Tuesday, January 24, 2023

How Universe is created and How Mental Process develop to form Living Things

(1) Matter

(2) Mind

24 Jan 2023

*(I) Matter (色)Form*

1. Universe is created from Nothing (Emptiness).

2. Emptiness is a "false vaccum" - void without atoms.

3. To create a Universe - need injection of "an atom" into the "false vaccum" or void.

4. But the "false vaccum" is a huge barrier for any atom to be "inserted".

5. The only way to insert a "Mother Atom" into the "False Vaccum" or Void - is through "Quantum Tunneling".

6. "Quantum Tunneling" is a condition whereby "False Vaccum" absorb the "Mother Atom" into the Void.

7. The "Mother Atom" with the atomic structure of nucleus, neutron, proton (+) and electron (-) become the 1st atomic structure in the "False Vaccum" or Void.

8. Through nuclear fission chain reaction, where neutron collide with the nucleus, the atom split into more smaller atoms with their own subatomic structure of nucleus, neutron, proton (+) and electron (-).

9. More nuclear fission occur cause more atomic spitting - resulting in Supernova and create the Big Universe through a Big Bang (Atomic or Nuclear Explosion).

10. Stars, Suns are formed when nuclear fusion occur to create infinite energy, but for those celestial bodies like planets, satellites like moons - they are created if their nuclear fusion cool down and support living things.

11. RNA and DNA are protein organic molcules made up of atoms. When more helium fuse together - it will form carbon wherey organs and larger living things evolved in the planet.

12. This is how Universe (Matter or 色 or Form) and Living Things are created on Earth.

*(II) Mind (空)Formless*
1. Mind or Mental Process - its orign, its nature is "Emptiness" or "Void" or "No Birth, No Death" or "Eternal Bliss, Eternal Peace" with "No Karma".

2. Like Universe, Matter "False Vaccum" or Void or "Emptiness" in its initial original state or nature, Mind is also in "Emptiness".

3. Like in "False Vaccum" in Origin Universe of Emptiness, it is a "natural barrier" that will not allow even "one stray atom" to be inserted into the "False Vaccum".
Likewise, in "Emptiness Mind" or "Nirvana Mind", even "one stray thought" will not arise within the "Empty Mind or Heart" or will any infiinte stray thoughts can penetrate the "Empty Mind". This is its nature. No matter how hard one try to arise a stray thought will not succeed in an "Empty Mind".
Unlike human beings or other 6 realm sentinent beings - stray thoughts occur thousands of time naturally, which is their nature anchor on 3 roots of "Ignorance of Universal Truth", "Greed or Desires to live in mundane world", "Hatred, Anger - for failure to meet their greed or desires or expectation".

4. Then how does mental process evolve in an "Empty Mind" to evolve into living things in the Universe to form the 6 realms sentinent beings?

5. Similar to "Quantum Tunneling" to insert "a Mother Atom" into the "Empty Universe" - "One stray thought" or 起心动念 will arise when :-
a. Even when one stray thought of - Attachment to Worldly desire (formation of Universe arise).
b. Nirvana Beings or Empty Mind of Enlightened Beings - have even one stray thought of "Compassion" arise - to want to Salvage sentinent beings and Universal Matter falling into the Mundane Universe.
These 2 conditions of "One stray thought" or 起心动念 - start the "Mental Process" of living things created or evolved in the Universe, the Earth planet or other planets.

(Note :- Unless the Enlightened Beings able to :-
a. Maintain its strong Samadhi Jhana concentration on its nimitta (Nirvana enwrap the entire Universe) - then stray thought will not arise within or stray thoughts cannot penetrate the Emptiness Mind.
Jhana Samadhi concentration of the Nimitta (Nirvana that enwrap the entire Universe) as its nimitta - is the strong barrier against stray thoughts from arising or stray thoughts from penetrating the Emptiness Mind.)

Hence :--
色 = 空 (Form = Emptiness)
空 = 色 (Emptiness = Form)
Form and Formless (Mind and Matter) - is a "Mirror image" of one and another.
(Understand of the Heart and Mind in Emptiness - see the "True Nature" of Universal Truth.

This will Unified all the Religions in the World ----- through "Enlightenment" of knowledge verified by New Science, New Physics !!!


Various Religions Meditation

               Buddha Meditation

Taoism Meditation

                Hinduism Meditation

                 Jewish Meditation

               Christianity Meditation

                  Islam Meditation

                   Jainism Meditation

                  Greek Meditation

         Stages of Meditation Attainment

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