Hong Kong standoff reflects wide rifts in society

ricky l • Remove
The root cause of the problem is the income-divide, social-divide in HongKong is getting wider and wider.Reply
This has trigger the mass protest - not Universal suffrage - as during British rule, there are no Universal suffrage.
HongKong Governor is appointed - just like now.
ricky l • Remove
Candidates of Governance must at least meet the minimum qualification to qualify to govern.
Universal suffrage that can nominate anyone, including clown with no pre-qualification on how to govern – will bring down the Nation – if they do not possess the pre-requisite to govern.
The root cause is how to convince the people – the candidates chosen to govern – will be representatives of the people – to be “mutually inclusive” to take care of the welfare of the people regardless of :-
(1) Lower Income citizens
(2) Middle Income citizens
(3) Higher Income citizens
(4) Senior and Aged
(5) The vulnerable like the sick, physical diabled, unemployed, retirees
(6) The business
ricky l • Remove
Regardless of Political System, as long as :-
(1) Qualified Candidate that can Govern
(2) Policies formulated that are not only pro-Business but also pro-Citizens
(3) Mutually Inclusive
(4) Policies (Short-term, Medium-term & Long-term) that are Pragmatic to generate Wealth, Investment, Prosperity, Mutual Benefits – so that Compassionate Policies that can help to take care of the less fortunate can be formulated – based on sound Financial Principles, sound Economic Principles and Sustainable & fundable Welfare Benefits.
- Only when HongKongners are convinced that such Political System is in place – will there be Peace.
ricky l • Remove
So what if a system is more regulated - as long as people have jobs, can afford to pay their living expenses and can afford to retire comfortably. People will still be happy.
So what if a system has more freedom - but there are no jobs, cannot afford to sustain their living expenses and have no means and savings to sustain retirement. People will still be unhappy.
So what if a system is more regulated - but there are no jobs, cannot afford to sustain their living expenses and have no means and savings to sustain retirement. People will be even more unhappy.
So what if a system has more freedom - and people have jobs, can afford to pay their living expenses and can afford to retire comfortably. People will be happy.
So the root cause - it is the $$$$$$$$$$$ - to sustain people's life.
ricky l • Remove
If Universal suffrage bring forth a less than qualified candidate or candidate that will only implement popular but unsustainable policies and bring down the Nation - the protest will even be worst.
Unless Universal suffrage can be assured that qualified candidate can govern, can formulate long-term policies that can solve long term problem (not only bring short term benefits but cause bankruptcy in long run) then universal suffrage will be the way to go as it let people have the feeling of "freedom to exercise their votes".
Then if no Universal suffrage, then as long as it can be assured that appointed candidate is :-
(1) Qualified
(2) do take care of every strata of the society and be mutually inclusive
(3) Pro-business and pro-citizens
(4) There are check and balance
(5) Allow citizen freedom
in addition to provide benefits of formulating long-term policies and ability to ensure stability without causing breakup.
Then does it matter what type of Political System ?
If any Political System - can achieve all the above objectives - then it is Governance via the "Middle Path".
ricky l • Remove
We must be mindful that – there are only 2 Countries in the World with a Political System that is different from the rest of the World.
Their nerves are at tenderhook – and they have to proceed carefully, without causing :-
(1) Upheaval & Instability
(2) Causes breakup
(3) Cause a mass Economic turmoil – that will affect the World Economy
To change, the transformation must be incremental, one small step at a time (步步为营) ie. One step at a time – not massive transformation – that will be disastrous.
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