Wednesday, December 14, 2022

REACH 417 -  What are your views on the expansion of firms’ quotas of foreign workers through the M-SEP scheme to support the growth of businesses?


 14 Dec 2022 (10am - 7pm)


[9:45 am, 14/12/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

[10:00 am, 14/12/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

A new MOM scheme was launched yesterday to temporarily expand eligible firms’ quotas of foreign workers of up to 5 percent of their base workforce headcount. Firms that qualify for this Manpower for Strategic Economic Priorities (M-SEP) scheme will be able to obtain more S Pass and work permit quotas, subject to a cap of 50 workers for each firm, for two years at a time.

Manpower Minister Tan See Leng commented that the M-SEP scheme seeks to support the growth of businesses that pursue ambitious investment, innovation and internationalisation, with a complementary foreign manpower. 

💬 What are your views on the expansion of firms’ quotas of foreign workers through the M-SEP scheme to support the growth of businesses?

Firms that wish to tap on the M-SEP scheme must commit to hire and train the same number of locals as the additional quota they seek within two years. These firms will also need to commit to a fresh round of hiring or training of locals for each renewal, rather than clinching a renewal just merely from meeting their previous commitments.

Mr Chee Hong Tat, Senior Minister of State for Finance and Transport, acknowledged concerns on foreign competition and the impact on social fabric should there be a sudden influx of foreign workers. However, he mentioned that staying open to foreign talent helps ensure long-term economic growth for Singapore. He assured for the fair treatment of local workers at the workplace and continued investment of local’s lifelong learning and skills to keep them employable throughout their careers.







[10:05 am, 14/12/2022] +L or BL: As usual, a well thought out and considerate approach. The question is how it will be monitored and enforced.

[10:06 am, 14/12/2022] +L or BL: SG does need foreign talent, like every country, more so because we are small and can't possibly have all the diversity of skills required to take advantage in changes to economic opportunities.

[10:06 am, 14/12/2022] +L or BL: Requiring hiring and training of locals is essential and good practice. 👍

[10:07 am, 14/12/2022] +L or BL: The 50 cap seems a bit arbitrary though, maybe I dot  understand how that number came to be.

[11:47 am, 14/12/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

What are your views on the expansion of firms’ quotas of foreign workers through the M-SEP scheme to support the growth of businesses? 

We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!

Megan 😊

[11:58 am, 14/12/2022] +Noraini: 😢😢😢

[0:11 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Meaning!,

[0:52 pm, 14/12/2022] +Boon: Hello. The training and recruitment of locals as a condition is a important one, but it left out a key detail whether if the locals recruited/trained will need to be at least equivalent to the S-Pass holders in roles/responsibilities and therefore at similar minimum salary levels (min S$3,000/mth).

[0:52 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Yes

[0:54 pm, 14/12/2022] +Boon: Given the agencies involved eg, EDB, Enterprise Singapore, etc to attract overseas companies and/or projects to set up shop in SG, it should be reasonable assumptions that the local senior leadership of these companies would also be from overseas; and these companies be given tax incentives (eg, as a Pioneer status company), etc. Therefore, it should not be just the employment opportunities to locals/PRs in SG but also the quality of employment opportunities that these overseas companies bring into SG for residents and PRs.

[1:04 pm, 14/12/2022] +Boon: Just to respond with a bit more to "we want to hear more from you" 🤓, Meritocracy without borders to enable our GDP growth and economic activities is super important. When it is blended with Equitability & Fairness, we can experience a more sustainable journey 🙏

[1:04 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Yes

[1:45 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. As long as the following fundamental values and principles are met, then employing more foreign workers to boost our business and Economy should not be a problem :-

a. Ensure all local Singaporeans are gainfully employed.

b. Once this is done, engage foreign workers to complement or supplement our local Singaporeans workers - to ensure our business continue to survive and thrive hence boosting our Economy.

Else if we are not open to foreign business or foreign workers or talents - when our local Singaporeans are fully employed - then our Economy cannot grow, business cannot grow.

Business may leave Singapore for other places that will help their business to grow - and our local Singaporeans in these companies will lose their jobs, and our Economy will suffer.

2. Coming back to this M-SEP scheme, it carry the following attributes :-

a. Businesses that pursue ambitious investment, innovation and internationalisation - that will help to boost our local jobs and Economy

b. M-SEP scheme must commit to hire and train the same number of locals with each foreign workers or talents hired.

This means this scheme is not mindlessly getting foreign workers to grow the business at the expense of hiring local workers.

In fact, it help to grow the business, boost our tax, boost our Economy and at the same time, hire more local workers.

In this context, the M-SEP scheme is a welcome programme.

3. Looking at our employment market, despite the Global Economy challenges - such as looming recession, high inflation, supply chain disruption, some retrenchment - our Economy are still doing well and holding well, business are still thriving, and labor market is still tight as retrenched workers can still get job easily.

[1:51 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Cern keen to collaborate with S’pore on particle physics research.                                                                           Singapore will learn alot about the understanding of making of Universe.                            

[1:51 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

She Turns Fluids Into ‘Black Holes’ and ‘Inflating Universes’.

Scientist creating universe in a lab.


[1:51 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

"Nuclear fusion is finally here. Making it viable will take a while longer" 

[1:53 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Very interesting innovation.

If we know alot more about this new science, it will open up alot of opportunities.

Foreign talents and foreign knowledge are necessary for our people to acquire these knowledge.

[1:54 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心:

Scientists build ‘baby’ wormhole as sci-fi moves closer to fact.

Researchers were able to produce two minuscule simulated black holes and send a message between them.

No actual rupture of space and time was created in the experiment, and scientists are a long way from being able to send living beings through such a portal.

[2:00 pm, 14/12/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

A new MOM scheme was launched yesterday to temporarily expand eligible firms’ quotas of foreign workers of up to 5 percent of their base workforce headcount. Firms that qualify for this Manpower for Strategic Economic Priorities (M-SEP) scheme will be able to obtain more S Pass and work permit quotas, subject to a cap of 50 workers for each firm, for two years at a time.

Manpower Minister Tan See Leng commented that the M-SEP scheme seeks to support the growth of businesses that pursue ambitious investment, innovation and internationalisation, with a complementary foreign manpower. 

💬 What are your views on the expansion of firms’ quotas of foreign workers through the M-SEP scheme to support the growth of businesses?

Firms that wish to tap on…

[2:36 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

If we are able to acquire the knowledge of the new science, imagine the potential game changers :-

1. Nuclear fusion to create artificial sun - to provide unlimited energy (no need to buy fuel, gas, oil etc -- subject to wild price fluctuation).

2, Knowledge of themonuclear - safe nuclear technology.

3. Potentially, nuclear fusion to power cars, bus, aircraft, ships etc without the need for refuel - and can fly long distances without refueling.

4. Quantum computing - to safeguard our banks, government, military, business against hackers from cracking the current encryption to steal our money, information and data.

5. Einstein General Relativity, augmented by Quantum Entanglement, qubit, superposition - unravel the mystery of the creation of Universe, Black Hole, Wormhole (enabling teleporting) - moving science closer to Religions - solving the mystery of how Religions explain Science - unifying Humanity faiths.

6. There are many applications in many industrial sectors cutting across medicine, energy, manufacturing, sustainability, food sector etc - if we have an advanced understanding of this new science - and transformed our industry sectors as our understanding grow - seizing 1st hand opportunities at ground zero.

7. Hence collaboration between our local knowledge workers and foreign knowledge workers with advanced science - become increasingly vital.

8. As one scientist said, the law of physics as what we know now - is no longer physics, physics don't actually exist ------ with the discovery of new Science.

We are at an inflextion point of new Science and new Physics. The earlier we acquire the knowledge of new Science and new Physics --- the better we can seize new opportunities or prevent threat to our business and jobs - which will transform all our industry sectors.

[2:36 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心:

Why the laws of physics don't actually exist

What we call laws of physics are often just mathematical descriptions of some part of nature. 

Ultimate physical laws probably don't exist and physics is all the better for it, says theoretical physicist Sankar Das Sarma.

[2:36 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Because Emptiness is Form.

And Form is Emptiness.

Since Emptiness has no physics - law of physics don't exist.

[2:56 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face:

The US, China, Israel and possibly North Korea are players in the search of alternate energy sources, this artificial sun!

The key is to contain heat during the reaction and the net energy produced.

The US is claiming they have achieved both attributes with over 20% energy gained from this process.

Who really wins? 

The next nuclear test by the North Koreans will see if they have it or not, this new sun energy!

The world is getting even more dangerous if this creation is put into battle uses.

- - in progress - -

[3:22 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Vaccine Breakthrough Could Finally Bring COVID to Its Knees - by targeting the spine-helix (that is mutation proof) instead of spike protein that constantly mutate.

[3:22 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

New way of preventing and terminating covid.

[3:24 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

No need to jab covid booster every year.

[3:47 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face:

Forward (Majulah)!

[3:53 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Congratulations 🍷🍹🍸

[3:57 pm, 14/12/2022] +Ken: Long time since we saw some submarines

[3:59 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: I still remember a  article where then navy top brass had a hard time explaining the need for submarines in our shallow waters to then MM LKY.

[4:00 pm, 14/12/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

A new MOM scheme was launched yesterday to temporarily expand eligible firms’ quotas of foreign workers of up to 5 percent of their base workforce headcount. Firms that qualify for this Manpower for Strategic Economic Priorities (M-SEP) scheme will be able to obtain more S Pass and work permit quotas, subject to a cap of 50 workers for each firm, for two years at a time.

Manpower Minister Tan See Leng commented that the M-SEP scheme seeks to support the growth of businesses that pursue ambitious investment, innovation and internationalisation, with a complementary foreign manpower. 

💬 What are your views on the expansion of firms’ quotas of foreign workers through the M-SEP scheme to support the growth of businesses?

Firms that wish to tap on…

[4:09 pm, 14/12/2022] +L or BL: They didn't include the power needed for the laser in their calculations. So it didn't generate more power than was used.

[4:13 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Laser bombard the hydrogen isotopes to keep the nuclear fusion intact in the plasma state.

But the current energy to fire the laser is still very huge though there is a net gain in fusion energy output.

Thus only if scientists able to resolve the laser energy to be commercially viable that grossly produced fusion energy - then nuclear fusion potential is immense.

[4:16 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

US is trying out a nuclear fusion engine in its F16.

Let see the outcome.

If successful, potentially commercial aircraft can use nuclear fusion engine without refuelling with air fuel or biofuels.

Means very little cost in fuel - very high saving - and aircraft can fly non-stop.

A game changer.

[4:17 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Safety aspect!?

[4:17 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Airlines no need to hedge against fuel prices - very huge savings and translate into higher profits.

[4:18 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Don't know yet.

But nuclear fusion unlike nuclear fission is safe.

[4:19 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Because nuclear fusion don't produce radioactive materials unlike nuclear fission.

[4:20 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

If successful no need mid aid refuelling with air tanker.

So air tanker become redundant and become obsolete.

[4:29 pm, 14/12/2022] +Frankie Wee: Then we Singapore stop purchase from Malaysia power electric.

When we are ready use power nuclear

[4:30 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Not yet ready - still quite a long time to go.

But technology is there.

[4:31 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: PM LHL did tasked Minister S Iswaran to do a feasibility study on nuclear energy some years ago.

[4:31 pm, 14/12/2022] +typing: They've had one successful test after 50 years trying, using a nuclear fission reactor to provide the initial start-up power and a fusion reactor in a building the size of the National Stadium.  I think they're still some way off fusion powered commercial planes.

[4:31 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

That one is nuclear fission.

Hence no go.

But now nuclear fusion - very good potential.

[4:33 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Imagine our car no need to pump petrol or charge EV - can drive and no need to refuel.

[4:33 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Confused with fussion and fusion?!

[4:35 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Fission split atoms into subatomic to produce energy - produce radioactive materials.

Fusion fuse nucleus together to produce energy like Sun in plasma state - hence no radioactive materials.

[4:36 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Thus sun don't bombard us with radioactive materials - else humans cannot live on earth - got cancer.

[4:37 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Thanks

[4:42 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

That means our fuel industry in Jurong Island that produce oil, petrol, petrochemical, solar energy, natural gas, hydrogen gas etc - become redundant.

Need to transform into nuclear fusion plant.

See how massive the transformation can be.

Thus we must always be forefront in technology.

And we need to work with foreign talents.

[4:42 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: 😳🤦‍♂️amount of money that went into setting up infrastructure!

[4:44 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Also IT people and cyberwecurity need to learn quantum computing and AI - as classical computing of binary bits - overtaken by qubits, superposition, quantum entanglement, quantum processor.

[4:45 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Humongous change!

[4:45 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

This is call disruptive tech that always disrupt business and jobs.

That's why continuous learning is important.

[4:48 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: We will see that USA and China commercialise fusion energy in the near future. Fusion energy will open up the gateway to a lot of advancement in industry, science, and technology.

[4:48 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Also imagine aircraft no need to refuel in changi airport and transit - can bypass our air hub.

So we need to rethink how to attract airlines and tourists to our Changi airport.

[4:50 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Another brain storming!

[4:51 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Minitualization of fusion modular might not be able to be commercialized before the fission SMR

[4:52 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

US has already put a modular nuclear fusion engine in one of its F16 and doing pilot testing.

[4:58 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Meantime, China has signed 27 years of LNG supplies with an annual capacity of 4 million tons deliverable. With Saudi Arabia, collaboration of Oil & Gas upstream initiatives, cloud computing, telecoms, military and 30 other areas of cooperation. Importantly, will the Chinese Yuan be the currency of these economic exchanges or instead the US dollars, in the Middle East trades?

     - - in progress - -

[4:58 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Based on news, the plan for NGAD is on unnamed focus and not on engine, they look like focus in design a new instead of upgrading old..

[4:58 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Star wars technology

[5:01 pm, 14/12/2022] +typing: Lockheed Martin filed a patent for a concept whereby a modular fusion reactor could be made small enough to fit in an aircraft the size of an F16.  They have not actually done it.

[5:03 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face:

What if? Repurpose for hypersonic missile!

[5:05 pm, 14/12/2022] +typing: There has been one single time when a fusion reactor has worked (i.e. produced more power than was required to cause the fusion reaction).  Even assuming that that one time wasn't a fuke, this technology is a generation away from commercial application.

[5:07 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Maybe you are right.

I read about it.

[5:15 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: So, commercial flights using nuclear fusion engines is possible around 2050!?

[5:17 pm, 14/12/2022] +typing: Maybe ... as a scientist said of the BBC this morning: "commercial nuclear fusion is 30 years away (but it's been 30 years away for the last 50 years)".

[5:18 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Don't know.

See how fast the scientists work.

Sometimes they can be very fast if there is a breakthrough.

Else it may take some time.

But the point is, we cannot rest on our laurel waiting for it to happen before we plan ahead.

Then it will be too late as business fails and job loss.

We must already be thinking along the way how to transform in anticipation of how disruptive tech transform our business and jobs.

[5:18 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Agree.  Wonder if genuine collaboration could perhaps speed things up!?

[5:19 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Missing the mark somehow

[5:21 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

With Google, with internet, with AI - everything has speed up.

Creation of black holes, wormholes, universe, artificial sun are said to be theory and not possible.

Now we are seeing this coming out from the lab.

Creating vaccines are said not possible to tackle covid.

But with AI, internet, and mRNA - vaccines come out within 1 year.

[5:22 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Next is patents rights issue.

[5:26 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Cancer, leukemia lymphoma are untreatable illness.

Now stem cell research breakthrough - from our Nus-duke research - can treat these deadly illness.

See how fast breakthrough can come.

[5:26 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Wow

[5:27 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Locally developed stem cell transplant technique gives new hope to blood cancer patients.                            

Now even leukaemia (blood cancer) is treatable.                                                                   

[5:33 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Fusion rocket look like 1 of the many option for travel across layers of the atmosphere

[5:44 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Private economists cut Singapore’s 2023 growth forecast on global slowdown woes: MAS survey

[5:47 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

And if scientists able to make wormholes work - using Einstein General Relativity and Quantum entanglement, quantum gravity - and make teleporting possible ----

Then nuclear fusion engine also obsolete.....


[5:48 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

We can travel from one country to another country by teleporting.

We can also visit moon, mars by teleporting.

No need rocket or airplanes - bypassing immigration.

[5:49 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Time travel technology from the tv series Dr.Who

[5:50 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Should read as were and not are untreatable then but not now

[5:51 pm, 14/12/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors, 

Please be reminded to keep to the topic that is being discussed, we have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion related to the topic robust and active!

Megan 😊

[5:53 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Last time becoz of no competitor..

[5:53 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face:

[5:54 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 




All universal law of physics is at the root of Emptiness of Heart and Mind.

When conditions ripen for it to manifest, it manifests.

When conditions ripen for it to demise, industries demise.

[6:00 pm, 14/12/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

A new MOM scheme was launched yesterday to temporarily expand eligible firms’ quotas of foreign workers of up to 5 percent of their base workforce headcount. Firms that qualify for this Manpower for Strategic Economic Priorities (M-SEP) scheme will be able to obtain more S Pass and work permit quotas, subject to a cap of 50 workers for each firm, for two years at a time.

Manpower Minister Tan See Leng commented that the M-SEP scheme seeks to support the growth of businesses that pursue ambitious investment, innovation and internationalisation, with a complementary foreign manpower. 

💬 What are your views on the expansion of firms’ quotas of foreign workers through the M-SEP scheme to support the growth of businesses?

Firms that wish to tap on…

[6:02 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: “Singaporeans are divided on whether the nation has struck the right balance in bringing in foreign workers and protecting local jobs, with about 40 per cent agreeing, 44 per cent disagreeing and the rest not knowing enough to answer, an online survey shows. “

The M-SEP look like will bring up the quality of FT in long run and benefit local by requesting company trained local..

[6:03 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Picture is not clear enough.

[6:05 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: tech is 2 sides of a coin. Sure it will be triggered when a condition is suitable, and it is indeed accelerating. We can see the more advanced tech in our lifetime compared to decades ago.

[6:06 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: Om

[6:07 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Local can benefit from this as company need to train local via accredited entity and not just use LinkedIn training..

[6:07 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Share account...

[6:08 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Expect some employers to explore loopholes to maximise government assistance and to minimise employing locals.

[6:09 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: 源起源灭,一切都在系统的循环当中。

[6:09 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: Tao

[6:10 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew, good point!

Selling excess headcount "capacity", aka quota to other smaller or smallest companies?

[6:11 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: That will be a case that is unpreventable. However, the majority of the population looks like will benefit from this. Check and control may help to minimize the possibility.

[6:12 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: 空

[6:13 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: I guess, I assume some young people think with the help of tech, a lot of work currently hardly by FT can be handled by locals regardless of age.

[6:14 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 





[6:14 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Hi SL, there will always be loopholes...

Fact is, many foreigners use other addresses which they are not residing. MOM and ICA teams know of these cases.

[6:14 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: For example coding. Is coding need FT?

[6:15 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Not necessarily true

[6:18 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Hence M-SEP is necessary to help the majority of shareholders.

[6:18 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Fair enough

[6:19 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: I already foreseen loopholes would be exploited, but in general M-SEP is currently the best until another new scheme is implemented.

[6:21 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: 万则.心- 还没有人可以超越惠能

[6:23 pm, 14/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: Hahaha...

[6:23 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Maybe one disabler is to set a transferable period of 12 months.

Meaning to say, foreigners cannot job hop more than twice within a 12 month period.

The exception is either the company dismissed the employee or the company no longer in operation from ACRA record.

[6:25 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Outsource? The 5% extra with 50 headcounts max look like it tagged to the company. Other than outsourced mode, service mode, and sister company, how one company can use other's quota?

[6:26 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: In the hotel industry, there is a shortage of hands-on staff.

This initiative perhaps will help them.

[6:32 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Efficiency:

Should there be workers levy, could the Policymakers lower these fees to accommodate especially SMEs business cost.

Secondly, speed up the application and approval process to under 2 weeks.

This is a "capacity building" exercise to ramp up our core economics competencies from manufacturings, R&D to hospitality.

[6:33 pm, 14/12/2022] +Rama: Need exploring

[6:33 pm, 14/12/2022] +typing: This restriction is exactly what UN, EU etc have been pressuring Qatar, UAE, Saudi etc to remove as it allows employer to exploit the workers.

[6:35 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Yes, especially after the reopening from covid. 

But local, with this new M-SEP, after mingling with FT, local may have more innovation-driven ideas to help future generations. I read the topic of innovation-driven in one of the newspaper articles about SMS Chee.

[6:36 pm, 14/12/2022] +N: First there's O.N.E Pass, now there's M-SEP.

[6:36 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Exploitations do come in this way.

How about workers exploring employers?

Two way game?

Let our Policymakers think harder and deep dive .

[6:37 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: The pressure seems not for exploitation. There got other bigger agenda.

[6:38 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: In SINGAPORE, we don't allow anyone to exploit each other. It is fair play.

[6:38 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: With the hotel room rates up. The level of service must follow suit...

[6:39 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Not sure about the taken rate of one pass, but it is for the group of  30k and abv.

[6:40 pm, 14/12/2022] +N: I'm not sure why the trouble, one M-SPE is enough: Manpower for Strategic Population Enhancement

[6:41 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Hotel room rate increased was due to (1) inflation (2) adjusted rate after covid to align with precovid. I don't think it is related to service.

[6:41 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: With over 1500 family offices, besides strategic staff, they need extra hands and brains too.

Btw, more are seeking to come in!

A big happy problem.

[6:43 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Singapore is an open economy and competes at a global level.. Sure FT will come more as if they think Singapore is a suitable place.

[6:43 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: When you charged $280/nite and short of staff. It is not sustainable and reputation wise too.

Hope you can see it from the guests perspective.

It is an "experience" industry.

[6:45 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Large amounts of funds are flowing, so much so that our Currency is stronger compared to a few months ago.

That's the power of foreign funds.

[6:45 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Agreed that the customer is looking for experience, but if the whole industry remains the same standard, the customer has no option to choose.

[6:45 pm, 14/12/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

[6:45 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Shortage of housekeeping and so on...

[6:48 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: There are significant huge funds flowing and restructuring in the Global money market. The question is, with m-sep, how much additional we can benefit from this century's opportunity?

[6:48 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: The geographical locale, the trade routes and sea routes destined that somewhere along the Malacca strait, one day, one city would eventually become the rising world center of the next global economic order - Singapura.

[6:49 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Trade route not limited to sea route.

[6:49 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Very fast, within the next 24 months. This time, time will tell it all...

[6:51 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Agree, very fast.. The first milestone for the winner will be in 2023. The following important milestone will be in 2024, 2027, and 2032 on the restructuring.

[6:52 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: This context was taken from the 16th century.

Today includes Air routes.

And importantly whenever the US mentioned about Freedom of Navigation, IT MEANS THE ENTIRE WORLD IS UNDER THEIR CHARGE!

That's what China is finding hard in accepting this totality concept.

Thank you.

[6:53 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: That is international rule after ww2.

[6:54 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Bretton Woods and beyond...

How set these new world orders after WW2?

[6:55 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Mao closed China's door after WW2...

[6:55 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: It was exist after ww2, for so many decades we follow.

[6:55 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Correct! Yupp!

[6:56 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Try read up from 1947 to 2001... world history...

[6:57 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Nice chatting with you, SL!

Thank you

[6:57 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: Me too. Thank you.

[6:58 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: We all are learning from one another...

Idea Building more ideas till breakthroughs.

Thank you.

[6:59 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: I agree. We all are learning from each other.

[6:59 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: All for one and one for all.

For now and our future generations that we chat!

[6:59 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: For our country and for our home too

[6:59 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: We use all our braincells to find workable solutions.

[7:00 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: Yes, yupp, bravo, SL!

[7:00 pm, 14/12/2022] +Smiley face: last post... thank you and hope you  feedback the next time..

[7:00 pm, 14/12/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


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