Wednesday, February 12, 2025

REACH (Telegram) 57 - What are your thoughts about Minister Chan's vision and plans for Singapore's education system?


12 Feb 2025 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 9:54 AM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 10:00 AM]

📢 Topic 📢

At the MOE X NIE X IPS Lecture on 11 Feb (Tuesday), Minister Chan said that lasting educational reforms require not only structural changes but also shifts in societal mindsets and culture.

💬 What are your thoughts about Minister Chan's vision and plans for Singapore's education system?

He was delivering an address to about 500 graduating student-teachers from NIE and guests at an event jointly hosted by MOE, IPS, and NIE, as part of celebrations marking SG60 and MOE's 70th anniversary.

📌 Societal attitudes need to evolve

Minister Chan stressed that structural reforms alone—such as changes in the PSLE scoring system or removal of mid-year exams—will not ease academic pressure or broaden definitions of success unless societal attitudes evolve as well.

“Timing is everything. We must have the shrewd instincts to know when to lead the way with conviction and the wisdom to know when to pace ourselves with society’s shifts,” he said, citing how our pioneer leaders introduced academic streaming despite initial resistance due to their long-term benefits but took a gradual approach towards bilingualism instead.

Minister Chan said that full subject-based banding was implemented recently as conditions were ready and schools had the resources and capability to implement it. The change is meant to address stigma and meet evolving aspirations.

📌 Personalising education

“We will continue to support greater customisation of education to meet diverse abilities, needs, interests and aspirations,” he said.

He outlined how there are plans to tap into artificial intelligence and data to meet the unique needs of each individual student and to create, in effect, a class size of one.

📌 Lifelong learning in an increasingly complex world

Minister Chan said global trends such as the spread of social media, rapid technological developments and rising protectionism pose new challenges.

"The second shift is pushing ahead with lifelong learning efforts and encouraging people to pick up new and relevant skills after leaving school", adding that the pedagogy of adult education needs to be better understood.

📌 Upholding an open and compassionate meritocracy

Singapore must maintain its pursuit for excellence while upholding an "open, continuous and compassionate meritocracy", Minister Chan said.

He noted that in addition to efforts to help each individual realise their fullest potential, education policies need to deliberately foster inclusion and mixing.

The education sector also needs to stay united, said Minister Chan, rejecting the notion that “good teachers only go to good schools”.

“Our attitude and behaviour towards educators will determine the quality of people who will join us in educating the next generation, which will, in turn, determine the quality of our education system and the quality of our people.”

🔗 [ST]

🔗 [Full Speech]


REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 10:58 AM]

Dear Contributors,

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

💬 What are your thoughts about Minister Chan's vision and plans for Singapore's education system?

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active! 

Thank you!

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 11:02 AM]

[ Poll : 1. I agree that to ensure equitable opportunities for students, we should never have the case where “good teachers only go to good schools”. ]

- Agree

- Disagree

- Neutral

REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 11:02 AM]

[ Poll : 2. ⁠I agree that society’s respect for educators determines the quality of our educators, and in turn the quality of our education system. ]

- Agree

- Disagree

- Neutral

REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 11:02 AM]

[ Poll : 3. ⁠I agree that Minister Chan’s vision and plans (e.g. broader notion of success, leveraging technology for education) will result in better outcomes for students. ]

- Agree

- Disagree

- Neutral

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 11:59 AM]

*Personalising education*

1. I find this initiative particularly useful as business and work requirements increasingly become very complex. 

2. Innovation and creativity that help to create values and new ideas increasingly become important in the workplace to enhance the organisation competitiveness.

3. Hence personalisation in the education system will make each individual unique.

4. And in the context of solving work problems or proposing solutions, new breakthrough will materialise.

5. This is especially felt in University education.

6. Personalising education will also help to build creative thinking in individuals by seeing issues and problems from many angles and perspectives.

This will help to plug loopholes and blind spots in formulating solutions to problems and issues.

Adam, [12/2/2025 12:10 PM]

Humans are good at looking at patterns. What gets you far? What gets you a good job. 

Do we see meritocracy reflected in when we enter the workforce? Does some schools give more opportunities than others?

What is the purpose if sg education? One is to prepare for the workforce, but what is being taught might not be needed on the job. We can see loads of useless skillsfuture where the certs hold no value.

Or is it to teach about morals like cleaning trays or respecting diverse cultures. But with a significant portion of our population not having an local sg education, don't we need to expand the scope?

We need to reevaluate the system with the end goal in mind. What is the purpose of what we are doing.

If we educate, do we have jobs available?

If we need jobs like healthcare, shouldn't we make more slots?

If an A grade student in singapore is hard to distinguish from an A grade overseas, why are we subjecting our students to difficult assessments?

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 12:29 PM]

Whatever we learn in school need to understand. Schools should have internships. Or conduct real life scenarios for students to try out whatever they are learning.  3 days books study, 2 days real life experience

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 12:29 PM]

1. AI will increasingly become prevalent and pervasive and will be a potent tech disruptors to jobs in many industry sectors.

2. The current era of Generative AI trained in known datasets will increasingly be overtaken by Agentic AI or AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) - that can "think" and resolve problems on its own without pre trained datasets.

3. Hence our workforce got to evolve to be able to:-

a. Work alongside AI.

b. Exploit AI as tools or human assistant to improve workers productivity and not replaced by AI.

c. Navigate ourselves to be either of these categories:-

i. AI users

ii. AI developers or

iii. AI creators.

4. If our workforce are able to do so by enabling ourselves throughout our education system - then our workforce will not be displace by AI - but instead become a formidable workforce that will attract high values investment into our shores.

5. Our competitors will have a hard time catching up with us - as our knowledge driven economy power by AI will constantly create innovative high value products and services almost infinitely that no competitors able to copy or imitate.

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 12:32 PM]

Learn AI & security . Should go hand in hand.

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 12:33 PM]

We should stop face recognition when login in. Now from anyone's fb n insta can take pic create ai image use to login

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 12:34 PM]

Or scan their pic n get all info on them?

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 12:46 PM]

These are deepfake generation of video from image using multi modal AI technology.

Eg. Bytedance can create Einstein video giving speech.

But they are still not able to create biometric features with unique features, DNA from just a few pictures or videos.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 12:49 PM]

If authentication login are using video conferencing as identification of a user - then such authentication will be dangerous and not foolproof.

But Biometric features with unique features, DNA, palm vein, fingerprint, facial identity features, blood, pulse and other bio data cannot be "created" by deepfakes through videos, pictures or images uploaded into the social media. Unless such Biometric data are stolen from the biometric database.

But to be on the safe side, refrain from uploading our personal photos and videos into social media - because it still can be social engineered.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 1:06 PM]

*Lifelong learning in increasingly complex world*

1. Indeed with the advent of more and more advanced AI, geopolitical tussling, protectionism, ever evolving threat on trade and disruption of the global supply chain - lifelong learning to pre-empt and catch up with development that can threaten our stable jobs become critical.

2. For eg. US AI Big Tech unmatch advantage in Generative AI close proprietary architecture using LLM (Large Language model) requiring very powerful GPU that require massive electricity and water hosted in land hungry data centres that are very expensive - is suddenly overtaken by China DeepSeek knowledge distillation using open source that trim neural network (liken small language model) requiring less expensive and less powerful GPU and chips, less electricity, water and data centres to run.

3. China Bytedance suddenly surge in multi modal AI technology (text, image, video, audio) overtaking GAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence) that are text based.

4. US AI is suddenly breathless trying to recoup loss ground through AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and Agentic AI.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 1:10 PM]

5. Hence adult education and lifelong learning need to understand the global trend how AI evolved, what tech and business are disrupted and what new tech and business are evolving - so that our lifelong adult education will have to evolve to meet the needs of our business and skillsets and reskill and upskill our workers and make our workers relevant and safeguard their jobs.

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 1:10 PM]

The whole world will have to close their social media accounts. Everyone have their pics n videos in

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 1:12 PM]


Well that's a bit too kiasu.

But depends on individuals risk appetite.

For myself, I don't put my pictures and videos open to public.

But distribution of our pictures or videos to extended families and close friends in private encrypted channel should be ok.

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 1:15 PM]

Fingerprint has always been ok. Why make it complicated. It's like nothing better to do let's create something else(face recognition) without thinking of the consequences. Let's make everyone life difficult.  Create more problems.  Then waste more time in finding solution for the problem we have created. The cycle goes on. When something doesn't work. Stop that. Find proper solution, then bring it back

Jun Ming, [12/2/2025 1:17 PM]

The thing is finger print sometimes fail. Think about booking in and out of army camp

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 1:18 PM]

With this new ai glasses people can scan yr face n know everything about u. It's really silly. The things they r allowed to come out with in the name of technology n future😌

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 1:18 PM]

Fix the scanner

Khai Mun L., [12/2/2025 1:19 PM]

Would 'personalization of learning' lead to laziness in comfort zone or accidental discrimination?

Students don't learn something outside of their specialization, but nowadays alot of things are linked to another. IoT devices to healthcare etc.

An extreme example, male students only learn men health issues because it is relevant to them. Ignore about female health e.g. periods, pregnancy, cervix cancer etc

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 1:21 PM]

*Attitude towards our educators*

1. Just like our attitude towards anyone, our families members, to friends, to strangers, to classmates, to colleagues, to public institutions, to private organisations - our interactions should be one that is of mutual respect.

2. We must not be rude, codescending, or self righteous.

3. We must be able to emphatise - knowing and safeguarding our own rights but also stand in the shoes of the other parties to understand their perspective, their pain points - and come out with mutually beneficial solutions - without unnecessarily triggering frictions with our educators who are trying their best to do their jobs.

Khai Mun L., [12/2/2025 1:22 PM]

It'll lead to same outcome eventually. Fingerprint went away because most devices do not built-in fingerprint scanners and it is bulky.

Then that data needs to be kept somewhere, which makes it liable to be hacked. Also sharing of fingerprint across countries, not easy to do so

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 1:23 PM]

Biometric features for authentication cannot be of single source, because it will be the single point of failure.

Multi-factor authentication from a few sources will be more secured and is the best practice from security point of view.

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 1:27 PM]

Like u scan face, same way do the finger prints. No one can get yr fingerprint unless they cut yr finger

Steven Ong, [12/2/2025 1:28 PM]

IMO, market forces will continue to shift the mindset. To get 'good' jobs after graduation, companies may required one to have 'good' CV (ie papers) in order to secure an interview, based on automated selection programs. It's natural for employers to want to get the best for the 'price' they are paying. To have 'good' papers, one need to get 'good' grades. To have 'good' grades in 'good' schools, the expectations are already set for the children at the starting point. Thus, until everyone don't think having a 'good' job is necessary for a 'good' life, the competition is always there.. competition started long before the child is born and will continue till death.

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 1:28 PM]

Finger scan

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 1:28 PM]

Thinking aloud, if fingerprint data is stored in the fingerprint database.

Facial features stored in facial features database.

Palm print and fingerprint stored in print database.

Voice audio stored in audio database.


Then if APT hackers managed to hack into fingerprint database, it will not have access to all other bio data.

Then when authentication sign-in required to say for example a banking system using multi factor authentication, having fingerprint is not good enough because facial recognition fails.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 1:34 PM]

I think personalisation of education curriculum should be make up of the following components to be foolproof:-

1. Doctors need to take up compulsory subjects eg. Cannot just choose male anatomy and no female anatomy.

2. Choose specialisation subjects eg. Heart specialist or brain neuro specialist.

3. Choose subjects outside of medical curriculum eg. AI, computer science, finance.

4. General subjects eg. Geopolitical development and global trend, national development, economic.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 1:37 PM]

Then as an individual doctor, I am unique from another doctor because of my unique interest and passion - I can make use of AI, knowledge of global development in medicine evolution from global trend to propose new ideas and solutions to the hospital that I am attached to - outside of the medical training that I have received.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [12/2/2025 1:38 PM]

I will give MC to myself

Jun Ming, [12/2/2025 1:43 PM]

I not sure if doctor can give MC to themselves

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [12/2/2025 1:46 PM]

They can't. I meant it to be satire :)

REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 2:09 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 2:14 PM]

Fingerprint need to be converted into digital data - image compression and data compression and stored into a database before fingerprint authentication can be performed for sign-in.

If hackers can hacked into the database, it can steal the digital fingerprint without the needs to cut the finger.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 2:27 PM]


1. With the increasing bifurcated world, the heightening geopolitical tussling and tariffs coercion - bilingualism will be increasingly important for us to ensure we are able to communicate in English as a working language as well as a language of unity among our various racial communities.

2. Second languages can be used to liaise and communicate with foreign countries.

3. Eg. Chinese can use Mandarin to communicate with China, Taiwan, HK and other countries with Chinese diaspora.

4. Malays can be used to communicate with Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei as well as foreign countries with Malays diaspora.

5. Indians can be used to communicate with India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other countries with Indian diaspora.

6. Languages such as French, Germans, Italian, Portugese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Myanmar etc can be used to communicate with the respective Countries of origin.

7. These will help Singapore to open up opportunities for business, investment, trade, travel etc with many foreign countries all over the world to secure our future in creating business opportunities and job creation in Singapore as geopolitics tussling deepen and heighten.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 2:42 PM]

8. Hence diversity is a positive development for us (not a negative development - depending how Society view it).

9. Some countries view single race nationalist as their strength and push out diversity and minorities - due to intolerance and xenophobic views.

10. Singapore on the other hands embrace diversity, forge unity among different races and tap on the strength and values of different races to make our Nation strong and diverse - and build connection with countries all over the world through our various diaspora races.

11. Hence bilingualism is the product of our tolerant and benevolent Society whereby we accept and value diversity and view it as our strength rather than a source of friction.

12. With the unraveling of deepening tension in the Global stage, bilingualism and our diversity through mutual respect will put us in a good stead - as we will be able to navigate ourselves in the complex world to create and find niches for ourselves in business, investment and create jobs for ourselves as traditional source of our prosperity come under stress.

Indeed we are a Country rule by Saints 圣人之治。

Adam, [12/2/2025 2:43 PM]

some schools are better than others. Some bilingualism will create more opportunities. Some schools have special programme for not all languages. And some jobs require languages that might not be required.

Adam, [12/2/2025 2:45 PM]

Compare malay to chinese, which will a eurasian benefit more? Have we created as much opportunities for minorities? Both in education and jobs

Adam, [12/2/2025 2:46 PM]

Why are we teaching Tamil when hindi is more used in India?

Adam, [12/2/2025 2:47 PM]

And to be more diverse, shouldnt we change to cmio quota to changing times? Perhaps we can have more Indians and malays grow in proportion instead of importing to maintain supermajority chinese

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 2:48 PM]

Singapore has been actively involved in joint economic projects with several ASEAN countries as part of its efforts to strengthen regional cooperation and economic integration. These projects span various sectors, including industrial parks, special economic zones, infrastructure development, and trade facilitation. Below are some key ASEAN countries where Singapore has significant joint economic projects:


### 1. Malaysia

   - Iskandar Malaysia (Johor): Singapore has invested in the Iskandar Malaysia economic zone, located in Johor, just across the border from Singapore. Projects include industrial parks, logistics hubs, and real estate developments.

   - Singapore-Johor-Riau (SIJORI) Growth Triangle: This initiative promotes economic cooperation between Singapore, Johor (Malaysia), and the Riau Islands (Indonesia).


### 2. Indonesia

   - Batam, Bintan, and Karimun (BBK) Special Economic Zones: Singapore has collaborated with Indonesia to develop industrial parks and tourism infrastructure in these islands.

   - Kendal Industrial Park (Java): A joint venture between Singapore and Indonesia to create a modern industrial park for manufacturing and logistics.

   - Nongsa Digital Park (Batam): A collaboration to develop a digital economy hub, focusing on tech startups and digital services.


### 3. Vietnam

   - Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Parks (VSIP): A series of industrial parks developed jointly by Singapore and Vietnam in cities like Binh Duong, Hai Phong, and Quang Ngai. These parks focus on manufacturing, logistics, and supporting industries.

   - Smart Cities and Urban Development: Singapore has partnered with Vietnam on smart city projects, including the development of sustainable urban infrastructure.


### 4. Thailand

   - Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC): Singapore has invested in Thailand's EEC, a flagship project aimed at developing advanced industries, infrastructure, and logistics in the eastern region of Thailand.

   - Trade and Logistics Collaboration: Singapore and Thailand have worked together to enhance cross-border trade and logistics connectivity.


### 5. Myanmar

   - Thilawa Special Economic Zone: Singapore has been a key investor in the development of the Thilawa SEZ near Yangon, focusing on manufacturing and export-oriented industries.


### 6. Cambodia

   - Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone: Singaporean companies have invested in industrial parks and infrastructure projects in Cambodia to support manufacturing and export activities.


### 7. Laos

   - Trade and Connectivity Projects: Singapore has collaborated with Laos on trade facilitation and infrastructure development, including the Laos-Singapore Business Council to promote economic ties.


### 8. Philippines

   - Clark Freeport Zone: Singaporean companies have invested in industrial and logistics projects in the Clark Freeport Zone, a major economic hub in the Philippines.

   - Infrastructure Development: Singapore has partnered with the Philippines on urban planning and infrastructure projects.


### 9. Brunei

   - Energy and Logistics: Singapore and Brunei have collaborated on energy projects, including oil and gas, as well as logistics and trade facilitation initiatives.


### Regional Initiatives

Singapore is also involved in broader ASEAN-wide initiatives, such as:

   - ASEAN Economic Community (AEC): Promoting regional economic integration and trade.

   - ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN): Collaborating on smart city development across ASEAN member states.

   - Infrastructure Connectivity: Supporting regional infrastructure projects under the ASEAN Connectivity Master Plan.


These joint economic projects reflect Singapore's commitment to fostering regional economic growth and strengthening ties with its ASEAN neighbors. For the latest updates on specific projects, you can refer to the websites of Singapore's Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) or Enterprise Singapore.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 2:48 PM]

Source:- DeepSeek

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 2:52 PM]

This is how diversity in our population bring about business and job opportunities for Singaporeans.

The diversity we embrace indeed allow us to penetrate and build business ties with many of our neighboring countries in ASEAN.

As a result, we are able to secure and cement Singapore as a Global and regional port hub and air hub - as US trade centric global supply chain increasingly come under stress and threat.

Adam, [12/2/2025 2:53 PM]

Diversity is not the biggest factor. Sure it might help but there are many others like political climate, stability,  location, ease of business

Adam, [12/2/2025 2:56 PM]

We are on the topic of education

Adam, [12/2/2025 2:57 PM]

I dont think so much emphasis be devoted in bilingualism when most jobs dont need it. We even have great ai to do translation.

Maybe it's to help with culture and singaporean identity. But imo singaporean identity is divided more than ever

Adam, [12/2/2025 2:58 PM]

Especially division based on language

Adam, [12/2/2025 2:58 PM]

Too often I see cliques of Chinese and Indians in my office talking in their own language

REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 4:13 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

Khai Mun L., [12/2/2025 4:17 PM]

This would be the benefit of bilingualism. We can break and 'spy' on their conversation if you know the language.

Especially when we have foreign staff everywhere.

Khai Mun L., [12/2/2025 4:19 PM]

Plus waiting to speak/type into translation tool is slow and might be inaccurate (due to technical terms etc). Hence we rarely see world leaders purely using translation tools, but rely on actual translators

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 5:02 PM]

Normally a business deal will be cordial and sealed when we are able to speak their language.

Yesterday, I spoke Mandarin to a Taiwanese though both of us can speak English and the contractual terms are in English.

We strike up an informal and cordial conversation and throw in some jokes and humor in Mandarin with splattering of English for technical terms (in which I am not able to express the right term in Mandarin) and close the deal easily.

I think if we both converse in English, the mood is not so cordial and the process will not be as smooth.

The Taiwanese go the extra mile to keep me on the loop through phone calls after office hours when her manager are tie up in meetings.

Hence bilingualism is a big plus for our population if we need to do business with the world.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 5:04 PM]

I can't imagine whipping out my handphone, speak into the Google translate for translation and then let the handphone talk to the other party in their language by activating the speaker.

Anyone do that in a business conversation and yet can seal a business deal?

It would be wiser for me to bring a staff who can speak their language to communicate.

Adam, [12/2/2025 5:17 PM]

Yet this is a reality of a non Chinese when speaking to mainland/Taiwan for work

Adam, [12/2/2025 5:18 PM]

Does a competent minority that does not know Chinese have to be sidelined in opportunities because they might miss out on rubbing shoulders with the client

Adam, [12/2/2025 5:19 PM]

What is this state of our workplace?

Adam, [12/2/2025 5:20 PM]

Because of the extremely high English proficiency of our Indian workers, we can communicate to India easily without learning hindi

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 5:21 PM]

1. Eg. Previously when need to do project with India, 

We bring in an Indian staff to speak in their language.

2. Previously I also got Myanmar colleague as we have dealing in Myanmar.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 5:23 PM]

3. When we need to do China project, we meet the clients with Chinese staff.

4. But backend can be supported by other races.

For eg. My chief network engineer is an Indian staff.

Adam, [12/2/2025 5:26 PM]

My issue with the bilingualism is that children is forced to study in a way they have no passion for, and the result of the language education is dubious. If you need language, put it in the job requirements and get someone who really likes the language.

You can find numerous Chinese who can barely speak proper mandarin. Sure they might have a basic understanding but you cannot assume they know the language based on their skin

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 5:26 PM]

5. When I need to produce a project plan to submit to China for a China project, I wrote in English and translate it into Mandarin using Google translate.

6. When I read the article, and show it to my China national colleague, he laugh loudly - because the report sounds very comical.

7. Finally, he help me to rewrite the whole project plan using my English version.

Adam, [12/2/2025 5:28 PM]

Mr Chan vision for a broader definition of success. The old metric of success is passing, excelling all subjects. Being better than peers to win the limited placements. One of subjects being mother tongue. 

So if bilingualism is that important, is someone who has trouble at their 2nd language a Failure?

Jun Ming, [12/2/2025 5:37 PM]

Or the other way round if someone excel in mother tongue is someone who failed English a failure

Jun Ming, [12/2/2025 5:39 PM]

I think we should increase in our mtl and make exams compatible to English exams in terms of format

Jun Ming, [12/2/2025 5:40 PM]

Or maybe expose them on mtl literature so they have more exposure to mtl

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 5:41 PM]

Sorry what is mtl?

Jun Ming, [12/2/2025 5:41 PM]

Mother tongue language

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 5:41 PM]

Oh I see.

Jun Ming, [12/2/2025 5:45 PM]

Just feel like students should expose to 古文。may not be examable but just need some exposure to see the beauty of the language

Dr. Goh, [12/2/2025 5:57 PM]

Subject banding was a bad idea. Actually created a lot more stress for students. Now every parent who wants better placement for their children wants to squeeze every point out of AL system. Many also opt for DSA to get extra edge. Older system had a score that made it easier to know whether a child could pass the requirements. When you make the lines too fudgy you get more complaints when same score students don't get their top choices when others did.

Content has been pared down quite a lot. So it passes the knowledge gap to universities to settle. Many students will end up having steeper learning curves in universities or universities having to make courses far too easy. If you want a knowledge economy you want people who can handle difficult problems. Even for my generation many with technical degrees cannot even handle simple math when it is required. You wonder why China can progress so fast in tech, it is because their students learn more content in more depth and are trained to bash through long hours of work to get results.

Being bilingual is probably essential for future jobs. The rise of Asia is expected. Send students to China and India to get relevant exposure, they are likely to be valuable in future.

Dr. Goh, [12/2/2025 5:59 PM]

One problem I saw before was scholar teachers choosing to go elite schools to teach. I hope it isn't the case today. There are scholar teachers who do this for passion so they can go to any school and do what they like - teach. But some do it for KPI and career progression so the starting point is already wrong. Hire for the right reasons to help the next generation excel. Seen quite a fair bit of media coverage on questionable character of teachers and school staff.

REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 6:10 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

RY, [12/2/2025 6:17 PM]

SG parents are too focus on academic results, and those can afford may choose to let their children to go to famous SAP  schools

 It may take years to change this mindset and MOE may have to do more to "educate" parents 

SG education change a lot over the years fm spoon-feeding to now "think out of the box" - Certainly, a good change from MOE aspects

However, SG education still lack the entrepreneurship spirit 

Israel education has produce many inventive biz eg MobileEye for driverless driving 

Israel govt may give funds for those young people to start own innovative invention, even b4 they further their study to Uni 

That is why we may see many invention in Israel

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 6:23 PM]

1. I will like to comment on some misconception that alot of things learn in secondary, JC poly, and even university are not useful in the job market.

2. This misconception comes about because of the nature of the jobs.

3. Those who are doing sales, business, operation, system integration and even development work - most of the knowledge in STEM such as mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry may seems not to be useful and may not even use it.

Software engineer only needs to be conversant in programming language like python lah, c programming lah, SQL lah, database lah etc. Network engineer need to be conversant in Cisco config configuration. Etc. No need math, physics or chemistry.

4. But those who are doing basic research and even applied research - mathematics, physics,  chemistry from secondary level, JC and all the way up to university will be extremely critical - because STEM R&D foundation are based on solid grounding in all these fundamental subjects.

5. In fact, many breakthrough in sophisticated AI such as Generative AI, reinforcement learning, neural network, computer vision, 3D modeling etc are all based on solid mathematics from secondary school onwards eg. Linear equations lah, probability lah, statistics lah, permutation lah..

6. Now DeepSeek knowledge distillation, Bytedance multi modal AI, in future Agentic AI - foundations need very advanced maths to break through.

Hanny, [12/2/2025 6:25 PM]

Mother tongue is an important  subject. It’s one area that separates us in the region. Note that this advantage is slowly diminishing because more students from the region are studying in China. And this is with Chinese scholarship.

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 6:32 PM]

7. In fact, quantum computing is based on solid foundation in physics and math that go right into atomic structure dealing with subatomic properties.

8. And include quantum qubits, superposition, quantum entanglement, teleportation etc - that will unravel the mystery of the creation of universe.

9. If no solid grounding in physics and material science - understanding quantum computing is a lost cause.

10. For those who need to work in nuclear power plant, SMR nuclear reactor - workers need to dwell into nuclear physics, nuclear fusion, nuclear fission etc. Workers will need solid knowledge in atom, nucleus, electron, proton etc. Deuterium, Helium etc.

Ginie/Komal ZENDORA J, [12/2/2025 6:44 PM]

Yes more difficult process from hacker. In comparison to taking yr face from social media (accessible to many) What happened to security system that suspose to protect such data (only gov will have access to yr fingerprint)

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 6:44 PM]

Btw, Wonder how to say this in Mandarin?

Scratching my head...

REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 6:45 PM]

Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 6:45 PM]

Chinese (Simplified)

7. 事实上,量子计算建立在物理和数学的坚实基础之上,这些基础直接深入到处理亚原子特性的原子结构。 8. 包括量子比特、叠加、量子纠缠、隐形传态等——这将揭开宇宙创造的奥秘。 9. 如果没有扎实的物理学和材料科学基础——理解量子计算就注定失败。 10. 对于需要在核电站、SMR核反应堆工作的人——工人需要深入研究核物理、核聚变、核裂变等。工人需要扎实的原子、核、电子、质子等氘、氦等知识。

Source:- Google translate

LCL (Danny 心), [12/2/2025 6:47 PM]

Very CIM, catch no ball - 很深.  抓没有球。

RY, [12/2/2025 6:48 PM]

SG education is one of the best in the world, but it can be very stress too 

Hence, too many tuitions for children may not be good, as they should learn from playing and enjoy their childhood sametime 

And our children are already wearing specs as early as P1 - too much smartphone or studying ?

MOH may have to look into children eye problems at very young age 

China has stop parents from sending kids for academic tuition during school holidays in recently years 

Children must learn to manage 'stress", otherwise they may end up with mental issues later, which is even more problems for parents and country level as a whole later

RY, [12/2/2025 6:52 PM]

However, I must say MOE is in the right path for having bilingual education from the start  

Which is beneficial for our career path/travelling and open communication with the world

REACH Singapore, [12/2/2025 6:59 PM]

Dear Contributors

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


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