SMRT to enhance mobile app to provide real-time travel information Read more at
ile photo of the crowd at Queenstown MRT station on the East-West Line.
16 Nov 2017 07:52AM (Updated: 16 Nov 2017 12:47PM)
Ricky Lim · Singapore Few neasures here may help to mitigate and minimise MRT disruptions and safety :- (1) Failsafe, failsoft mechanism - eg, if signaling software fail, hardware eg. IoT take over - if not human backup must be able to manual override and take over if signaling software fail. (2) Redundant lines - to be able to shut down the whole line for maintenance, repair and fail over to redundant line eg, the up and coming redundant thomson line from Changi, Ang Mo Kio to Jurong (NUS, NTU, SP, NP, UniSim, One-North, Science Park) ---- will alleviate and provide redundant to the Green line (East-West line) and Red line (Ang Mo Kio line to Jurong East). (3) Improve work culture and morale of staff - demoralise staff will not put in extra effort to make the system work or improve the system. (4) Parallel bus system (that run along the MRT station) - able to beef up during MRT disruption (5) Proactive, predictive, reactive maintenance - to upgrade and improve the parts that are 20 to 30 years old. (6) Realtime information dispensement to inform public - that eg. "A" line is unavailable for servicing and move over to "B" line. (This is the same as London tube - where one line is taken down for servicing, a parallel line is activated to serve public. And if both lines are down, bus system that ply the MRT stations are activated). --- 3 redundant public transport system in place. If to be more kiasu, activate PMD, hire-bicycle also put in place - for those who are adventurous to rely on during disruptions. Make this a standard modus operandi that public will take it as natural course. ---- All mechanical things, or software, or hardware, or system --- will fail some point in time - and need maintenance, servicing, repair. ----- The key is there will be a failsafe alternative, failsoft mechanism to mitigate, redundant system to seamlessly or close to seamless take over of main line if fail. eg. car will fail on the road and need maintenance. air con will fail and need maintenance. computer system will fail, and need redundant system to take over. etc etc. Make public understand this. 人法地, 地法天, 天法道,道法自然。 万法唯心起。 This is the Universal Law of Impermanence. Like · Reply · 1 min
File photo of the crowd at Queenstown MRT station on the East-West Line.
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SINGAPORE: By September next year, commuters on SMRT trains will be able to see train arrival timings updated in real-time to include the recovery time while rail engineers fix faults, the train operator said.
In a Facebook post on Tuesday (Nov 28), SMRT said the enhancements to its SMRTConnect Mobile app will be rolled out in three phases starting next month.
The new real-time information system will have train arrival timings that include the time required for SMRT's rail engineers to fix faults and recover service, as well as crowd levels at station platforms.
Commuters will also be able to see how many trains they may have to wait for before they can board and, at a later phase, which station platform doors they can wait at to get into a less crowded carriage, SMRT added.
The train operator said it will be tapping on real-time information such as fare gate data, Wi-Fi access points, train capacity data and closed-circuit television feeds to gather more accurate information on crowd levels.
There have been a number of train disruptions in November that were not highlighted by SMRT on its social media channels, prompting criticism from some commuters about the lack of real-time information.
A check by Channel NewsAsia last week revealed about five incidents during the month involving train delays or track faults that were highlighted by commuters and reported by the media, but not announced on SMRT’s social media platforms.
Source: CNA/mz
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