Thursday, November 2, 2017

Cutting-edge drones and unmanned vehicles to boost Singapore's surveillance capabilities

 (Updated: )

Thang Isaac · 
"In contrast, the V15 has four electric rotors that allow it to take off vertically."

Put simply, they copied the concept of a drone. Haha.
Copycat but still want to brag as if they invented something new.
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Ricky Lim · 
If you read the article carefully, vertical takeoff is not the only cutting edge in such drones.
It talk about :-
(1) Navigation without GPS
(2) Work in tandem with unmanned vehicles
(3) Platform independent
(4) Can land anywhere vertically on the unmmanned vehicles
(5) 24 hours surveillance
(6) Dispense on the need for remote control
(7) Can simultaneously work with multiple unmanned drones and vehicles

- if these are not cutting edge - what is?

When you read, don't read with your eyes close.
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