REACH 402 - What are your views on the latest announcements by MOH on 7 Oct? Will you be making an appointment for COVID-19 booster vaccination soon? Why or why not?
10 Oct 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[9:46 am, 10/10/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
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Megan π
[10:00 am, 10/10/2022] +REACH: π’ Topic π’
The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced on Friday that vaccination -differentiated measures (VDS) will no longer be required for events with more than 500 participants, nightlife establishments where there is dancing and dining at food and beverage establishments, including hawker centres.
Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said: "This means that vaccination has become our primary defence against the virus. While the situation remains stable now, new and more dangerous variants may surface in the northern winter. We need to get ourselves properly vaccinated in anticipation of that scenario. Do so early, rather than try our luck and not strengthen our protection when we have the time and space to."
π¬ What are your views on the latest announcements by MOH on 7 Oct? Will you be making an appointment for COVID-19 booster vaccination soon? Why or why not?
As things return to normalcy, the country will also transition to a new strategy of up-to-date vaccination, instead of counting the number of shots and boosters individuals receive. MOH said it will be similar to influenza vaccinations, where individuals are advised to take them periodically, so as to protect against new strains of the virus as they arise.
For those aged 50 and above:
After achieving minimum protection, they should receive an additional booster dose between five months and one year from their last dose. To be considered as being up to date, they will need to get an additional vaccine dose within five to 12 months of their last dose above getting the minimum protection of three mRNA or Novavax/Nuvaxovid doses, or four Sinovac-CoronaVac doses.
For all adults aged 18 and above:
Individuals will be considered to be up to date with their Covid-19 vaccination if they have received at least the minimum protection and their last vaccine dose was received within the past one year. The use of the bivalent vaccine to replace the current formulation has been recommended by the Expert Committee on Covid-19 Vaccination, MOH said on Oct 7. The ministry added that it will replace the original Moderna/Spikevax vaccine with the updated bivalent version from Oct 17.
ππΌ COVID-19 vaccination-differentiated measures to be lifted from Oct 10 as S’pore enters new phase of normalcy -
For those aged five and above:
The ministry will roll out vaccination and booster jabs for two groups of children from Oct 25. They should complete three mRNA or Novavax/Nuvaxovid doses, or four Sinovac-CoronaVac doses, to achieve minimum protection. From Oct 18, parents or guardians may register their interest for their child or ward to receive the Moderna/Spikevax vaccination at
πPlease visit MOH’s website for the latest updates on Singapore’s COVID-19 situation -
ππΌ Those above 50 urged to keep up with vaccine shots as vaccination-differentiated measures are lifted -
ππΌ Vaccination still key to reducing excess deaths resulting from COVID-19 -
ππΌ Moderna/Spikevax bivalent vaccine same safety profile as original dose: Ong Ye Kung -
[10:04 am, 10/10/2022] +L or BL: What about those who are recovered from Covid? Are they recommended Boosters after what period since recovering/vaccinated? "For those aged 50 and above:
After achieving minimum protection, they should receive an additional booster dose between five months and one year from their last dose. To be considered as being up to date, they will need to get an additional vaccine dose within five to 12 months of their last dose above getting the minimum protection of three mRNA or Novavax/Nuvaxovid doses, or four Sinovac-CoronaVac doses."
[10:04 am, 10/10/2022] +SL: Wait and see approach. Not sure what to do yet.
[10:06 am, 10/10/2022] +L or BL: Will get my booster, yes, but was thinking if a newer version might become available :)
[10:07 am, 10/10/2022] +SL: Ba2.7 series?
[10:07 am, 10/10/2022] +L or BL: Also, the information changed from over 50's recommended, to over 60s recommended, is it back to over 50s again?
[10:19 am, 10/10/2022] +65 9876 5095: ?
[0:43 pm, 10/10/2022] +Smiley face:
Good Afternoon, Everyone!
"Using complexity to solve complex problems...?"
- - annoymous
Los Angeles 12.5 million
State of Florida 22.0 million
Kuala Lumpur 8.20 million
Bangkok 10.8 million
Florida is a Republican state, are there any bias in play? Going into November, the US mid-term elections, how about it's Vaccine advisory, any bias?
How about California, a Democrat state, what's their Vaccine advisory?
[1:24 pm, 10/10/2022] +L or BL: Having read the articles, I'll be getting my 2nd booster in November. :)
[1:28 pm, 10/10/2022] +RH: Me too.
But since the new bi-valent version is fr Moderna, I may as well get my Pfizer booster shot.
Since I took all 3 same - Pfizer - less problem.
[1:29 pm, 10/10/2022] +L or BL: Ah ok, I mixed it up for my first booster. Maybe I should go back to Pfizer for the 2nd Booster π
[1:30 pm, 10/10/2022] +RH: Was waiting to see wat's new.
So, let's see in Nov ...
Yes. I'm talking abt 2nd booster (shot #4). π
[1:31 pm, 10/10/2022] +RH: Since they announced the new one is fr Moderna.
Can't wait alredi.
Nearing 12 months since my 1st booster.
[1:32 pm, 10/10/2022] +L or BL: Yes, same as me, I've got 6 weeks before I'm not considered vaccinated anymore, even though I had covid in July this year (mild but tested positive for 1 week)
[1:33 pm, 10/10/2022] +RH: If u had no severe reaction prev, then take the same brand. π
[1:35 pm, 10/10/2022] +SL: Am I right that pfizer bivalent focus ba4, ba5? I read this on newspaper article online
[1:36 pm, 10/10/2022] +RH: Eh?
I'm not sure. I thot I saw Moderna.
Can share link pls?
[1:36 pm, 10/10/2022] +RH:
[1:37 pm, 10/10/2022] +L or BL: Moderna was a stronger dose, so hard to know if I reacted more because of that. On all doses I felt a bit tired for a day, but nothing more.
[1:37 pm, 10/10/2022] +RH: Then chk w yr GP.
They r the best to advise.
[1:59 pm, 10/10/2022] +65 9825 0319: LoL. Moderna made me like dying... Then my third dose pzfier...freeze my arms for 5 days n made me rashes all over..π«£
[2:01 pm, 10/10/2022] +L or BL: Ouch!
[2:12 pm, 10/10/2022] +REACH: π’ Topic π’
The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced on Friday that vaccination -differentiated measures (VDS) will no longer be required for events with more than 500 participants, nightlife establishments where there is dancing and dining at food and beverage establishments, including hawker centres.
Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said: "This means that vaccination has become our primary defence against the virus. While the situation remains stable now, new and more dangerous variants may surface in the northern winter. We need to get ourselves properly vaccinated in anticipation of that scenario. Do so early, rather than try our luck and not strengthen our protection when we have the time and space to."
π¬ What are your views on the latest announcements by…
[2:20 pm, 10/10/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. Whenever our Government annouce a policy, I will take it seriously and read thoroughly to understand the intent of the policy - because the policy will normally has a profound influence on our population.
2. This is especially so if the policy has the backup of specialists or experts inputs - that are not easily understood by common man in the street.
Infectious diseases like covid will have been thoroughly studied - and well-thought out policy will have emerged to put forth to the population - so that our population will be adequately protected.
3. I will support the Government call to get the 4th updated bivalent booster that will help to protect the population.
4. As for my case, I will wait and see for a few more months - what further development from the covid scene - the mutation of new variants, and the progress of the various vaccines - be it the injection, nasal spray or oral types.
5. The reasons being:-
a. My family, my extended families, my close friend families - have almost all get their 3 jabs.
b. Also a good many get infected recently on top of the 3 jabs - hence we felt that there is no hurry to get the 4th jab.
c. To me personally, the idea of getting a yearly jab like flu vaccination to boost the immune system each time the immune system decline frighten me.
The side effects after each vaccination are not pleasant.
d. It doesn't block covid infection, but instead rely on yearly booster to keep boosting the immune system after it decline and immunity weaken to prevent infection.
e. Hence I am looking towards a more effective solution - that block covid infection on the outset - which I hope is the nasal spray type.
f. If nasal spray vaccination is successful - it will block covid infection (regardless of variants or mutation) ---- and will effectively terminate covid from jumping human host or animal host to human host (in theory).
g. As read, there are few nasal spray solutions in development, put on trial, but no breakthrough announcement yet.
6. Hence, currently, I am still stick with the "improvised version" of using "face mask" as a substitute to "nasal spray".
I noticed it is quite effective - because one of my family member got infected with covid, stay at home for about 7 to 8 days isolated until he recovers - but the rest of my family members are not infected --- because we use our face masks diligently to block infection.
7. Hence, up to now, my family members are still religiously using face masks whenever we go outside - whether outdoor or indoor, or outside people visit our houses, and I still put on my mask when doing brisk walking or jogging.
8. To conclude, my stance is to watch the development closely - in terms of covid infection and its variants as well as the vaccination development notably the nasal spray solutions - that block covid regardless of variants from infecting human hosts.
[2:46 pm, 10/10/2022] +Smiley face: Nasal spray as one preventive tool is good. However, it is good at the Nose and throat areas. A early preventive spray, quite effective.
(Disclaimer, it is not a medical advice.)
[2:49 pm, 10/10/2022] +SL:
[2:53 pm, 10/10/2022] +SL:
[2:53 pm, 10/10/2022] +SL: An article from chulalongkorn university
[2:56 pm, 10/10/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. My consideration for nasal spray solution is very simple - to block covid infection (in which the current covid vaccination injection - is not as effective).
It rely on injection vaccination to boost immunity anti-body to "block infection" - and when the anti-bodies decline over the months - covid will still infect.
Hence, covid vaccine injection - need yearly booster.
2. But if nasal spray solution is effective - it block the source of covid infection - that is through the nose and throat.
If covid cannot infect human by the nose and throat, it will stop and terminate covid ability to survive as it need to infect host enmass to survive.
If not able to do so, covid like SARs will be eradicated.
(In theory).
3. As more than 90% of the population have 3 jabs - that means our B-cell and T-cell have learned about covid - to be able to fight covid if infected - albeit not as strong as if we keep getting booster - hence body defense system is already reinforce - but not as good if compare to one that get the booster.
4. Now as we wait "long long" for nasal spray solution or equivalent solutions (could be non-nasal) to emerge --- my improvised solutions is to rely on "face mask" which have been effective to date.
[2:59 pm, 10/10/2022] +Smiley face: MOH will do PCR test on walk-in patient, to any clinic, who has sore throat, running nose or cough symptom.
The PCR test is to determine whether is COVID or influenza or common cold bugs or others.
A VERY GOOD early Care and effort by MOH, appreciated! Kudos!
[3:01 pm, 10/10/2022] +Smiley face: FREE PCR worry!
Well done, MOH!
[3:01 pm, 10/10/2022] +RH: Pfizer version of bivalent ... Not announced yet .
[3:02 pm, 10/10/2022] +SL: polyclinic you means for the PCR?
[3:04 pm, 10/10/2022] +SL:
Approved 2 days ago by Canada govt
[3:23 pm, 10/10/2022] +Smiley face: Hi SL
Including Private GP clinics.
It is VERY helpful in EARLY medical diagnostics and if necessary speedy interventions to NIMBLE Covid or Influenza or BOTH together aka 'Flunona'.
Thank you SL for raising it to better inform all of us.
[3:25 pm, 10/10/2022] +SL: Cool, PRC, last round they swab me with ART only. We help each other in align to the latest for effective discussion. ππ
[3:25 pm, 10/10/2022] +SL: Thank you
[3:27 pm, 10/10/2022] +RH: Then it's just a matter of time for us to get it over here.
[3:29 pm, 10/10/2022] +Smiley face: ART at times may not pick up covid and especially influenza bug...
Therefore, no worry, don't be anxious or be fearful, this PCR test (FOC paid for by MOH) is VERY GOOD in determining the status of one's health. Within 24hrs, results will be out and the clinic or doctor will brief the patient.
Kudos again to MOH for this NECESSARY AND SMART thinking!
[3:31 pm, 10/10/2022] +Smiley face: You got it, SL!
Let's be CALM and Brave, walk this path towards the end(emic)! No worry (沑δΊ)!
[3:32 pm, 10/10/2022] +Smiley face: More than 3/4 PCR tests are common cold!
[4:55 pm, 10/10/2022] +Smiley face:
[5:02 pm, 10/10/2022] +Smiley face:
[6:06 pm, 10/10/2022] +REACH: π’ Topic π’
The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced on Friday that vaccination -differentiated measures (VDS) will no longer be required for events with more than 500 participants, nightlife establishments where there is dancing and dining at food and beverage establishments, including hawker centres.
Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said: "This means that vaccination has become our primary defence against the virus. While the situation remains stable now, new and more dangerous variants may surface in the northern winter. We need to get ourselves properly vaccinated in anticipation of that scenario. Do so early, rather than try our luck and not strengthen our protection when we have the time and space to."
π¬ What are your views on the latest announcements by…
[6:46 pm, 10/10/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[7:00 pm, 10/10/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan π
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