Saturday, August 8, 2015

Workers’ Party absent in second round of multi-party Opposition talks

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
A coalition government will BREAK Singapore.

Just like what this Opposition has demonstrated. A coalition Opposition will BREAK Singapore.

It is not a curse.

It is Universal Wisdom ---- because the Heart and Mind, the Wisdom and the motives and aspiration --- are not the same.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    The outcome of a coalition government or an Opposition run government - will doom Singapore to become worst than what we Singaporeans are going through now.

    Singapore will decay - like a termite effect - that will "mediocre" through the government administration - and slide downwards.
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    A coalition government will BREAK Singapore.

    Just like what this Opposition has demonstrated. A coalition Opposition will BREAK Singapore.

    It is not a curse.

    It is Universal Wisdom ---- because the Heart and Mind, the Wisdom and the motives and aspiration --- are not the same.
    • ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Law of Diminishing returns will sets in ---- when the number of Opposition increase to a point --- where efficient and effective Government will no longer be possible ------ and what Singaporeans will reap is no longer what Governance will benefit them --- but will become a limbo government, or deadlock government ---- like what US is going through now --- where incumbent Government Administration is not able to push through important pact like TPP, even concluded deal with foreign Governments can be blocked by opposition.

      This is where Law of Diminishing returns - that compromise effective and efficient governance sets in.

      This coming GE face the real risk - of such scenarios happening.

      And Singaporeans will be doing themselves in by bringing themselves from Heaven to Hell ---- when Singaporeans are not voting with their Wise Mind but with their Emotional Heart.

      This GE need to be dominated by Panna Wisdom, not by Emotional Heart ---- if Singaporeans do not want to DOOM ourselves !!!

      This is the words of the DIVINITY !!! 
      ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Protest votes to punish PAP, will boomerang back to Singaporeans -- and punish ourselves ---- and all 抱住一起死。一失足成千古恨,回头已是白年生。

      Singaporeans may over-correct the political dimension in Singapore - and doom ourselves in if we continue to vote with EMOTION and not with COOL and SENSIBLE MINDS. 
      ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      The darkness will arrive and many many more years will we see the emergence of white --- daylight --- if we vote emotionally and not rationally. 

      ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      This is the prophecy of the Divinity.......
      確记,確记 。。。。。。。。。。
      ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      Singaporeans by taking revenge with protest votes to punish PAP ---- in fact punish ourselves ---- by betting and gambling our very own Singaporeans future, our very own lives, our children's lives, our parents lives, our fellow Singaporeans' lives.

      Singaporeans think it is fun to punish PAP with protest votes.

      Singaporeans think that we feel supreme - able to punish PAP with our votes.

      But Singaporeans will never imagine that by punishing PAP ---- Singaporeans are punishing ourselves ====== by pledging ourselves with untested, inexperience, dubious Opposition who have never demonstrated and proof themselves in financial management, in trade management, in security management, in defense, in healthcare, in housing development, in foreign affairs, in environmental management, in water management, in every aspects of managing and running the Country.

      And yet Singaporeans are willing to pledge our own lives and our children lives and our parents' lives ==== on dubious Opposition to manage and run OUR LIVES !!!

      Singaporeans will be PLAYING WITH FIRE !!!!

      And if the FIRE burn and run out of control --- in this coming GE ------ then Singaporeans will be playing with 六霉真火 - and BURN ourselves (everyone in Singapore) to death ---- no one is spare ---- by playing with the holy votes. 
      ricky l
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      ricky l • a second agoRemove
      PAP will just lose some more candidates if Singaporeans vote irrationally. And Singaporeans will be elated for a short term.

      But in medium term and long term ----- the one that truly suffer will be ALL SINGAPOREANS --- the very one that vote out PAP to punish PAP.

      The one who have the last laugh is not the Singaporeans that vote out PAP or the Opposition that take over PAP.

      The one with the last laugh will be PAP ----- who laugh at Singaporeans foolishness who vote them out --- where PAP can actually bring a better lives for Singaporeans --- not the dubious, untested Oppositions who claim they can do a better job than PAP. 

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