GE2015: The prodigal son returns home
By Vignesh Louis Naidu | Yahoo Newsroom – Fri, Aug 28, 2015
ricky l • Remove
PAP Acknowledging people’s concerns – such as healthcare costs, housing affordability, the middle income squeeze, competition for jobs especially for PMETs and older workers – the manifesto notes: “The PAP has worked hard to address these concerns. We have taken in views and ideas from thousands of people, and developed policies which are working.”Reply
If PAP can resolved the above - especially competition for jobs for PMETs and older workers, middle income squeeze - then PAP winning the election with more votes will be higher.
This is the major grievances. (squeezing the jobs out of Singaporeans is the root cause of the grievances).
ricky l • Remove
I believe PAP will succeed in resolving this major grievances after this election.
And crippling PAP's abilities to do so will not be wise.
ricky l • Remove
By further crippling the number of PAP candidates - will bring about a Law of Diminishing Returns in Governance - and overall Singapore will suffer.
Over correction of the political dimension in Singapore - will be detrimental to all Singaporeans.
Punishing PAP further - will in return punished ourselves and in return, Singaporeans will suffer.
PAP Manifesto that has been just unveiled --- correctly point out the problems and issues that some Singaporeans are suffering from.
By bringing them out in the open and make it the PAP Manifesto - means PAP is determined to address the issues convincingly, not shirking responsibilities - but make it a resolve to tackle them.
As voters, if PAP has this resolve, we should support them.
Because, no Oppositions will be able to solve those issues mentioned.
In fact, Opposition performance in managing the town council is disappointing, and where does our money goes?
ricky l • Remove
In this GE election, Singapore has reached a cornerstone - a wrong move will send a wrong signal - ie. Singaporeans do not agree with PAP manifesto - ie. to address people’s concerns – such as healthcare costs, housing affordability, the middle income squeeze, competition for jobs especially for PMETs and older workers.
By further crippling PAP's numbers - will cripple PAP's abilities to resolve the above Singaporean's problem.
Singaporeans want PAP to resolve the above problem, and Singaporeans then should vote to support the PAP manifesto ---- ie. to solve our problem, our Singaporean's problem of competition for jobs especially for PMETs and older workers, the middle income squeeze, healthcare cost and housing affordability.
ricky l • Remove
Since 1960s when PAP led by the then Mr Lee Kuan Yew, he promises Singaporeans that there will be jobs, houses, healthcare, education etc ---- and time and again PAP has delivered. That is why PAP has been able to win election after election.
Jobs, housing, healthcare, education etc ---- are still the same issue in our modern world 2015 and beyond.
PAP is now making its Election Manifesto - to address them, the same promise that are make by previous PAP pioneers.
I believe, and I believe many critics of PAP also in their hearts believe - only PAP can deliver and make it better for Singaporeans not any Opposition groups can do it.
Thus, Singaporeans voters should be careful not to cripple the PAP, not to diminish the number unnecessarily that will bring miseries to ourselves ---- just when PAP is making a resolve in their Manifesto to do so.
ricky l • Remove
Singaporeans genuinely want the party to be able solve their issues and problems to be able to live well, have jobs, have affordable housing etc in Singapore.
Which party can actually do it for us?
PAP? WP or other Opposition Parties?
I think everyone's answer (including the fiercest critics, even the Oppositions who are contesting against PAP) will be the same.
That is - only PAP can do it - no other parties, not even WP who openly acknowledge.
Then should we vote against PAP's manifesto - of solving PMET and older workers job for us?
Should we vote against PAP's manifesto - of resolving the middle income squeeze, the affordable healthcare, housing etc for us?
Thus we as voters have to be careful --- not to over correct the political dimension in this coming GE ---- which will condemn ourselves ---- not the PAP into a living hell.

If you think the Opposition
has done well in town council and in Parliament - then you are fooling yourself
and Singaporeans.
As managing agent of the town council, you are entrusted to look after the money that you have collected from the residents, not to run into deficit after 1 term.
As managing agent of the town council, you are entrusted to look after the money that you have collected from the residents, not to run into deficit after 1 term.

If in 1 term, the deficit
is so huge - then after another term of 5 years or longer ---- how will the
town council be finance - when the town council run out of money and go into big
debts ----- like Greece in Europe?
Do you think Opposition supporters like you will bail the town council out through "crowd funding"?
Do you think Opposition supporters like you will bail the town council out through "crowd funding"?
ricky l • Remove
With deficit now, where does the town council get the money to finance the town council operation?
Borrow with interest, run into debts?
Then what happen after that, fold up and declare bankrupt ---- like any company running into trouble?
ricky l • Remove
Then the residents who pay the town council monthly charges ---- go into a black hole to pay debts --- instead of being put into good used to keep the estate clean and accumulated into sinking fund for future refurbishment.
Do you think residents are happy now?
You will be foolish to think that residents are happy now.
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