Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Are Humans Really Part Of A Game For Robots? Scientists Claim The Universe Could Be FAKE

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
According to the Diamond Sutra - sentinent beings' "Life is an illusion" - which is Impermanent under the Universal Law - we are born, alive, decay and demise and rebirth.

Only Nirvana is Permanent - and is not an illusion.

Scientist discovery gel with Nirvana experience - that are attained by Enlightened Beings.

In Nirvana, it is a state of no birth, no death, no sufferings, no karma, no pain and it embrace the entire Universe (irregardless of its state) - Permanent.

It is the opposite pole of Universal Life - birth, death, sufferings, karma, pain and we are just a minute beings in the vast Universe.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Will Singapore become the Greece of South-East Asia --- when Opposition take over the Government after running for 5 years and struggle to recover like Greece?

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