Sunday, December 18, 2022

空 (Emptiness)

[6:21 pm, 14/12/2022] +SL: 万则.心- 还没有人可以超越惠能


[2:49 pm, 15/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 



[3:25 pm, 15/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 




5 Mental Aggregates of 5-sense consciousness (thought, breath, smell, taste, sound, touch), feelings, perception, judgement, mental formation - Emptiness.

4 Great Elements of Matter, Liquid, Temperature, Air - Emptiness (where in Black Hole, does these 4 Great Elements exist? Temperature absolute zero, Matter absolutely torn apart.)

Great Compassion of Salvation -- cannot be Empty.



物不空,法不能空,需 自性空 - 大寂静涅槃 不能空。


Self-nature Emptiness, All Matter Emptiness, Hence All Universal Law of Physics and Science Emptiness, All faiths are Unified and attain Emptiness.

If Beings and Matter are not Empty, Universal Law of Physics and Science continue to operate, All faiths contiune to operate - Hence Eternal Peace and Bliss of Existence and Non-Existence cannot be attained.

Chaotic existence and disruption of Science and Physics continue to operate. 

Vicious cycle of Birth, Life, Sickness/Decay, Death continue to operate.

Hence Great Compassion of Salvation -- cannot be Empty.



自性空,万物空,不生不灭,才是 万法皆空, 才是 本来无一物,何处惹尘埃。


This is the equilibrium of:-

newPhysics = metaPhysics.

newScience = metaScience.


Form = Emptiness.

Emptiness = Form.

色 = 空。

空 = 色。

If Universe is not empty with sentinent beings and Matter = how does Emptiness apply to "Origin is Emptiness"?


How does "Universe arise from Origin of Emptiness"?


Arising from 1 stray thought - anchor on :-

1. Ignorance of Universal Law of Physics and Science.

2. Greed of existence.

3. Hatred and Anger of unsatisfied mundane desires.


Quantum physics scientists and Neurosciences/ Psychology/Psychiatrist

- can collaborate in a lab to proof this concept:-

1. In the creation of universe.

2. Evolution of living things and human lives in the lab created universe.


And what is the name of this "Origin of Emptiness"?


It is called "Nirvana".

Some faith called it "God".


Who created God, if God created the universe? A scientific philosophy perspective.       
                                   Describe God - The Perfect Void in a Perfect Equilibrium.      

A scientist using quantum physics to describe God and the creation of universe.

Description sounds like Nirvana.
[3:12 pm, 20/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: Quantum physics have proven - 1 stray atom from Nothing - create a Universe.

[3:31 pm, 20/12/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 1. New Science, quantum physics, general relativity - can prove "Intra-multiverse".

That's scientists create "baby universe" within our current Universe.

2. But scientists cannot prove "Inter-Multiverse", that's outside our Universe, there are infinite universe.

Because Universes outside our  Universe - can only be created by Beings in Emptiness of Mind and Heart - through arising of 1 stray thought.

If 1 stray thought don't arise - Eternal Peace and Emptiness - is the characteristics - known as "Nirvana".

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