REACH 410 - What are your views on the new Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill? How can we better safeguard the online space?
14 Nov 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[10:07 am, 14/11/2022] +REACH: Dear contributors,
Welcome back! 😊
⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰
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1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views.
2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.
3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.
4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.
5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential.
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Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.
The topic will be posted shortly.
Thank you
Megan 😊
[10:08 am, 14/11/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
Laws to tackle online harms will kick in in 2023 after Parliament passed an Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill on 9 November 2022, with unanimous support from MPs.
The Bill seeks to amend the Broadcasting Act to make social media platforms liable if they fail to protect local users from online harms, placing the Republic among front runners regulating a space that has so far been self-supervised.
💬 What are your views on the new Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill? How can we better safeguard the online space?
The Bill will empower the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to issue orders to social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, to take down egregious content.
This includes posts advocating suicide, self-harm, child sexual exploitation and terrorism, as well as materials that may incite racial or religious tensions or pose a risk to public health.
Failure to comply may attract a fine of up to $1 million, or a direction to have their social media services blocked here.
The Bill does not cover private communications such as those that take place on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
[11:01 am, 14/11/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We want to HEAR MORE from you!
💬 What are your views on the new Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill? How can we better safeguard the online space?
We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Megan 😊
[11:05 am, 14/11/2022] +Grace: Big tech is often said to have too much power
[11:06 am, 14/11/2022] +Grace: Good to encourage them to be sensitive to our local contexts and sensibilities
[11:50 am, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: "Our enemies are not demons, but human beings like ourselves..."
- - Lao Tzu
[11:53 am, 14/11/2022] +Poh S. Lim: This is a true statement. The only thing I would add is that ‘we all have different needs and wants, and we are selfish to the extent that we prioritize our own interests first above others’.
[0:29 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: 14 November, 2022
To: Our Distinguished Leaders and All Honorable Members
"Tighten or Relax or Tolerate?"
The Six Senses?
First, race and religion are two sensitive areas that need full protections and cares for the sake of peace and harmony. Any insensitive or offensive remarks whether is through conversations or via MSM will become a sciatica to this harmed individual or group of people!
Two, are these unnecessary remarks carelessly expressed or are these words carefully crafted or are these harmful remarks targeted to achieve other means?
Three, how can the authority and fact checkers confirmed if a remark is acceptable, or borderline or unacceptable? Are there simple key words to qualify in a posted message?
Four, all civic minded citizens should report any "off the wall" posts to IDA or MCI or the relevant authority to quickly look into these questionable posts. Let the authorities decide on such postings.
Five, for local posts, should the law punish those who intentionally post abusive or insensitive remarks insulting others or individual or the laws itself to not only accepting summons but jail terms of no more than one to three months or no internet access for up to a year and no account in all MSM except for emergencies contacts and incoming & outgoing calls?
Six, how about foreign individuals or groups or anonymous posters sending outrageous, insulting or challenging our constitutions and laws through messages and remarks? How to identify, apprehend and warn or prosecute these insensitive or intentional culprits?
Can the law ban them from entering Singapore to include all future reasons, requests or pleas to re-entry? Is it possible or not possible to prosecute these overseas Internet free riders?
- in progress - -
[0:32 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: "slaughter a chicken to teach all playful monkeys (杀鸡教猴)?"
- - anonymous
[0:40 pm, 14/11/2022] +Carol Loi: The law can only do some much. I am interested to know how citizens can step up and support one another, even as government and tech companies are doing their part. Especially as we raise our future generations online
[0:40 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: 14 November, 2022
"Possible, Boleh, 能够, சாத்தியம்?"
Geography and Demography?
Indonesia, the land of 17,500 islands, 300 ethnic groups, 162 local languages and 275 millions people!
How about China and India? How these nations deal with their internal internets?
Singapore, the land of 730sqkm, 4 main language coupled with dialects and foreign languages and 6 millions people. Can we swim and surf our internal internets comments and remarks in the defined local MSM?
- - in progress - -
[0:41 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Carol, you raised a good point!
Whistle blowers?
Thank you.
[1:33 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Cancel culture legislation can help to curtail
[1:44 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew, good and strong point!
How to start this cancelling habit?
How to legislate? In points or sentences?
Thank you.
[1:45 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Lim,
Selfish vs Selfless?
Thank you.
[1:45 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: When government gives hint, it means behind the scenes already being studied. Hopefully, a white paper w will be presented for open debate.
[1:46 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Grace, good afternoon!
Good point, thank you.
Power and powerful, both are extremes!
[1:46 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Well said, Andrew!
[1:47 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Present legislation here will curtail any excesses.
[1:53 pm, 14/11/2022] +Poh S. Lim: Selfish is the norm, but selfless is the preferred 😆
[1:53 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama:
[1:54 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: An example of typical cancel culture engagement
[2:00 pm, 14/11/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Social media online content can be put up by anyone - be it video, text or images.
2. If the content are wholesome, it can inspire readers positively.
3. If the content are harmful, it can trigger some people to act negatively such as harming themselves and others.
E.g. challenge video to suffocate themselves or do dangerous stunt and post it on social media - led some children to imitate - which cause death as reported overseas.
Eg. terrorists relying on social media to propagate their cause, put up videos glorifying suicide bombs, coordinate attacks, etc - has inspire some people to join their cause and committing terrorism.
Eg. social media have been used by far right in US, to spread hatred, racism, xenophobia, conspiracies etc that polarise and divide the whole Nation.
4. Relying on social media platform to self-regulate don't always work as can be seen in many Countries - hence Government watchdog to monitor harmful contents that appear on social media - and instruct social media to remove harmful contents quickly become imperative - to protect our Society from harm.
5. Many Countries have adopted similar measures including many Countries from the West who champion liberal free speeches.
6. Hence, I support the Government policy - specifically the new Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill to better safeguard our online space.
[2:02 pm, 14/11/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
Laws to tackle online harms will kick in in 2023 after Parliament passed an Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill on 9 November 2022, with unanimous support from MPs.
The Bill seeks to amend the Broadcasting Act to make social media platforms liable if they fail to protect local users from online harms, placing the Republic among front runners regulating a space that has so far been self-supervised.
💬 What are your views on the new Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill? How can we better safeguard the online space?
The Bill will empower the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to issue orders to social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, to take down egregious content.
This includes po…
[2:05 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: For suicide, pls include on-line GAMES or TikTok or YouTube!
[2:11 pm, 14/11/2022] +Carol Loi: During the public consultation of the bill, I asked if popular platforms like Reddit would be included…
[2:35 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: 14 November, 2022
What if?
The use of INEQUALITIES regardless of race and/or religion as a subject to gather opinions, appealing to emotion, and gaining supports whether is publiy or via MSM, with individuals or through groups?
What is inequalities, is this generalisation be part of a society or this word can be specifically justifiable using evidents to proof that it is fact than fiction?
The counter argument is in a free society, inequalities should be acknowledged as one weaknesses of a modern world?
Are these actions infinging on existing law and order of a civic society?
So How?
What then is alright to generalize and what is not? What are the limits when people publicly (verbal and/or written) expressed it?
- - in progress - -
[3:53 pm, 14/11/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We want to HEAR MORE from you!
💬 What are your views on the new Online Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill? How can we better safeguard the online space?
We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Megan 😊
[4:27 pm, 14/11/2022] +Brandon Lin: Hi. My humble opinion on this matter is that It is great that the authorities are getting it into law on Online Safety especially with the new Web3.0 and Metaverse. I felt there is only so much law can do. It’s the foundation to deter and prevent people from posting or sending harmful materials to another person. I felt the Core of the issues will still need to be address by Educating the public and especially our younger generations. With the backup of the Law in place, proper educational guidance and support in schools and also in our neighbour community to strengthen the policy and to let people know that online although is just virtual, but the harm we can pass on to others are real.
As for the mechanism of how to safeguard the online space, I felt it will have to collaborate with the Internet Service Provider where the gate flow is. Filters and AI analysis has to be in place before the data got transmit to us. Rather than we have to subscribe or buy programs to filter our internet.
All of us have the freedom and rights of speech but nonetheless, many a times, harmful materials or words or preaches people sent, can do a lot of harm both mentally and physically. So to me, the law is a good kickstart and we really need to be Educated more on this portion. How to be responsible online and how to safeguard our family members or love ones on the internet.
Perhaps since law is passing soon. An agency will take up this responsibility, perhaps we can have an app to report any incidents we come across so that the relevant authorities are aware of it and do necessarily actions when needed.
[4:28 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Cancel culture must not take root here!
[4:30 pm, 14/11/2022] +Brandon Lin: Definitely NO to cancel-culture.
[4:37 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Brandon,
A reporting app is a good idea.
Thank you.
[4:45 pm, 14/11/2022] +俊宇: Don't be silly. That's literally teaching citizens to witch hunt.
[4:54 pm, 14/11/2022] +Jerick: That's quite a leap
[5:02 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: 14 November, 2022
"Of Governance and Efficiency?"
"Don't be silly, that witchy thingie hurts?"
- - anonymous
Assuming a reporting app don't serves the better good and service to the public.
To begin with, how about going to a Police station and compose a thorough statement with actual site and messages retrievable at a click to proof to the officer that it's true?
Two, let things go and hopefully others will pick it up and report to authority or to the Police?
Three, simply don't care even if the posted message bullied one or insulted a group of people? Simply turn a blind spot and move on?
Finally, so how can we design an efficient reporting format and system so that these valid complaints aka whistle blowers will not be wasting their time at the same time the appropriate actions can be swiftly taken by the authority with least leadtime before a small incident turns into an ugly one?
- - in progress - -
[5:05 pm, 14/11/2022] +俊宇: You are joking right? People already abuse SPF processes to report pple they don't like or disagree with for frivolous things. Teaching citizens and neighbours to monitor and report each other via an even easier app? What kinda new insanity is this
[5:07 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: We might be like those in North Korea!
[5:10 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Perhaps it is the duty and rights of the Police officer to advise whether personal matters are valid to ink a report.
Two, such personal matters unless physical violence happened, pls engage a lawyer to sue and sort personal matters out of Court or to proceed further to the Court!
Police know what is ok and what they are unable to assist the public.
There are specific Police power assigned to them.
[5:12 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: What is respect, dignity and tolerance?
What are the nonsensical requests?
[5:23 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face:
[5:24 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Instigation now online!
[5:29 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew,
"History happened to be FOC,...others have paid the price...?"
- - anonymous
The old ways happened on the Streets...
The modern method starts in the Internet and finally onto the Streets.
Both means converged to a common ending!
"One small incident..!"
[5:39 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Yes
[5:43 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: more biggest one!
[5:43 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face:
[5:45 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: "Race, Religion, Beliefs and Emotions. These four variables are lethal weapons of people to people war!"
- - anonymous
[5:47 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: "One united people, regardless of race, language or religion." Senior Minister Sinnathamby Rajaratnam
[5:48 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: That's separation of state and religious authority over a sovereign nation is a must! The Spanish inquisition is a fine example
[5:48 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Not obvious now only superficial!
[5:49 pm, 14/11/2022] +Thomas: This has not been true for a long long time.
[5:49 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Definitely
[5:50 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: How to reunite?
[5:51 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Impose and inculcate the values of our founding government!
[5:51 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: First step to enlighten,
How can we reunite or reimagine?
[5:54 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: The kampong spirit is a shame! Nowadays, can anyone honestly leave the front door of their open for neighbours without fear of being robbed/assaulted or molested!?
[5:55 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: métodos suaves (soft methods)
[5:56 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: With incentives!,
[5:56 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Urban living, think of ways to re-engage?
[5:56 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Get to know one new neighbor will Yield?
[5:57 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Floor levels party interaction is worth a try!?
[5:58 pm, 14/11/2022] +Thomas: Even the way this Reach is being done is sending the Wrong signals to Singaporeans.
When you organize a feedback forum, but you include Non-Singaporeans and take their views into account.
How will the Locals feel?
[6:00 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: conquistador!
Good starting point to ignite!
Will RC or CC and TC supports by giving small budget for simple finger foods?
[6:00 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Floor level leader?
[6:00 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Second class imported singaporeans don't count!
[6:01 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Wow (guau)...
[6:01 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Still tricky to get off the ground
[6:02 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Find ways to reignite the Urban living spirit...
[6:03 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: They will dilute the values that this nation was built on!
[6:03 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Greetings Hello or good day may be a preamble to more events?
[6:04 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Pls elaborate this devalued and class system?
[6:08 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Just look at the behaviour and attitude of sp/wp/ep/sp in public is enough to sense their arrogance towards local customs and traditions. So called integration into the community is superficial at best!
[6:15 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: Not sure if the bulletin board system and online game chatting channel is going to be covered by this regulation?
[6:16 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Perhaps, there will be people from abroad with their cultures and ways of conducting themselves.
Likewise, it is not nice to behave as tough you are right here and those born and live here for decades find it difficult to comprehend or reason such occasional dislikes.
So will tolerance help or the power of self & ego will conquer the minds?
[6:16 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: I hope so!
[6:17 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Hi SL, good idea!
We need more ideas till we get to the bottom, that is to re-engage our urban Spirit than "don't care" attitude!
Thank you, SL!
[6:17 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: With tolerance, all hell will break loose if they feel they can get away and make this country a copy cat of where they came from!
[6:18 pm, 14/11/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
REACH only engage Singaporeans for discussion.
It didn't mention non- Singaporean.
[6:18 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: Tech isp providers and parental controls software, and antivirus software providers, need to talk about the compatibility issue among diff operating system environments to be workable in Singapore.
[6:18 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: So who should take on the leadership to educate, to understand, to deliver our ethos and ways of life?
[6:18 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Hiding behind a key board defeats the purpose of Physical interaction !
[6:19 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew,
Are we taking about ACTIONS matter most?
Thank you.
[6:20 pm, 14/11/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
I am referring to this post.
[6:20 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Generally, they are here for economic benefits so integration is at the back of their bucket list.
[6:20 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: I hope, too, kids are very smart conventional social media is no longer a place they will go
[6:20 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Music and light food may do the service of engaging?
[6:20 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Yes
[6:21 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Human are attracted to lightings, sound and smell....
[6:22 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Block to block Event!
[6:23 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Cluster of blocks event.
[6:23 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: GRC events.
[6:23 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: Hi 😁, looking forward school to sharing with students the online hygiene matters frequently. Cyberworlds change very often, and kids keeping up to date would be the best way they safeguard themselves when go online
[6:23 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: How many non local birth singaporeans are serving in rc/ccc/cmc/ grassroots organisations with actual interaction with is natives!?
[6:23 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Micro to macro!
Find the footings and the comfort zones and compact it!!!
[6:24 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: us not is.
[6:25 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Hi SL, pls continue your great efforts with our future young ones!
The ability to critically think a source of information and be Intellectually curious to dive deeper into an interesting topic!
[6:28 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Anyone has the analytics?
What if these foreigners truly love to help out or they might need the volunteering hours to attain the next level of residence status, can be PR or full citizenship?
Does it matters if all the above happened to be part of the hard truth?
Thank you.
[6:29 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Can involvement be a carrot rather than a stick for citizenship!?
[6:31 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: How about volunteering up to 80 hours at primary school so that the child stands a higher chance of entering that Choice school?
[6:31 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Can we use this approach to draw out the locals who are mere couch potato commentators!?
[6:31 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: What approach?
[6:32 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Don't agree as understanding customs, culture and traditions exposes them to the intricacies of social issues
[6:32 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: I agree that critical thinking for kids is very important; with this, they are able instantly to pick up the red flag on fake information and hence ignore the fake media reporting - including those synthetic media output via deepfake
[6:33 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Encourage them to get to know Singapore way of life by engaging in community issues affecting the neighbourhood they live in.
[6:33 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Then how supposed these foreigners learn and adapt?
What approach to learn and adapt?
Stay out and mind their business or?
[6:34 pm, 14/11/2022] +Thomas: What is wrong with this?
[6:34 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: So if they choose to join grassroots and help out, is ok.
[6:34 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Get into the neighbourhood schools and not the elite ones!
[6:34 pm, 14/11/2022] +Thomas: Integration has been tried. For donkey years. Quite obviously not working.
[6:34 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Worth considering
[6:35 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: So, government think tank is currently obsolete!?
[6:35 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Meritocracy applies for secondary schools and beyond....
[6:37 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Fact is, top secondary schools have a spectrum of nationalities cohort.
It's healthy to include all talents.
[6:37 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Learn to struggle like the locals.
[6:37 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Think HARDER and continue thinking to solve problems!
[6:38 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Some talents are just talented!
[6:38 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: I await the harder thinking results
[6:39 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: So, assist the underdogs
[6:41 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: True and fair play!
However, there are exceptional talents whom able to see and understand topics at faster pace, perhaps in-born and the pre-wired brains?
[6:42 pm, 14/11/2022] +Thomas: Govt committees and think tanks suffer from serious ivory towerism and pie in sky thinking. Hardly realistic
[6:42 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: How then is the current curriculum local school in comparison on the international stage!?
[6:43 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Thomas,
Is it group-think or complacent in play?
Thank you.
[6:43 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: Agree
[6:43 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: If we pegged the OECD scores, we are among top in that spectrum.
[6:44 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: I believe for elite schools!?
[6:45 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: Is there any psychological support for cyberbullying and online peer-to-peer harm? Children tend to be harmed by online hate speech and violent content.
[6:45 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Education and standards are always evolving.
The amount of research chunk, academia and students cohort results will drive ratings.
There are other methods too!
[6:45 pm, 14/11/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
[6:46 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Though parents or School teacher.
School Counsellors are available.
[6:46 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Random selection.
[6:47 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Randomly, any of our secondary school is 50% above the rest of OECD.
[6:49 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Numeracy and literacy...
We should be proud of them, well done!
[6:49 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: If a community doctor or counselor can provide such treatment for trauma after the Kids encounter the incident might be good.
[6:49 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: Especially during holidays..
[6:49 pm, 14/11/2022] +Rama: I believe so
[6:49 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: One step further, IMH will help too.
[6:50 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: Yup, great.
[6:50 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Key is to identify the bully case soonest
[6:50 pm, 14/11/2022] +Thomas: Out of touch/Ivory Tower and Group think. No one dares to suggest solutions that will work
[6:51 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Are our students OPEN enough to raise the red flag or keeping quiet?
[6:51 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Taking leadership and ownership?
[6:51 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: Fast response to contain the impact of bullying and calm down the feeling, reduced self-harm cases.
[6:51 pm, 14/11/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
In this REACH feedback - many suggestions have been adopted.
[6:51 pm, 14/11/2022] +Thomas: That is not the same as coming up with viable solutions
[6:52 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Thank you, SL!
What a great point!
Thank you!
[6:52 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: Can Training make perfect?
[6:53 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Trainings or diligence will go that far to score A*...
However, in the real world, talent works the best!
[6:54 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Exam smart, streets smart, really smart....
[6:54 pm, 14/11/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
To date, I have counted 206 suggestions.
[6:54 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: Late bloomers, early bloomers...
[6:56 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: One time I installed an app from an oversea developer, and the app requested to collect tons of personal info. Excessive collection of information. This put user, especially kids, at risk when tech companies breach their privacy to collect data for marketing purposes. Kids' target advertisement via AI may bring harm to them.
[6:56 pm, 14/11/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
I have recorded 205 suggestions adopted through REACH feedback.
Does not look to me that the government is living in an ivory tower.
[6:57 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: Singapore PDPA requested min collection of personal data. Not sure if the tech app company follows.?
[6:59 pm, 14/11/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
In fact the most significant feedback to adopt reusable cloth face mask come from this REACH feedback - supported by MDM Ho Ching.
So wonder how does the impression of ivory tower come about?
[6:59 pm, 14/11/2022] +SL: A cyber breach in the tech app company database will resulted the info in darkweb.
[6:59 pm, 14/11/2022] +Smiley face: 14 November, 2022
"Of Infinite Governance, Competitions and Survival."
"Hope is like an aim, a target and a vision of success and positivity,...Finite is a game of loser and winner?"
- - anonymous
Infinity and Finity?
Do you love your country, love your job, your family and loved ones and do you like what you are and what you are currently doing? Human are emotional beings; love and like, out of love and dislike are mental choices that were formed from past experiences and exposures.
"Some say that my teaching is nonsense. Other call it lofty but impractical. But to those who have looked inside themselves,
this nonsense makes perfect sense. And to those who put it into practice, this loftiness has roots that go deep..."
- - Lao Tzu
Most often mankind think they are finite specie so much so that the psychology of the minds tend to circulate under the assumption of a fixed timeline of happenings and limitations of a person's abilities. It is true that each human abilities with least nurturing are finitely defined right from birth to death!
How about competitions from local to global, does it dies off or infinitely remains over the testing of time? However if we choose to change these individuals spectrum of finite mindsets and broaden them to adapt to an infinitely possible ones, it will be a game changer to many human lives!
How to think and work as an infinite human?
First of all we have to proof to ourselves that there is a common purpose, a lofty goal and there are hopes in these lifes and lifetime.
How to hope?
It has to be from the top of things and an example is a nation's leadership must embark through a series of initiatives to spell each hope to suit a group of people, transparent and sincere approach, and in totality an entire nation in sync for many purposes and thus hopes are created from top down or bottoms up!
Trusting these initiatives are a paradoxically shift in putting bets on the existing leadership to steer forward all unknowns at the same moment constantly engaging with all people to infinitely seek for better solutions and redirecting new ways of staying on the right course of this infinite compass of hopes! The upgrading of skills and the updating of knowledges are on-going processes that itself is an example of an infinite path.
For the government, the public and individuals must come together as one team to truly listen and learn from one another to maintain a healthy ecosystem of multi-ways trust, transparent in all ways, and enormous energetic exchange of ideas, idea building ideas and hopefully many breakthroughs come multiple solutions.
Having said so, there must be flexibility from the bottom and top of each initiative to allow changes in order to stomach all foreseeable and unforseeable situations than remaining rigid and wait for breaking points to happen!
"Dimensionally, all things will change so do humans and it will never be the same yesterdays and the coming tomorrows, this time counting machine..."
- - anonymous
Taking ownership of each created hope is paramount, the taller the hirerachy of a command and report system, the tougher it needs to stay flexible and most important to enable quick adjustments and readapting to continue this infinite intiative.
Of leadership is like having a big umbrella that shades all its members from rain or shine. Is it possible in this real world? Yes, it is never an easy task, it can be done not only through inclusiveness but through actual actions in delivering hopes and promises, it's an infinite effort in doing so. Be a larger than one's life and be selfless, that's perhaps a great leader should have, like a big umbrella!
Is it true that a long term project does not see immediate results whether is a succes or a failure? Only through the passing of time at each predetermined junction, we will see the intermediate results and from each of this strike point the project continues to evolve and stay on course the infinite journey of a building a better tomorrow!
Three toned muscles to carry this Infinite heavy loads: Trust, Stamina and Patience. Without people to people trusts, very often it will cast dark cloud of doubts on any projects and the intents. Building an exceptional team is perhaps a first step in realising the power of trust.
To compete and to complete a marathon needs stamina, lacking stamina means unable to reach a higher mileage in this continuous race in hope of a big breakthrough.
Have great patience and sacrifices to stay on course regardless of any setbacks or small successes is harder to attain in this "dog eating dogs" all for success, busying and hurrily world.
"Our enemies are not demons, but human beings like ourselves..."
- - Lao Tzu
The US-China rivary is one good example of fear and anxiety. In all contestations there are always two or sides of claiming that one is correct and the other is wrong. One not allowing the other to have advantages over anything or worse to win it all thus created a storm of mistrust and the agility of words of war and hopefully never to go to nuclear war to settle who is the ultimate winner! This rivary will be an infinite game that will go on and on with no endgame at sight or both failed and fallen? Food will be the next weapon to squeeze all nations into either a league of allies or groups of adversary!
How about food and famines in the Africa continent?
Richer and developed nations are able to access and afford the rising cost of fertilizers, making food available and withstanding highly energy prices compared to the less developed nations.
It seems like an infinite problem to solve especially in today's context of food and energy price inflations, the affordability of fertilisers for poorer and less developed nations and the millions of impoverished women and their malnutrition children in Africa waiting to die of hunger than fearing covid! What is happening to this world? Is it selfishness or self interest that created these global mess and seemingly there is no stop to it!
Summary, if you wish or you belief that a clear and certain equitable course (than compromising) to embark, the above are important ideas to possess that is if you envision it is an infinite game than a zero endgame!
Ultimately, it is a never ending story, to think uncommonly, isn't it? Profoundly, a few things will change that is a healthier life, the future of hypersonic speed transportations and space technologies allowing human to live on Moon and Mars!
If it took 80 days to go around the world, what if the future will take 80 minutes to complete it and prolonging the human lifespan to beyond 100 years old? All of these marvels and lofty hopes are important innovations for humanity?
Turning to the dimensions of food is critically more important and the world needs to think quickly how to solve food shortages by using the highest possible technologies and engineerings coupled with the brightest minds to increase harvest yield per acre of land and to plant more? (artificial meats, fish farms and vertical urban farms are just not good enough).
Are these examples infinitely possibles or finitely impossible?
- - infinity - -
[7:00 pm, 14/11/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
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