REACH 577 - What do you think about the current efforts in place to address mental health and climate change issues? What more needs to be done? How can the Government improve its communication and outreach efforts to widen its outreach and deal with polarising issues?
10 Jun 2024 (10am - 7pm)
10/6/24, 11:01 am - +REACH: *Dear contributors,*
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Megan 😊
10/6/24, 11:02 am - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢
Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said on 8 June that the PAP will create two new groups within the party to address cross-cutting issues of mental health and climate change, while he will personally do more in his public communications. The party will also step up its engagement efforts through its government parliamentary committees (GPCs) – party organs organised along ministry lines – he said at an event to cap a six-month exercise to refresh and strengthen the PAP.
💬 *What do you think about the current efforts in place to address mental health and climate change issues? What more needs to be done? How can the Government improve its communication and outreach efforts to widen its outreach and deal with polarising issues?*
📌 *Creation of two new work groups to tackle cross cutting challenges*
PM Wong said that the key challenges facing Singapore increasingly cut across traditional demographic lines. Thus, the party will set up a new mental health group to be led by Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information and Health Janil Puthucheary, and a climate action group under Senior Minister of State for Manpower and Sustainability and the Environment Koh Poh Koon.
PM Wong would like to “better engage our activists and also all stakeholders, be it healthcare professionals, environmental groups, community organisations, or individuals”.
📌 *Increased mental health support*
The mental health group builds on a 2022 mental health survey by the Young PAP which found a strong public call for increased mental health support. Minister for National Development Desmond Lee also added that mental health is also an issue that many Singaporeans, including younger ones, are concerned about "in a fast-paced environment with the impact of social media".
📌 *Better and more open communication*
PM Wong added that the PAP needs to have effective communication channels, and “we must do better”. He also wants to hear directly from Singaporeans on how the Government can serve them better.
PM Wong said he will meet the media more regularly to address issues of the day and the thinking behind certain policies, and will continue to make use of various social media platforms to reach out to more Singaporeans. He also promised to conduct more visits on the ground to engage Singaporeans in person and garner their feedback.
10/6/24, 11:02 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow all members to send messages to this group
10/6/24, 11:04 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed the group description
10/6/24, 11:44 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
*Mental Health and Wellness*
1. Seems like this topic have been floated up time and again and based on observations, indeed mental wellness is an important topic to address.
2. Mental health and mental wellness can be break up into 2 parts.
3. Mental health refer to mental healthiness or mental illness.
4. Mental wellness refer to healthy people encountering some events in life that could have affect a person's mental wellness.
10/6/24, 11:52 am - +Yilin: All accurate. We need to open our minds and hearts.
10/6/24, 11:52 am - +Frankie Wee: Mental health and climate change create two into personalities separate. Mental health focus on environment change
10/6/24, 11:53 am - +Yilin: Climate change is caused by human pollution to the environment. Use and Abuse.
10/6/24, 11:53 am - +Rama: Need understanding colleagues, employers, immediate family, relatives and friends.
10/6/24, 11:53 am - +Rama: Tell that to Dotard!
10/6/24, 11:54 am - +Frankie Wee: Example hawker too heater case whereabouts healthy issue
10/6/24, 11:54 am - +Frankie Wee:
10/6/24, 11:57 am - +Frankie Wee: I am not surprised Hong Kong is wealth when inflation level increases cost of living they can’t afford to retirement, they still have to work till age 80+ 😢
10/6/24, 11:58 am - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Hence mental health refer to whether a person is mentally healthy like any normal person or a person suffer from mental illness such as autism, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia etc.
2. This will require medical treatment from psychiatrist and psychologist.
3. Early intervention will bring the best results.
4. Hence important to identify such people in needs - whether in school, community or workplace.
5. Proper diagnosis and medication will help people in such category recover or manage the conditions and live a normal life.
10/6/24, 11:59 am - +Frankie Wee: More likely suicide
10/6/24, 11:59 am - +Yilin: We have a cycle as well, even though our velocity of money is high as well. The key issue is how to meditate, when there is disruptions, calls, emails, colleagues. And opportunity for getting to know colleagues is higher than spending time with family. Temptation is rife. It takes good planning, and the suggestions by the government are so far good, with more staying at home work and more benefits doled out by the government. $700 in cash CDC can be spent over $3 budget meals in 2.5 months.
10/6/24, 11:59 am - +Rama: Medical subsidies, extended medical leave entitlement, relevant medical social workers needed to increase.
10/6/24, 12:00 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Not all will turn suicide.
In fact later I address mental wellness due to life events - this category is usually overlook that result in depression, anxiety disorder etc - some results in suicide.
10/6/24, 12:02 pm - +Frankie Wee: I would suggest it’s better address health lifestyle help
them de stress instead of full time working. Work flexibility arrangement better support look after themself mental health matter.
Climate change can lead heater
10/6/24, 12:03 pm - +Rama: Support and understanding very important along with acceptance
10/6/24, 12:03 pm - +Rama: All concerned parties must come together to brain storm a suitable solution
10/6/24, 12:06 pm - +Yilin: If you put a person with mental illness beside a person without mental illness - the employer will choose the one without mental illness. I am still trying to find any monetary incentives to hire those with mental illness, so far, I haven't found anything, will be happy if someone could post if they have found.
10/6/24, 12:06 pm - +Frankie Wee: How do they focus on working when suffer mental health
10/6/24, 12:07 pm - +Yilin: good question, we must all turn psychologists and positive ones as well
10/6/24, 12:07 pm - +Nic Freehold: Robin Williams was outstanding but suffered
10/6/24, 12:07 pm - +Rama: 🤷♂️
10/6/24, 12:07 pm - +Nic Freehold: Mental illness is not physical
10/6/24, 12:08 pm - +Nic Freehold: They are working
10/6/24, 12:08 pm - +Yilin: It is the suffering that caused him to be outstanding, his innate tapping into his soul was vastly greater than those who had not suffered his perspective.
10/6/24, 12:09 pm - +Rama: Wrong interpretation and medication can have dire consequences
10/6/24, 12:09 pm - +Nic Freehold: His brain ran faster like a super computer whilst most on 386 486
10/6/24, 12:09 pm - +Nic Freehold: Overthinkers leads to problems without outlet
10/6/24, 12:10 pm - +Nic Freehold: Singapore is notoriously strait jacket
10/6/24, 12:10 pm - +Nic Freehold: Our emphasis on materialism
10/6/24, 12:10 pm - +Yilin: you mean practicality
10/6/24, 12:11 pm - +Nic Freehold: this mental
10/6/24, 12:11 pm - +Nic Freehold: We are 2nd highest GDP
10/6/24, 12:11 pm - +Yilin: this is called running thoughts in mental health terms,
10/6/24, 12:11 pm - +Nic Freehold: Do we want to be richer than god?
10/6/24, 12:12 pm - +Yilin: men from time immemorial has asked himself this question
10/6/24, 12:12 pm - +Nic Freehold: Addiction to materialism is also a mental illness
10/6/24, 12:12 pm - +Nic Freehold: How to have work life balance
10/6/24, 12:12 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Mental wellness refer to perfectly mentally healthy people but encounter some life events that traumatize the person.
2. Eg. Job loss, money not enough, loss of loved ones, PTSD eg. Recover from Some turbulence, life threatening situation, post natal blue resulting in hormone changes etc.
3. This could make some healthy people develop unhealthy mental states eg. Stress, anxiety, depression, withdrawal etc.
4. Getting psychiatrist and psychologist help and treatment is important.
5. At the same time, mind training such as meditation will help to purge negative thoughts and emotions and return back to equilibrium, bring back positive thoughts.
6. Also addressing the stressors straight on will help the person to recover and restore mental wellness.
7. If left untreated or unaddressed - it can lead to suicide if negative thoughts overwhelm the person.
10/6/24, 12:12 pm - +Nic Freehold: Family and children suffers
10/6/24, 12:13 pm - +Yilin: it is not stated in the DSM5 - TR
10/6/24, 12:13 pm - +Rama: There was a recent case of a local psychiatric who missed diagnosis a patient condition leading to terminal outcome!
10/6/24, 12:13 pm - +Yilin: work-life balance is a tussle between fulfilling someone else's dream and fulfilling one's happiness.
10/6/24, 12:14 pm - +Yilin: you mean like overdose?
10/6/24, 12:15 pm - +Rama: This message was deleted
10/6/24, 12:15 pm - +Rama: Yes!
10/6/24, 12:15 pm - +Rama: Not all sectors of our business can implement work life balance.
10/6/24, 12:15 pm - +Yilin: a lot of this comes from threats, threats from colleagues, competition from colleagues, threats from boss, competition from other companies. we are encouraged to compete and win,
10/6/24, 12:16 pm - +Yilin: I see how hard ICU nurses work, they actually run into the room
10/6/24, 12:17 pm - +Yilin: A.I. will iron out everything, we will all be paid a minimum "surviving wage" for 3 meals a day, gather into interest groups to invent things and get sponsored for inventions
10/6/24, 12:18 pm - +Rama: I feel for them!
10/6/24, 12:18 pm - +Rama: Only for some of us.
10/6/24, 12:18 pm - +Yilin: rarely can people produce good thinking under stress
10/6/24, 12:19 pm - +Yilin: good thinking is the product of meditation
10/6/24, 12:19 pm - +Frankie Wee:
10/6/24, 12:20 pm - +Frankie Wee: Possible really can help support from Ai
10/6/24, 12:20 pm - +Yilin: yes, A.I. can be perfect, as it give all the right answers
10/6/24, 12:21 pm - +Redzuan: Probably works when AI have emotions..
10/6/24, 12:21 pm - +Yilin:
10/6/24, 12:22 pm - +Yilin: and then we marry our robot partners!
10/6/24, 12:22 pm - +Redzuan: Yup
10/6/24, 12:23 pm - +Redzuan: 1 plus 1 = A ...... 🤔
10/6/24, 12:24 pm - +Nic Freehold: Who pays the bills? You mentioned about practicality
10/6/24, 12:24 pm - +Yilin: the government
10/6/24, 12:24 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Another category of mental wellness refer to a perfect normal person but possess many negative attributes and negative thoughts that result in problems in social interaction, schools, workplace and community.
2. Such negative attributes are rooted in 贪嗔痴慢疑。 (Greed/jealousy, Anger/hatred, ignorance of things around them, arrogant and distrust).
3. This can be corrected through meditation to purge the negativity and bring back positive attributes.
10/6/24, 12:25 pm - +Nic Freehold: Of COE fame?
10/6/24, 12:25 pm - +Frankie Wee: Use CHAS card subsidies after
10/6/24, 12:26 pm - +Yilin: like is said, we need to curb our humanness in negativity and be positivity
10/6/24, 12:27 pm - +Rama: Easier said than done!
10/6/24, 12:27 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. On another matter, many layperson often misunderstood perfect mental state of Void and Emptiness (空), a perfectly wholesome state --- versus --- annihilation (灭) which is a perfectly disastrous state. <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 12:28 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
*Difference between annihilation (灭) or destruction vs void (Emptiness) (空) or attainment (Nirvana)*.
Is 一线之差 (a thin fine line) between 魔道 or 佛道。(Mara or Devil vs Buddha).
Annihilation refer to demolishing of Form (色) - destruction.
Void refer to attainment of Emptiness (空) in mental state.
Eradication of 贪嗔痴慢疑 - greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogant, distrust. (Void in mental state not physical state - which is annihilation).
If a body is destroyed - can a person survive to attain void in mental state?
Obviously no.
Hence suicide bombers bomb themselves thought can attain void - actually descend into hell - annihilation (魔道).
Likewise demolishing of heritage is also annihilation.
If heritage anyhow demolished, history lost, future generations make the same mistake, reinvent the wheel, losing the values and knowledge of the forefathers - drop into annihilation path - 魔道。Because many generations of millions and millions of population lose the knowledge and values of our forefathers to make us successful and safe.
If Earth or Universe is annihilated - can beings survive?
Obviously no.
Then how to attain mental void?
空 - which is non-attachment to the 5 unwholesome evil roots?
Hence must have 色 to have 空。
空 to have 色。Form=Emptiness.
Literal translation of 经 is wrong - only Enlightened know the intricacies of 空。
Demolishing 色 (form) is 魔。
Attaining 空 (in mental state) is 佛。
Hence 佛 或 魔 is 一线之差。
盛法 - 佛生。
相法 - 法轮。
末法 - 佛像。
The Dharma of the Flourishing Age - Buddha's birth.
The Dharma of the Appearance - Dharma Wheel.
The Dharma of the Ending Age - Buddha's image.
10/6/24, 12:28 pm - +Frankie Wee:
10/6/24, 12:33 pm - +Yilin: it is terrible to seek money to be a listener to other's problems, where is a good friend in need and deed?
10/6/24, 12:40 pm - +Redzuan: We are humans.. with feelings n emotions.
The balancing of positive n negative.
Then how about EGO?
10/6/24, 12:41 pm - +Yilin: Psychiatry is an industry from time immemorial that has faced many critics due to its harsh history, it arose from human experimentation and war. Many innocents during that time, including in the Second World War was brought into it. as well as veterans of the Vietnam wars. many have railed against asylums as they were called from time immemorial, calling for understanding into (rebellion against societal norms) as in shut up and eat 3 meals a day, do your work, go home, go to sleep, etc. it was felt that this is the best way to enjoy and live life and that those who disagree should be.....
10/6/24, 12:41 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
EGO - human ego?
10/6/24, 12:41 pm - +Nic Freehold: it’s about hope.
10/6/24, 12:43 pm - +Nic Freehold: Stereotypes and negative impression of mental illness Stymy recognition and self confession of f issues
10/6/24, 12:43 pm - +Yilin: it is not to say that people who enjoy war should not be medicated.....
10/6/24, 12:43 pm - +Nic Freehold: Without acknowledging issue, people will not visit help source
10/6/24, 12:46 pm - +Yilin: this is where ego comes in, those who are bullies, often do not need medication while those who suffer, suffer until, irrecognition while being medicated to take on a world that is not nice, suck it up and eat it.
10/6/24, 12:47 pm - +Yilin: it is what is thought of as correct.
10/6/24, 12:48 pm - +Nic Freehold: It’s social and power structures and peer pressure
10/6/24, 12:48 pm - +Nic Freehold: Untrue
10/6/24, 12:48 pm - +Yilin: we are taught all the rights ways from young
10/6/24, 12:49 pm - +Yilin: I hope so
10/6/24, 12:49 pm - +Nic Freehold: This kind of thinking can lead to worst problems in future
10/6/24, 12:49 pm - +Nic Freehold: What is right? Heard of the term “didn’t age well”?
10/6/24, 12:49 pm - +Yilin: yes unfortunately
10/6/24, 12:49 pm - +Nic Freehold: Our govt policies are advanced
10/6/24, 12:50 pm - +Yilin: better than many countries
10/6/24, 12:50 pm - +Yilin: as least we are enjoying our food, without being bombed
10/6/24, 12:50 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Ego is strong attachment to self.
It is this mental state - that result in many negative mental states.
Strong attachment to self - often result in outcomes not meeting expectations, strong ego unable to accept opposing ideas that sounds rational, etc
Often this will result in social problems - unable to make friends.
Meditation can help to improve strong attachment to self and able to empathize with others. <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 12:50 pm - +Yilin: some try to forget their worries, by worrying about others instead, it may be a good way,....
10/6/24, 12:51 pm - +Nic Freehold: But Singaporean Narrative is slow, because we trust govt we don’t observe China lingo and advancement
And even Gen Z lingo and thinking
10/6/24, 12:51 pm - +Yilin: It was often, black lingo was misunderstood in the common English states as well, until..... we listen carefully
10/6/24, 12:52 pm - +Nic Freehold: taking a sabbatical and making it mandatory option
10/6/24, 12:53 pm - +Nic Freehold: I keep hearing about Buddhism as nausea without leading to practical govt policies
10/6/24, 12:53 pm - +Nic Freehold: everything can be solved by mediation? Then no need govt
10/6/24, 12:53 pm - +Yilin: LKY was nominal buddhist
10/6/24, 12:53 pm - +Nic Freehold: No need medicine, nurses doctors
10/6/24, 12:54 pm - +Yilin: imagine all the people.....
10/6/24, 12:54 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Because meditation outcomes is learn to :-
1. Let go.
2. Breathe
3. Mindfulness of negative thoughts that arise and not respond to it.
4. See negative thoughts come and go and dissipate.
5. Non attachment achieve.
10/6/24, 12:54 pm - +Nic Freehold: Thailand is Buddhist then it must be paradise
10/6/24, 12:54 pm - +Yilin: we all are trying, even as we are writing here
10/6/24, 12:54 pm - +Nic Freehold: No prostitution, no corruption???
10/6/24, 12:55 pm - +Yilin: it was said that jimmy Carter looked at his Statue of Liberty and felt lust
10/6/24, 12:55 pm - +Nic Freehold: attachment to Buddhism without solution ? Please use the Buddhist Hall t
10/6/24, 12:56 pm - +Nic Freehold: Wow
10/6/24, 12:56 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
It is not about a country.
It is not whether a person call himself a Buddhist.
It is whether a person can meditate and accomplish peace.
Even a non Buddhist can attain Enlightenment if a person attain the peace.
10/6/24, 12:57 pm - +Nic Freehold: We are talking about practical Singapore
10/6/24, 12:57 pm - +Nic Freehold: Not Nepal
10/6/24, 12:57 pm - +Nic Freehold: How many buddhas from Thailand?
10/6/24, 12:57 pm - +Nic Freehold: I am Buddhist
10/6/24, 12:57 pm - +Nic Freehold: But let’s not be overwhelm secular Singapore chat group
10/6/24, 12:58 pm - +Nic Freehold: this is a secular group
10/6/24, 12:58 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Meditation is secular.
It is not about Buddhism.
10/6/24, 12:58 pm - +Nic Freehold: where’s the admin
10/6/24, 12:58 pm - +Nic Freehold: you are preaching Buddhism so much here
10/6/24, 12:58 pm - +John Khor: Mental issue clients are not easy compare from 20 years ago 🙏
10/6/24, 12:58 pm - +Nic Freehold: Without adhering to relevance
10/6/24, 12:59 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Meditation is curing mental unwellness.
Meditation is being about positive wellness.
10/6/24, 12:59 pm - +Nic Freehold: good bye I am leaving this group
10/6/24, 1:00 pm - +Rama: Not joining us on Telegram!?
10/6/24, 1:01 pm - +Redzuan: <Media omitted>
10/6/24, 1:01 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Yesterday, Minister Indranee was attending a mental wellness class - that teach secular meditation with the gong sound of mental wellness.
She say:-
1. Let go
2. Breathe in and breathe out.
3. Count the breath
4. And attain mental wellness.
This is the best prescription to attain mental wellness.
The best to maintain mental serenity.
Without medical treatment or intervention.
10/6/24, 1:12 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
*Sustainability and Climate change issues*
1. I think this is a very serious issue.
2. Everyone is experiencing the effects of climate change.
3. The last few months are very warm. Weather is increasingly unpredictable.
4. Though we are experiencing El Nino - hot temperature, the effects has been quite extreme. As temperature soar near the 40 degree Celsius.
5. Hence, we have to change our lifestyle to prevent carbon dioxide from building up and result in greenhouse effects.
6. Going green is the right way to go. And the government direction is on the right path.
10/6/24, 1:25 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. I have noticed car using green energy - specifically EV cars that uses battery.
2. I understand using battery don't emit carbon, but battery if discarded will be a big environmental issues.
3. Also, using EV charging will have other issues.
a. All petrol station will go out of business - lead to job loss.
b. Every car park lots got to install a charger - costly, and need to dig the car park to lay power cable.
I understand currently got no choice because we have to depends on car manufacturers - whereby green cars are dominant especially cars from China, US tesla etc.
Hence we are force to look into EV cars.
But some car manufacturers have some other ideas - and are exploring hydrogen gas, ethanol.
This means we can keep the petrol station convert into hydrogen gas or ethanol - and retain jobs - and yet reap green energy without pollution of environment with carbon.
No need to dig road, install EV charging per car park lots.
But this is still in infancy stage.
Not yet in mass production.
Hence, maybe we can delay abit later should we wait for hydrogen or ethanol gas car - or EV car and start digging carpark but inherit the battery disposal problem.
10/6/24, 1:26 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
"Japan announces world’s first green fuel: this engine shatters hydrogen and EVs"
10/6/24, 1:30 pm - +Frankie Wee: Climate change we need to reduce recycling due to global climate and Russia war will like use rocket and nuclear power
10/6/24, 1:31 pm - +Frankie Wee: Today I feeling heated 😣
10/6/24, 1:33 pm - +Yilin: Concrete is a major source of heat trapped.
10/6/24, 1:33 pm - +Yilin: Me too
10/6/24, 1:33 pm - +Yilin: We rushed too much n adopted the world. In the end, we are suffering. But there may be a slim chance to change things.
10/6/24, 1:35 pm - +Frankie Wee: It’s couldn’t change due to Russia power up war then more likely global climate heating then a recycling ♻️
10/6/24, 1:35 pm - +Frankie Wee: 😖
10/6/24, 1:36 pm - +Yilin: Now is submarine tornado n hurricane
10/6/24, 1:51 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Another thing that deserves mention.
2. Singapore is a hub for data centres.
3. We have attracted very healthy investors of data centres to build cloud computing,AI etc.
4. But recently we have slow down and Malaysia have been attracting more data centres.
5. But both of us encounter a very pertinent problems.
6. Data centres need alot of power and water to run.
7. Malaysia is facing water shortage and drought. And power generation is also a big problem for them.
8. Likewise, Singapore power generation is also near saturation.
9. We also face stress in water production - as water purification need power.
10. Hence our government direction to shoot for green energy to power our data centres is a right move in the right direction.
10/6/24, 1:53 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
"Malaysia’s push for data centres could strain power and water supplies, warn experts".
10/6/24, 1:54 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Fitch: Singapore is unlikely to attract large data centre investments, as Malaysia has drawn most of it over the past years
10/6/24, 1:54 pm - +Yilin: today also I prayed for rain, I think my prayers were answered! :)))))))
10/6/24, 1:54 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
"Singapore unlikely to draw large-scale data-centre investment despite added capacity: report
This is because the allocated capacity isn’t enough for the sector’s needs in South-east Asia.
Johor and Batam have also come up as attractive destinations for investments into data centres".,into%20data%20centres
10/6/24, 1:55 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Meditation is about training for self awareness and mental wellness.
Else later people will say - why not secular?
10/6/24, 1:55 pm - +Yilin: luckily Singapore government does pay for interest groups to gather together to write a memo, and if that is accepted, funding occurs
10/6/24, 1:57 pm - +Yilin:
10/6/24, 1:59 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
And meditation indeed is the most scientific method to cure mental unwellness.
And at its optimal perfect state - it purge all negative thoughts and attributes and attain Void.
This is science, which is secular - and the best mental treatment for all human beings.
Hence as per today's topic mental health, mental wellness - Meditation is my proposed ideas for the well being of all human beings.
It is well intention, it is secular, it is non-religion.
And I don't intend to preach any faith here. <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 2:01 pm - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢
10/6/24, 2:01 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
And most important, it grow Wisdom - profound, boundless Wisdom.
Meditation grow Concentration and Mindfulness.
Concentration and Mindfulness grow boundless profound Wisdom. <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 2:03 pm - +Yilin: what is wisdom in mandarin?
10/6/24, 2:03 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Specifically 般若智慧。
10/6/24, 2:04 pm - +Yilin: 风风日心?
10/6/24, 2:04 pm - +Yilin: 丰丰
10/6/24, 2:04 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
I don't know what is this.
10/6/24, 2:05 pm - +Yilin: therefore I asked the fruit tree
10/6/24, 2:05 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: ?
10/6/24, 2:05 pm - +Yilin: as in the fruits of wisdom
10/6/24, 2:06 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
You mean fruition 果位。
10/6/24, 2:06 pm - +Yilin: yes
10/6/24, 2:06 pm - +Yilin: thanks! :)
10/6/24, 2:07 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Fruits of Wisdom got 3 parts anchor in A pure heart.
1. 无我 (Selfless)
2. 大慈大悲 (Great Compassion)
3. 般若智慧 (Insight Wisdom)
Anchor on a 菩提心。
Bodhi Heart. <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 2:08 pm - +Yilin: 👏
10/6/24, 2:08 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
It is the outcome of a perfected state as the result of meditation.
Or Enlightenment or Enlightened State.
10/6/24, 2:09 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
10/6/24, 2:13 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
It is also a Void State (空).
But 此空非彼空。
Emptiness, Void is not Vacuum.
It is the eradication of all 5 unwholesome state.
With stray thoughts not arising.
A void State.
10/6/24, 2:15 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Hence no attachment to Self.
无我, 无念 - 万法皆空
10/6/24, 2:17 pm - +~l or Smiley face: The mindset of "not enough, never enough" can be a heavy burden, leading to a life of constant dissatisfaction and unrelenting striving. It's a mindset that can manifest in various areas of life, from material possessions to relationships, personal achievement, and even time and resources. When we're trapped in this mindset, we're never content with what we have, always desiring more, and feeling like we're lacking in some way. But the truth is, "enough" is a subjective concept, and it's up to each of us to define it for ourselves.
10/6/24, 2:17 pm - +Yilin:
10/6/24, 2:17 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
10/6/24, 2:17 pm - +~l or Smiley face: Empathy and compassion gravitate towards understanding and kindness, counterbalancing the weights of "never enough" and perpetuating a cycle of compassion, care, and connection. Just as gravity pulls objects towards each other, empathy and compassion draw us closer to others, fostering a sense of community and shared humanity. By embracing these qualities, we create a world where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to thrive. In this harmonious balance, the "never enough" mindset is replaced with a sense of abundance, gratitude, and contentment, allowing us to appreciate the beauty and worth of ourselves, others, and the world around us.
10/6/24, 2:18 pm - +Ah Heng: This message was deleted
10/6/24, 2:18 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
10/6/24, 2:18 pm - +~l or Smiley face: As we cultivate empathy and compassion, we begin to see that everyone is struggling with their own version of "never enough." We see that our colleagues are not just competitors, but human beings with their own strengths and weaknesses. We see that our neighbors are not just strangers, but individuals with their own stories and struggles. And we see that our own worth and value come not from external validation, but from our inherent dignity and humanity.
Some may argue that embracing empathy and compassion may lead to complacency and a lack of motivation to improve oneself or one's circumstances. Others may argue that the "never enough" mindset can drive innovation and progress, as individuals strive to achieve more and better themselves. Additionally, empathy and compassion may lead to enabling or excusing harmful behaviors, rather than encouraging personal responsibility and growth.
10/6/24, 2:19 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
10/6/24, 2:20 pm - +~l or Smiley face: Some may argue that addressing privilege and entitlements is too difficult or uncomfortable, and that it's easier to focus solely on empathy and compassion. However, ignoring the role of privilege and entitlements in perpetuating the "never enough" mindset only serves to perpetuate inequality and dissatisfaction. Others may argue that acknowledging privilege and entitlements is a form of self-flagellation or guilt-tripping, and that it's unnecessary to confront these issues in order to address the "never enough" mindset. However, recognising and dismantling privilege and entitlements is essential to creating a more just and equitable society, and is not about guilt or self-flagellation, but about taking responsibility for our actions and attitudes.
10/6/24, 2:21 pm - +Yilin: yes
10/6/24, 2:21 pm - +~l or Smiley face: While empathy and compassion are essential, they must be accompanied by a willingness to confront and dismantle the systems of privilege and entitlement that perpetuate inequality and dissatisfaction. By addressing these underlying issues, we can create a more just and equitable society where everyone has enough and can thrive.
10/6/24, 2:22 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Be careful not to fall into a state of communism instead of promoting entrepreneurship, and market economy.
10/6/24, 2:22 pm - +~l or Smiley face: This message was deleted
10/6/24, 2:22 pm - +Yilin: communism occurs when we all have travelled to our own planets in the solars
10/6/24, 2:23 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Mental cultivation must also attune to secular living.
Which in this case market economy. <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 2:24 pm - +~l or Smiley face: "The key to balancing these mindsets is Self-awareness, Introspection, and Intentional choices."
-- anonymity
10/6/24, 2:25 pm - +~l or Smiley face: This message was deleted
10/6/24, 2:26 pm - +REACH: Dear Contributors,
Please be reminded to post content relevant to the topic that is being discussed. We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active.
Thank you.
10/6/24, 2:27 pm - +~l or Smiley face: 10 June, 2024
"The Nexus of Mental Health and Climate Action"
"As Singapore strives to build a sustainable future, it must confront the intricate relationship between mental health and climate change. This nexus demands a delicate and sophisticated approach, integrating climate resilience into policies and prioritising mental wellbeing. By means of innovative solutions like urban gardens, community centres, sustainable transportation, virtual reality therapy, climate coaching, and sustainable livelihoods, we can foster a culture of sustainability and promote holistic wellbeing."
-- anonymity
10/6/24, 2:29 pm - +~l or Smiley face: The mental health impacts of climate change are multifaceted, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Climate change exacerbates social and economic inequalities, disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations. In Singapore, the urban heat island effect, and extreme weather events further exacerbate mental health concerns. The country's urbanisation and modernisation have led to a disconnect from nature, exacerbating the mental health impacts of climate change. Furthermore, the lack of awareness and stigma surrounding mental health issues hinder efforts to address this nexus.
10/6/24, 2:32 pm - +Yilin: <Media omitted>
10/6/24, 3:06 pm - +Yilin:
10/6/24, 3:06 pm - +Yilin:
10/6/24, 3:14 pm - +Yilin: I think the way to end mental illness is to make music cheap, cheap to buy, cheap to learn (i.e. YouTube) music heals all, physical ailments - watch what we eat and exercise, is the only modern way
10/6/24, 3:17 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Eat, sleep, walk, work, talk is also important in mental training and wellness.
Living at the present moment.
And not attached to vexation or respond to negative sentiment - is non-attachment.
And this can contribute to mental wellness.
10/6/24, 3:19 pm - +Frankie Wee: Cycle life exercise
10/6/24, 3:19 pm - +Yilin: oh yes and no tea or coffee,
10/6/24, 3:19 pm - +Frankie Wee: Everyday daily the same to life to live fullest cycle
10/6/24, 3:19 pm - +65 9009 7919: can share how we going to transit to telegram?
10/6/24, 3:25 pm - +Yilin: I cannot deny their bravery /
10/6/24, 3:25 pm - +Frankie Wee: Being well’s Mental health need to met social group outreach and support community so they won’t be alone or suffer depression.
But each has problem has different respect.
10/6/24, 3:25 pm - +Yilin: 勇气
10/6/24, 3:26 pm - +Frankie Wee: Wow too risk
10/6/24, 3:26 pm - +Yilin: they have let go....
10/6/24, 3:26 pm - +Yilin: from them we let go
10/6/24, 3:27 pm - +Frankie Wee: True
10/6/24, 3:27 pm - +Yilin: I cannot deny the bravery of these people
10/6/24, 3:28 pm - +Frankie Wee: It’s the only empathy to respect whether they wish to join social group outreach.
But will surely break personal silence
10/6/24, 3:29 pm - +Yilin:
10/6/24, 3:30 pm - +Frankie Wee: Person whom suicide themselves are discriminates. However they never think themselves family or wife/husband.
10/6/24, 3:31 pm - +Rama: How to think when they are that particular state of mind without first seeking professional help!?
10/6/24, 3:31 pm - +Yilin:
10/6/24, 3:31 pm - +Frankie Wee: I like it i wish to try what if fell down and unclaim insurance accidentally 😅
10/6/24, 3:32 pm - +Frankie Wee: Deeply concerned he must think of this even they are educated well
10/6/24, 3:32 pm - +Yilin: the thing is to start very small, great things can be achieved internally
10/6/24, 3:33 pm - +Frankie Wee: Somebody need to be there for them when depression or anxiety case mental health breakdown.
10/6/24, 3:35 pm - +Frankie Wee: I thinking how better climate change if possible could have environment in HDB or landscape
10/6/24, 3:35 pm - +Yilin: first thing is to reaffirm them, praise them, see the light, next things is making things lighter, explaining their situation, affirming reassurance, nothing is permanent
10/6/24, 3:35 pm - +Frankie Wee: True
10/6/24, 3:36 pm - +Yilin: next is to share own tough times with them, so that they never feel alone
10/6/24, 3:36 pm - +Yilin: and then promise to be a good listener, get them to seek their own solution through affirmative and paraphrasing action
10/6/24, 3:52 pm - +Yilin: get them interested in hobbies, initially have to set a date with them to start those hobbies they like, or set them up with someone familiar with those hobbies
10/6/24, 3:55 pm - +Yilin: can also practice deep sea diving
10/6/24, 3:55 pm - +Frankie Wee:
10/6/24, 4:00 pm - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢
10/6/24, 4:00 pm - +~l or Smiley face: To tackle this complex issue, Singapore can pioneer innovative solutions that integrate technology, community engagement, and sustainable development. The proposals are grounded in the latest research and developments:
10/6/24, 4:01 pm - +Yilin:
10/6/24, 4:04 pm - +Yilin: this is risky, best to start small. internal and external are all equal. sometimes, internal meditation can be great as well!
10/6/24, 4:04 pm - +Yilin: some people choose risky, to tame their own wildness
10/6/24, 4:06 pm - +Yilin: (never stop being in awe)
10/6/24, 4:09 pm - +Yilin:
10/6/24, 4:11 pm - +~l or Smiley face: Small bites Always Win!
Free MRT rides on public holidays and half-price attraction fees can bring joy to Singaporeans! It's a great way to explore the city, save money, and feel a sense of community. Let's make Singapore even more happier & inclusive place, one free ride at a time!
10/6/24, 4:11 pm - +Frankie Wee: Nice
10/6/24, 4:14 pm - +Yilin: do you think we should build an air-con dome over our entire city? 🤔
10/6/24, 4:14 pm - +~l or Smiley face: In small ways, we discover each other and gather together as one...(甜头) !
10/6/24, 4:15 pm - +Rama: Cost, sustainability. Eco friendly!?
10/6/24, 4:17 pm - +Frankie Wee: Play mahjong can help mental health
10/6/24, 4:17 pm - +Frankie Wee:
10/6/24, 4:20 pm - +Frankie Wee: Use solar system energy saving green when weather is too hot
10/6/24, 4:20 pm - +REACH: @Yilin
Dear Contributor,
Please be reminded to post content relevant to the topic that is being discussed. We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active.
Thank you.
10/6/24, 4:21 pm - +Yilin: This message was deleted
10/6/24, 4:22 pm - +REACH: Dear Contributors,
Please be reminded to keep to the topic ⬆️ that is being discussed. We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Thank you.
10/6/24, 4:24 pm - +~l or Smiley face: Small bites Always Win!
Free MRT rides on public holidays and half-price attraction fees can bring joy to Singaporeans! It's a great way to explore the city, save money, and feel a sense of community. Let's make Singapore even more happier & inclusive place, one free ride at a time!
More Lobangs to encourage Singaporeans to own happiness and lose stress?
1. *Free outdoor yoga and fitness classes*: Organize free outdoor yoga and fitness classes in parks and gardens, encouraging Singaporeans to prioritize wellness and connect with nature.
2. *Community art initiatives*: Set up public art installations and encourage Singaporeans to contribute to them, fostering a sense of community and creative expression.
3. *Mental health days*: Encourage companies to offer mental health days off, recognizing the importance of self-care and stress relief.
4. *Neighborhood potluck dinners*: Organize regular potluck dinners in neighborhoods, promoting social connections and a sense of community.
5. *Free book-sharing programs*: Establish free book-sharing programs in public spaces, encouraging Singaporeans to share knowledge and stories.
6. *Wellness workshops*: Offer free wellness workshops, teaching stress-management techniques like meditation and mindfulness.
7. *Public garden initiatives*: Create public gardens, allowing Singaporeans to connect with nature and grow their own fruits and vegetables.
8. *Free concert and movie events*: Host free outdoor concerts and movie screenings, promoting joy and community spirit.
9. *Volunteer opportunities*: Develop platforms connecting Singaporeans with volunteer opportunities, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
10. *Gratitude walls*: Create public gratitude walls, encouraging Singaporeans to share what they're thankful for and spreading positivity.
These ideas focus on building community, promoting wellness, and encouraging creative expression – Agencies from Healthier SG, Healthier Ageing, MSF, MCCY, MND, NParks, PA will champion each initiative or combined efforts and drive into annual events!
Let's create our Shangri-La each township!
10/6/24, 4:30 pm - +Yilin: sorry Megan, is it okay to reply to the post like this? after all its in relation to healthy hobbies for those who do not want to gamble but want an element of luck <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 4:33 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Another issue about sustainability and climate change is food security.
2. As climate change become unpredictable, it impact global crop supply and animals feed which in turn impact our food security - as we import most of our food from overseas.
3. We have a goal to achieve food security with local production of food 30x30 (30% of local produce goods by 2030).
4. But unfortunately, a few high tech vertical farming, fish farming, cell culture meat have stop production due to high cost, high price, unsustainable demand.
5. Only the container fish farming look successful.
6. We need to come out with strategies to tackle our local food production - and ensure we can still meet our 30x30 goal.
10/6/24, 4:33 pm - +Yilin: Sorry Megan, it was about meditation and the potential of meditation for mental health, rewards is amazing. I am not so sure if you wanted comments on the topics within or the government's suggestion in itself? <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 4:34 pm - +Rama: The rate of closure for current sustainability efforts is alarming!
10/6/24, 4:34 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Worrying too.
10/6/24, 4:34 pm - +Rama: 😳😞
10/6/24, 4:35 pm - +Frankie Wee: Use 3D make meat into real cell blood
10/6/24, 4:36 pm - +Frankie Wee:
10/6/24, 4:39 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
3D printing culture meat is also a branch of cell culture meat.
I think technologies is not an issue.
The issues are high cost, high price, low demand as natural food are cheaper,more abundant and people alreary can accept it.
The challenges are, what happens if climate change drastically one day, or big war that stop supply chain, or protectionism or pandemic - whereby foreign food export stop.
Then 30% local food is our life saviour.
But now, if local production cannot even survive, how to ensure the 30% to save us if crisis hit? <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 4:40 pm - +Frankie Wee:
The death toll could spiral to 10 million people per year by 2050, according to a 2016 review on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) commissioned by the UK government. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists AMR among the top 10 threats for global health, while the World Bank estimates that AMR could shave $3.4 trillion off GDP annually, and push 24 million more people into extreme poverty in the next decade.
10/6/24, 4:41 pm - +Frankie Wee: Need to investment building project
10/6/24, 4:41 pm - +Frankie Wee: Technology Ai can advance speed
10/6/24, 4:42 pm - +Frankie Wee: Sad to heard how the earth changed by 2050
10/6/24, 4:42 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
To keep our local food production going, there must be a government effort, community effort and consumer efforts - to ensure our local food production of 30% don't close shops.
That's we must be willing to foot up a bit more $ to keep our local food production going. <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 4:42 pm - +Frankie Wee: Wish were the day 1990s is great time
10/6/24, 4:43 pm - +Yilin: for anyone interested, Markov theory solves, some supply chain issues:
10/6/24, 4:44 pm - +Yilin: we just need to divert buffets! to individual needs
10/6/24, 4:45 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Some effort to make local food production possible.
Eg. Buy Singapore food campaign.
Government, GLCs buffet lunch in events - use local production food.
Etc. to this effects.
10/6/24, 4:46 pm - +Rama: The cost must come down further but only if we meet 30% self sufficiency!
10/6/24, 4:47 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Or NTUC got one corner - local seafood, vegetables, eggs, cell culture meat bundle together with discount.
Then we buy - something like that.
It is for our future survival.
We need to keep local food production alive.
10/6/24, 4:48 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Cost is a challenge.
Price is a challenge to local producers.
10/6/24, 4:48 pm - +Rama: Ntuc venture seems to have folded recently!
10/6/24, 4:48 pm - +Rama: Subsidies solutions!?
10/6/24, 4:49 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Oh is it?
I didn't see such initiatives around my place.
Eg. AMK hub, Nex or my neighborhood NTUC.
10/6/24, 4:49 pm - +Rama: Saw it on social media and or local news channel.
10/6/24, 4:49 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Don't know.
Businessman and government need to brainstorm how to package it that is competitive.
And consumers can accept.
I will support.
10/6/24, 4:53 pm - +Frankie Wee: If u vote pap they will come down price
10/6/24, 4:53 pm - +Rama: Bribery indirectly!?
10/6/24, 4:54 pm - +Frankie Wee: 🤷♂️
10/6/24, 4:54 pm - +Frankie Wee: I guess only
10/6/24, 4:57 pm - +Frankie Wee:
10/6/24, 5:00 pm - +Frankie Wee: I don’t think wisely
Because it’s a core inflation level affected by global supply
10/6/24, 5:01 pm - +Frankie Wee: PAP govt can only help ereae cost of living were given budget day
10/6/24, 5:04 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Another thing, weather and temperature can be more and more unpredictable.
2. Hot temperature can be a norm.
3. Wonder how successful is DCS (district cooling system) in tengah? Have all the teething problem like leaking resolve? Is the cost per household lower than traditional Aircon? Also l thought DCS is a greener energy than traditional Aircon - as it uses running water to provide cooling temperature.
4. If DCS prove successful and cheaper, will government consider rolling out to other HDB flats or even to private condo or landed properties?
10/6/24, 5:06 pm - +Frankie Wee: Climate change were give cdc vouchers $300 must find 4 tick ✅
However cost living continues to rising
10/6/24, 5:07 pm - +Frankie Wee: We have to learn how save energy on air con usually 2hrs per days
10/6/24, 5:08 pm - +Frankie Wee: Or night off park
10/6/24, 5:08 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Another thing, understand that some type of reflective white paint can reflect hot sun light and lower the temperature in the house - hence lead to cooler temperature in the house.
2. Will government consider using such reflective white paint for new housing as well as existing housing as part of HIP effort?
3. Then household will not need to turn on Aircon more often.
10/6/24, 5:09 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Sellers up the Aircon price by $300 to equalise the CDC vouchers.
End up no savings.
10/6/24, 5:09 pm - +Frankie Wee: True because of core inflation level
10/6/24, 5:09 pm - +Rama: Competition watchdog sleeping!?
10/6/24, 5:10 pm - +Frankie Wee: Business alway challenge other retail outlets
10/6/24, 5:11 pm - +Rama: So, government in partnership with reclairant business to artificially close one eye!?
10/6/24, 5:11 pm - +Frankie Wee: Low income families maybe suggest walk in meet the people’s session
Ask MP if possible provide air con limit (which is used by donate)
10/6/24, 5:12 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
10/6/24, 5:13 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
10/6/24, 5:13 pm - +Frankie Wee: I can observe most senior living in one room use fan instead of air con
10/6/24, 5:13 pm - +Rama: Most of the time, MP assistant stone walk the constituents!
10/6/24, 5:15 pm - +Frankie Wee: One room in small per sqm will really heat up
10/6/24, 5:15 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
I did a comparison in previous prices across many reowned stores that sell Aircon when climate vouchers are introduced.
The prices are few hundred dollars higher.
So no point for me to change my aircon.
10/6/24, 5:16 pm - +Frankie Wee: Green eye monster (greedy sell price profit take)
10/6/24, 5:17 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
This ultra white paint more useful and greener.
It will keep temperature low without incurring recurrent monthly power cost.
10/6/24, 5:18 pm - +Frankie Wee:
10/6/24, 5:19 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
I think this one also look good.
10/6/24, 5:19 pm - +Frankie Wee: Yes
10/6/24, 5:21 pm - +Frankie Wee: Learn lesson at new area bto won’t work and many issue
10/6/24, 5:21 pm - +Frankie Wee:
10/6/24, 5:21 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
But Purdue one say can cool by 4.5 to 10.5 degree Celsius.
That means out perform Nippon paint.
Don't know true or not. <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 5:22 pm - +Frankie Wee: Climate change case more heat up
10/6/24, 5:22 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Still haven't solved ah?
10/6/24, 5:22 pm - +Frankie Wee: Heat up need address issue
10/6/24, 5:23 pm - +Frankie Wee:
10/6/24, 5:23 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
10/6/24, 5:23 pm - +Frankie Wee: Also my refrigerator get wet on front door 😣 maybe the reason climate change
10/6/24, 5:24 pm - +Rama: Manipulation at work!?
10/6/24, 5:24 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Don't know.
10/6/24, 5:24 pm - +Rama: Possibly but cannot proof!
10/6/24, 5:28 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
It could be inflation eg. Global supply problem.
So I give it the benefits of doubt.
Since I not changing my aircon - I not complaining.
10/6/24, 5:32 pm - +Frankie Wee: Everything make in China when sold by supply level core inflation high because US continue likely rising inflation
10/6/24, 5:33 pm - +Frankie Wee: If I am not wrong that main reason why price rising because of China wanted more than US.
10/6/24, 5:37 pm - +Frankie Wee: I may not met retire and believe myself work till 80 just the same like HK
10/6/24, 5:37 pm - +Frankie Wee: 🤦
10/6/24, 5:38 pm - +Frankie Wee: But worries healthy need to be more careful when eat
10/6/24, 5:49 pm - +Rama: At least 70 for me, maybe 75!😢😳😞🤷♂️🤦♂️
10/6/24, 5:55 pm - +Frankie Wee: Maybe in future USA may STOP products in China to supply.
They will introduce Ai project replacement human to supply.
However economy and inflation level can’t reduce demand.
10/6/24, 5:55 pm - +Frankie Wee: 🤷♂️🤦😓😢
10/6/24, 6:02 pm - +REACH: 📢 *Topic* 📢
10/6/24, 6:02 pm - +Andy: Let me share my story of mental health. I went into business early 40s, didn't do well got into gambling addiction and ended up with a 500k debt. I had to sell my HDB and everything else which was worth something. At that point, my 1st thought was to kill myself and that's it. But I got cold feet when I looked down and thought of my family pulling me back from jumping.
The next thing I did was to call my 3rd brother in-law whom I looked up to. We met and I told him what happened, he listens and never interrupts me. I broke down in front of him yet he never looked down on me or gave me a lecture. Finally, he said let's talk to a few close in-laws to see if they could help and most important is to let my wife know. I heed his advice, told my wife and she was devastated but she stood by me to help me get through the period before we divorced.
My point here is that we must want to get help before others can help us get through the mental conditions. Be it anything, talk to anyone u can talk to and ask for help. Don't let ego get in the way.
We young, middle aged or elderly are all stressed in a way or another. Important is we must know which outlet we can let the steam out and build our resilience up.
Those in my age 56 or older, sure we can remember the army days of being tekan by our sergeants and officers right. We all pulled through and it toughened us up. But now our boys are too protected by parents, little bit only cannot, that's why they are called strawberry soldiers. Sigh. If war comes I think I would rather take a rifle on my own rather than depending on them.
So my suggestion is to teach our kids in school about how to handle stress and build resilience, seek help when needed.
As for company level, HR takes the lead in mental wellbeing programs to help employees to have a work life balance. Of course individuals must be responsible for their well being. If anyone feels stressed or can't cope then asked to redeploy and must be willing to compromise on terms.
10/6/24, 6:04 pm - +Frankie Wee: Never give up has a embrace long way to go and save life
10/6/24, 6:07 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Never gamble.
It will hurt very badly.
Good that you have emerge from your ordeal.
10/6/24, 6:08 pm - +~l or Smiley face: Your story is a powerful reminder that we're not alone in our struggles. With courage and vulnerability, you're creating a safe space for others to heal and find strength. Your words are a testament to the human spirit's capacity for resilience and redemption.
Thank you for sharing your truth and inspiring hope!
10/6/24, 6:12 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Another thing, even when situation become very bad,there is always a way out.
Eg. Those who encounter big financial problem, seek professional help that can help a person restructure his debt.
Never attempt to think of suicide to resolve issue.
There is always a way out.
Gratefully you pull back from that path.
Any problem there is always a way out.
Try not to choose the destructive path.
10/6/24, 6:15 pm - +~l or Smiley face: Thank you, Andy!
We are all here to help everyone!
Your courage has inspired many including anonymity! Truely real and powerful! Cheers!
10/6/24, 6:15 pm - +Rama: 👌🙏👍🤝
10/6/24, 6:17 pm - +~l or Smiley face: "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
-- Nelson Mandela
10/6/24, 6:18 pm - +Andy: As for climate issues, I must say I miss circuit breaker time. The whole world came to a standstill and mother earth was happy. A few cars on the road, not many planes flying, less shopping less consumption hence less carbon footprint.
But once COVID is so called over, revenge spending and travelling everything is back to normal even worse than before.
World has cut down on plastic bags usage but is that enough. I'm a layman so don't know this green that green kind of thing. To me it is very simple.
1. Less cars and planes means less pollution
2. Less consumption means less carbon footprint
3. Less Aircon usage can save money and energy
But the above means slowing down in business and it affects the economy and to the individual is what's in it for me if I go green, just let others do it then.
Can we go towards more cars free days for a start, educate everyone to set a timer for the Aircon and buy only necessary not wants.
10/6/24, 6:29 pm - +65 8944 4030: Hi I have encountered a lot of ageism and gender based frowns and put downs as a young senior woman. At a recent event I went to, a speaker kept giving advice after advice but when he asked us to tell him more about ourselves, he just cut me short although I hadn't even spoken more than 4 mins. Yet he took the liberty to extend the sessions for another hour and gave ever more advice. It's really disheartening when people give so called inspiring talks without lifting a single finger to help! <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 6:30 pm - +Rama: 😳🤦♂️😞
10/6/24, 6:32 pm - +65 8944 4030: This can impact Singapore in the long run because when there is no practical help provided for young seniors and the elderly when they are asking help to keep themselves engaged in a career etc, then they would just stay at home and not be able to effectively contribute.
10/6/24, 6:34 pm - +Rama: I believe government run or sponsored assistance is superficial at best!
10/6/24, 6:36 pm - +~l or Smiley face: "Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right."
-- Henry Ford
10/6/24, 6:36 pm - +Rama: Catch 22 situation!?
10/6/24, 6:37 pm - +65 8944 4030: He said he loves to help people. However, when I asked for career help, he said since I had done the activity with an organisation before, I should know where to obtain help. I told him I was not with the organisation any more and was an individual and hence had approached him. The irony is the reason why he became so curt and refused to help was the other participants and myself refused to take a photo with him so he could post us on his social media platform as we were camera shy.
10/6/24, 6:38 pm - +Rama: Blady nonsense speaker!
10/6/24, 6:39 pm - +~l or Smiley face: "The only way out is through."
-- Robert Frost
10/6/24, 6:45 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*
⏰ We will be closing the chat in *15 minutes* ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
10/6/24, 6:46 pm - +65 8944 4030: I felt very hurt and was on the verge of tears because I am trying to pursue a career again despite my debilitating unbearably painful disabilities and instead keep facing not only disable put downs but ageist gender based put downs.
10/6/24, 6:48 pm - +65 8944 4030: I don't know how long my body can withstand my disabilities because with spine and joint conditions, one can never tell when we are going to get paralysed so before it becomes worse I want to pursue a career that I'm passionate about.
10/6/24, 6:48 pm - +Rama: Sense any racial overtone!?
10/6/24, 6:50 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
10/6/24, 6:50 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
10/6/24, 6:50 pm - +65 8944 4030: Hi please clarify. Are you asking if the speaker was racist?
10/6/24, 6:51 pm - +Rama: Possibly
10/6/24, 6:52 pm - +65 8944 4030: if he was racist, he would not have spoken to my young teenaged daughter so politely and asked her aspirations
10/6/24, 6:52 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
10/6/24, 6:52 pm - +Rama: Then, age could be a factor!?
10/6/24, 6:52 pm - +65 8944 4030: and given her some constructive advice
10/6/24, 6:53 pm - +Rama: Stereotype!?
10/6/24, 6:53 pm - +65 8944 4030: Yes I'm sure he was ageist. Just didn't like to hear me talking.
10/6/24, 6:54 pm - +Rama: Shocking!
10/6/24, 6:54 pm - +65 8944 4030: I felt so humiliated
10/6/24, 6:54 pm - +Rama: Karma!
10/6/24, 6:55 pm - +65 8944 4030: I felt like my existence doesn't matter
10/6/24, 6:55 pm - +65 8944 4030: in that event
10/6/24, 6:55 pm - +Rama: So much for the Singapore pledge!
10/6/24, 6:55 pm - +65 8944 4030: Only my teenage daughter was much more important to him <This message was edited>
10/6/24, 6:56 pm - +Rama: Hope speaker is married without children!
10/6/24, 6:56 pm - +65 8944 4030: He is married with a young daughter of his own
10/6/24, 6:57 pm - +Rama: Wonder if his children interact without reservation!?
10/6/24, 6:57 pm - +65 8944 4030: Yes he said he loves his daughter dearly
10/6/24, 6:58 pm - +Rama: Does she interact with other races/income or housing type!?
10/6/24, 6:58 pm - +65 8944 4030: Sadly, I also encountered a racial comment from a participant at this event
10/6/24, 6:59 pm - +Rama: 😳🤦♂️😞😖
10/6/24, 7:00 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
10/6/24, 7:00 pm - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow only admins to send messages to this group
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