Sunday, June 18, 2023

Blinken in Beijing: Wang Yi says US’ ‘erroneous perception’ of China to blame for worsening ties

Wang tells US Secretary of State it is ‘necessary to make a choice between dialogue and confrontation, cooperation and conflict’

China’s top diplomat urges US not to assume China is seeking dominance

Dewey Sim

Published: 1:58pm, 19 Jun, 2023

User since Mar 2021

Babe B.

1. I feel that this is a window of opportunity for US and China - to finally able to cobble up a more stable and healthy relationship - rather than engage in hostility and confrontation since Trump term and the 1st part of Biden term.                                                                                                       

2. Such engagement is aspire and look upon by the World - not only between China and US.                                            

3. Because when the 2 elephants fight - the World is trampled - and suffer collateral damages.                                   

4. Hope eventually, China and US can finally settle down to work cooperatively on issues common to both and smooth out differences - in a rational and constructive manner - rather than sabre-rattling and fireworks - that no one in the World want to see - because it is hurting everyone''s interest - not only the 2.

Just now

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