Saturday, March 25, 2023

Singapore PM Lee says world can’t afford US-China conflict, ‘give and take’ needed to accept Beijing’s rise

Lee Hsien Loong told state broadcaster CCTV that Washington and Beijing would have to stabilise ties, gradually build trust and move forward from there

He added China must also reconsider arrangements that worked when it was a smaller economy, and recalibrate its own position


Published: 12:53pm, 25 Mar, 2023


User since Mar 2021

Babe B.

1. Looking at how US lawmakers interrogate the TikTok CEO, it looks more like US lawmakers view anything China "adversary" at best and "enemy" at worst.                                                                           

2. It makes me really worry if US lawmakers adopt such a stance - instead of objectively looking at issues at hand and work to resolve problems with China objectively and diplomatically. It will rile up US citizens to view China likewise ---- and sets a toxic climate of people-to-people engagement for US citizens and China nationals..

3. Seed is hence planted for future confrontation and conflict - instead of collaboration and cooperation. 

4. US executives try to paint such image as "constructive competition".                                                   

5. But to neutral parties observing how US lawmakers and politicians respond to China - it look more like "toxic adversary fringing on enimity".                             

6. Moderate and constructive engagement the like of Henry Kissingers and previous moderate US lawmakers - that have constructively reach out to China are no where to be seen. This don't spell good for the World going forward.

Just now


1. I agree with the analogy that when 2 Olymipic cross-country runners give of their best to cross the finishing line first to be champion - it should be based on their own merits, their training and their strength.

2. As a neutral observer, I also agree with the analogy - that instead of doing so, US is trying to trip, elbow, pull shirts or knock the other Olympic runner off the track - almost to the point of using dirty tactics - with no umpire or refree flashing yellow card to deter such unprofessional act.

3. As 2 big superpowers, both sides should withdraw from such toxic actions - that serve to inflame emotion, tension and refrain from pitching their population in "adversary or enemy mode" against one another.

Because all it take is one spark - and the whole fire will erupt.

4. Human civilisation cannot thrive on adversary or worst enimity - because it eventually will come to blow with one another -- as adversaries cross-path on issues that are important to them.

5. Both Superpowers should come back to the mind of sanity, and approach both relationship in a sensible, rational, logical and non-emotional mode.

Else we could see a 3rd reset in the World order - and could be last and final one for human civilisation.


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