After Low Yat violence, time to revisit shelved laws against hate crimes?

ricky l • Remove
It is important that secular leaders and religious leaders should refrain from "sowing seeds of hatred" especially along racial line and religious line in Malaysia.Reply
Initial peaceful state - can turn violence if racial divide and religious hatred are brought up time and again by secular leaders and religious leaders.
All the speech in hatred will be "deposit" in the subconscious mind of the people, hatred become inherent and it will take one seemingly unmotivated incident to trigger a racial incident.
This Low Yat incident is a good incident of such manifestation.
Malaysia should learn from this incident and refrain to incite racial hatred further - before it become serious and turn into the 1969 incidents where bloodshed along racial line break out and run out of control.
ricky l • Remove
The biggest losers if racial hatred go out of control in Malaysia - will be everyone resident in Malaysia - where investors will stay out, tourist will stop visiting Malaysia, money will be pulled out from Malaysia ---- and common people will not dare to walk out into the street - as their safety and security is not guaranteed.
Thus those who incite and seed racial hatred and religious hatred - will carry a very heavy karma because hatred words ---- kill the mass - by inciting violence and many innocents will suffer the consequences from this "hatred seeds" - and the karma is EXTREMELY HEAVY.
ricky l • Remove
There is fault lines in the society.
Secular leaders and religious leaders should attempt to mend the fault lines.
Not widen the fault lines - 惟恐天下不乱 - and everything will go out of control.
ricky l • Remove
Trust among the racial community must be established - not driving mistrust among the different racial community.
Bridging groups among the racial community must be forged - so that in any event where untoward incident such as the Low Yat incident arises, bridging group must step in to pacify the situation and cool the tension - so that it will not escalate and turn into something very ugly and go out of control.
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