Friday, September 6, 2024

毗卢遮那佛 (法身佛)

06 Sep 2024

1. 佛有三身。

- 法身佛

- 化身佛

- 报身佛

Mirror to quantum physics - quantum entanglement of superposition (3 quibits states).


- 法身佛 (大涅槃 - The Final Complete Perfect Nirvana - where all infinite Buddhas will return and reside). Dharma Body (道).

- 化身佛 - Out of Compassion, some Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in 法身佛 - 化身 to be 释迦摩尼佛,阿弥陀佛,药师佛,弥勒佛,观世音菩萨,大势至菩萨,地藏王菩萨 etc to come to Samsara Universe to 普渡众生。

- 报身佛 - is where the various 佛 and 菩萨 have expound to infinite sentinent beings and fulfill their Bodhi Vows through expounding their discourse documented in sutras 经文 and 光明照耀 全宇宙。

3. 法身佛 is like 地球人 (地球众生).

Humans (Chinese, Malay, Indian, Western etc people are called 地球人.

Tiger, Lion, monkey, insects, fish etc are called 地球众生.

Likewise all Buddhas are called 法身佛, specifically 毗卢遮那佛 which is 无量佛 (Infinite Buddhas) 的 总称。

Just like all sentinent beings on Earth is called 地球众生.

All sentinent beings in Universe is called 宇宙众生.

4. Other faiths mistaken 法身佛 -  毗卢遮那佛 as 1 God, Final Nirvana as 1 Heaven.


毗卢遮那佛 - 法身佛。(Which also correspond to "No-Self" in Nirvana).

释迦牟尼佛 - 化身佛。(Correspond to Compassion to salvage in Samsara)

功德圆满佛 - 报身佛。(Correspond to Panna Wisdom with Dharma Teachings documented in sutras)



Other notes :

'Triad', from Latin: trinus 'threefold') is the central doctrine concerning the nature of God in most Christian churches, which defines one God existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons (hypostases) ...


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