Dr M: Crime to even talk about 1MDB

ricky l • Remove
Dr M is willing to talk and criticize about everything :-Reply
(1) to bring down any PMs of Malaysia regardless of who he is - as he believe he is the best and no one else except himself can be the best PM for Malaysia. Thus whoever as PM of Malaysia will be at great risk of being brought down by Dr M.
(2) Dr M is willing to exploit racial issue, religious issue - by manifesting its fault lines instead of preserving harmony and minimize friction at the expense of Malaysia stability, peace and progress - to satisfy his own ego and his personal interest.
(3) Dr M will exploit any issues within the Government administration or UMNO to bring down anyone he dislike or who is not listening to his abiding - even at the detriment of his Party - to inflate his ego and satisfy his personal interest.
So Dr M is not a Saint that he claim himself to be.
Whoever as PM in Malaysia will be perilous as long as Dr M is around and is always meddling with the Government administration - and making the Government a lame duck at his mercy.
Just look at all the PMs after him ---- did Dr M personally bring them all down or has attempted to bring them all down?

ricky l • Remove
Dr M is actually guilty of :-
(1) Scheming to bring down any elected serving PMs of Malaysia.
(2) Causing schism within the people of Malaysia by playing on and creating racial hatred and religious hatred.
(3) cause division within his own party and cause his party to split and disunited.
ricky l • Remove
If Dr M is a Saint of Malaysia, do you think he will :-
(1) Meddle in the Government Administration and trying to topple all the PMs of Malaysia - all the past records show Dr M active interference to bring down all the past PMs by instigating and bring up all sort of charges against the past PMs.
(2) Dr M has been inciting racial hatred and religious hatred by playing Malays against the rest of minorities - at the expenses of disharmony and instability to Malaysia.
(3) Did Dr M not causing disunity and disharmony within UMNO throughout his period of influence and if he want his party to perform well, will he time and again play his members against one and another?
So is Dr M is a Saint of Malaysia?
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