Friday, December 30, 2022

Buddha Dharma Wheel is the Enlightenment

31 Dec 2022

The first diagram that illustrates Nirvana Fruition Emptiness appear in Internet blog is on 19 Feb 2012.


At that time, despite extensive Google search and using other search engines, no Nirvana Fruition Emptiness depiction appear in the Internet.


A person in PKSS temple told me to put my Nirvana experience in the blog - after the nun Sayadee Sayalay who interview me during a 10 day meditation retreat and her Master Pak Au (a world famous Arahat) confirm my Fruition.



Also 1st time in the Buddhist community, people suddenly realised why Dharma Wheel is revered by Buddha - when Buddha tell early disciples to pray to Dharma Wheel - and not use his image for reverence.

Because Dharma Wheel is the Enlightenment.


My Fruition reveals the intricacies of:-

1. How to attain Nirvana.

2. How Universe is Form.

Dharma Wheel is the reflection of Both.

Hence, Emptiness= Form.

Form = Emptiness.

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