Saturday, December 5, 2020


Lab-grown chicken to be sold in Singapore after 'world's first' approval for cultured meat

By Rachel Phua


02 Dec 2020 08:00AM

(Updated: 02 Dec 2020 11:04PM)

Mr Tetrick said his company is looking to offer the product at a restaurant first before distributing it to the mass market, adding that it will be priced similar to what consumers pay for "premium chicken" at restaurants.

Costs of the cell-based chicken cannot be revealed for intellectual property reasons, he said. But he expects its chicken to be below the prices of its conventional counterpart "in the years ahead".


[12:17 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️  Danny 心:

Vegan meat not doing well.

[12:17 pm, 11/11/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Should price to appeal to the mass market.

Only then there will be mass demand and hence good revenue.

Vegan meat now price too high and common people cannot afford - thus not a good substitute to real meat.

Not surprising it will not be doing well.

If it reform its pricing strategy, then vegan meat can do well.

High volume at mass market price.


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