Wednesday, February 5, 2025

REACH (Telegram) 56 - What are your views on the US trade tariffs and its potential impact on Singapore? How can Singapore better prepare itself for global economic shifts?


05 Feb 2025 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 9:59 AM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 10:03 AM]

📢 Topic 📢

On 4 Feb (Tuesday)’s Parliament Sitting, Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said that Singapore is not expected to be hit by trade tariffs from the United States, but still stands to be indirectly impacted as it is a small and open economy. 

💬 What are your views on the US trade tariffs and its potential impact on Singapore? How can Singapore better prepare itself for global economic shifts?

He was responding to Nominated MP Neil Parekh, who had asked about Singapore-US bilateral ties following the takeover of President Donald Trump from Mr Joe Biden on Jan 20, as well as about the impact of tariffs imposed by the US on some countries.

📌 Strong US-Singapore relations

Dr Balakrishnan said tariffs and emerging tariffs are a reality going forward. 

He noted how the US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement has contributed to a tripling of bilateral trade since 2004, allowing the US to consistently maintain a trade surplus with Singapore. “I do not anticipate us being on the hit list for direct tariffs, because... the United States has a surplus as far as the trade balance with us is concerned,” he said.

Dr Balakrishnan said Singapore and the US enjoy a substantive, multi-faceted and long-standing partnership that has been nurtured over the past 60 years across both Democratic and Republican administrations. 

"The US is our top trading partner in services, our second largest trading partner in goods, and our largest foreign investor," adding that Singapore is the third largest Asian investor in the US.

📌 Singapore to remain careful and prepared for economic turbulence

But Singapore still needs to be careful and prepared for how turbulent the economic situation can be, he said.

“The fact that we are a small, open economy, and that trade constitutes more than three times our GDP (gross domestic product), means if there is any friction, if there is any degradation of economic integration, global supply chains and world trade, we will be impacted indirectly,” said Dr Balakrishnan.

📌 A need for Singapore to navigate global economic shifts

He said the world is now at a new inflection point where the liberal world order is being eroded and has lost domestic political support in many parts of the world. The minister pointed out how the relationship between the US and its own allies and neighbours in its own hemisphere is also evolving.

The challenge is how Singapore and the region should respond, and Dr Balakrishnan stressed that there needs to be engagement with the multiple poles of power that are emerging. 

“That means engaging with the United States, engaging with China, India, the EU, Africa, South America,” he said. “And you will notice our intensive diplomacy and economic engagement across the world.”

🔗 [ST]

🔗 [CNA]


REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 10:55 AM]

Dear Contributors,

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

💬 What are your views on the US trade tariffs and its potential impact on Singapore? How can Singapore better prepare itself for global economic shifts?

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active! 

Thank you!

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 11:00 AM]

[ Poll : 1. How concerned are you about the current global geopolitical situation? Please elaborate on your answer in the chat. ]

- Very concerned 

- Somewhat concerned 

- Not concerned 

REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 11:00 AM]

[ Poll : 2. How prepared do you think Singapore is to navigate the current global economic shifts? Please elaborate on your answer in the chat. ]

- Well prepared 

- Somewhat prepared 

- Not prepared

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 11:06 AM]

1. Trade is a critical economic activity for any Country and the world.

2. It cover every facets of economic sectors within a country such as seaport, air, logistics, shipping, finance, manufacturing etc.

That means if trade is disrupted, business and jobs in all these economic sectors will be impacted - resulting in slow development and job losses.

3. In fact a country prosperity is hinge on trade - investment, business, jobs.

4. A country if rely on domestic economy will be unable to grow as fast - not even big countries such as China, Russia - before open up to trade is mire in poverty.

Just look at isolationist N Korea - no trade, in deep poverty.

China and Vietnam fly - after opening up for trade - and in fact prosper through trade and investment.

5. Hence any disruption in trade will have a far reaching consequences economically, politically and social welfare of a country.

6. It will in fact trigger friction, confrontation and even war contesting for resources and labour - as the global economy are now so integrated through trade.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 11:12 AM]

1. In fact after world war 2, 2 important international organisations are formed - UN to ensure political, security differences are settled through negotiations in the global stage.

2. WTO - to facilitate trade among member countries to forge economic cooperation to prevent another world war.

Of course world bank and imf are formed to provide finance to help countries to rebuild after the world war.

3. Unraveling trade is a sure way to stoke WW3 - if not properly managed.

And not financing the world bank and imf is the sure way to starve countries from the funds needed to grow - seeding the roots of confrontation and war.

4. Now all these conditions are rearing its head.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 11:50 AM]

1. US GDP US$27.8 trillion economy - the largest consumption country in the world - also largely prosper through trade - because its MNCs set up offices and production plants in many countries to exploit cheaper resources through exchange of labour and resources.

2. China, US$18.8 trillion GDP - also prosper largely through trade as the world largest manufacturing hubs.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 11:55 AM]

3. If US and China counter tariff one another, the major global supply chain will break and trade will falter.

4. Trade being the largest multiplier effect component in any country economic growth through circular flow of income - will squeeze investment, business activities, and consequently job loss.

5. Trade hence is not only an important economic apparatus, but also an important political apparatus to ensure political stability as well as social apparatus to ensure social stability (to prevent social unrest and poverty).

REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 12:00 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:02 PM]

1. Hence we seriously need to look for alternative trade route and global supply chain - as US are increasingly growing protectionist - not only for this administration - but also future administration.

2. During Biden administration, we have high hopes that Biden could reverse economic sanctions - to foster international trade.

3. But to our horror, he decided to keep all sanctions and in fact impose targeted sanctions on high tech chips, social media, Big Tech etc - in the name of national security in the hope of knocking out its closet competitor, China.

4. Instead of boosting and relying on superior R&D to out innovate its competitors through "constructive competition" 良性竞争, Biden administration uses "destructive competition" 恶性竞争 - through ban and sanctions - stifling international trade, stoking tension and lead to confrontation - reversing the original intent of WTO to prevent WW3.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:05 PM]

5. Now Trump administration double down the "destructive competition" through tariff and trade war - to stamp its supremacy while it can (in his own words) (CNA news).

6. Because a big part of global trade are link to China and China manufacturers (in China mainland and spread across ASEAN and Asia) as manufacturing hubs - to be finally delivered to US as a major consumption country.

7. Singapore high value added export are going via this route.

8. So even if tariff are not levy by Trump on Singapore but China or our other trading partners like ASEAN - we will also be impacted - because our manufacturing activities and trade is to service the US market.

9. Of course we also import alot of food, raw materials and semi-finished goods from these countries. Will also be impacted if trade slow.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:16 PM]

1. The only way to wriggle out of this mess - geopolitical tussling between US and China - is to promote multi-polar consumption superpowers,  middle powers and middle power blocs instead of relying on 1 consumption superpower - US (through reconfigured global supply chain and trade blocs).

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:20 PM]

2. That means, China need to ramp up its economic activities through more innovation, create jobs, boost domestic consumption, develop less developed 2nd tier city, rural areas, boost its service sectors and put itself out as 2nd largest consumption country in the world like what US use to do.

And promote trade with its trading partners like Singapore.

And Singapore will benefit immensely if China succeeded to do so.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:24 PM]

3. ASEAN with many young vibrant middle income population should also follow the same model through integrated trade and investment.

I feel that our economic integration with Malaysia Johor economic zone, Indonesia joint venture industrial park, Vietnam joint industrial park, energy grid integration etc - are very good to facilitate intra ASEAN trade.

As economic integration materialise within ASEAN, Singapore will benefit from growing trade within ASEAN as well as becoming a growing consumption middle power nations bloc.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:27 PM]

4. India, will also be an up and coming middle power chasing behind China - and as long as India are willing to slowly open up their economy through investment, trade and business - our foot into India will also bear fruits for us as India middle income population consumption appetite is huge.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:40 PM]

5. In Asia Pacific, there are other middle power nations on its own right eg. Japan, SKorea, Australia and to a lesser extent New Zealand.

We should see how to facilitate more trade and consumption among these countries - except the challenge is their declining population that stifle consumption and hence the margin for trade growth could be limited.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:42 PM]

6. Looking afar, the biggest consumption economic bloc is the EU and UK.

I feel that if our EDB and IE enterprise work a bit harder, we can slowly grow our trade to compensate for losses in the US market by promoting Singapore as a trade hub to ASEAN and our neighbouring countries.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:44 PM]

7. Next the more untapped market is South America eg. The larger middle power nations such as Brazil, Peru and Chile.

Less information on their income and consumption pattern as well as their appetite for more trade.

But a good untapped market that we can explore more.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:45 PM]

8. Like South America, it also apply to Africa continent.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 12:48 PM]

9. Middle East countries are rich and heavily dependent on oil - but increasingly stress by global countries will to go green.

Hence many rich Middle East countries are looking for ways to diversify their economies.

I think Singapore can tap this middle east market to help to bolster our trade.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 1:00 PM]

10. Last but not least are the Central Asia Countries which are also least tapped like South America.

But their population income and consumption pattern also need more study.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 1:05 PM]

To summarise, we need a deliberate process to map out a total "multi-polar middle power nations and middle power trade blocs and consumption nations" :-

1. We need to identify the Comparative advantage in trade, exchange of labour and resources of each trade blocs and middle powers (and ensure they have redundancy among them).

If one member within the bloc is disrupted, we can easily ramp up trade with its redundant member to ensure the trade supply chain are not impacted.

2. This "multi-polar middle power nations and trade blocs" consumption nations must be fully self sufficient - which should be an alternative to one large consumption nation (ie. If one day US decide to shut and isolate itself completely out of world trade - we are able to rely on this alternative trade blocs to survive) and maintain our US$1.5 trillion trade and US$501.4 billion GDP.

3. The World GDP is US$110 trillion minus US GDP US$27.8 trillion - we can still tap on US$82.2 trillion Global GDP to replace our loss if US trade war deepen.

4. Singapore is a little red dot, a mere 5.6 million population.

To find an alternate $1.5 trillion trade and maintain our $500 billion GDP is less tough compare to other bigger countries with more mouth to feed.

5. By promoting this "middle powers and middle power trade blocs" to WTO - a more comprehensive trade strategy will be conceptualised at the global stage - and made WTO mission more meaningful to exist - without the mercy of one dominating unwilling superpower that held the world trade by its throat.

6. It will also release the pressure from building up globally - that could lead to WW3 - if no alternative are found.

7. Hence multi-polar middle power trade blocs (with build in redundancy) will release the economic stress of relying on one large consumption nation to fuel the economic growth of the world countries.

8. The baton should be passed on and helm by every members of WTO.

9. Then globalisation will take on a new meaning and purpose to thrive into the next phase of global economic development -.and postpone or prevent a WW3 through a rejuvenated WTO.

10. The existence of the rejuvenated WTO will be more meaningful to ensure its gainful fulfilment of its mission of fostering trade, business, investment to ensure world prosperity and hence securing world peace.

11. A new meaning and purpose is given to Globalisation as a fuel for World economic growth - minus the negative sentiment that now fuel the far right movement and nationalisation in US and EU - as the economic fruits of globalisation, trade, investment and jobs are shared widely by all strata of the population and nations instead of concentrating on the few richest.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 1:30 PM]

10. Lastly, we need to ensure our best Ministers and civil service are in place - as we need the best brains to helm all our Ministries - with all hands on deck.

11. Our economic lifeline is at stake - and the coming General Election is our inflection point.

If we mess up by playing with our votes, we will condemn ourselves and our future livelihood if the Government don't get all the best brains in the Cabinet.

REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 1:59 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 2:03 PM]

Prompt:- Why world war 2 are fought?

Is it because countries no trade, poor economic growth and need to snatch resources?


World War II (1939-1945) was fought for a complex mix of reasons, and while economic factors like trade disputes, poor economic growth, and competition for resources played a significant role, they were not the sole causes. Here are the key factors that contributed to the outbreak of the war:

### 1. Treaty of Versailles and Post-WWI Resentment

   - The harsh terms imposed on Germany after World War I by the Treaty of Versailles (1919) created widespread resentment. Germany was forced to accept full responsibility for the war, pay massive reparations, and give up territory. This fueled nationalist and revanchist sentiments, which Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party exploited to gain power.

### 2. Economic Instability and the Great Depression

   - The Great Depression (1929-1939) caused global economic turmoil, leading to high unemployment, poverty, and political instability. Countries like Germany, Italy, and Japan, which were already struggling, turned to authoritarian regimes that promised economic recovery and national glory.

   - Economic hardships also led to protectionist trade policies, reducing international cooperation and exacerbating tensions.

### 3. Rise of Fascism and Militarism

   - In Germany, the Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, sought to expand German territory (Lebensraum) and establish dominance in Europe.

   - In Italy, Benito Mussolini's fascist regime aimed to restore the Roman Empire's glory through conquest.

   - In Japan, militarists sought to expand their empire in Asia to secure resources like oil, rubber, and metals, which they lacked domestically.

### 4. Imperialism and Competition for Resources

   - Many nations, particularly Japan, Italy, and Germany, sought to acquire new territories to secure resources and markets. This led to aggressive expansionist policies:

     - Japan invaded Manchuria (1931) and later China (1937).

     - Italy invaded Ethiopia (1935-1936).

     - Germany annexed Austria (1938) and Czechoslovakia (1939) and later invaded Poland (1939), triggering the war.

### 5. Failure of Appeasement and the League of Nations

   - The policy of appeasement, particularly by Britain and France, allowed Hitler to expand German territory unchecked, emboldening his aggression.

   - The League of Nations, established after WWI to maintain peace, failed to prevent aggression by major powers due to a lack of enforcement mechanisms and the absence of key countries like the U.S.

### 6. Nationalism and Ideological Conflicts

   - Extreme nationalism in Germany, Italy, and Japan promoted the idea of racial superiority and the right to dominate other nations.

   - Ideological conflicts between fascism, communism, and democracy also played a role, as seen in the Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939) and later the conflict between the Axis and Allied powers.

### 7. Trigger: Invasion of Poland

   - The immediate cause of WWII was Germany's invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. Britain and France, having pledged to defend Poland, declared war on Germany, marking the start of the global conflict.

### Summary

While economic factors like poor growth, trade disputes, and competition for resources were significant, WWII was ultimately caused by a combination of political, ideological, and territorial ambitions, exacerbated by the failures of the post-WWI order and the rise of aggressive, authoritarian regimes.

Source:- DeepSeek AI

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 2:06 PM]

Looking at the current world scenarios:-

How many events are similar to what happens to WW2?

Jun Ming, [5/2/2025 2:08 PM]

I think trump is more of a America first person. He is more of a self centred person. I don't think he would initiate war

Jun Ming, [5/2/2025 2:09 PM]

He at most blame China this and that... For overtaking america but I don't think he will start a war to fight other countries. In fact he tries to stop war.

Jun Ming, [5/2/2025 2:11 PM]

He is a business man. He knows an actual war will not help in his wealth

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 2:15 PM]

Can never tell.

He is unpredictable.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 2:16 PM]

1. He nearly started a nuclear war with N Korea in his 1st term.

2. A few B-1B bombers armed with nuclear bombs are sent.

3. Just before a new year, drill bombs was dropped to test the air defence near a few sites.

4. A retaliatory IRBM was launched that fall near Guam.

Residents in Guam got a false alarm and dart into sewage system to hide thinking that a nuclear missile has landed in Guam.

5. Luckily the exchanges was stopped in time, when the NKorea chief step up in a new year message to ask for truce.

6. And then the peace talk is held in Sentosa as he see a suggestion in the social media that Sentosa is a nice place to golf and talk.

While our government offer him Shangrila (after a security forum) with security details intact.

Our army and home team security posture step up within one month - with integrated defence to protect the VIPs in Sentosa as a result.

Jun Ming, [5/2/2025 2:23 PM]

His strategy to end nuclear in north Korea. Kind of successful

Jun Ming, [5/2/2025 2:23 PM]

Until Biden step up

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 2:23 PM]

It was not a strategy.

It nearly happen according to CIA de-classified documents.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 2:24 PM]

NKorea learn about the nuclear bombers strike through social media - and quickly step up to stop the exchanges.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 2:34 PM]

1. And he say he won't rule out military actions to invade Greenland, Panama canal and annex Canada as its 51st State with imperialism intent.

2. He activated his army and deployed soldiers near the Mexico borders to deport immigrants and stop immigrants from coming into US.

Exchange of fire happens between Mexico armed militants.

3. He say he won't start a war?

4. Don't know...

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 2:37 PM]

US Border Patrol and Mexican cartel members trade gunfire at southern border: report

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 2:51 PM]

1. The inherent roots of why WW2 break out.

2. And why the current world geopolitical tensions arises that are slowly mirroring and taking shapes like WW2 are due to 5 inherent human roots in humanity.

3. 贪嗔痴慢疑。

 Greed, Hatred/Anger, Ignorance, Arrogance, Distrust.

a. Greed for enormous wealth, greed for power, greed to be world number 1.

b. When greed expectations are not met, hatred/anger arises - resort to destructive competition, throw spanner to displace competition, fueling confrontation, conflict and consequently world war.

c. Ignorance - oblivious to the fact that constructive collaboration, constructive competition, collaborative trade, win-win solutions can foster mutual prosperity and peace.

Ignorance - oblivious to the fact that destructive competition can lead to lose-lose scenarios and world war.

d. Greed for dominant superpower can lead to arrogance and intolerant of a competitive rising nation and lead to "Thucydides Trap".

e. Distrust arises that lead to employment of destructive competition such as ban, tariff, sanctions, throwing spanners, hopefully to trip and fell its competitor - leading to a lose-lose outcomes and consequently world war.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 3:00 PM]

The scenario you're describing is known as the "Thucydides Trap".

The Thucydides Trap refers to a situation in which a rising power (the "challenger") threatens the dominance of an established power (the "incumbent"), leading to increased tensions and a heightened risk of conflict between the two.

This concept is named after the ancient Greek historian Thucydides, who described a similar dynamic between Athens and Sparta in his book "The History of the Peloponnesian War".

Source:- Meta AI llama

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 3:08 PM]

Hence my proposed "Multi polar, middle power trade and consumption blocs" to replace the current trade system ---- I believe can arrest the train wreck -  and could prevent a WW3 - by releasing the pressure and stress of the current confrontational world trade.

Khai Mun L., [5/2/2025 3:32 PM]

America under trump is encouraging countries to swing to china and other nations. Decoupling from usa would give less things for trump to threaten us.

But china is doing something similar too, keep pushing boundaries. Ships, rockets sent to other territories without warning etc. flooding markets with government subsidied goods, which can lead to local business unable to keep offering lower cost.

Khai Mun L., [5/2/2025 3:34 PM]

Seems to be fragmentation of the world. Might be worse than WWII where USA was treated as single superpower. Now there are mulitple powerhouses, plus tech billionaires jumping into the fray

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 3:58 PM]

Multi polar middle power trade blocs to prevent single big powers domination could be better for the whole world.

Risk are diversified and not concentrated in 1 or 2 nations.

Less likely to clash if there are more avenues for trade and business.

REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 4:03 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

Khai Mun L., [5/2/2025 4:10 PM]

As a small country with multiple stakeholders, racial groups, immigrant labor force, sg government and business have to be more wary and are vulnerable to swings in the global diversified economy. I.e. not easy to earn quick and big money, local people have to be aware that diversifying can mean lower returns. We have to be more prudent on our money

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:14 PM]

Now no choice as we need to shift and restructure.

We cannot depends on US to feed us - because they care about themselves more than us.

We need to shift and find other bright spots.

While doing so, we bound to lose something that we are comfortable with.

Prices for some goods will go up because of the tariffs war.

But as we restructure for the long term, one day we will have a more resilient trade system and supply chain to ensure that our seaports, airhub, logistics chain, manufacturing hubs, financial hubs etc continue to flourish.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [5/2/2025 4:15 PM]

Diversifying trade / trading partners has always been part of Singapore's external economic strategy.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:16 PM]

Yes you are right.

Except now we need to be even more strategic to look at a fully replaceable alternative global supply chain - that can withstand a shock exit of US market.

This should be done by strategic mapping of module and parts on every facets of our trade sectors.

Should adopt similar blueprint like ITM (Industry Transformation Map) for our business and job skillssets.

We should now devise a TTM (Trade Transformation Map).

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:17 PM]

This is similar to our British exit in the 1960s.

From British to the world.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:27 PM]

Eg. Of TTM (Trade Transformation Map) should for example lead by a MOS in say:-

IT (Digital Economy) sector 

F&B sector 

Manufacturing sector 

Energy Sector etc.

To identify:-

1. The current global trade chain and supply chain. - and the final consumption nation - US. (In dollars terms).

2. Look for alternative fully replaceable global supply chain - and the final consumption nations or middle power trade blocs. (In dollars terms).

Ensure our $1.5 trillion trade and $500 billion GDP remains intact when replacement are done.

I think if we go into details how this TTM blueprint will work out - we can easily secure our trade, business and investment.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:36 PM]

Each MOS should lead and work with industry leaders to design the TTM maps for each trade sectors.

Then crystallise an action plans to shift the global supply chain.

MFA, MTI, EDB, IE enterprise will be heavily involved in this move as there is a need for Ministers to work with foreign leaders to penetrate new grounds, new markets, new suppliers, new customers.

Khai Mun L., [5/2/2025 4:36 PM]

I'm a bit worried that local politics might swing to populist votes. Similar to how trump promise the world, but makes things worse for the majority

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:37 PM]

That's why voters must be wise and not eventually lead to voters regret like Brexit voters and increasingly Maga voters regret as seen in the social media.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:38 PM]

We need to ensure our Government has the best Ministers in the cabinet - as we need an all pervasive transformation changes in our Economic direction.

And we need all our MOS and Ministers all hand on deck to lead every industry sectors to shift this massive trade transformation to secure our future.

As serious as the British withdrawal in the 1960s.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:45 PM]

CEOs are panicking that Trump tariffs are moving their business and country into an economic disaster.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:50 PM]

US eggs $40 - after Trump say he will reduce inflation.

During Biden administration, eggs was $8 to $9.

Canada eggs is selling at $5.

The opposite happens.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [5/2/2025 4:55 PM]

To be fair to both Biden & Trump. Egg prices rose primarily because of the bird flu outbreak. Inflation is a serious concern, yes; but for eggs / this produce, the story is more complex and industrial in nature.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:57 PM]

Fox news produced a laundry list of products in which prices will go up after Trump tariffs - and is a long one - for maga voters.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 4:59 PM]

Almost every groceries items in the supermarket - prices shoot up.

REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 5:01 PM]

Dear Contributors,

Please take a moment to participate in our polls 📊 and share your opinion 💭. The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on today’s topic!

Thank you.


LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 5:03 PM]

Groceries price shoot up as immigrants got deported by Trump.

No Americans are willing to take up jobs in the farm left by immigrants.

Farmers leave the fruits and vegetables to rot in the farm.

No workers to collect eggs and feed the chicken.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 5:05 PM]

Trump making US in danger - because he fire too many competent federal staff that make US safe and hire incompetent staff to helm government services.

Fatal commercial planes crash is result of insufficient air controller on duty as Trump in 1st term fire many competent staff overlooking the aviation safety and Boeing manufacturing QC and safety.

Now DOGE under Elon Musk is blanket firing more federal staff enmass (like what he do in Twitter).

In business, anyhow fire - the worst outcome is bankrupt, lose money and lose jobs.

In government, anyhow fire - people can die, livelihood can be gone, security can collapse, unrest can erupt.

Play with the votes, play with their lives and their wealth.

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 5:18 PM]

All these immigrants that are the backbone of America blue collar workers got deported.

Now all these industries paralyse with no workers.

Bankrupt soon?

Steven Ong, [5/2/2025 5:33 PM]

IMO, SG should revisit our trading relationships to ensure that we are able to manage the volatility comes with increasing US pressures on its trading partners..we also need to protect our interests as a global logistics hub

Jun Ming, [5/2/2025 5:44 PM]

I think south east asia have good relationship with us and Singapore relationship with china is still good 

I think it will be harder to stay neutral and be friends with everyone but it is always needed to be done

REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 5:58 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

LCL (Danny 心), [5/2/2025 6:12 PM]

What America can learn from Singapore - from an American.

Yes Singapore is very well run, well govern.

Some foreign netizens say Singapore is govern by Saints.


REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 6:44 PM]

Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [5/2/2025 6:59 PM]

Dear Contributors

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


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