the Leader even though his brother recluse from the decision.

Unable to 放下 hence transfer into hatred.

He is unable to see beyond 面 (superficial) that is the 底 (root cause)。

Hence he cannot be a Leader.

He will be easily fool by superficial issues, unable to see through real underlying root cause - and mess up the country affairs.

I :- And his hatred against his brother on one issue - cloud his judgement against his brother on all other good things his brother does for the Nation.

Too 执着。

Not objective, 小心眼。


This is another analogy of 执,相 - result in 苦。

I :- 

I :- 这就是 why I find it is the right time to expound the 心法。
实践 从心中找 真经。
悟 无我执,无生死执,无相执。
不为 我执,生死执,相执 所迷。
悟 无我, 无生死,无相。
Quantum physics 
- qubits (not a human whole) 无我
- superposition (birth, life, old age and death - 4 qubits state "spooky actions in a distance" exist at the same time in different universe, multiverse) 无生死
- all matter are make up of atomic and sub-atomic states and its properties change in a flux not in a stable state 无相. As human impression of 相 in stable state is incorrect - a baby 相 is vastly different when he grow old.

I :- Only then, we can fully understand the underlying implications why the whole world is in chaos.
Not attached to it.
And hence will not develop fear and jittery when negative events unfold.
Because 无我,不生不灭,无相, 因果 (No self. No birth, no death. No one stable physical form. Human reap what they sow (retribution) - according to Metaphysics.
In fact according to quantum physics - is the real Truth State).
Hence human fear and jittery - due to our illusion of human lives - will cease once Universal Truth or (Enlightenment is attain 悟道).
No one punish the human and make them immerse in sufferings.
It is what they think, what they say, what they do in the past, present and future - determine whether they suffer or live in peace.
No one punish or reward them. They punish or reward themselves. Only if humans realize it.
The environment human live in, is due to human heart, whether they want to live in peace or in war.
Ignorance, greed and hatred - determine human want to live in hellish sufferings.
Selfless, Wisdom and Compassion - humans live in paradise.

I :- 


I :- 无宗教法门 分别。
Means 不为 相所迷。
Hence I go Church, Taoist temple, Hindu temple and even mosque besides 佛寺。
I discover 心法 is the unifying Universal Truth.

I :- 

I :- 明心见性。
(When Heart is Empty of stray thoughts fuel by ignorance, hatred and greed with all encompassing Unifying Elements - See the Nature of Universal Truth).

I :- And the Unifying Elements are:-
无我 (Selfless)
慈悲 (Compassion)
般若智慧 (Panna Wisdom)

Anchor on Pure Heart (心) represented by Lotus (莲花).

I :- Hence 心法 is :-
- 大神咒 (GOD mantra),
- 大明咒 (ENLIGHTENMENT mantra),
- 无上咒 (UNSURPASS mantra)
- 无等等咒 (All INFINITE mantra)
Hence 心法 is all encompassing Universal Dharma.

I :- 能除一却苦。真实不虚。                  
Can eliminate all Sufferings, fear, jittery.      
As explain above and the few analogies illustrated showing the results.                 
Without a tainted Heart (心)- all Sufferings cease.   
A good Heart 心 - build a Paradise.     
A bad tainted Heart 心 -  sow destruction, death - 执,贪, 嗔,痴 - strong attachment, greed, hatred, ignorance ----- Heart 心 --- result in Hell sufferings。  
Hence 心法 (Heart Dharma) ---- is the Universal, Unifying, Unsurpass, All Encompassing, Enlightenment, God mantra !!!

I :- Hence All Religions preach - Divine is in the Heart.

I :- 心法 is 大团圆。
Heart Dharma is Great Reunification.

I :- 

I :- 得道人,随缘不变。
凡人随缘 即变。

I :- 普渡众生不变。

I :- 这就是 禅定。
禅 (Mindfulness) - 随缘。
定 (Concentration) - 不变。
8 NoblePath - Right Mindfulness. Right Concentration.
八正道。- 正念。正定。

I :- 

I :- 金刚经

不取于相。 如如不动。

十象 - 就是 圆通 - 圆满 - 大团圆。(10 dimension - Roundly Perfected -Perfection - Big Reunification)
四象 - 就是 生老病死象。(4 States (Quantum qubit 4 states - 00,01,10,11) - Birth, Aging, Sickness, Death states.


I:- 金刚经

Diamond Sutra
All science and physics - are illusion and myth - that have proven wrong by quantum physics.
Like mist and like light (whereby changes are unpredictable - whereby it comes and go), that only can be mindfully observe (where quantum physics - reveal that in atomic and subatomic level and through superposition of qubits states, via quantum entanglement (Einstein - "spooky action in a distance" - can reveal or observe the true state of universal phenomenon).

Traditional Science and Physics, Faith that preach One Divinity infer that there is One Universe. (Traditional belief). (一切有为法)
But Quantum physics proof tha - A universe can be created in a lab (Universe within a Universe) - that break the tradition - and make traditional science, physics, faith an Illusion. (如梦幻泡影)

(Note:- Scientists have created a simulation of an entire family of universes with curvature using ultracold quantum gases.
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity states that space and time are intertwined. In our Universe, the curvature of spacetime is relatively small and unchanging. However, researchers from Heidelberg University have successfully created a laboratory experiment in which the structure of spacetime can be manipulated.
The researchers used ultracold quantum gases to simulate a range of curved universes to explore various cosmological scenarios. They then compared these simulations with predictions from a quantum field theoretical model. The research findings were published in the journal Nature.)

I:- 心经

Heart Sutra
Form is Formless. Formless is Form. 
(In traditional science and physics, matter that are observable in physical form (Form)- is in fact an illusion - as they are not a solid whole as observe, but are made up of mass of atoms and sub-atomic matter (Formless).)

(In traditional science and physics, what we cannot observe in physical matter (Emptiness - Formless) eg. gas, actually can be observed in atomic and sub-atomic form in quantum physics (Form).)

There are no birth, aged, sickness and death according to the Heart Sutra. As proven by quantum physics, birth, aged, sickness and death - the 4 superposition of quibbits states actually exist simultaneously in different realms - and can be correlated by quantum entanglement - "spooky action in a distance".


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

REACH 561 - What are your views on the new FWA guidelines? What else can be done to improve working conditions?


18 Apr 2024 (10am - 7pm)


17/4/24, 9:53 am - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from *10am to 7pm* today. ⏰

*House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:* 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

*Full set of Terms of Use:*

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

17/4/24, 10:02 am - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢

Under the new Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests, all employers in Singapore must fairly consider formal requests from employees for flexible work arrangements (FWAs) from Dec 1, 2024. 

The compulsory guidelines were unveiled on April 15 (Monday) and will cover formal requests for FWAs, and the processes to submit and evaluate these while not governing the outcome.

💬 *What are your views on the new FWA guidelines? What else can be done to improve working conditions?*

More details on the new guidelines on FWA requests:

📌 *_Broader definition of FWAs:_*

The tripartite workgroup said the rules adopt a broad definition of FWAs beyond the flexi-place arrangements such as remote or hybrid working and includes staggered work hours, part-time work or job sharing. It also aims to sensitise employers, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises with less advanced human resource processes, to consider flexi-time and flexi-load arrangements.

📌 *_Difference between formal and non-formal requests:_*

On the difference between formal and non-formal requests, the workgroup said formal requests often take the form of structured, recurring arrangements that entail some change in work processes. 

Non-formal requests for FWAs do not fall under these guidelines, but they should be allowed to be raised, and approved or rejected, so long as there is a consensus.

📌 *_Guidelines on FWA requests:_*

The guidelines stipulate that the process to submit a formal request, and how the request will be handled, should be clearly outlined to workers. Employees ought to make their formal FWA requests in writing and follow requirements that employers stipulate. 

Employers must reply to the request within two months of the date the request was made, and they are encouraged to discuss alternative arrangements if the one sought is not feasible. 

Employees whose employers did not adhere to the guidelines can approach the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (Tafep) for assistance on formal FWA requests.

📌 *_Training on implementation of new guidelines:_*

The workgroup said Tafep and the Institute for Human Resource Professionals will introduce training and resources to help employers gain the capabilities to implement FWAs effectively, and that these resources will be progressively rolled out from May 2024.



17/4/24, 10:03 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow all members to send messages to this group

17/4/24, 10:06 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed the group description


17/4/24, 10:09 am - +Andy: My wife has been working from home since COVID till now and her company is still adopting flexible work arrangements which is good for the employees. But I must say that my wife puts in more hours than stipulated and since her laptop is with her hence anytime needed she will have to work which is not so good.

17/4/24, 10:14 am - +Vali: There should be an avenue for employees to (i) seek inputs from a neutral party + (ii) potential penalty for cinployers who do not comply to FWA for FWA rejections or companies with existing FWA policies in place but not executed on ground

17/4/24, 10:14 am - +Andy: I hope the employees don't abuse the flexibility. Also will it be higher costs for the employers when all the staff requests for some kind of flexible arrangements then there is a need to employ more staff and the costs ultimately will pass on to consumers again.

17/4/24, 10:14 am - +Frankie Wee: Boss is decision whether FWAs ir request reasonable but company need to run productive operations 8hrs per day.

17/4/24, 10:16 am - +Frankie Wee: Maybe in future robot fully automatic operation so employees will have flexibility FWAs

17/4/24, 10:18 am - +Timothy Low: Perhaps Public Sector should take the lead in flexible work arrangements. For example, allowing teachers to have the flexibility to work at home if they have no lessons

17/4/24, 10:19 am - +Vali: MOM issued warnings and corrective workshops may not be enough penalties

17/4/24, 10:20 am - +Frankie Wee: Flexible work make more healthy and de stress if business can run productive automatically

17/4/24, 10:21 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: The very first thing companies must learn is Management by objective.

Not management by sight or showing up to office.

Once employee have clear objectives what the person has to do, give the person the needed technology / infrastructure for the person to succeed.

eg: call centre people, they don't need to be in office. their extension can easily be transferred to their laptop and as long as their home have broadband, they can work from home.

sales people - just bring in the sales. don't need to show face in office during normal day. just need to attend team mtgs, dept mtgs.

A major obstacle is most

17/4/24, 10:21 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: A major obstacle is most singaporean managers are not used to the concept of management by objectives.

17/4/24, 10:22 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: majority of employees all want to do a good job. but they must know and agree with their bosses what "a good job" means.

17/4/24, 10:22 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: if u have the type of manager that keeps changing the goal post of what a "good job" is, it'll never work. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 10:23 am - +Jimmy Chew: It's true. Even before COVID a Friend of mine experimented working from home. He found that he is working more and decided to work in the office 🤣🤣🤣 <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 10:23 am - +Vali: There are still some MOE schools on ground level who insists that teachers not be allowed to leave SG during school holidays when they have no work commitments (no marking/lesson prep/ccas/committee meetings/ad hoc projects etc) and must stay in SG.

While other schools are more lenient operationally. 

Perhaps within the ministry - the flexible /leave practices can be evened out first. 

To prove that the penalty process put in place is effective (not just a table top exercise)

17/4/24, 10:25 am - +Rama: Hugh!?

17/4/24, 10:25 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: above is an example of the type of manager/bosses who will make the flexi work schemes fail.

17/4/24, 10:25 am - +Rama: Agree

17/4/24, 10:25 am - +Rama: Yeah

17/4/24, 10:25 am - +Rama: They will!

17/4/24, 10:27 am - +SL: @~l or Smiley face, usd exchange rate increase against the major currencies, crude oil price increase and gold price increase at the same moment is unusual that may worth spending time investigating, and they are all correlated… it seems to be what we learn in school for economist subject no longer applicable and able to apply in current context… there is an “invisible hand”

17/4/24, 10:27 am - +Rama: Line must be drawn once stipulated working hours is fulfilled.  understand that government is studying a European initiative where employers cannot contact employees after normal working hours.

17/4/24, 10:27 am - +Vali: With aging demographics, the sandwich generation may also need to take care of aunties/uncles (if they have no kids) for medical appointments.. 

But the current HR policies for family care or elder care leave only extends to immediate family members (parents/spouse).

Employees who would like to take leave for non-immediate family members are told by HR to use annual leave. 

There could be more flexibility in policies for employers to allow flexible arrangements/usage of elder care/family care leave..

17/4/24, 10:28 am - +~l  or Smiley face: MBO...KPI

17/4/24, 10:28 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: REACH, to understand more about management by objectives, ask the person in charge to read the book HP WAY by David Packard.  The HP of old when the founders were around, were practicing flexi schemes very successfully eons ago.  It's nothing new.  I'm not sure about the HP of now though. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 10:29 am - +Rama: Not expected from local employers!

17/4/24, 10:29 am - +SL: Will companies accept this suggestion? Workforce resources for some tasks are already very lean.

17/4/24, 10:30 am - +~l  or Smiley face: GE Way...

17/4/24, 10:30 am - +Vali: Same with compassion leave, the scope that it covers could be expanded to extended family. 

It would help employees cope better with family and work balance during times of family atress

17/4/24, 10:30 am - +Rama: Yes!

17/4/24, 10:33 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: As long as the employee have clear objectives what they need to do and they perform it, they can have all the flexibility they want.  Because if they don't perform, during the periodic evaluation, it'll show up and they can be managed.

17/4/24, 10:33 am - +Jimmy Chew: Yeah. The founder has a very high trust level that employees will be responsible. My friend from HP says he make sure he clocks the minimum 8 hrs. Ue actually clocked more hours because they are good rewarders of excellent work. I think it culture and recruitment of the right people <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 10:34 am - +SL: Dark factories and dark warehouses?

17/4/24, 10:34 am - +Rama: MNC or local employer!?

17/4/24, 10:35 am - +Jimmy Chew: MNC - the old HP

17/4/24, 10:35 am - +Rama: Expected

17/4/24, 10:35 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: HP is MNC.

If u happen to work for local employer who employs ex HP managers, they will bring that practice into the local employer.  A lof of them went to Singtel about 10 yrs ago.  They might still be there. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 10:36 am - +Thank You Woman: Siemen also work from home

17/4/24, 10:36 am - +Rama: Still,  one person cannot change a whole company work culture.

17/4/24, 10:37 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: if that person is high up in the management chain, it can bring a big change. Especially in HR. 

HR can make or break a company's culture. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 10:38 am - +Jimmy Chew: The CEO is the headman of the village

17/4/24, 10:39 am - +Jimmy Chew: HR is the medicine man, he got to follow the headman if not get beheaded

17/4/24, 10:45 am - +Rama: This is where the problem lies.

17/4/24, 12:03 pm - +Nic Freehold: MOE was so old school when fresh graduates was senior to old hand who knew the various changes in pension schemes. 

If civil service doesn’t set the tone, doubt private especially Sg SME would toe the line.

17/4/24, 12:06 pm - +Jimmy Chew: SME is making $$$. $$$ is their incentive

17/4/24, 12:15 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. I feel that formalising the flexible work arrangements make more companies address and formalize flexible works more seriously.

2. Feel that bigger companies will have more leeway to implement FWA - as human resources are less tight, and remote access equipment will be more available.

3. SMEs will be less likely to implement FWA - as manpower are tighter, less likely to spend money to setup remote access servers, maintain IT functions and facilitate remote login, video conferencing etc. Will need an IT department and professionals to maintain such IT services. High costs involved.

17/4/24, 12:17 pm - +Rama: Point three is worrying!

17/4/24, 12:18 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

No joke to maintain IT remote services.

SMEs unlikely to commit money and resources to do it.

17/4/24, 12:19 pm - +Rama: So, no point in employers giving reasons why FWA cannot be granted

17/4/24, 12:24 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Having say so :-

1. FWA is really a puller to entice workers to work for the company.

2. Because young married couples will more likely to give birth and raise children if FWA is available so that they can work and take care of their kids at the same time.

3. Families who are caregivers and need to take care of elderlies, disabled - can work and provide caregiving functions - will be extremely useful.

4. Hence, more people will more likely to work and business will have access to more manpower resources who will otherwise not working without FWA.

17/4/24, 12:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

4. Having say so, wonder if MOM, Telcos/Cloud Service Providers and SMEs can pool resources to achieve economies of scale - whereby service providers offer affordable remote access/video conferencing services and IT apps hosting to SMEs to facilitate FWA?

5. SMEs will then pay monthly subscription fees to the service providers - RAAS (remote access as a service).

6. If fees are affordable, SMEs may be able to jump into the bandwagon to participate in the FWA.

17/4/24, 12:52 pm - +Rama: Hope this raises our local population

17/4/24, 12:51 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: <Media omitted>


17/4/24, 12:53 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Very fortunately, MAS is seriously looking into the OOB Intranet solutions - to fight against online scam coming from Internet.

Hopefully, if the solution prove effective and cost efficient - government will adopt and curb the nearly $1 billion loss a year to online scammers.

17/4/24, 12:54 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: This message was deleted

17/4/24, 1:14 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Also maintaining IT professionals to run a small IT department to provide remote access services in an SME - will not be interesting to the IT professional because:-

1. No upward career path.

2. IT pay is very high - easily > $4,500 for fresh graduates.

3. No other IT development such as software development, mobile apps development, infrastructure development, AI, cybersecurity etc to keep the IT staff work interesting and challenging.

4. IT staff will easily resign and move to more challenging jobs.

5. Hence not easy for SMEs to provide remote access services to their workers for FWA.

6. Hence the only feasible way for FWA to succeed in SMEs is to subscribe to cloud services offer by cloud services provider and Telcos - who can keep IT professionals and then provide services to a big pool of SMEs that subscribe to their remote access services. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 1:26 pm - +Frankie Wee: IT automation career unnecessarily high professional job.

17/4/24, 1:26 pm - +Frankie Wee:

17/4/24, 1:27 pm - +Frankie Wee: Physical job an IT hardware are required to work on router

17/4/24, 1:28 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Also, government recently have confiscated $3 billion from money laundering.

Wonder legally, is it possible to:-

1. Use a part of the confiscated money - estimated about less than $100 million to setup :-

a. National Intranet network (Telco base stations 4G/5G, at least 2 Telcos for redundancy)

b. Setup National Biometric Authentication System (facial recognition, fingerprint, iris, handprint, vocal etc).

c. Provide 5.6 million SIM card to each individual for Intranet access to biometric authentication for bank, CPF, government services transaction.

d. Provide subsidies and grants to banks, financial institutions, CPF and necessary business to upgrade their apps to perform Singpass biometric authentication via National Intranet.

2. The remaining $2 billion plus will be use to compensate Singaporeans and resident losses through online scams. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 1:45 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

3. The estimated project duration is about 1 year to 1 1/2 years - depending on how the various stakeholders work together.

4. Realise that the biometric authentication system is already in place at ICA - Interpol biometric database system (whereby biometric data such as facial recognition, fingerprint, handprint, iris biometric features have been captured to make IC and passport). 

Wonder can these be migrated and form the backbone of the national biometric authentication system. This will short-circuit the setting up of a national biometric database from scratch and shorten the project duration.

17/4/24, 1:52 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

It is not as easy as it sounds.

SMEs without IT background and knowledge with VMware virtualisation and cloud computing - will be very loss --- even though this article touting IT automation as easy as ABC...

Setting up remote access services, video conferencing services, IT apps hosting in VMware virtualisation and cloud is not like clicking a button in VMware automation - and everything will be setup in a flash. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 2:01 pm - +Nic Freehold: SG is so small. If Europeans and Americans can work together over width of Australia, no excuse. 

Sg is smaller than Tokyo.

17/4/24, 2:02 pm - +Frankie Wee: Sg dollars current is stronger

17/4/24, 2:02 pm - +Nic Freehold: Work from home saves companies 20% as office usage space cost about $200- $1500 monthly

17/4/24, 2:03 pm - +Nic Freehold: VM ware and competitive per user cost even Salesforce is less than $500 per pax

17/4/24, 2:04 pm - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢

17/4/24, 2:04 pm - +Nic Freehold: I used to Teleconference Europe SG 8pm, New York is SG 2-3am 

Did I get paid extra over time???? 2-3 xxx?? No

17/4/24, 2:05 pm - +Nic Freehold: just part parcel of work

17/4/24, 2:05 pm - +Frankie Wee: I see

17/4/24, 2:05 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

For example broadly speaking, not going into the full technical detail:-

1. SME needs to have a computer centre (short of data centre) - to house its servers, network equipment such as router, LAN switches, or WiFi  controller and access points in various office locations, IT security equipment such as firewall, VPN IPSec or SSL VPN, remote access servers with SSL VPN remote access, ZOOM video conferencing, office automation software eg. Microsoft Office, file portal such as SharePoint for file and document sharing, email services POP email servers minimally to host the VMware servers and cloud services.

2. Laptops issue to staff for FWA at home with WiFi chips to connect to their home WIFI or able to connect to staff smartphone to do mobile hotspot via USB tethering or mobile WiFi mobile hotspot must be make available.

3. Can SME boss understand and setup all the above?

I doubt VMware automation can do all the above - with no IT professionals around. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 2:05 pm - +Nic Freehold: Mandate 10 days WFH/ FWA

17/4/24, 2:06 pm - +Frankie Wee: It may not support to have international global time serve 24hrs

17/4/24, 2:06 pm - +Nic Freehold: Our phones are so powerful these days, I actually draft all contract from the iPad or phone

17/4/24, 2:07 pm - +Nic Freehold: just use Apple or the safest platform

17/4/24, 2:08 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I think what you see is at the front end.

The backend maybe transparent - and involve alot of work that you probably didn't see it.

17/4/24, 2:09 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: One full day is 24 hours

3 days of work can be 36 hours

4 days of work can be 40 hours

Are these examples Flexi Work arrangements between employer and employee? Actionable?

17/4/24, 2:12 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: Alternatively, 20% WFH, 60% WFO and 20% WFA.

WFH = from home

WFO= from office 

WFA = from anywhere and anytime.

What is the true meanings of a Flexi Work system?

17/4/24, 2:13 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Without minimally setting up all this IT gadgets and service - what is written here, an SME cannot function WFH (work from home) and do FWA (flexible work arrangements).

If don't believe, check with your office or your IT department staff.

17/4/24, 2:15 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: How about SMEs?

17/4/24, 2:17 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: This message was deleted

17/4/24, 2:18 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: Let's start with A, it means Small businesses?

What's their ops requirements and scopes of operations?

How can these S transform and turnaround given the Flexi Work arrangements?

What's the business costs and added frictions from working to customers' satisfaction?

17/4/24, 2:26 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I think to convince, people need technical details, let me deep dive a bit into it.

1. Smartphone nowadays are very powerful can do alot of things.

2. But to do office work, staff need to access office documents right? If not our smartphone connect to where to pull out office documents and store office documents and share the documents with our office colleagues.

3. Office files are company confidential, cannot anyhow store in internet and cloud whereby your competitors and scammers can see your pricing and competitive stuff right?

3. Hence you will need a secure IT portal to store your company confidential documents.

4. Servers and storage device will be required.

5. To secure your office documents, you will need security devices like firewall so that your office documents, pricing, customers information will not be stolen.

6. To connect to your office documents, you need connectivity which is your 4G, wifi and your LAN wire.

7. To ensure your connection is secure, not tap and stolen by hackers - you need to authenticate and encrypt your connectivity.

So it is not just your smartphone - so powerful, can do everything under the sun.

You need a knowledgeable IT professionals to setup alot of things at the backend to facilitate WFH and FWA.

Government cannot just mandate WFH and FWA - and all SMEs comply.

I think 90% of SMEs will close shops the next day - and all SMEs workers will lose their jobs overnight.

17/4/24, 2:27 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: And how about our civil service and those MNEs?

17/4/24, 2:36 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Civil services have a few IT agencies - all with different specialisation to service the entire government apparatus.

Not so simple.

Eg. Govtech - the IT operation arms of civil service.

Smart nation - the IT policy arms.

IMDA - the Telco authority regulators plus nation IT adoption.

CSA - cybersecurity arms for the government.

This are not exhaustive.

There are so many more - because IT cover every industries and economic sectors as well as every aspect of our lives.

There are AI, and some very high security IT agencies, R&D institutions that I won't want to mention. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 2:39 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

MNCs have a full functional IT department to service their operations in Singapore and worldwide.

Even that, also doesn't means can retain good IT staff - because when IT infrastructure run into operation, it becomes a day to day IT operations which can be quite boring.

17/4/24, 2:46 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

"Poh Heng Jewellery hit by data breach, customers' personal information may have been compromised

The jewellery chain has reported the incident to both the police and the Personal Data Protection Commission.",Data%20Protection%20Commission.

17/4/24, 2:48 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

See a big Singapore retail shops - with a fully functional IT department - if no good cybersecurity professional to secure its IT infrastructure - can be easily hacked - and lose its company confidential data.

So not so easy.

17/4/24, 2:52 pm - +Nic Freehold: Sign on proper APPLE ONE or Microsoft FULL SUITE. 

2 phones do help. 1 for work, 1 more for home and play.

17/4/24, 2:53 pm - +Nic Freehold: Insulate and protect, have a proper physical and firewall

17/4/24, 3:04 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: Thanks, Danni for the explanations and brief insights.

S here referring to a small scale business with smaller scope of works.

In this transformative environment of Flexi Work arrangements, these Small enterprises may not have much hiccups and concerns versus the medium enterprises and the big organisations (another matters and issues).

However, in all regime of change and in particular flexing working hours/days may unintendedly add incremental cost of hiring additional hands to meet the normal daily operational needs. That's the situation of Small players and the big players will not be spared from added variables that translate into dollars and cents out of the bottom line of profits.

And the other universal letter S is to Streamline the operation, scope and scale of your existing business model.

17/4/24, 3:08 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Well probably I may not have expose to a SME and quite surprise so little things suffice for your work.

The smallest IT setup I encounter is a jewellery chain with more than 30 to 50 outlets.

They maintain a full functional IT department and offer ecommerce website.

I only provide them some verbal consultation on a goodwill basis.

But they have all the above IT infrastructure in place that I mention to function properly. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 3:11 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Anyway, this look like cloud services that I suggest for SMEs who do not have IT expertise. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 3:25 pm - +Vali: Employers should also be encouraged to be flexible about the actual work location of WFAs. 

Some companies are very strict about WFH means employees must be in residential address. But what if there are benefits for personal life balance to be working in parents/aunties place in SG?

Can the same flexibility in location be extended to relatives place in neighbouring countries? Say I want to work in my grandmother's place in Malaysia but I fear getting caught by my employers... 

Not all policies need to be so narrow & not everything should be policed.

There are parents who have used MOE HBL flexibility and their WFA to enjoy a slow weekday breakfast with their kids. & These intangible benefits to a broader WFA policy may just sway employees to work harder/not crib about OT when it's crunch time.

The bottom line is the belief that the employee can be responsible and does the required tasks. If not, HR can always take the employee to task during work review.

17/4/24, 3:26 pm - +SL: That reality… 🤷‍♂️

17/4/24, 3:29 pm - +Nic Freehold: Yes cloud services. W secure sign on. It’s always the signing in and issue. Overseas travel I use public or hotel wifi. Apple phone ok. Others use android got weird app installed itself and now got issue

17/4/24, 3:30 pm - +Nic Freehold: Quarterly review. Invest in training and devices and wifi and VLAN.

17/4/24, 3:30 pm - +SL: From the business owner's perspective, the conventional way of remote working incured significant costs, and business owners may need to see the potential benefit of their staff wfa.

17/4/24, 3:31 pm - +Nic Freehold: imagine a malware could also infect and affect the whole office. Whilst the individual maybe safe.

17/4/24, 3:31 pm - +Nic Freehold: Covid 2024 could happen WFH

17/4/24, 3:34 pm - +SL: Optimising performance by Improved accountability?

17/4/24, 3:38 pm - +SL: Only selective SMEs may need cloud services; this will be based on their nature of business. the subscription cost for some may be higher than hiring an in-house staff or buying the ad-hoc maintenance service.

17/4/24, 3:41 pm - +SL: Flexi arrangement of working hours?

17/4/24, 3:41 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Those IT infrastructure to support the apps that cloud users use will have been setup by the cloud service providers IT professionals supposedly Apples IT staff.

17/4/24, 3:42 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I see.

Well I don't subscribe to public cloud services.

Hence I not sure.

17/4/24, 3:44 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

My close friend comments:-

If employee wishes to work for 4day, does the guideline fairly protect the employer to reduce the employees pay and benefits by 20%? 

And if employee refuse, can employer terminate this employee?

Sigh, just don't kill SMEs...

17/4/24, 3:44 pm - +Nic Freehold: Apple 2TB is enough for most workers. And can share access, guess the price

17/4/24, 3:45 pm - +Nic Freehold: I advocate mandatory 10 days a year FWA. that alone would help spur changes. Add 2 days a year

17/4/24, 3:45 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Btw what is the price?

I curious to know.

17/4/24, 3:51 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: That's included in this novel OOEM system. It's applicable to industrial, commercially, military and national security....

17/4/24, 3:56 pm - +SL: Depending on the service provider and package sign-on, the costs are different. 

For SMEs to have WFA, the business owner's definition of WFA is important. For example, if a salesperson goes out to meet potential customers daily, is the person's movement from home to a client directly and vice versa considered wfa? For a salesperson, the gadgets required are a cell phone and laptop; if with Microsoft 365, it may be regarded as sufficient. It looks no different from the current job and future job tasks. There is a social impact need to consider wfa… more time with family, especially young and toddlers. However, previously paid services that fuel the economy might be affected because young parents can do the task themselves.

17/4/24, 3:57 pm - +SL: Ic

17/4/24, 3:57 pm - +SL: Thanks

17/4/24, 3:58 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: Let's unboxed this OOEM...

17/4/24, 3:59 pm - +SL:

Price list..

17/4/24, 3:59 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 


I didn't know that Microsoft 365 suffice for SMEs.

Then the IT services in the cloud can easily meet SMEs needs.

17/4/24, 4:00 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

It looks affordable.

Not too expensive.

17/4/24, 4:01 pm - +SL: I did not use Microsoft 365 for sme but the price is

17/4/24, 4:01 pm - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢

17/4/24, 4:02 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Sounds ok.

Microsoft have setup most common automation tools for SMEs.

17/4/24, 4:03 pm - +Rama: We need a lot of soul searching amongst ourselves.

17/4/24, 4:03 pm - +SL: Per month per account.. For Singapore registered account: 2TB: S$ 13.98

17/4/24, 4:10 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I think this should be affordable for most SMEs.

Didn't know that public cloud services already made this available quite economically.

But those SME who do online transaction - not sure whether public cloud offer such affordable services or not.

17/4/24, 4:13 pm - +SL: Data can be stored on the sales platform or payment gateway for those doing online transactions. Backup transaction on harddisk (the most economical solution)

17/4/24, 4:15 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I see.

So indeed solutions have been in place for SMEs in public cloud.

So need a little nudge for SMEs to adopt.

17/4/24, 4:16 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Btw, does the public cloud service providers guarantee apps security hosted for the SMEs?

If there are security breaches, does cloud service providers take up the responsibility?

17/4/24, 4:18 pm - +SL: Ooem look complicated for sme or certain large company. The journey of Ooem will change a company's culture and structure of a company… business process outsourcing may trigger issues within an SME. 😱

17/4/24, 4:22 pm - +SL: Standard security and compliance are covered, but more expensive packages have more security features.

17/4/24, 4:23 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I see...

Ok, more or less cover for SMEs.

Now is about nudging SMEs to adopt and support the FWA and WFH.

17/4/24, 4:23 pm - +SL: Usually, the service provider takes care of Breaches on cloud infrastructure.

17/4/24, 4:24 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Yes this is what I thought so.

Apps hosted in public cloud - usually not covered.

And the most likely breach come from apps security loopholes.

17/4/24, 4:25 pm - +SL: Usually via users lose passwords, or hackers steal data via social engineering.

17/4/24, 4:26 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

This is the reason why bigger SMEs and larger organisations setup their own IT department.

For security and provide more IT functions to make business more competitive.

But for SMEs that requires only minimal IT remote access services - public cloud is a good solution for them. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 4:33 pm - +Nic Freehold: Make a guess first

17/4/24, 4:34 pm - +Nic Freehold: This message was deleted

17/4/24, 4:35 pm - +Nic Freehold: Salesforce is cloud based used by largest MNCs

17/4/24, 4:35 pm - +Nic Freehold: own IT dept can also hold you hostage if they don’t pay well.

17/4/24, 4:36 pm - +Nic Freehold: The MNC I worked for moved their whole IT dept to India after years of hosting here. That MNC has been a shrinking presence ever since.

17/4/24, 4:36 pm - +Nic Freehold: They sold their manufacturing to China

17/4/24, 4:37 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 


No easy way.

Hence, SME or even MNCs got to decide which way to go.

Public cloud or setup their own IT department.

Money, resources, business needs, security etc are the consideration factors. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 4:41 pm - +Nic Freehold: Just like USA Republicans holding democracy at hostage. Sometimes the call is coming from within

17/4/24, 4:42 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 


What an analogy.

17/4/24, 4:42 pm - +Nic Freehold: If the IT dept is incompetent, they outsource to India… then everyone’s data could already be exposed to whole Chennai

17/4/24, 4:43 pm - +Nic Freehold: I am excellent on stage, I am the Merchant of Metaphors.

17/4/24, 4:43 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

I will say, IT staff need to constantly upgrade and update - because IT technologies are moving very fast.

17/4/24, 4:44 pm - +Rama: Yes

17/4/24, 4:44 pm - +Nic Freehold: that’s why I left IT. some many holes to patch

17/4/24, 4:45 pm - +Nic Freehold: Because the IT hegemony wants our money. 

Even printers need to upgrade their drivers

17/4/24, 4:45 pm - +Jimmy Chew: Yeah. It's always changing that's Technology

17/4/24, 4:47 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Well I do a consultancy job for a semiconductor MNC.

The IT HQ is hosted in Singapore.

Their patent must be safely guarded - because worldwide state hackers are trying to get their IP.

So their IT infrastructure was redesign and revamp like a military fortress.

I think we did a good job for them.

They are very please.

Singapore is a IT hub for manufacturing sites from US, Europe , Asia Pacific like Singapore, Japan, Skorea, Taiwan etc.

During the major revamp, it is zero downtime - as the IT hub in Singapore need to provide round the clock 24 hours - to service manufacturing operations in the various continents - US, Europe, Asia Pacific.

So that project is very interesting - even their US and Europe IT staff come down to Singapore to witness our feat. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 5:04 pm - +Nic Freehold: You fly our flag high! I believe in open borders but after discovering my previous Indian sub contractor register his daughter and got PR but not his son, I become cautious. 

Germans Malaysians are more reliable.

17/4/24, 5:04 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Er, cannot forget other IT staff that helps me.

17/4/24, 5:07 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

It suppose to be temporary - a 6 months project.

But it is completed within 3 months - and I hand it over to the operation staff when I leave. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 5:30 pm - +Nic Freehold: <Media omitted>

17/4/24, 5:30 pm - +Nic Freehold: The problem w IT. The scammers are very hardworking

17/4/24, 5:30 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 


17/4/24, 5:30 pm - +Nic Freehold: They try to find the zeitgeist to target vulnerable

17/4/24, 5:31 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

But national Intranet biometric authentication - will stop it if implemented.

17/4/24, 5:31 pm - +Nic Freehold: And my friends and I tell old folks especially those religious folks

17/4/24, 5:31 pm - +Nic Freehold: If your mother trust them how

17/4/24, 5:35 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

1st thing, give you an example of Singpass authentication.

A Singpass authentication need to tie in with authorised apps service providers.

So if these scammers apps is not authorised apps service providers - it cannot tie to Singpass biometric authentication.

Even if a victim give away the user id password which is a 1st stage authentication - without biometric authentication, it can't get access.

2nd stage authentication fail.

Scam fails.

17/4/24, 5:36 pm - +Nic Freehold: I would vehemently oppose. The wider the adoption the most chances for vulnerability

17/4/24, 5:36 pm - +Nic Freehold: SingPass lite and SingPass SECURE. Needed

17/4/24, 5:37 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Now many bank access, CPF access and many insurance companies are using myinfo and Singpass.

17/4/24, 5:37 pm - +Nic Freehold: Lite that’s would be only for tiny thumbnails for retail front like PayLah

17/4/24, 5:37 pm - +Nic Freehold: A wallet is different than a bank account

17/4/24, 5:38 pm - +Nic Freehold: We are the KIASU nation after all

17/4/24, 5:38 pm - +Nic Freehold: which i think expose unnecessary

17/4/24, 5:39 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Now the above scam can be pulled through if victims provide user id password and otp.

17/4/24, 5:43 pm - +Nic Freehold: again elderly are hard of hearing and sight

17/4/24, 5:44 pm - +Nic Freehold: invite 30 of them and ask them bring their friends..

17/4/24, 5:44 pm - +Nic Freehold: From the 1 room flats

17/4/24, 5:44 pm - +Frankie Wee: <Media omitted>

17/4/24, 5:45 pm - +Frankie Wee: Remember this stay safe fell scam.

Govt will never ask anyone SingPass to register or give details

17/4/24, 5:49 pm - +Nic Freehold: remember they were brought up in LKY generation, obedient, gullible to point of stupid sometimes

17/4/24, 5:49 pm - +Rama: 👌👍

17/4/24, 5:49 pm - +Nic Freehold: LKY was God of prosperity so compliance had value

17/4/24, 5:50 pm - +Nic Freehold: As their brains fail, they go back to old memories

17/4/24, 5:50 pm - +Nic Freehold: If 40yo can fall for scams, I foresee 60/80 years olds would too

17/4/24, 5:55 pm - +Nic Freehold: To yesterday’s discussion about skyscrapers:

17/4/24, 6:00 pm - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢

17/4/24, 6:07 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

And theoretically, if scammers download a malware that do remote access control, even Singpass digital token can be hijacked - and bank account can be accessed.

17/4/24, 6:08 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Because Singpass is still internet facing - inband.

17/4/24, 6:19 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Only an Intranet authentication system that are non internet facing - that uses biometric or even Singpass digital token can ensure online scam cannot pull through.

Because Intranet uses private IP address.

If internet online scammers try to access via public IP address, it will crash.

Also no way online scammers from internet can access the intranet because they need to be issue with Sim-intranet for access.

Also intranet network is not physically connected to internet network - how internet online scammers access intranet for 2nd stage authentication?

Hence failsafe and foolproof. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 6:29 pm - +Nic Freehold: Just 10-60 days limit, w limited access to sensitive data.

17/4/24, 6:30 pm - +Nic Freehold: if not 2  token green light. It’s tough to crack 2 phones + 1 token

17/4/24, 6:32 pm - +Jimmy Chew: My friend in the government carries two laptops one for intranet and the other for the internet

17/4/24, 6:32 pm - +Jimmy Chew: Black hats are smarter

17/4/24, 6:33 pm - +Nic Freehold: 道高一尺 魔高一丈.

17/4/24, 6:33 pm - +Nic Freehold: The price of peace is eternal vigilance

17/4/24, 6:45 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

⏰ We will be closing the chat in *15 minutes* ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

17/4/24, 6:49 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

This one is 100% safe - failsafe and foolproof.

Super kiasu way to secure confidential government data.

I don't mind if government issues everyone 1 free smartphone to each person instead of 1 SIM-INTRANET card to be super kiasu safe. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 6:50 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Else if using my proposed method that is floated to MAS by REACH - 1 SIM-Intranet, good enough for public users - more cost effective.

It is kiasu method.

Not classify as super kiasu yet. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 6:54 pm - +Nic Freehold: Never. Opens to exploit

17/4/24, 6:55 pm - +Nic Freehold: We only need 1 former spy marry Singaporeans to get phone then ….

17/4/24, 6:56 pm - +Nic Freehold: CPF should be locked up electronically

17/4/24, 6:56 pm - +Nic Freehold: Insurance agents can access so easily

17/4/24, 6:57 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

The spy intranet SIM no., ip address and unique identity is immediately expose, track and locked.

Internet IP are overseas cannot lock. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 6:58 pm - +Jimmy Chew: Normally for super safe system it's thru social engineering. Remember we had an saf officer reported his tryst with a Russian spy

17/4/24, 6:58 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

The victim smartphone and Sim-intranet can be remotely disabled.

17/4/24, 6:59 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: This message was deleted

17/4/24, 7:00 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Spy can be immediately arrested.

Overseas scammers can hide. Local cannot.

17/4/24, 7:00 pm - +Jimmy Chew: Sorry why leaves? Just trying to understand your analogy 🙏

17/4/24, 7:01 pm - ☸️  Danny 心: 

Sim can track location through GPS - Google maps or even the proxy base station. <This message was edited>

17/4/24, 7:01 pm - +~l  or Smiley face: <Media omitted>

17/4/24, 7:02 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

17/4/24, 7:02 pm - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow only admins to send messages to this group
