REACH 313 - What are your views on the latest COVID-19 measures? How can we continue to guard against Omicron while heading into the festive season? (SK)
24 Jan 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[9:46 am, 24/01/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
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Megan π
[10:00 am, 24/01/2022] +REACH: π’ Topic π’
New measures were announced on 21 Jan (Fri) by the multi-ministry task force on Covid-19 to help Singapore prepare to deal with the new Omicron wave.
π¬ What are your views on the latest COVID-19 measures? How can we continue to guard against Omicron while heading into the festive season?
The key announcements are detailed below:
π No change to current SMMs for Chinese New Year; group sizes to remain at 5
Group sizes will remain capped at five people for social gatherings, or five unique visitors per day for house visits.
π Those aged 12 to 17 must take booster from 14 Mar to be deemed fully vaccinated
Young people aged 12 to 17 will have to take a Covid-19 booster shot to keep their fully vaccinated status with effect from 14 Mar.
π VTL travellers to take ART only if they leave home, no need to report results
Those entering Singapore through VTLs from 24 Jan (Mon) will need to swab themselves only on days they wish to head out, and are no longer required to submit their ART results online as long as they ensure they are Covid-19 negative before going out.
π Maximum isolation period shortened to seven days for some
The maximum isolation period for fully vaccinated individuals and children below the age of 12 will be shortened from 10 days to seven days, given Omicron's shorter infectious period.
π In-person visits to hospital wards and residential care homes suspended
Visits to all hospital wards and residential care homes will be stopped from 24 Jan to 20 Feb, though hospitals and care homes have the discretion to allow visits for exceptional cases (e.g. for critically ill patients or residents).
π MOH to stop differentiating between Omicron and non-Omicron cases in daily Covid-19 reports
MOH will no longer distinguish between Omicron and non-Omicron cases, as infection numbers mostly comprise vaccinated cases experiencing mild to no symptoms and are becoming less meaningful indicators, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung.
[10:16 am, 24/01/2022] +RH: π€ Ther wl always be ppl who think : "Since ther's no need to report, then wat's the point of even doing a test before I go out? "
[10:17 am, 24/01/2022] +Caleb: maybe let them filled up a form, then when they do safeentry, can allow them in.
Else no submission, no entry to malls, F&B or anywhere need to do safeentry
[10:18 am, 24/01/2022] +RH: Just another case in point for ppl to circumvent the system.
No need to report - therefore no need to show, since no one is looking.
Hv we become so 'trusting' tt we rely on every individual to be responsible?
I know offhand (and hv seen) many irresponsible people who flout the rules, simply because it's more convenient to do so, since no one is checking anymore!
[10:19 am, 24/01/2022] +RH: It makes a joke out of the rest of us who follow the rules....
[10:20 am, 24/01/2022] +RH: Perhaps get the ppl to take a screenshot of their results and save it, to show when asked.
[10:21 am, 24/01/2022] +RH: As we now know fr ytd's news, even our own citizens hv found a way to cheat the system... By gg to someone for fake test results... π€
[10:23 am, 24/01/2022] +RH: π€¦πΌ♀️π€¦πΌ♀️π€¦πΌ♀️π€¦πΌ♀️
[10:31 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: Can't legislate for personal responsibility. I appreciate the Gov showing trust in its population.
[10:32 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: It's good to see Gov treating us like adults, and reducing the burden on free movement where possible.
[10:32 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: I'm not sure the point of the 5 person limit anymore, and hoping after CNY this can be removed, or at least increased to 8 or 10 again.
[10:33 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: Yes - it's a shame people do stuff like this, but it can't be stopped really. Only can threaten with very stiff penalties to put people off.
[10:34 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: Well over half the people I know living abroad have had Covid, some more than once. It's unpleasant, like a flu and I don't want to catch it, but equally, we do have to start moving on.
[10:35 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: The social impact we have had for 2 years now it really beginning to bite. The expense of overhead of restricting people in and out of malls isn't really doing much anymore, is it?
[10:36 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: The vaccines are very effective at preventing serious illness and now the kids are all getting vaccinations as well, but March I'm looking forward to a significant reduction in restrictions.
[10:36 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: *by March
[10:37 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: Yes it does, but ultimately we are highly unlikely to catch it because we do follow the guidelines.
[10:52 am, 24/01/2022] +RH: ππ»Yes, indeed. Tt is the only silver lining in the cloud.
[11:03 am, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: I think once again,G/MOH needs to make its stance clearer.
Are we ready to move closer to normalisation? Timelines/Milestones?
What is the rationale? 90% vaxxed population/Mild symptoms, low hospitalisation rate for Omicron patients/Omicron crowding out other variants/potentially boost herd immunity?
The policies/restrictions must he coherent and consistent, otherwise not only will we see higher non-compliance rate, but worse, cause greater social division.
[11:04 am, 24/01/2022] +Rama: Exactly
[11:06 am, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: Communicate, communicate, communicate. Whatever the decision is, make the stance clear and align policies/restrictions/guidelines accordingly and urgently.
[11:16 am, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
I am only concern with 3 main groups of the population with Omicron infecting more people daily :-
1. 120,000 adults and elderly unvaccinated.
2. Children with 1 dose.
Younger children below 5 years unvaccinated.
3. 45% of People above 11 years old and not yet received the booster.
Omicron seems to be less potent to people who get 3 shots.
I believe if all the above 3 groups of our population are covered - we will see Omicron infection declining - and we can then start to relax our measures once Omicron infection reach the peak and start declining.
Now the various indicators are pointing to Omicron surging and we still have not see the peak yet.
[11:21 am, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. Daily infection rate see a very sharp U-shape upturn.
2. Weekly infection growth similarly demonstrate a very sharp U-shape upturn.
3. Hospitals number also see a more gradual U-shape curve forming.
4. To a lesser extent, serious illness, oxygen support and ICU a slight uptick.
[11:21 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: I look to the last year. We were told to get vaccinated to relax the measures, then there was a peak and measures tightened. Then we were told to get a booster to relax the measures and then a variant came and we didn't. I support 3 jabs, but no longer see that as contigent on relaxing measures. I don't think the 2 are related any more.
[11:22 am, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Only death rate remain more stable.
[11:25 am, 24/01/2022] +BL: Yes, despite the large increase in cases.
[11:31 am, 24/01/2022] +SL: Omicron should not be considered as the yardstick. It should be something more holistic. Variants are popping up here and there in many countries, and reporting is confusing; Omicron seems to be in nyc before sa.
[11:43 am, 24/01/2022] +SL: WHO on 29-Dec-2021 said, “2022 can mark the end of COVID's acute stage” what happened @ global now seems not in line with projection, USA CDC announcement weeks ago on a higher grade (n95) of mask and their media assessment and reporting of the covid situation in the particular country itself seems not aligned. The country with the most advanced medical tech and resourceful is still in crisis mode. What to expect from the rest of the world?
[0:03 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
1. High Vaccination is our mainstay solution that bring about this happy situation - of course mask, social distancing measures, VDS etc also play an important eco-system of the total solution:-
a. Relatively low death
b. Serious illness eg. Oxygen support, ICU keep in control
c. Hospital number keep respectable.
2. To keep our population properly protected - 3 jab vaccination is the current most potent solution - to help our population attain "Super Human Immunity" - to maintain the above "happy situation" - not only against normal covid, the more deadly Delta and other future covid variants.
Because though anti-bodies do wane overtime, the B-cell and T-cell retain and produce by our bone marrow and immunity system through the 3 jab vaccination - will keep our population relatively healthy and strong to defend against the covid and its variants - because Corona virus main engine core is still covid (else it will be disease X).
3. Hence I agree with our government stance of ramping up vaccination among our population to achieve the 3 jab vaccination.
4. We still have some milestone to achieve - namely the 3 main groups identified above.
5. Until we have effectively cover all the 3 groups - we can slowly but surely slide our Middle Path Endemic scale forward and relax more measures.
6. As the current indicators show, we still need to maintain our current measures - while we need to ramp up to cover the 3 main groups in our vaccination strategy.
[0:18 pm, 24/01/2022] +Smiley face:
[1:30 pm, 24/01/2022] +REACH: Iras warns of tax reimbursement phishing scam website
The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (Iras) on Monday (Jan 24) warned of a scam involving a fake website that invites users to submit personal data to get a tax reimbursement.
[1:30 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Just a side track:-
1. Hope that the government will not allow CPF withdrawal after 55 years old of all ordinary account and special account to be done fully online into our bank account.
2. Withdrawal should require the person to go down personally to CPF board to fill up a physical form in addition to online application.
3. Reason is, with phishing scam so predominant and potent, anyone whose user credentials are stolen by the hacker through phishing attempt will see the user life savings be stolen online in one swop.
4. Just relying on Singpass SSO as the sole authentication mechanism to verify the user credentials is not fully secured.
5. For serious and urgent consideration.
[1:35 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
All these are attempt to phish the User Singpass credentials.
And the likely biggest target is to steal the CPF Life saving - especially those 55 years old and above - where their life savings can be stolen online in one swop.
[1:45 pm, 24/01/2022] +BL: As long as the account is in the correct name and can't be changed online then the money can only be sent to that account.
[1:47 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: they are in crisis mode because their society is divided. Only half the population is fully vaccinated. It has less to do with how advanced medical care is over there.
[1:48 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: and many are against basic preventive measures such as mask wearing and social distancing
[1:54 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
I have not withdraw from the CPF.
But there are several withdrawal ways that can be done online.
I have no idea whether hackers can compromise the above withdrawal methods and steal CPF members life savings or not.
I feel more secure only if:-
1. I apply withdrawal online.
2. I appear in person at CPF board to sign a physical form in the presence of the CPF officer to verify my identity.
3. Only then I and CPF board - will be double confirm and double chops that the user is an authentic one. Not a hacker masquerading as the user to withdraw the life savings.
[1:57 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: Hmmm..... but then if the person then puts the cash back into a bank account that has online banking / funds transfer service wouldn't we be back to square one again π
[1:58 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: And i can already foresee the outcry from some quarters who would see this as an attempt to make it more difficult to access one's CPF monies π
[1:58 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
With digital banking - online security and online verification of user identity become extremely crucial.
More safeguard need to put in place to protect the life savings of the population.
[1:59 pm, 24/01/2022] +Neeyor:
The truth is many of these Cyber crimes are state sponsored or state tolerated (N Korea for former and Russia for latter). This is increasingly a geopolitical issue that will need more states putting pressure on these rogue countries
[2:04 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: Reasonable safeguards have to be in-place, but it has to be balanced against convenience and risk mitigation/implementation costs.
In an "ideal" world, we can layer unlimited security/safety protocols/processes/procedures so that it is almost hack-proof .. but in the real world, this may not be feasible.
I for one, would not agree to have to stand in line to spend another hour (maybe more?) just to access my CPF monies. Besides, who is to say you won't get robbed the moment you (picture 55yo or maybe older, possibly frail) step out of the CPF building with your "suitcase" of cash? π
[2:07 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
No need to take a suitcase of cash.
Just to sign a form to confirm the bank account online is our bank account and our identity is the real user not hackers.
[2:08 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Just now I was exploring CPF website.
You are right, on the CPF website, can online withdraw the life savings except RA and Medisave account.
Those people who have compromise their userid and password through the fake CPF email - potentially can get their life savings in CPF stolen.
1. Hacker download Singpass apps from Google playstore.
2. Key in stolen userid and password to the Singpass apps.
3. Use software to steal the SMS OTP from SS7 Telco network issue to user handphone number.
4. Complete the stolen user credentials in the hacker handphone.
5. Hacker login to user CPF and withdraw their life savings into hacker bank account - and then run away.
Scenario will be exactly the same like phishing and stealing from user life savings in OCBC bank account.
[2:08 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
I have a discussion with someone on another private site.
Just an illustration.
[2:13 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: Quite sure the funds can only be transferred to an account with the same Beneficial Owner/name. There are safeguards against 3rd party transfers, both incoming and outgoing. And unusual transactions monitoring which will most likely flag the transfer attempt for closer scrutiny ..even if (or in fact especially if( you are someone who is regularly moving hundreds of thousands of dollars frequently.
[2:16 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Well having say so.
I will still feel safer to book a time with CPF to do it manually.
Except if user credentials are stolen by hackers, their life savings can be stolen online especially if it can be transferred to an overseas bank account.
Not sure how hackers compromise that - but it doesn't look like a rocket science to do so.
[2:17 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: Maybe all it takes to prevent CPF monies to be stolen in the scenario described, is simply to have the beneficiary pre-assign (at least 6 months in advance?), a bank account that was created more than 1 year ago and for any change to the "transfer account" details to be more closely scrutinised eg. at least 1 week to take effect and/or in person verifications etc.
[2:18 pm, 24/01/2022] +Caleb:
[2:19 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
I have no issues with whatever good ideas adopted by CPF and the government.
As long as safeguard are put in place to protect CPF members life savings.
It will be very troubling if people's life savings are lost just like that to hackers
[2:24 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: It won't be the first not the last time this happen(ed)... in the past, it was PRC mistresses π
[2:26 pm, 24/01/2022] +Rama: Yes
[2:26 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
But this recent wave seems to be a large scale, well coordinated attempts to launch a widescale phishing scam attacks on Singapore - government and financial sector.
It is not a random attack - but a well planned one.
[2:26 pm, 24/01/2022] +Rama: Agree
[2:26 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
OCBC phishing attacks were 'fast and furious' and 'well-strategised', says group CEO.
[2:29 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: Not saying that OCBC is lying.. but honestly, were you expecting them to say otherwise? π
[2:31 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: I think this is getting so much attention now, partly because OCBC decided to reimburse the victims AND publicise the fact that they made everyone whole, perhaps thinking that this would buy them some brownie points
[2:31 pm, 24/01/2022] +Anthony: I urge CPF board stop employee contribution for those earning less salary if below $1000 monthly,
It was abusing those earning less salary worker hardship doesn't turn into fully reward after whole month of effort for Part Time Worker & earning less.
Food Price Has being hike recent months
Government should open more cheap & affordable cafe or canteen or Low income coffeeshop for all those low income families 24/7
A Good & Caring Government should be place all this necessities to Public for needs
[2:34 pm, 24/01/2022] +SL: Regardless of their population numbers, advance medical, in theory, should be able to take care of outbreaks/pandemics. It seems like they still need to go back to the human factor.
[2:36 pm, 24/01/2022] +SL: Both figures Reported for CA are even higher than TX.. hence whether society is divided seems not the factor.
[2:41 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: maybe in theory .. but in reality, many more moving parts and curve balls
[2:49 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: When the people - who needs to be the ones doing the deed - can't agree on what the right course of action is, and mostly focused on individual needs/wants rather than considering the needs of the broader community; when distrust of their own Govt devolves into a distrust of science/medicine and even logic, in a pandemic .. that, is what a divided nation looks like.
You can have the most advanced medical tools/resources in the world, but when the people that these resources/tools are designed for, refuse to use it, it makes little difference whether or not you have it or not in the first place.
[2:52 pm, 24/01/2022] +BL: Fortunately crypto transactions are all tracked, unlike cash. You can trace back every transaction to its original source.
[2:53 pm, 24/01/2022] +BL: Withdraw to where? An account with a different name?
[2:54 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: the same can be said when cash goes fully digital. Whether it is decentralised (like crypto) or not (traditionally banking) is irrelevant when it comes to transaction tracking. As long as it is a digital ledger, it will be easy to track.
[2:55 pm, 24/01/2022] +BL: No offence meant, but she would say that wouldn't she. It doesn't look good if she said it was easy for the hackers to access accounts. π
[2:55 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Withdraw to user account and then transfer to another overseas account if hackers manage to hack both Singpass and user bank account.
[2:56 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
A hacker who compromise the Singpass - will also have the bank information of the user.
[3:24 pm, 24/01/2022] +Rama: Very possible
[4:04 pm, 24/01/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We’d love to hear more from you on today's topic π
We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
[4:38 pm, 24/01/2022] +Smiley face: Indonesia to reopen Batam, Bintan to fully vaccinated Singapore travellers
[4:59 pm, 24/01/2022] +Stella Yip: +2
[5:06 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: if that is the case ie. Hacker already has the Bank account credentials, then wouldn't there be no difference whether or not the CPF is withdrawal is done in person or not? π since the moment the cash hits the bank account (from CPF), the hacker will be able to steal it, assuming it is as easy as you had described.
Don't get me wrong, I am not insisting it is impossible, but rather, the question is, how much more inconvenient will the process be versus how much (or little) more safe it makes the entire process.
[5:07 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Not surprising what these sophisticated hackers can do.
[5:08 pm, 24/01/2022] +Rama: I believe ethical hackers can shed some light.
[5:10 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: I am not saying I am surprised or don't believe what these Hackers can do .. what I am saying is that, precisely because I agree with you, that the Hackers are capable of doing that - hacking into the Bank account - that the proposal to withdraw CPF money through an offline process does not mitigate the risk described ie. extra inconvenience and effort for no additional (security) gains
[5:11 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: Because ultimately, you are using an offline process as an additional verification - not easily hacked - to transfer the money into a Bank Account that can be accessed online....\
[5:12 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
My proposal is safeguard those people whose Singpass and bank account not compromise.
Those whose Singpass and bank account compromise - hard luck.
Got to change Singpass credentials and bank account credentials.
[5:13 pm, 24/01/2022] +Rama: Looking forward to update from GovTech
[5:13 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: while strictly speaking .. that 1 step of transferring the money out from CPF OA/SA is secure .. the subsequent processes are basically back at square one π
[5:14 pm, 24/01/2022] +Rama: π±π¨ππ³
[5:15 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: if CPF and Bank account not compromised, then what is there to worry about? π
Those whose Singpass and bank account compromised, then even if you do an offline authorisation at the CPF transfer step .. the subsequent part is still compromised right? π
[5:17 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Not true.
If Singpass compromise, hacker can change bank account that is not compromised to one that is compromised for example.
[5:18 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Physical visit to CPF will ensure this is not done by hacker.
[5:19 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: unless you take the $ offline immediately - ie. collect all that money in cash, through an offline verification (in-person), and stash it under your pillow/bed .. but then again .. that process of transporting the cash from CPF building to home (robbery and stashing cash at home (burglary) brings its own set of risks? ππ
[5:19 pm, 24/01/2022] +Rama: Our grandparents would have done this
[5:20 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: yes ... correct ... so this step is safe .. but then what next?? Where is the money now? Bank right? So, if I were the hacker, I will still just focus on the bank hack lor ππππ
[5:20 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
I agree in digital banking - if online security is not rock solid, such sense of insecurity will be there.
OCBC breach clearly bring such fear to the forefront.
[5:21 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Not true.
Hacker can withdraw your CPF online even though you don't want to withdraw.
If physical presence is required, hackers can't do this.
[5:22 pm, 24/01/2022] +Caleb: actually now some banks allow to login to the digital banking via Singpass mobile app
[5:23 pm, 24/01/2022] +Joseph: yes.. so if you have a rock solid process for the CPF withdrawal step .. .as a hacker, i just wait for the mioney to hit the bank account lor... ππππ
ok.. i really dont know how to make it more simply .. so, I am going to stop here ππππ
[5:23 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
With no physical presence, hacker can withdraw your life savings in CPF as well as your bank account in one fell swop.
[5:23 pm, 24/01/2022] +Caleb: but Singpass mobile app, will need thumbprint or PIN code to proceed to login
[5:23 pm, 24/01/2022] +Rama: 2FA
[5:28 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
This is exactly what user furnish to hacker phishing web - IC and password.
And hacker steal the SMS OTP from SS7 network issue to the user phone number.
[5:29 pm, 24/01/2022] +Caleb: the 2FA is ur fingerprint recognition
[5:29 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
So userid, password and OTP stolen - gain access and create user credentials in hacker handphone.
[5:30 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Unless user use fingerprint biometric.
But the current Singpass is userid and password.
[5:31 pm, 24/01/2022] +Caleb:
[5:32 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Where is the biometric option in the Singpass page?
[5:33 pm, 24/01/2022] +Caleb: u need to use the Singpass mobile app
[5:34 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Many users being phish have supplied their password unknowingly.
This is what I mean.
[5:35 pm, 24/01/2022] +Caleb: Without the need to enter my Singpass ID and password, is Singpass app considered to be only one-factor authentication? Is Singpass app safe to use?
Singpass app is a mode of two-factor authentication (2FA). It involves:
1. The app that is in your mobile phone (what you have), and
2. Your biometrics (what you are) such as fingerprint or face, or 6-digit passcode (what you know)
[5:35 pm, 24/01/2022] +Caleb: so when are login is attempt, Singpass need 2FA.
So if u have singpass mobile app to login, you will need No. 2 above
[5:36 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
I know.
I am using my Singpass mobile apps as my 2fa.
But many users are not.
This is what I am saying.
[5:37 pm, 24/01/2022] +Caleb: π
[5:41 pm, 24/01/2022] +BL: Yay!
[5:45 pm, 24/01/2022] +Smiley face: Three areas to watch as Singapore battles Omicron: Ong Ye Kung
[5:48 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Note even if you use mobile apps as 2fa to login into your Singpass - but if you unknowingly furnish your IC and password and hp number to the hacker, the hacker still can hijack your Singpass credentials.
This is what I am concerned about.
So everyone no matter how IT savvy can be hook and duped and life savings can be stolen.
This is the whole gist of my concern.
Else the current wave of hacker attack in phishing Singapore Singpass through various fake government website and banks that uses Singpass - really make me sit up.
[5:55 pm, 24/01/2022] +REACH: Children aged 5 to 11 can walk in with parents for vaccination without appointment
Children aged 5 to 11 will be able to walk in to any paediatric vaccination centre with their parents from Tuesday (Jan 25) for their vaccination without making an appointment.
[6:13 pm, 24/01/2022] +REACH: Three areas to watch as Singapore battles Omicron: Ong Ye Kung
As Singapore tackles the Omicron wave, three areas loom large in the Health Ministry's assessment of the situation, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung.
These are: the country's intensive care unit (ICU) capacity, hospitalisation rates and the impact of the highly infectious variant on the country's manpower resources.
[6:37 pm, 24/01/2022] +REACH: PM Lee, Indonesia's Jokowi to meet in Bintan for first Leaders' Retreat since 2019
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will visit Bintan on Tuesday (Jan 25) to attend the Singapore-Indonesia Leaders' Retreat hosted by Indonesian President Joko Widodo.
At their meeting, the two leaders will review the progress made on bilateral cooperation since the last Leaders' Retreat in Singapore in 2019, and discuss ways to expand collaboration in key areas of priority for both countries, the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) said in a statement on Monday (Jan 24).
[6:39 pm, 24/01/2022] ☸️ Danny εΏ:
Synch with the CNA indicators charts that is mentioned earlier.
[6:46 pm, 24/01/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[6:59 pm, 24/01/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan π
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