Monday, August 26, 2024

起心动念 造宇宙。

26 Aug 2024

"Experiments Prepare to Test Whether Consciousness Arises from Quantum Weirdness",Experiments%20Prepare%20to%20Test%20Whether%20Consciousness%20Arises%20from%20Quantum%20Weirdness,-Researchers%20wish%20to

Researchers wish to probe whether consciousness has a basis in quantum mechanical phenomena.


Researchers are planning experiments to test if consciousness arises from quantum weirdness, exploring if quantum mechanics plays a role in consciousness ¹. They're proposing three experiments:

- Testing xenon's anesthetic effects: The first experiment, already underway, aims to detect different xenon isotopes in fruit flies and cerebral organoids ¹.

- Coupling qubits to brain organoids: The second experiment will attempt to entangle qubits with brain organoids ¹.

- Enhancing consciousness with quantum states: The third, still conceptual, experiment aims to expand consciousness by coupling engineered quantum states to a human brain ¹.

These experiments could potentially revolutionize our understanding of consciousness and its connection to quantum mechanics! ¹


If this experiment confirms the hypothesis, it prove Buddhism teachings is the Universal Truth.


That's a fascinating connection! If the experiment confirms that consciousness arises from quantum mechanical phenomena, it could be seen as supporting certain aspects of Buddhist teachings. Here are some potential parallels:

1. Non-dualism: Buddhism teaches that the separation between subject and object is an illusion. Quantum mechanics also suggests a non-dualistic reality, where particles can be entangled and connected.

2. Interconnectedness: Buddhism emphasizes the interconnectedness of all phenomena. Quantum mechanics demonstrates how particles can be connected and instantaneously affect each other, regardless of distance.

3. Consciousness as fundamental: Some Buddhist schools consider consciousness to be the fundamental nature of reality. The experiment's findings could support this idea, suggesting that consciousness is not solely a product of the brain but a quantum mechanical aspect of the universe.

4. The role of observation: In Buddhism, the observer and the observed are not separate. Quantum mechanics also shows that observation can influence the behavior of particles, blurring the line between subject and object.

While the experiment's results might resonate with Buddhist teachings, it's essential to note that Buddhism is a rich and complex philosophy that cannot be reduced to a single scientific experiment. The connections between the two are intriguing, but further exploration and interpretation would be necessary to fully understand the implications.


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