REACH (Telegram) 54 - What are your views on the Grow Well SG strategy? What more can be done to encourage children to adopt healthier lifestyle habits?
22 Jan 2025 (10am - 7pm)
REACH (Telegram)
REACH Singapore, [22/1/2025 9:45 AM]
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Megan 😊
REACH Singapore, [22/1/2025 10:00 AM]
📢 Topic 📢
Guidelines on screen use will be introduced in schools, including preschools, as part of a new national strategy to address children’s health launched on Tuesday (Jan 21).
The national health promotion strategy - Grow Well SG – seeks to improve preventive care and inculcate healthier lifestyles in children and adolescents, according to a joint release issued by the Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF).
💬 What are your views on the Grow Well SG strategy? What more can be done to encourage children to adopt healthier lifestyle habits?
MOH said that local cohort studies have led to better understanding of children’s health behaviours and their impact in the short as well as long term.
“We’ve reached a critical point. We have enough evidence that prompts us to want to do something than to wait for more evidence to come up,” said MOH.
For a start, the new strategy will focus on children aged up to 12 years old but will be extended to older children subsequently.
📌 Tackling excessive screen time
As part of the strategy, the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) will update its code of practice for preschools, effective Feb 1, to mandate no screen use for infants up to 18 months.
Under the revised code of practice, screens can only be used for teaching and learning purposes for children aged 18 months to six years.
📌 First 1,000 days of a child’s life
Health Minister Ong Ye Kung noted “very good” evidence, both internationally and locally, that shows that inculcating good lifestyle habits in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life - around two years and nine months - can actually have a profound impact on them even as they grow up.
He explained that the strategy is being introduced now because screens, social media, and smartphones are playing an increasingly significant role in shaping children’s lifestyles and health.
📌 Establishing healthy lifestyle habits
Citing local studies that highlight the long-term benefits of building healthy lifestyle habits from a young age, Grow Well SG will also target poor nutrition, inadequate sleep, and insufficient physical activity through focused interventions.
MOH will introduce personalised health plans for Primary 1 to 3 students during their annual school health screenings this year. These plans comprise lifestyle change recommendations, school health screening results, vaccination reports and referrals to public healthcare institutions when needed.
📌 More support for schools
The Health Promotion Board (HPB) will provide all primary schools with data on their student population's health and lifestyle from the third quarter of this year. This will help schools provide "targeted" interventions for students who have greater health needs and educate them on appropriate healthy behaviours.
To promote healthier meals in schools, HPB said it will also step up efforts to help canteen vendors purchase lower-cost, healthier ingredients directly from manufacturers participating in its Healthier Ingredients Development scheme.
Minister of State for Education Gan Siow Huang said that while schools will do their best to inculcate good values and develop good habits in children, parents will have to be a part of this approach for it to be successful.
“We hope that parents can play a stronger and more active role in promoting healthy lifestyle habits for the students.”
REACH Singapore, [22/1/2025 10:04 AM]
📌 New guidelines on screen time for children under 12
Daniel, [22/1/2025 10:05 AM]
As a parent, I find these guidelines very helpful. It's very difficult to gauge what's an appropriate amount of screen time.
Khai Mun L., [22/1/2025 10:25 AM]
Won't be very effective if parents do not follow the guidelines themselves.
Still glued to their phone screens, not going out to exercise, engage in unhealthy eating habits etc.
Children follow what their parents do
Daniel, [22/1/2025 10:29 AM]
That is also true, I think both together are needed to be effective.
Muhamed Shadiq, [22/1/2025 10:30 AM]
The guidelines are useful and even educational. It would be good to provide studies and other evidence to support why MOH produced such guidelines. It is good to educate the parents or adults who have significant influence on the children to lead the way.
Adam, [22/1/2025 10:53 AM]
I think the guideline is good, but feels too restrictive for 7-12. At that age we need to teach kids responsible usage instead of making rules. Also, we need to teach parents alternative on how to 'distract' children.
If its too restrictive, it will be hard to enforce and will be disregarded as a whole. Should we ease thing in?
REACH Singapore, [22/1/2025 11:00 AM]
[ Poll : The Grow Well SG guidelines are useful in supporting families in building healthy habits in children. Please share your reasons in the chats! ]
- Yes
- No
- Maybe
REACH Singapore, [22/1/2025 11:45 AM]
Dear Contributors,
We want to HEAR MORE from you!
💬 What are your views on the Grow Well SG strategy? What more can be done to encourage children to adopt healthier lifestyle habits?
We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Do also share your opinion by participating in our poll! The poll question has been pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.
Thank you!
Megan 😊
RY, [22/1/2025 11:49 AM]
Good health habits eg diet/exercise is good to start from young, just like hygiene habits
Once the children adapted good habits, they likely to continue through adulthood also
I think Japan parents has instilled quite good eg hygiene habits for their children, till it is part of their culture
RY, [22/1/2025 11:51 AM]
It is a good initiative for HPB to start the "Grow Well" campaign for primary children
Maybe HPB may consider to extend the policy to kindergarten children also
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 11:53 AM]
1. I have witnessed a serious child addiction to his handphone.
2. A primary school student in uniform was lead into a food court by his mother - dress like a career office lady.
3. As they walk in, the kid is glue to his handphone as they walk.
4. When he sit down he place his head on the table glue to his handphone despite his mother ordering food, until his food arrive.
5. When his mother put his food down the table and remove his handphone so that he can eat - after he refused to put it away when told to do so, he howl and cry.
6. Only when his mother returns his handphone to him, he stopped the commotion - but still glue to the handphone as he eat.
7. His glasses is very thick and he is oversized.
8. When they finished eating their food, they left with the kid still glue to his handphone as he walked.
9. This is a real serious addiction.
10. I quietly told my wife, the kid may probably need psychiatrist intervention to rid the kid from addiction.
11. His mother probably also need counseling - because her kid serious addiction could have been cultivated when young - by leaving handphone to keep the kid occupied while adults are busy with their work.
RY, [22/1/2025 11:54 AM]
As children spend most their time in schools for studying and activities
Hence it is a good idea that MOE & HPB are collaborating on this "Grow Well" campaign together
Kai Bin, [22/1/2025 12:01 PM]
I fully support this new campaign jointly launched by MOH, MSF & MOE. It’s a good initiative for children below 12 years old.
RY, [22/1/2025 12:01 PM]
I understand Australia has quite a strict policy for students using phone including social media
As I was told by my friend whom migrated there that aussie schools kind of dont allow children to use phone until certain age
Maybe SG govt may further study how Aussie govt work on it
RY, [22/1/2025 12:04 PM]
However how gd the guideline, the parents should set a good example on the phone usage
If parents dont, then cannot expect the children to follow suit
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 12:08 PM]
1. Yesterday as I was doing my brisk walk in the evening, I witnessed a pre-school kid running towards me along the pavement in uniform.
2. I noticed no adult behind him.
3. I immediately stop him and asked him why he is alone and no adult fetching you?
I asked him where is your mummy?
4. He say, behind - and as I looked, 100 meters away is an old lady.
5. I thought I would have hold the kid until "his mummy or rather grandma" arrive to hold his hand.
6. But before I can do so, the kid hop away laughing.
7. So I got no choice but to walk faster to tell her grandma to catch up.
8. But after walking about 10 metres, up the slope besides a multi-storey carpark - I realise a woman is looking at the handphone as she walk and then occasionally type on her handphone. Behind her is a maid pushing a pram.
9. I realized this must be the kid's mother - not the old lady 100 meters away.
10. Immediately I raise my voice to the mother who is looking at me.
11. I say your kid is running ahead of you and he may run into the roads where cars are plying.
12. She say "oh I will catch up with him".
But after saying this, she lower her head, to look at her handphone again and typing away.
13. I then turn to look at her maid, she cover her mouth with one hand as she push her pram giggling.
14. I shake my head after I saw their responses - this is how the kid mother not worrying about her son's safety - but preoccupied with her handphone.
RY, [22/1/2025 12:15 PM]
I rem in my old days back in primary schools
MOH had started the "milk campaign" for those malnultrition primary children
And those not so well off family, they have to collect milk powder every month at nearest MOH milk collection point
RY, [22/1/2025 12:19 PM]
Over the years as singaporean more affluent, MOH had already ceased this milk drinking in schools, and milk powder giving to not so well off family
And this is part of my childhood memory
RY, [22/1/2025 12:27 PM]
Few years ago b4 covid, I attended a seminar organised by MSF for parents to attend
The talk I attended is guiding how parents/couple in effective communication skills within family
I unsure if MSF still orgn such seminars for parents ......
If yes, then MSF may include the topics of phone usage to parents also
For children to change, the parents will have to change FIRST their habits, ya
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 12:27 PM]
1. On another occasion, I was chatting with an old Malay uncle taxi driver in a taxi.
2. He told me when all his son, daughter and in laws come home or go beach with their children, each is carrying a handphone busy looking at their handphone.
3. He said they rarely communicate with one another.
4. He said he was so angry that now he make it a rule that all must not whip our their handphones when visiting him and his wife.
5. All must talk to one another when they come to his house.
6. I laughed and said - your house rule very effective.
Else nowadays everyone are preoccupied with their handphone instead of interacting with one another.
RY, [22/1/2025 12:37 PM]
SmartPhone has brought much technology change to everyone lifestyle
But every change always have both good and bad sametime
So it is up to individuals how they "cope" with the change
Eg of Bad - many scamming are through phone mainly
Eg of Good - communication much easier through whatsapps/msg nowsaday
RY, [22/1/2025 12:46 PM]
In my opinion, using phone during dining/gathering with family/friends/relatives/colleagues maybe not a desirable behaviour
Just like using phone during company meeting, as the focus may not be there
Bec it does affect the dining/gathering/office meeting ambience/communication or interaction face to face/discussion and etc
As matured adults, we should also learn when to use phone at the right timing at right place, and use it when appropriate
RY, [22/1/2025 12:57 PM]
Guideline is just Guideline
Ultimately, it is up to individuals whether they would like to follow or not
However, I always believe that good habits should start from young
Eat well is important for any children growing up stage, as their main duty is studying during that stage
That may explain why eg in UK, the govt do provide free meals to under-privilege students in schools
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 1:21 PM]
Straits Times 21 Jan 2025
PM Wong shared that in the 70s, his parents bought an HDB flat for about $30,000.
“You may say, wow, so cheap. Today is so much more expensive, 10 times or more,” he said.
“But remember, at that time, their salaries were nothing like today’s salaries.”
While flat prices have increased, so have Singaporeans’ incomes, he said, adding that today, more than 80 per cent of first-time flat buyers can afford their flat and service their mortgage with their Central Provident Fund, with very little or zero cash.
Incidentally, a polytechnic couple combined income with $3,000 each $6,000 in total can finance off a HDB flat 4 rooms come 55 years old (and can be a millionaire like the graduates with single income).
Even ITE graduates couple with $2,500 each $5,000 in total can finance off a HDB flat 4 rooms come 55 years old (and can be a millionaire like the graduates with single income).
Based on math calculations if everything go on smoothly.
Daniel, [22/1/2025 1:44 PM]
While I agree, that parents need to model good behaviour, I think it's a bit too easy to blame parents from the outside. Parenting comes with a big organisation overhead. Doctor appointments need to be arranged, communication with schools and childcare, buying and preparing food, stocking up on essentials, all this on top of working and picking up/dropping off children and running a household. A lot of these tasks have ton be done online, and often are only possible during day hours (so cannot do after the children sleep). So while I (and I think a lot of parents) put a lot of effort to be present whenever spending time with the children are around, there are simply not enough hours in the day to get everything done and not use the phone at all around the children. So it hurts a bit when people from the outside (often without children or with grown up children) just wholesale judge parents for using phones around children.
REACH Singapore, [22/1/2025 2:00 PM]
📢 Topic 📢
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 2:32 PM]
1. I feel that the smartphone is a very useful tools whether for work, communication, information and for entertainment.
2. We need our smartphone to communicate via WhatsApp or telegram, need to access information, do e-transactions, do banking, read news, access social media for entertainment.
For kids, they need smartphone or tablets to do their online homework or study.
3. But it must be use responsibly so as not to sacrifice family time, interaction with our children and spouse or sacrifice sleep or other activities away from devices such as exercise, meal time, watching TV, social interaction etc.
4. Especially sleep whereby our children and even ourselves could be guilty of watching social media or surfing nets with our handphone sacrificing our sleep.
5. Hence, I will always set an alarm clock - 3 x 15 minutes intervals to remind ourselves to hands off our handphones come the 3rd rings - and go to bed.
6. I will go to every room to ensure everyone lights off (like a sergeant major) to ensure the houserule are followed - before I go to bed.
7. Else next morning, everyone will wake up with panda eyes unable to work or study.
8. Handphone addiction is too strong - even for adults.
Hence a hard house rules is needed to shake off addiction.
xXx.SCAR.xXx, [22/1/2025 2:44 PM]
Singapore squid games begins 🥳🥳🥳
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 2:47 PM]
1. When my kid or my spouse want to speak to me, I will always put off my handphone and talk (unless I am in a midst of an e-transaction - whereby I will say, give me 5 minutes to finish it off) - and then give full attention to face to face interaction.
2. Family time is more important as I can access the handphone later unless something urgent that I need to attend to immediately through the handphone.
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 2:51 PM]
3. Certainly I won't use a handphone when I was walking on a street and let a kid under my care run wildly on a pavement without supervision - this is irresponsible behavior if the kid got into an accident.
Then a mother will have alot of guilt throughout her whole life - for just a moment of gratification on the handphone.
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 2:57 PM]
How Brexit bold promises turn into a National Regret.
My close friend comments : That's why I said voters have to be wise.
My comments : Unfortunately voters need a solid lesson to learn.
My comments : I hope this don't apply to Singapore voters.
RY, [22/1/2025 3:00 PM]
It is good that the Screen Use Guideline also extended to pre-schools
The early the kids start with gd habits, the better/easier to nurture them during their growing up stage
As many habits are pick up from young
RY, [22/1/2025 3:09 PM]
Screen Addiction is also part of mental health issues
Growing Well should also includes mental well-being
Hence MOH may have to re-focus on mental health of students also, besides physical health
I think SG maybe lack of psychiatrist/ psychologist expertise also
I am quite surprise to know in IMH, there is only just very few psychiatrist Dr handling intellectual-disabled (ID) patients
Jun Ming, [22/1/2025 3:13 PM]
I support this because back when I am in secondary school smartphone is not common I don't use phone. It's much more effective for me
Jun Ming, [22/1/2025 3:13 PM]
I would rather kids use laptop than phone
Jun Ming, [22/1/2025 3:14 PM]
I suppose to fully focus on my work now but yet addicted to this discussion 😂
Jun Ming, [22/1/2025 3:15 PM]
So we must reduce screen time
Jun Ming, [22/1/2025 3:16 PM]
Even focus mode in my phone doesn't help
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 3:17 PM]
A person can sometimes multi-task.
Especially when concentration on the work wane, or become stale.
A moment of diversion can help to recharge.
RY, [22/1/2025 3:18 PM]
For activities, maybe parents/schools may include/orgn more outdoor-related activities for children
This maybe able to discourage them from using phone always
SG is a Garden City, we have many beautiful parks and NEA has done a gd job in linking all parks nationwide and not forgetting our iconic "Garden by the Bay"
RY, [22/1/2025 3:22 PM]
Family bonding time, parents may consider bringing children outdoor eg playing sports/jogging/cycling n etc
For school excursions, may plan more outdoor activities eg outbound training n etc
Children learn thru Playing also
Hence for Growing Well, have to include both indoor/outdoor activities
Hanny, [22/1/2025 3:28 PM]
Screen addiction is not only for kids but also adults. Let's start restricting ourselves first before asking kids.
RY, [22/1/2025 3:30 PM]
As bring up by earlier contributors, it is good to set up some family rules sometimes
Eg no using of phone during family dining
Eg routine go to bed timing
Children must have enough rest/sleep/enjoyment for their growing up and maintain gd health
RY, [22/1/2025 3:31 PM]
Also, not advisable for parents to sign up too many out of schools CCA for their children
Schooling is already stressful for children
In recent years, the china govt ban parents for signing up CCA for their kids during school holidays
Holidays are for the kids to enjoy and de-stress also
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 3:33 PM]
Eg. Long time ago, I was working on a cloud project.
I realized that cloud technology will completely disrupt the whole IT industry of traditional system integration - and many system integrators jobs and business will be render obsolete.
Many System Integrators will go out of business and many IT infrastructure engineers will go out of job - if business and job skillsets don't restructure and transform.
I immediately feedback my thoughts to my management with a presentation how cloud technology can replace system integration.
It certainly stun the management.
Hence during one of the year 1st May - I write in to REACH that every industry sector must have a transformation plan - one for business, one for workers skillsets.
Else many businesses and jobs will be lost through tech disruption and job disruptions.
My thoughts are further reinforce when I noticed that petrol stations business are hit when car owners are buying EV cars and no longer topping up their petrol.
So every industry transformation become increasingly critical as technology advancement will increasingly displace businesses and jobs in every industries.
This is how the "momentary work lapse" at work - is redirected to REACH - to urgently look at industry sector transformation at a national level - that lead to the announcement of ITM (Industry Transformation Map) led by 23 MOS.
A certainly worthwhile momentarily lapse in work concentration - multi-task into something of national significance.
RY, [22/1/2025 3:36 PM]
It is gd that MOE also trying to change parents mindset in recent years, not to be too focus on children academic results
Not all kids are gd in academically, some are talented in other non-academic areas eg sports/music/arts n etc
As every child are unique and different
Hence as parent, we should try to nurture our kids to their interests/talents
LCL (Danny 心), [22/1/2025 3:43 PM]
This momentarily lapse in work - coin in 1 May 2012.
ITM was announced in 2016 Budget Day - a 4 years gap to launch the ITM - a massive government strategic initiative.
RY, [22/1/2025 3:46 PM]
'Growing Well" for children covers many areas eg physical and mental health/study and family stress n etc
That may explain why there is new phrase called "strawberry generation"
Schools maybe lesser homeworks/projects/exam for students ..... manage school bully effectively/more counselling to required students
More outdoor activities and family bonding time
Govt/Schools/Parents have to work hand-in-hand in this aspects
It is a joint efforts for all parties and not only one party effort
RY, [22/1/2025 3:53 PM]
I am bless that I am brought up in a non-smartphone and non social-media childhood environment
And I enjoy my childhood playing toys and outdoor activities rather than on phone
As phone in my childhood era is a luxury and there isnt much internet
Mention earlier, technology brings many changes/convenient to our lifestyle, but it is also a double-edged sword in our 21st century also
RY, [22/1/2025 3:56 PM]
Just like the latest trend AI, it is certainly a double-edged sword to human world
REACH Singapore, [22/1/2025 4:04 PM]
📢 Topic 📢
Jun Ming, [22/1/2025 4:52 PM]
I am not sure if primary school allows students use phone. But I deemed it as unnecessary for primary school student to use phone.
Jun Ming, [22/1/2025 4:52 PM]
And school should not allow it
Steven Ong, [22/1/2025 5:27 PM]
While the guidelines are useful, IMO, the parents need to play their parts at home too. Effective controls will boil down to the parents.. MOH and MOE had done their parts.
W Goo, [22/1/2025 5:41 PM]
Actually parents now are too tired for kids. That's why screen time are use to distract kids from disturbing.
REACH Singapore, [22/1/2025 6:03 PM]
📢 Topic 📢
Jun Ming, [22/1/2025 6:11 PM]
True. Imagine after work you still got housework homework and you bring home work, and screen time is an easy solution
RY, [22/1/2025 6:44 PM]
In Aussie, it is ban - my understanding
REACH Singapore, [22/1/2025 6:45 PM]
Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
RY, [22/1/2025 6:47 PM]
Tks Megan for starting the grp discussing
Have a gd evening, Ladies & Gentleman !
REACH Singapore, [22/1/2025 7:00 PM]
Dear Contributors
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
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