Wednesday, October 30, 2024

REACH (Telegram) 37 - What are your thoughts on Singapore's transport affordability? What more can be done to ensure sufficient and affordable transport options for Singaporeans?


30 Oct 2024 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 9:47 AM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 10:01 AM]

📢 Topic 📢

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced that up to 20,000 additional certificates of entitlement (COE) will be injected across the five vehicle categories over the next few years from February 2025. 

LTA said it is able to increase the vehicle population here by about 2 per cent of current levels as travel patterns have evolved, with the total mileage clocked by vehicles coming down by around 6 per cent from 2019 to 2023.

The new satellite Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system, or ERP 2.0, will also allow the authorities to better manage traffic congestion and vehicle usage by introducing new “virtual gantries”.

💬 What are your thoughts on Singapore's transport affordability? What more can be done to ensure sufficient and affordable transport options for Singaporeans?

LTA said it would allocate the additional 20,000 COEs after reviewing relevant information, including traffic data and the deregistration rate across various vehicle categories.

LTA also said it will consider further injections of COEs in future as more data and tools under ERP 2.0 are made available, including the possible option of introducing distance-based charging.

LTA said the Government’s long-term vision remains centred on being “car-lite”, with walking, cycling and public transport as the predominant travel modes.

It noted that the rail network has expanded by 18 per cent from 228km in 2019 to around 270km today, with more MRT lines and extensions slated to open over the next few years.

In line with this “car-lite” vision, there will be no change to Singapore’s zero vehicle growth rate for cars and motorcycles until Jan 31, 2028.

👉🏻 [ST]

👉🏻 [CNA]


G, [30/10/2024 10:58 AM]

Election coming is it?

G, [30/10/2024 10:59 AM]

Or is it a way to apologise for the multiple train breakdowns so far and to preemptively apologise for future train breakdowns? 😂

G, [30/10/2024 11:00 AM]

2019 to 2023 are anomaly covid years, so use anomalous data to drive up COEs?

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 11:03 AM]

[ Poll : Do you support the move on the injection of COEs? Please share your views in the chat. ]

- Yes

- No 

- Unsure

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 11:03 AM]

[ Poll : Does Singapore have sufficient and affordable transport options? ]

- Yes

- No

G, [30/10/2024 11:30 AM]

I think households with 3-5 children under 16 should have 50% rebate off the prevailing COE for a purchase of a car with no less than 6 seats.  the 50% rebate shall be amortised over 10 years for the period of which the household owns the car, and the residual sum shall be repaid to the government upon the sale of the car at prevailing market rates.

Households with 6 or more children shall have 100% of their COE rebated, but the amortised repayment to the government shall remain.

Households with less than 6 persons purchasing a second car shall pay an additional 25% premium on the second car's new COE purchased, and that 25% cannot be carried into the sale of the car.

This additional premium shall be 50% of the COE for the third and subsequent car.

If the household purchases a second-hand car that is already in the market, the premiums shall be applied on the prevailing road tax of these cars.

Only live businesses (not shell companies) with an annual turnover of $25,000 shall be allowed to purchase any vehicles


You will see some numbers in your birth rate increase while managing the number of cars on the road..

Adam, [30/10/2024 12:04 PM]

My household big big

Adam, [30/10/2024 12:04 PM]

I single

Adam, [30/10/2024 12:04 PM]

My bro single

Adam, [30/10/2024 12:04 PM]

Granny single

Adam, [30/10/2024 12:04 PM]

All live with mom and dad

Adam, [30/10/2024 12:05 PM]

Big household

Adam, [30/10/2024 12:05 PM]

Wonder why household size so big yet pop not growing

Adam, [30/10/2024 12:06 PM]

I think if i start a new family, singapore average household size and household income will drop

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 2:00 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 2:16 PM]

💬 Dear Contributors,

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

💬 What are your thoughts on Singapore's transport affordability? What more can be done to ensure sufficient and affordable transport options for Singaporeans?

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active! 

Do also share your opinion by participating in our polls! The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

Thank you!

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 2:24 PM]

Greetings from REACH 

A warm welcome to those who have just been added to this chat group.

You have been added as you had previously indicated your interest at one of our events or through our online platforms. 

Some background information on how our chat groups work. We open this chat for discussion on specific issues to obtain your feedback, which we do share with the relevant authorities.

When there are no discussion topics, the chat is closed. We do this to ensure that our discussions remain focused on the issues discussed and the feedback is constructive.

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If you have any feedback or suggestions on a particular government policy or issue, you may share your feedback through REACH’s Feedback Form:

We will help to bring your feedback to the attention of the relevant government agencies, which will reply directly to you.

Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this Telegram chat group.

Full set of Terms of Use:

Megan 😊

LCL (Danny 心), [30/10/2024 2:27 PM]

1. ERP2.0 is awarded to the consortium NCS and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in 2016, about 8 years ago.

2. The intent of ERP2.0 is to replace the manual ERP gantry with "virtual gantries in the air" - using GNSS - a constellation network of satellite from US, Europe, China, Japan and Russia.

3. As the purpose of ERP is to regulate traffic to prevent congestion, hence charges will be based on charging more on roads that are congested as well as the distance used (the longer distance, the higher charges)..

4. By doing so, more COE can be issued (but parking spaces must be able to accomodate the increase number of vehicles).

5. This will make more people happy, as some families will need to own a car for whatever reasons eg. need to ferry children, spouse, elderlies, buy goods, do business, sales, travel from places to places etc for work, study or leisure --- without the need to bid for exorbitant prices for a COE - as higher COE supply will lead to lower prices vis-a-vis demand.

6. 20,000 additional COEs to be allocated within a few years - to regulate squeeze COE supply in certain period - will help to prevent spike and dip - hence more predictable COE bidding prices in every bid - and hopefully, the COE price can fall below $100,000 ($50,000 more respectable .....)

7. 20,000 if spread out to 5 years is about 4,000 per year - not so much that put pressure on car park spaces, but do have some impact on COE prices ($50,000 COE is a wishful dream...) - but still able to keep car congestion in check - in view of ERP 2.0 that charge based on usage, distance based and congestion based.

8. Hence I support the injection of the 20,000 additional COE.

LCL (Danny 心), [30/10/2024 2:33 PM]

1. Having say so, owning cars are supplementary to the main public transport system - which should be the primary mode of transportation for the majority of the 6 million population.

Notably, MRT and connecting buses - should be the primary mode of affordable, convenient transport system for the huge mass of population to facilitate travel.

2. In addition to car ownership, taxi and private hire cars should also complement the transport system.

3. The up and coming new MRT lines should be good news..... at least there is a new line right in front of my doorstep to be ready by 2030 ---- no need to take a connecting bus to the nearest MRT.

LCL (Danny 心), [30/10/2024 2:36 PM]

1. However, I do have one complaint.

2. The booking of car lesson with the 3 private driving centres -- is completely inadequate for new learners..

3. Booking success rate is 1% and close to 0% ---- yet for 1/2 a year ---- no solution, cannot be solved - despite being reported in CNA news and other news.

4. Wonder when this can be solved?

LCL (Danny 心), [30/10/2024 2:39 PM]

"Singapore driving schools battle bots used by students forced to wait months to book for lessons"

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 3:00 PM]

I think the ease of coe is good as some people heavily use their car for various transportation

Ethan, [30/10/2024 3:01 PM]

yes if  you dont have kids.

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 3:01 PM]

For bus and train you need to ensure speed connectivity and safety in order to be compatible to car

LCL (Danny 心), [30/10/2024 3:09 PM]

1. Having say so, car ownership is still a heavy investment - and its lifespan is 10 yeas. 

The depreciation per years is 10% of car purchase price.

2. Hence car ownership is not for common man in the street, that need to fork out close to 6 figures to own the car, pay monthly car park, pay road tax, pay petrol or EV charges, pay car insurance, pay car maintenance, pay ERP etc.

3. Hence having a convenient, reliable and affordable public transport system - such as MRT and connecting buses - is still the best transportation option.

LCL (Danny 心), [30/10/2024 3:28 PM]

1. So assuming, a person start work at 30 years old after University, and work for 30 years up to 60 years old.

2. Then a person must prepare to set aside $150,000 x 3 generations of cars = $450,000 (almost 1/2 a million) to own and use a car.

3. After retirement, and want to continue to own car, say live up to 80 years old (assuming 80 years old still fit to drive), then a person must fork out additional $150,000 x 2 generations of cars = $300,000.

4. So in a person's lifetime, a person must set aside $750,000 just to own and use cars.

5. If anyone find the sum mind boggling, then take MRT and buses - cheap cheap and convenient.

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 4:32 PM]

💬 Dear Contributors,

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

💬 What are your thoughts on Singapore's transport affordability? What more can be done to ensure sufficient and affordable transport options for Singaporeans?

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active! 

Do also share your opinion by participating in our polls! The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

Thank you!

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 4:32 PM]

Adam, [30/10/2024 4:47 PM]

I think we need to rethink the coe pricing. Having a lump cost upfront causes a "use it or lose it" mentality, encouraging road usage.

 On top of that it creates a a sense of entitlement among carowners making them less empathetic to others on the road and behave more aggresively.

If the gov goes forward with this, they should also increase the cost of using the road through tax or erp, weighted based on how it wears the road and the space it takes. I still see jams at peak hours. I wonder if they should do dynamic pricing.

They should also increase the penalties roaduser face when they get into accidents. If can afford coe, do current measures deter?

I see a lot of accidents caused by lack of signalling so maybe we need to evaluate if we need to improve how our drivers are taught.

Also if we need to see if the revalidation of older drivers is sufficient for safe roads too.

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 4:48 PM]

Unpopular opinion a van is better than a car

Adam, [30/10/2024 4:50 PM]

Thats why you dont see sedans much anymore. People here all getting big cars with more space at back

Adam, [30/10/2024 4:52 PM]

If singapore design roads like japan you will start seeing quaint trucks and people treating roads as shared spaces

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 4:52 PM]

Van Coe is cheaper

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 4:53 PM]

And can easily transform into a mini house

Adam, [30/10/2024 4:54 PM]

🤔i cant buy a house, wonder if getting a van is cheaper. How do i set my address to a po box.

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 4:58 PM]

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 4:59 PM]

Only thing is need to tell police residential address

Adam, [30/10/2024 5:01 PM]

I wonder how rough sleepers on the streets tell police where they live

Adam, [30/10/2024 5:01 PM]

What is their ic like?

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 6:03 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

Joomua Tng, [30/10/2024 6:07 PM]

increasing 20,000 more COE and car lite objective does not seems to go hand in hand.

Stella Yip, [30/10/2024 6:24 PM]

Many people own cars but take public transport when commuting alone. They  drive with the family members.

LCL (Danny 心), [30/10/2024 6:26 PM]

This is the more likely scenario when a household can afford a car.

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 6:34 PM]

Maybe build a mrt along express way and lrt on every exit to make it car lite

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 6:37 PM]

The reasons that so many car users on road is other means of transport is still not as good in terms of cost benefits analysis to people

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 6:38 PM]

As there is just too many limitations on other transport

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 6:39 PM]

Furthermore people can use the car to earn as private hire car

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 6:41 PM]

But that's being said there's blue sg and get go. You can rent a car if you're not a frequent user

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 6:45 PM]

I think a bicycle lane on major road will encourage car lite also

Jun Ming, [30/10/2024 6:46 PM]

Instead of more regulations on bicycle why not increase the facility for bicycle so that they would not interfere with others road users

Ethan, [30/10/2024 6:46 PM]

Can we push for autonomous vehicle adoption more aggressively. This reduces your per trip cost, and encourage more folks to use it. 

The main motivation people get car is due to convienence. If that convienence can be achieved at a fraction of the cost now, demand for cars drop.

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 6:49 PM]

Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [30/10/2024 7:04 PM]

Dear Contributors

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


Thursday, October 24, 2024

REACH (Telegram) 36 - What are your views of the property at 38 Oxley Road? Do you think the NHB’s approach to carefully consider whether the site is worthy of being preserved as a national monument is the right thing to do?


24 Oct 2024 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [24/10/2024 1:03 PM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 1pm to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [24/10/2024 1:05 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

The National Heritage Board (NHB) will study the Oxley Road site to assess if it is worthy of being preserved as a national monument. It will assess if the site has national historical, heritage and architectural significance, the board said in a press release on Thursday (Oct 24), noting that Singaporeans have a “diverse range of views” on the matter. 

If it makes an order to preserve the site, NHB said the government "will have the time needed" to consider the different options identified in the 2018 ministerial committee report on 38 Oxley Road. 

The 2018 report concluded that while the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s preference was for the building to be demolished, he was prepared to accept other options – if it was refurbished and kept in a habitable state while protecting his family’s privacy, said the board.

💬 What are your views of the property at 38 Oxley Road? Do you think the NHB’s approach to carefully consider whether the site is worthy of being preserved as a national monument is the right thing to do?

The Report sets out options for the building and also for the site where the building is located.  The options include retaining the entire building, retaining only the basement dining room, or demolishing the building fully but designation the site for alrernative use (for example, as a park or a heritage centre). The options are not exhaustive.

📌 Significance of the property

The property at 38 Oxley Road was built in the late 19th century, and Mr Lee Kuan Yew lived there from the 1940s until his death. 

The house is associated with key events in Singapore's history. Founding fathers such as Dr Goh Keng Swee and Dr Toh Chin Chye held meetings in its basement dining room in the 1950s, which led to the formation of today's ruling People’s Action Party (PAP). 





LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:08 PM]

Yes, Oxley House, also known as the Oxley Road house, played a significant role in Singapore's independence discussions. The house, located at 38 Oxley Road, was the family home of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first Prime Minister.

_Historical Significance:_

Oxley House was the site of crucial meetings and discussions among Lee Kuan Yew and other key figures, including:

1. Goh Keng Swee

2. Toh Chin Chye

3. S. Rajaratnam

4. Lim Kim San

These meetings laid the groundwork for Singapore's merger with Malaysia in 1963 and eventual independence in 1965.

_Key Events:_

1. 1954: Lee Kuan Yew and his colleagues formed the People's Action Party (PAP) at Oxley House.

2. 1961: Discussions on merger with Malaysia took place.

3. 1965: Lee Kuan Yew and his team drafted the separation agreement from Malaysia.

_Preservation Efforts:_

The house has been at the center of controversy due to disagreements among Lee Kuan Yew's children regarding its preservation and potential demolition.

_Public Accessibility:_

Currently, Oxley House is not open to the public for visits or tours, as it remains a private property.

Source:- Meta AI

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:09 PM]

The Heritage Act in Singapore is managed by the National Heritage Board (NHB), a statutory board established on August 1, 1993 ¹. The NHB's primary role is to safeguard and promote Singapore's diverse heritage for education, nation-building, and cultural understanding.

*Key Objectives of the Heritage Act:*

- _Preserve National Monuments_: Protect and conserve national monuments, sites, and objects of historical significance.

- _Promote Heritage Education_: Educate the public about Singapore's history and cultural heritage.

- _Support Heritage Research_: Conduct research and documentation of Singapore's heritage.

*Gazetting of Properties:*

The Heritage Act allows the NHB to gazette properties of historical significance, ensuring their preservation for future generations. This includes national monuments, historic sites, and museums.

*Community Engagement:*

The NHB engages with communities, heritage groups, and volunteers to promote Singapore's heritage through various programs and initiatives.

For more information on the Heritage Act and its specific provisions, I recommend visiting the National Heritage Board's website or contacting them directly ¹.

Source :- Meta AI

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:11 PM]

[23/10, 7:54 pm] ☸️  Danny 心: Because LKY quoted ozymandias.

The rise and fall of civilization.

[23/10, 7:54 pm] Meta AI: "Ozymandias" is a sonnet written by Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1818. The poem is a powerful commentary on the fleeting nature of human achievement and the inevitability of decline and fall. Here's a breakdown of its key elements:

*Title:* "Ozymandias" refers to the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II, also known as User-maat-re Setepenre.

*Structure:* The poem consists of 14 lines, following the traditional sonnet structure.

*Key Themes:*

1. Impermanence

2. Decline and fall

3. Hubris and pride

4. Nature's power

*Famous Excerpt:*

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

*Irony:* The inscription boasts of Ozymandias' greatness, but the surrounding landscape reveals ruin and decay.


1. Statue: Representing pride and arrogance

2. Desert: Symbolizing the passage of time and erosion

3. Inscription: Highlighting the disparity between past glory and present decay

*Poem's Message:*

Shelley's "Ozymandias" cautions against hubris, reminding us that even the greatest civilizations will eventually crumble.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:11 PM]

My discussion with my close friend:-

Actually I afraid LKY see 缘起缘灭。

Civilization rise, civilization fall.

But we must overcome it by:-

法性空,物资 (色) 不空。

Hence preserving the seeds of our birth (our origin of creation) is important.

That's our heritage preservation is important to ensure our civilization continues to exist and thrive.

G, [24/10/2024 1:19 PM]

This is still a private property. What right does NHB have over it without invoking land acquisition act?

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:21 PM]

Of all great civilization, any countries will demolish their heritage that have historical significance?

1. Great wall of China ?

2. Tiananman ?

3. Effiel Tower, 凯旋门?

4. Xian 兵马俑?

5. Pyramid of Egypt?

6. Holy sites?


No civilization that wish to survive and thrive will want to demolish or bury their root, their birth and the creation of their Nation.

Albeit civilization do rise and fall.

And for civilization to continue to survive and thrive, civilization needs to preserve their roots, their heritage, -- and strive to outdo their Great Ancestor that build this civilization.

Destroying, demolishing and burying our very root or seed of our civilization - is akin to demolishing our origin - how we exist in the very 1st place.


Forget our ancestor, and forgo our roots.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:23 PM]

And the Heritage Act has the power to acquire private properties that have architectural, historical and heritage significance.

Just like what it has acquire the Sun Yat Sen mansion to be a public heritage significance site - with adequate compensation to the inheritance.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:24 PM]

The Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall in Singapore is indeed a national monument, gazetted under the Heritage Act in October 1994 ¹. This villa, located at 12 Tai Gin Road, served as the headquarters of Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Chinese Revolution Alliance, or Tong Meng Hui, in Nanyang.

As for the Alkaff Mansion, it's considered one of the grand mansions and villas of the past in Singapore ². However, I couldn't find specific information confirming its gazetting under the Heritage Act.

*Other Heritage Sites:*

- _Sun Yat Sen's Former Residence_ in Shanghai is a Key State-preserved Cultural Relic Unit ³

- _National Heritage Board_ manages various heritage institutions in Singapore, including the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall ¹

Source :- Meta AI

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:24 PM]

The Alkaff Mansion is indeed a public site, and it's now a popular lifestyle and dining destination. Located at 10 Telok Blangah Crescent, it's perched atop Telok Blangah Hill, offering stunning views ¹. You can visit the mansion to dine at one of its restaurants, cafes, or bars, or even host events and weddings there.

*Current Occupants and Features:*

- _Wildseed Cafe_: A pet-friendly cafe serving brunch items, cakes, and pastries ¹

- _1918 Heritage Bar_: A nightlife spot with signature cocktails inspired by the Alkaff family's heritage ¹

- _UNA_: A Spanish restaurant offering tapas, paellas, and grills ¹


The Alkaff Mansion was built in 1918 by Syed Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Alkaff as a weekend house ². It later became known for hosting high-society parties in the 1930s. After World War II, the Alkaffs suffered business losses and sold the property, which was then used as the headquarters of the World Buddhist Society from around 1970 to 1984 ².

*Restoration and Redevelopment:*

The mansion underwent restoration and redevelopment in the 1990s and was reopened as a restaurant and event venue ². Although it ceased operations in 2003, it was revived in 2011 and has since become a popular spot for dining and events ².

Source:- Meta AI

G, [24/10/2024 1:29 PM]

Got such thing as Heritage Act meh? Where's the source?

G, [24/10/2024 1:30 PM]

NHB can declare public properties "heritage" and order their conservation. But to do that to private properties? That sounds like power abuse

G, [24/10/2024 1:31 PM]

Sound a lot like disinformation

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:32 PM]

The last letter from LKY to the Cabinet:-

Cabinet members were unanimous that 38 Oxley Road should not be demolished as I wanted. I have reflected on this and decided that if 38 Oxley Road is to be preserved, it needs to have its foundations reinforced and the whole building refurbished. It must then let out for people to live in. An empty building will soon decline and decay.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:32 PM]

LKY last letter to the Cabinet is not objecting to the demolition of Oxley House.

Having understood its heritage and historical significance of 38 Oxley House.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:33 PM]

National Heritage Board Act 1993 - Singapore Statutes Online

G, [24/10/2024 1:36 PM]

That's the NHB Act, there's no "Heritage Act"

Where in the NHB Act does it declare that NHB has the power to declare a private property "Heritage" while it is still a private property?

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:39 PM]

Are you saying what nhb do is illegal?

Then you can sue nhb.

Let the court tell you whether is it in the Act.

G, [24/10/2024 1:40 PM]

You made that claim that NHB had the power to declare private properties "heritage" 

I challenged that claim, for you to show where in the law that provides NHB this provision. 

You turn around and throw accusations

G, [24/10/2024 1:41 PM]

If 38 Oxley has been acquired and belong to the govt. Fine. That's in accordance to the law. The law provides for this via the Land Acquisition Act 

But as it stands today, 38 Oxley road is fully privately owned

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:41 PM]

The National Heritage Board (NHB) will study the Oxley Road site to assess if it is worthy of being preserved as a national monument. 

It will assess if the site has national historical, heritage and architectural significance, the board said in a press release on Thursday (Oct 24), noting that Singaporeans have a “diverse range of views” on the matter. 

Source :- CNA news 24 Oct 2024.

G, [24/10/2024 1:41 PM]

If you cannot find in the NHB act, then acknowledge that you have sowed disinformation

G, [24/10/2024 1:43 PM]

This is your claim. 

Firstly, there doesn't seem to be a "Heritage Act"

When challenged, you produced the link for National Heritage Board Act. When challenged further as to where in the NHB Act is the provision to declare a private property "Heritage", you start throwing accusations

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:44 PM]

Can you read part 2 section 3 - if you are too lazy to read.

A body called the National Heritage Board is established, which is a body corporate with perpetual succession and is by that name capable of —(a)suing and being sued;(b)acquiring, owning, holding, developing and disposing of property, both movable and immovable; and

Nicholas, [24/10/2024 1:45 PM]

I love our country and I feel that the government is doing a good job. 

I would feedback to the govt that this whole saga, just makes the PAP looks really bad.. it feels like making an “old” house, a political issue, and looks like a family problem escalating into a national one.  Looks like all the millionaires ministers fighting over legacy.

Honestly, no one really cares about the old house. Demolishing it and making it into place that citizens can enjoy such as a park or amenties to enjoy the location is probably better appreciated by its people. 

Doesn’t the govt have more pressing issues to work on such as transport, the world polarising and the citizens that need help ?

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:46 PM]

Must as well demolish all the heritage in Singapore if deem not important for our descendants.

Nicholas, [24/10/2024 1:47 PM]

Government have already demolish quite a lot.. only a few places left actually.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:48 PM]

So only leave hdb flats, MRT, office, and shopping malls..

All heritage demolish.

Nicholas, [24/10/2024 1:48 PM]

Wishes of the original owners is also important. We can always put something significant in its place - not a family drama out in the open

Nicholas, [24/10/2024 1:49 PM]

Why so extreme.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:49 PM]

And soon Singapore cease to exist because we have no roots.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [24/10/2024 1:50 PM]

In logic, reductio ad absurdum, also known as argumentum ad absurdum or apagogical arguments, is the form of argument that attempts to establish a claim by showing that the opposite scenario would lead to absurdity or contradiction.

G, [24/10/2024 1:51 PM]

I have read it. Have you?

It does not explicitly describe NHB's powers over declaring a private property as "Heritage"

Where in the act does it explicitly describe NHB's power to declare a private property as "heritage"?

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:52 PM]

If you dispute this, go to Court to establish whether nhb has the right or not.

No point trying to be a lawyer to interpret the Act.

Let the court decide.

G, [24/10/2024 1:53 PM]

And by calling people lazy.. You were the one who made the claim. Then show the evidence when probed. 

Instead, when probed further, you resort to "if you are too lazy to read"

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:53 PM]


Adam, [24/10/2024 1:53 PM]

Nah your roots are not a priority. My roots of eating cheap food from hawkers have been demolished with swanky new and expensive food courts. My roots of playing in the void deck of hdb has been demolished and replaced with convoluted paths that discourage play.

The only important roots we have are the roots of the rich. Those that own landed at oxley

G, [24/10/2024 1:53 PM]

If you cannot back up your own claims, then stop spreading disinformation

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:54 PM]

Oh nhb news in CNA is spreading disinformation.

Oh wow ...

Then make police report lor.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 1:58 PM]

Heritage is essential for various reasons:

*Cultural Significance:*

1. Identity: Heritage helps define a community's identity, traditions, and values.

2. Continuity: It connects the past to the present, providing a sense of continuity.

3. Diversity: Heritage showcases the richness of diverse cultures, promoting cross-cultural understanding.

*Economic Benefits:*

1. Tourism: Heritage sites attract tourists, generating revenue and creating jobs.

2. Preservation: Restoring heritage sites stimulates local economies through conservation efforts.

3. Cultural Industries: Heritage-inspired arts, crafts, and performances support local creative economies.

*Social Cohesion:*

1. Community Engagement: Heritage fosters community pride and social cohesion.

2. Education: Heritage sites serve as interactive classrooms, teaching history and cultural significance.

3. Intergenerational Connection: Heritage bridges the gap between generations, promoting shared values.

*Environmental Conservation:*

1. Preservation: Protecting heritage sites often involves conserving surrounding natural environments.

2. Sustainable Development: Heritage conservation promotes sustainable development practices.

3. Environmental Education: Heritage sites raise awareness about environmental issues.

*Personal and Emotional Connection:*

1. Roots: Heritage connects individuals to their ancestral roots.

2. Emotional Resonance: Heritage sites evoke emotions, creating a sense of belonging.

3. Personal Identity: Heritage influences personal identity, shaping values and worldview.

*National Pride and International Recognition:*

1. National Identity: Heritage represents a nation's history, values, and achievements.

2. UNESCO World Heritage: Internationally recognized heritage sites promote national pride.

3. Cultural Diplomacy: Heritage facilitates cultural exchange and international cooperation.

By preserving and celebrating heritage, we:

1. Honor the past

2. Enrich the present

3. Inspire the future

Source:- Meta AI

REACH Singapore, [24/10/2024 2:01 PM]

[ Poll : Do you think the current approach to keep options open is the right thing to do? ]

- Yes (44% - 37 votes)

- No (56% - 48 votes)

Total votes - 85 votes

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:03 PM]

So who is part of our community? Identifies as us following our tradition and values? What even is our values? Mind you a third of "us" is not residents

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:04 PM]

Then why you live here?

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:04 PM]

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:05 PM]

Interesting, how do you insert a pic?

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:05 PM]


LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:05 PM]

What is ldk?

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:05 PM]

I wanna send the whole thing but the group dun allow but my phone can paste a circle

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:06 PM]

Oh so strange.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:07 PM]

Because Singaporeans don't want to marry and give birth.

Especially the young ones.

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:10 PM]

I think heritage in singapore is gonna be dead. What do the new generation want to work as? Would they be willing to be hawkers? Or how about the history of vice activity that helped boosted singapores colonial economy

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:11 PM]

This is precisely we need to stop.

And preserve our heritage.

Else Singapore become a lifeless soul.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:12 PM]

Vice activities we must discard.

The birth of our Nation we need to preserve.

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:12 PM]

Vice activites has been part of singapore history.

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:12 PM]

As always when you want to 'preserve' its alwasys cherry picked

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:13 PM]


I don't support vice activities.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:14 PM]

You see heritage is something very soft, very subtle, but it is part of our soul - whereby only Singaporeans can associate with.

Which is our identity.

The moment we demolish it, we are soul-less.

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:15 PM]

One does not simply demolish heritage

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:15 PM]

There is always a cost to be evaluated

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:16 PM]

If its too high or noone wants to do, why continue

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:17 PM]

It is difficult to justify and quantified in absolute terms.

It is relative, it is mental, not physical values that people see and say ah... This is useful, this is beneficial - because we can see and count.

Heritage is virtual, mental and it is an identity, our culture and our soul that bind us - and make us identified uniquely as Singaporeans.

The moment we demolish it, destroy it - it is gone forever.

Destroying things are easy, preserving and keeping one is difficult.

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:18 PM]

Our $335mil founders memorial cannot be quantified in dollars and cents

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:20 PM]

What people don't see the values now, doesn't means our future generations find it not useful.

One day, our children, our grandchildren will haunt us and say - why destroy our heritage, why you destroy our roots.

Then our whole generation who decide now - will do a disservice to our future descendants.

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:20 PM]

Lol what children

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:21 PM]

Our children will serve the nation, to protect the assets of those who bring their welth in

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:22 PM]

To be honest, the $300 million over heritage is not a wasted investment.

Our tourism sites always need to rejuvenate so that foreign tourism will keep coming back to visit and we can earn our tourism revenue.

And Singaporeans will be able to study our heritage, our roots, our identity and how and why we exist.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:24 PM]

Unless you don't intend to marry and have children.

I always keep my children, grandchildren and future descendants in mind -- to ensure whatever policies we make now are not for our immediate gratification.

But a mind to ensure our Singapore civilization can continue to survive and thrive for many many generations to come.

Hence we must have a super long vision to ensure not only we will benefit from the government policies but also our future descendants benefits from it.

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:26 PM]

Im sure our children will appreciate the massive monuments to our founders while living in shoebox apartments they dont own

Adam, [24/10/2024 2:27 PM]

I wonder what north korea is doing right to inculcate the respect for their history

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:28 PM]

We are very fortunate not to have shoebox apartment like HK partition room as a house.

We can't have a few thousand sq metres house, but a respectable one that make us feel like a cosy unit - in view of the land size and constraints that we have.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:29 PM]

I don't want to comment about nkorea - because it is their destiny that they need to change.

I only concern about Singapore.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:36 PM]

As per the current poll in this REACH group:-

21% find it worthwhile to preserve.

70% find that it has some values but not enough to be a national monument.

11% say it has no value.

I take some consolation that 91% at least find that there are some values to preserve Oxley in one way or another because there is at least some values (not no at all).

When it go further down the road, let see what can be done to preserve at least the most significant part of Oxley - and our future descendants can still benefit from it.


LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:48 PM]

The profound philosophy is actually the core of 色是空。空是色。

Maxim is Emptiness.

Emptiness is Maxim.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [24/10/2024 2:51 PM]

Oh, like the name Wukong? Didn't the monkey king go wreck the celestial palace?

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:52 PM]


Not that naughty wukong.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:53 PM]

The philosophy say:-

In Emptiness - you will reap the maximum of Wisdom.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:55 PM]

The wukong is in Maximum physical force - not in Maxim Wisdom of Emptiness.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 2:59 PM]

Hence demolition of Matter (Physical form) is Annihilation (physical destruction) - of no return.

Emptiness of Mind is - maximum of Wisdom (is preservation).

Hence, so crucial to have preservation - when it touches the root, the seed of our Origin.

Annihilation vs Emptiness.

灭 vs 空。

Destruction of physical matter vs Maximum Wisdom of Preservation of our root, our seeds of Origin.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [24/10/2024 3:03 PM]

At the end of the day, it is pointless to argue too much among ourselves - we should be discerning about whether the political class are protecting national interests or just the special interests of a select group. Singapore is a unique place and evolving with the times; more important to take care of citizens and preparing them for future challenges.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 3:05 PM]

Without Oxley, there is no politics or sprouting of other political parties.

There is no Singaporeans because there is no modern Singapore.

We cannot even survive without water.

Oxley is the origin of everything we have now - from merger to separation and Independence of the Republic of Singapore.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 3:06 PM]

And I agree with your statement:-

Singapore is a unique place and evolving with the times; more important to take care of citizens and preparing them for future challenges.

G, [24/10/2024 3:49 PM]

Very apt that the previous topic was on disinformation. And here we have, a live example of disinformation being bandied about. Govt bodies laying claim and making plans to a private property without mentioning any intention on utilising the land acquisition act to lawfully own it.

We have citizens who vehemently defend this govt's actions, and even claimed that the law allows the govt's actions, but cannot adequately show which clause in the law allows it. The passionate defence of the govt actions included insinuations of other citizen's character.

G, [24/10/2024 3:51 PM]

This govt should not overstep their boundaries. If this govt wants to lay claim to 38 Oxley Road and plan for its future, then acquire it lawfully. 

Right now 38 oxley road is 100% private owned. If want to gazette it as heritage building, then acquire it first. Don't jump the gun

REACH Singapore, [24/10/2024 4:09 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 4:39 PM]

Mr Lee Kuan Yew's ancestral home to be turned into tourist spot - by China.

| The Straits Times

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 4:42 PM]

Even China has attempted to preserve the ancestral home of Lee Kuan Yew to commemorate our Singapore Elder Statesman.

And yet some of our Singaporeans including one of his son and daughter - are so eager to demolish his ancestral home in Singapore.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 4:44 PM]

Because China understand the importance of heritage and historical significance to a civilization.

G, [24/10/2024 4:44 PM]

Looks like a concerted media propaganda campaign by PAPs de facto mouthpiece to sway Singaporeans' views to be in favour of not demolishing it, thus trying to engage a country to pressure the owners of a private property on an outcome that is not favourable to the owner

G, [24/10/2024 4:45 PM]

The propaganda seems to be effective on some in this group

G, [24/10/2024 4:46 PM]

Why dig up an article from 2015?

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 4:48 PM]

That's why China is a great civilization lasting 5,000 years of cultural heritage - by preserving historical and heritage significance.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 4:49 PM]

Istana Kampong Glam

The present building was constructed in 1840 by his son, Tengku Mohammed Ali, who was later recognised as Sultan Ali Iskandah Shah. The Istana is located at Sultan Gate in Kampong Glam, in the Rochor area of the central region.1 Today, Istana Kampong Glam is preserved as the Malay Heritage Centre.,area%20of%20the%20central%20region.&text=Today%2C%20Istana%20Kampong%20Glam%20is%20preserved%20as%20the%20Malay%20Heritage%20Centre.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 4:52 PM]

Preservation of our Sultan house - allocated by Sir Stamford Raffles - as our Malay Heritage Centre.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 4:55 PM]

Indian Heritage Centre - Introduction.

Preservation of our Indian Heritage.

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 4:56 PM]

Eurasian Association, Singapore.

The Eurasian Association (EA) preserves and promotes awareness of Eurasian heritage in Singapore and supports the less fortunate through community initiatives. 

The Eurasian Community House.,less%20fortunate%20through%20community%20initiatives.

G, [24/10/2024 4:57 PM]

From your link:


In 1896, Sultan Ali's three wives settled in court their dispute over the rights to the Istana Kampong Glam estate. In 1897, the court repealed this privilege of land ownership and ruled that no one could claim to be a successor. Hence, the estate belonged to the colony of Singapore and not to the sultan's descendants, although they were allowed to continue living there. In accordance with Section 2 of the 1904 Sultan Hussain Ordinance (Cap. 382), the land at Kampong Glam reverted to the state and became state property on 1 January 1905. It is administered by the land office in the same manner as other state land in Singapore.6"

"Historical landmark

On 7 July 1989, the historic district of Kampong Glam, bounded by Jalan Sultan, Rochor Canal Road, Arab Street and Beach Road, was gazetted a conservation area. In 1993, the government announced plans to develop Istana Kampong Glam since it was located in the 16-hectare Kampong Glam conservation area. Residents were given ample time to make their own housing arrangements. On 12 March 1999, it was announced that the Istana would be converted into a Malay heritage centre.7 After redevelopment, the Malay Heritage Centre was officially opened by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in June 2005.8

Istana Kampong Glam was gazetted as a national monument on 6 August 2015.9"

NHB has authority over state owned property. Where's the provision in the law that says it has authority over private property?

G, [24/10/2024 5:21 PM]

This 38 oxley road episode is very much an airing of dirty laundry between 2 brothers, one of whom is still a minister. 

Incidentally, the CEO of NHB is the wife of DPM Heng. 

Instead of wasting much time and public resources over a family dispute (including debating about one private property in parliament), much more time and effort should be put towards managing the cost of living or other pressing national issues.   

Very poor utilisation of public officers' time and effort on a private property

REACH Singapore, [24/10/2024 6:02 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

LCL (Danny 心), [24/10/2024 6:43 PM]

1. When a cup of water is "Emptied" (空) - it can be fill with full cup of Wisdom. (智慧).

2. When a cup is demolish - smash into pieces (physical) - then destruction is complete. No longer can hold any Wisdom with the broken cup. (Annihilation 灭).

REACH Singapore, [24/10/2024 6:44 PM]

Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

G, [24/10/2024 6:54 PM]

Let’s not get silly about this . We can recognize our past and not build more communist like monuments . 

We destroyed the national library for a tunnel 

We flatten the national theatre and Van Kleef aquarium which are architectural successes for trival reason 

Let’s not pretend Oxley beyond its occupant is there any real significant in the building besides personal memories for the Lee family who grew up there 

If 2 of the 3 siblings say let’s demolish it , that already a majority

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [24/10/2024 6:57 PM]

Pensez par vous-même et laissez les autres profiter du privilège de le faire aussi - Voltaire

"Think for yourself and let others enjoy the privilege of doing so too."

REACH Singapore, [24/10/2024 6:59 PM]

Dear Contributors

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


REACH Singapore, [24/10/2024 4:57 PM]

[ Poll : What are your thoughts on the historical, heritage and architectural significance of 38 Oxley Road? Please share your views in the chats ]

- Yes, I believe that 38 Oxley Road has historical, heritage and architectural value.(33% - 33 votes)

- 38 Oxley Road has some value but not enough to be a national monument.(46% - 47 votes)

- 38 Oxley Road has no value (21% - 21 votes)

Total votes - 101 votes


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

REACH (Telegram) 35 - What are your thoughts on the blocking of these fake websites that could potentially be used to carry out disinformation campaigns against Singapore? How else can Singaporeans protect themselves from disinformation online?


23 Oct 2024 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [23/10/2024 9:49 AM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [23/10/2024 10:00 AM]

📢 Topic 📢

The authorities on Oct 22 ordered the blocking of 10 fake websites linked to foreign actors that could potentially be used to carry out disinformation campaigns against Singapore.

The websites mimic typical news publications and are unlikely to raise suspicion to the untrained eye, but their tactics have been flagged by global cyber threat researchers as having the same playbook as state-run hostile information campaigns.

💬 What are your thoughts on the blocking of these fake websites that could potentially be used to carry out disinformation campaigns against Singapore? How else can Singaporeans protect themselves from disinformation online?

📌 Fake websites blocked under the Broadcasting Act

In a joint statement, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) said on Oct 22 that it was necessary to direct internet access service providers, including Singtel, M1 and StarHub, to block access to the 10 sites for users in Singapore under the Broadcasting Act.

MHA said that, based on investigations, there are no Singaporeans involved in operating any of the websites and the “level of exposure of Singaporeans to these 10 websites is assessed to be currently low”.

Although the websites have not mounted any hostile information campaign against Singapore, they could potentially be used to do so in future, said MHA. “It is therefore in the public interest to take pre-emptive action against them.”

MHA and IMDA said the websites masquerade as Singapore websites by spoofing or using terms associated with Singapore in their domain names and incorporating familiar local features and visuals.

“They also carried content on Singapore, some of which was generated by artificial intelligence,” the authorities added.

“These are common tactics used by malicious foreign actors: build websites which can attract a local following, that may subsequently be used as platforms to mount hostile information campaigns.”

📌 Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (Fica) being reviewed

MHA and IMDA added that there were currently no provisions in the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act of 2021 to preemptively act against websites, whether inauthentic or not.

“For example, an Account Restriction Direction, which is an anticipatory direction, can only be given to a provider of a social media service and/or electronic service but not websites,” they said. “The government is reviewing the Act to see how this can be addressed.”

The authorities urged Singaporeans to remain vigilant when consuming content online, and to be alert to such inauthentic websites and the threat they pose.

“There are many overseas cases where malicious foreign actors had created and used inauthentic news websites to propagate false narratives to sway the target population's sentiments, in order to advance their own interests,” they said.

“They do so by inciting social tension, exploiting societal fault lines, manipulating elections, or undermining confidence and trust in public institutions.”




Adam, [23/10/2024 10:35 AM]

If only the gov can put as much effort into scams

REACH Singapore, [23/10/2024 11:00 AM]

[ Poll : I believe that blocking these fake foreign-linked websites helps to prevent disinformation campaigns against Singapore. Please share the reason for your answer in the chats! ]

- Yes

- No

- Maybe

REACH Singapore, [23/10/2024 11:07 AM]

Dear Contributors,

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

💬 What are your thoughts on the blocking of these fake websites that could potentially be used to carry out disinformation campaigns against Singapore? How else can Singaporeans protect themselves from disinformation online?

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active! 

Do also share your opinion by participating in our polls! The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

Thank you!

Megan 😊

Adam, [23/10/2024 11:15 AM]

Im kinda curious. What kind of 'disinformation' is the gov focusing on?

Adam, [23/10/2024 11:15 AM]

Mena region is probably obvious

Adam, [23/10/2024 11:15 AM]

But how about from the mainland up north

Adam, [23/10/2024 11:16 AM]

I heard south asia might have some activity but unlikely

Adam, [23/10/2024 11:17 AM]

Neighbouring countries? Wonder if they can release info

G, [23/10/2024 12:07 PM]

Also, how do we know our politicians are adequately protected against disinformation too?

We have seen how the pharma companies (with histories of gross dishonesty) have hoodwinked the world on the safety and effectiveness of the covid jabs, yet our govt still sing the same song as those pharma companies.

The Japanese have come out to apologise to their people, that the jabs weren't safe. But SG govt still run campaigns asking people to stay up to date for the covid jabs

G, [23/10/2024 12:10 PM]

When international scientific experts in their fields caution against the safety of the covid jabs, this PAP govt labelled them as anti vaxxers and deferred to their nameless "experts" to defend their (and the pharma companies) position and pro jab narrative.

G, [23/10/2024 12:12 PM]

It has also been found that at least 55 undeclared chemical elements found in the covid jabs, such as chromium, arsenic.

G, [23/10/2024 12:16 PM]

One would expect SG health body to care more about citizens health than protecting pharma companies narratives, especially since they self declared covid pandemic is over

Don't understand the reluctance of HSA or whichever authority that approved the covid jabs to investigate the pharma companies and their products in order to protect the health of citizens

Adam, [23/10/2024 12:22 PM]

Sg gov work on the basis of "we know best". clearly over the years the trust has been eroded and people now go into alternative media for their info. Maybe the rose of new citizens might cause loyalties to lie elsewhere too

Adam, [23/10/2024 12:23 PM]

Gov needs to work on improving themselves too. Regain the trust of the public and we will be naturally more resilient to disinformation

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 1:28 PM]

I think there's just too much chaos incident lately which makes people lose trust towards the government

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 1:30 PM]

For example Lee Hsien yang gain asylum in UK. Very ugly isn't it? How to trust the government?

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 1:36 PM]

Not to mention profma is always targeting opposition. And opposition attacks in my opinion are valid. Everytime I read the correction notice or minister answer somehow they don't answer the question and beating around the bush. 

The only down side is opposition they have identify the problem yet did not create a solution 

Yet I see the current government is just defending themselves. Can't they give a straight forward answer to everything? And a complicated answer after that?

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 1:38 PM]

Feels like in poly when lecturer ask a question and you don't know the answer and just answer to get points

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 1:40 PM]

I think people are looking at Precise short and simplified answers without any points can be attacked. People just want to live a life better.

Nicholas, [23/10/2024 1:41 PM]

that's kinda true... 

Look at the recent discussion on NTUC..  all WP is asking is that NTUC representing union should be independent.. and Giam saying that folks may not be as open to "feedback" on real issues, instead of noting his point and making representation why this may not be the case... PAP go all the way.. to attack the idea.. from various MPs..  not about the topic but rather, WP history, whether WP wants to be close to union etc..   This type of rebuttal isn't helping PAP in anyway,

REACH Singapore, [23/10/2024 2:02 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

cy, [23/10/2024 2:36 PM]

Not just block. We should make known who these foreign actors are.

cy, [23/10/2024 2:37 PM]

We should take action against these foreign actors as when appropriate especially if they are not backed by governments

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 3:08 PM]

"Russia Is Not At All Happy Moldova Has Voted To Join The EU After Supposedly 'Unfree' Election".,Russia%20Is%20Not%20At%20All%20Happy%20Moldova%20Has%20Voted%20To%20Join%20The%20EU%20After%20Supposedly%20%27Unfree%27%20Election,-Kate%20Nicholson

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 3:09 PM]

Foreign influence election - lead to a nail biting razor edge win.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 3:26 PM]

1. Let us analyse why these 10 foreign websites that mimick Singapore context are a concern to us?

a. They are flagged by Global Cyber Threat Researchers - whereby it is the International cyber security collaboration have identified these websites are cyber threat - and they share these threat with Global Countries participating in the cybersecurity space.

b. The domain space are discovered to be run by foreign actors - suspected to be directed by foreign state actors.

c. Why would such website mimick Singapore context in its entirety and publish information directed to Singapore?

d.. These websites are known to have attack some Countries with hostile information campaign.

2. Based on all these contexts, I support the Government pre-emptive actions to block these websites - because we don't want foreign actors to destabilise our social compact here, cause disharmony and meddle with our political scene to benefits their agenda.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 3:38 PM]

1. Information warfare or disinformation warfare have been a tactic - waged since ancient times --- especially when the World is going into a chaos in the context of Geopolitical tensions.

The latest known is during WW2 - when ancient Japanese military wage disinformation war in China and SE Asia - before they launch a surprise invasion.

In Singapore, Japanese military did wage a disinformation war about British colonization exploitation to weaken British administration legitimacy before they launch an attack.

2. Similarly, current geopolitical tensions is at its peak - looking at the 3 warfronts :-

a. Ukraine war - that pit Russia against NATO and N Korea has joined in the fight.

b. MIddle East - that will threaten to widen - and have draw in Iran - that will destabilise other Arab States such as Saudi, Bahrain etc if the attack on Iran go through

c. Taiwan and South China Sea tension - not erupt into war yet.

In fact, analysts have said, WW3 has already started.

3. Hence, our Government taking pre-emptive actions against disinformation war - to protect our Country and population is indeed necessary and imperative - as the whole World is on the brink of entering into a very dangerous Global theatre - and we need to be vigilant to protect our National Interest - in case the Global scene suddenly turn very ugly.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 3:42 PM]

Examples of Disinformation War in WW2 in Singapore :-

Before World War II, Japan indeed spread disinformation about British colonization in Singapore to weaken the British colonial government's legitimacy and justify their own invasion.

Japanese Propaganda Strategies:

1. Emphasizing British exploitation: Japan highlighted alleged British colonial exploitation, portraying themselves as liberators.

2. Promoting Pan-Asianism: Japan emphasized shared Asian values and promised to free Singapore from Western colonial rule.

3. Fabricating British atrocities: Japan spread false reports of British brutality and oppression.

4. Exploiting local grievances: Japan tapped into existing discontent among Singapore's ethnic communities.

Examples of Japanese Disinformation:

1. Posters and leaflets claiming British colonialism was responsible for poverty, inequality, and oppression.

2. Radio broadcasts accusing the British of exploiting Singapore's resources and people.

3. Rumors spread through agents and sympathizers about alleged British plans to abandon Singapore.

Impact on Singaporeans:

1. Creation of anti-British sentiment

2. Increased support for Japanese occupation

3. Division among ethnic communities

Historical Context:

1. Japan's expansionist policies in Asia

2. British colonial rule in Singapore since 1819

3. Rising nationalist sentiments in Southeast Asia

Key Sources:

1. National Archives of Singapore

2. British National Archives

3. "The Syonan Years: Singapore Under Japanese Rule 1942-1945" by Lee Geok Boi

4. "Japan's Asian Axis Allies: Chinese, Indian, and Southeast Asian soldiers" by Joyce C.H. Lebra

Japan's disinformation campaign contributed to the eventual surrender of British forces on February 15, 1942, marking the beginning of Singapore's occupation.

Source :- Meta AI

REACH Singapore, [23/10/2024 4:02 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 4:10 PM]

Now let us look LHY megaphone tactics casting aspersion on Singapore Government and putting Singapore in a bad light :-

1. Ask LHY why did he quit Singtel as CEO suddenly when Singtel is doing very well under him?

No one push to replace him - why his sudden decision to quit?

2. He is BG, instead of protecting Singapore National Interest - he is now waging disinformation accusation against Singapore without basis :-

"Lee Hsien Yang said: “People need to look beyond Singapore’s bold, false assertions and see what the reality really is like.”

He added: “There is a need for the world to look more closely, to see Singapore’s role as that key facilitator for arms trades, for dirty money, for drug monies, crypto money.”

Source :- The Guardian Tom Burgis and Amy Hawkins in London

Tue 22 Oct 2024 07.57 BST

Does he has evidence that Singapore is a key facilitator of dirty money?

3. LHY and LWL  accused Mr Lee Hsien Loong of abusing his influence in government to drive his personal agenda to demolish Oxley.

But SM Lee has already recluse himself on all Government discussion and decision on this issue.

4. LHY and his wife - have been found guilty :-

The "professional disciplinary proceedings" against Mrs Lee Suet Fern regarding her conduct as a lawyer. In 2020, Mrs Lee was suspended from practice by the Court of Three Judges for 15 months after she was found guilty of misconduct over the handling of Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s last will.

But LHY and his wife have been out of Singapore since 2022 after deciding not to attend a scheduled police interview over potential offences of giving false evidence in judicial proceedings regarding the will of his father Lee Kuan Yew, who is Singapore's founding prime minister.

If LHY conscience is clear and innocent, why he bolted?

5. Lee Hsien Yang (LHY) has paid S$619,335.53 to Ministers K Shanmugam and Vivian Balakrishnan after losing a defamation suit over his Facebook post about their rental of Ridout Road properties.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 4:43 PM]

His father and his brother spend their entire lives building Singapore and ensuring the population well beings.

What has lhy did?

He did exactly the opposite.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [23/10/2024 4:59 PM]

I don't know about the true nature of the siblings quarrel - but if LKY wants his house to be demolished, then just do it. Why drag the whole country into this.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:02 PM]

There is a historical and heritage significance in this issue - as the entire cabinet unanimous decision. As the house has been used for cabinet meeting in the early years.

LKY did change his mind on the demolition - as he wrote to the cabinet and proposed renovation to the house.

The police investigation of the last will is to establish whether the last comm to cabinet has been changed.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [23/10/2024 5:07 PM]

There is no historical significance to me. Why must taxpayers pay to upkeep a private residence?

LKY has always wanted to demolish his house after it is no longer occupied, and he quoted Ozymandias

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:11 PM]

If the house is purely for private residence, then no heritage significance.

But the house is use for cabinet meeting to discuss the independence and the formation of modern Singapore.

This is the historical significance.

And a red box that are brought in and out of the Oxley house for meetings - cabinet papers - is a national issue not a private residency issue.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:12 PM]

That's the birth of Republic of Singapore is seeded in Oxley.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [23/10/2024 5:16 PM]

The Republic of Singapore is established by an act of Parliament and by the will of its people. Where it is whispered and plotted doesn't matter.

Where the red box goes is matter of working style by LKY

G, [23/10/2024 5:19 PM]

👍 the status of 38 Oxley property now is still in private hands. 

What right does the govt have to lay claim over it?

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:20 PM]

You see the saga all started with the oxley house. Does the so called historical significance do more benefits than destroying a family and making it a joke to Singapore? 

Further more as a family things no needed to bring to court. Is it how a family should operate? 

In my opinion LHL should just gave in and demolished it. So to maintain peace of the family and not to be a joke in front of Singapore.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:20 PM]

Very simple, if lhy is very sure that his father is still adamant about demolishing the house at its last will and not as per what LkY has communicated to the cabinet about willingness to refurbish the Oxley house, then Lhy should come back to Singapore to proof his innocence that he did not make changes in the last will.

This will make the matter rest and not let him indulge in megaphone accusations.

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:21 PM]

If lky is alive I wonder what he will say when he see such a scenario

G, [23/10/2024 5:21 PM]

Who's the executer of the will?

If the will say demolish, but it's not demolished, what are the legal consequences to the executor?

If the will say don't demolish, bit it's demolished, what are the legal consequences to the executor?

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:22 PM]

In the 1st place is the last will valid?

G, [23/10/2024 5:22 PM]

Who cares?

The property is under 100% private hands now

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:23 PM]

The last will not important... The problem is those action does not do benefits.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:23 PM]

If lhy conscience is clear, he should come back and prove the last will is valid.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:24 PM]

You mean last will not important when it is a legal document?

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:25 PM]

Anyone who amend the will not draft according to the wish of deceased is a crime according to the law.

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:25 PM]

Yes. If things goes in the wrong direction when brothers quarrel then the last will is a huge mistake.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:25 PM]

It applies to everyone.

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:26 PM]

I pretty sure lky wouldn't want to see such a happening in his family

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:27 PM]

Imagine if your brother amend your father's will to your detriment, you say ok huh?

Law say is not ok.

It is a crime.

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:28 PM]

Ok ah 我前世欠他的,要还他债

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:28 PM]

Just accept it

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:28 PM]

And things will go smoothly

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:28 PM]

Huh, no rules of law is ok ah?

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:29 PM]

I mean I will respect the law but in this case I will not use the law against my family

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:29 PM]

For my own benefits

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:31 PM]

Since the person is dead we should look forward and care for my living family

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [23/10/2024 5:32 PM]

When LKY was alive, we all respected his wisdom and leadership. Now when he is no longer around, suddenly we know better than him.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:32 PM]

Now not the brother take this matter into courts.

It is State against Lhy because a suspected crime has been committed.

In fact Lhy wife.have been found guilty for professional misconduct.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:33 PM]

When crime committed, we close one eyes ah?

I thought people talk about whistle blowing if a suspected criminal acts have taken place?

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:34 PM]

Why suddenly people so compromising to live under shady dealings and view it as acceptable?

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:35 PM]

the significance of UK giving asylum to LHY and his wife.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:36 PM]

That's UK prerogative.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [23/10/2024 5:36 PM]

LHY & wife have indeed committed offences under our law - they should face up to it; or if out of fear of being unfairly treated by political powers, then never return.

But this does not deviate from respecting LKY's wishes.

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:37 PM]

UK don't anyhow give asylum de

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:38 PM]

The wish in the last will has to be established.

And the best person to unravel the last wish of LkY is for Lhy to come back to clear his innocence.

In fact private properties like Sun Yat Sen mansion, Alkaff mansion with historical and heritage significance are gazetted and become public properties with adequate compensation to inheritance.

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:38 PM]

That means UK have believe that LHY will get nabbed when come back to Singapore due to political reasons

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:39 PM]

Oh yeah.

US give asylum to a boy, he in US arrested for sexual crime on a teen.

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:39 PM]

Rigorous UK refugee application lends weight to Lee Hsien Yang’s claims of persecution in Singapore 

The UK’s decision to grant refugee status to Lee Hsien Yang and his wife challenges Singapore’s claim that they face no legal risks, with the rigorous asylum process supporting the credibility of their persecution claims. Additionally, their refugee status protects them from extradition to Singapore, reinforcing the seriousness of their fears of political retaliation.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:39 PM]

As long as our conscience are clear, we don't care what UK do.

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:40 PM]

We don't condone crime here.

Come back to prove his innocence.

Plenty of lawyers to help him if he is innocent.

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:43 PM]

To me this saga is just a joke ah. I don't know why things become like this. Maybe it's just 无情帝王家。

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:45 PM]

Everything started just because of a house. Things can be prevented from the very start.

G, [23/10/2024 5:45 PM]

Then why all this talk about trying to preserve the 38 Oxley road?

It has and always has been a private property since LKY bought it. The govt, the PAP party all have no share in the ownership, and hence don't have a say 

The property now is 100% in the hands of LHY. 

Will the govt try to change the law to acquire the house so that they don't commit a crime?

LCL (Danny 心), [23/10/2024 5:45 PM]

Nothing will happen to anyone if we don't commit crime.

Simple as that.

REACH Singapore, [23/10/2024 5:47 PM]

Dear Contributors, 

Please be reminded to post content relevant to the topic that is being discussed. We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active! 

Thank you. 


Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:47 PM]


Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:49 PM]

Please ban pornography also thanks

Jun Ming, [23/10/2024 5:51 PM]

Porn is the greatest misinformation in the internet

G, [23/10/2024 5:56 PM]

Seems like we are seeing the effects of disinformation.

Many in Singapore (and some here) think that non-owners of a private property here in sg should have a say on the future of that property. Some (including many who are not relatives) go so far as to argue about validity of whatever version of a dead man's will to use that to attempt to have a say on the future of the property

REACH Singapore, [23/10/2024 6:03 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [23/10/2024 6:20 PM]

It is definitely a right move to block these websites since they are operated by foreigners, and from their domain names - appears to have nefarious intentions. Might be a little too early to do so tho, it is not hard for such websites to pop-up again and the owners will learn lessons from this take-down.

REACH Singapore, [23/10/2024 6:45 PM]

Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [23/10/2024 7:04 PM]

Dear Contributors

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


Monday, October 21, 2024

REACH (Telegram) 34 - What are your views on the enhanced MediShield Life scheme? What more can be done to ensure accessible and affordable healthcare for Singaporeans?


21 Oct 2024 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 9:45 AM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 10:00 AM]

📢 Topic 📢

Singaporeans will be able to claim more for hospital stays, and get coverage for additional outpatient treatments as well as certain new groundbreaking therapies from their MediShield Life policies, when changes kick in progressively from April 2025.

Premiums for the mandatory national insurance scheme will rise as a result, especially for older Singaporeans, although over nine in 10 people will get help to more than offset these increases.

💬 What are your views on the enhanced MediShield Life scheme? What more can be done to ensure accessible and affordable healthcare for Singaporeans?

Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said the changes and support measures will strengthen the MediShield Life and MediSave systems, which, when combined, have worked well for Singapore.

📌 Revised MediShield Life premiums

The changes, which will take place progressively from April 2025, will ensure that MediShield Life can go back to fully covering nine in 10 subsidised bills in public healthcare institutions, as it was intended to do. Currently, the scheme fully covers just under eight in 10 subsidised bills, as rising costs have eroded coverage.

📌 MediShield Life claims and payouts

Medical inflation and an ageing population mean MediShield Life payouts have increased by 9.8 per cent annually between 2020 and 2023, while payout per claim has crept up by 3.4 per cent annually.

Minister Ong said: “In particular, we are most concerned about unexpected health episodes that require you to stay in hospital for a long time, maybe even the ICU.”

The increases in claim limits will offer Singaporeans greater assurance for subsidised healthcare, he pointed out.

📌 Outpatient claims and new treatments

Meanwhile, existing outpatient claim limits will be revised upwards, and new outpatient treatments and home-based medical care will be added to the coverage.

Currently, only selected costly outpatient treatments such as kidney dialysis, radiotherapy for cancer and immunosuppressants for organ transplant are covered. 

But most will not pay out of pocket for the next three years. More than nine in 10 Singaporeans will benefit from $3.4 billion in MediSave top-ups and $700 million in premium subsidies that will more than offset the premium increases over the next three years, said MOH on Oct 15.





REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 11:01 AM]

[ Poll : I am confident that the enhanced  MediShield Life scheme can protect Singaporeans against large medical bills. Please share the reason for your answer in the chats.  ]

- Yes

- No

- Maybe

REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 11:01 AM]

Dear Contributors,

Please take a moment to participate in our polls and share your opinion. The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on today’s topic!

Thank you.

Megan 😊

REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 12:12 PM]

💬 Dear Contributors,

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

💬 What are your views on the enhanced MediShield Life scheme? What more can be done to ensure accessible and affordable healthcare for Singaporeans?

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active! 

Do also share your opinion by participating in our polls! The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

Thank you!

Megan 😊

Jun Ming, [21/10/2024 12:50 PM]

Maybe recruit more kids to be Singaporean rather than those elderly so we no need to support them

Jun Ming, [21/10/2024 12:51 PM]

So having foreign Singaporean kids to support our population so we no need to pay more

Jun Ming, [21/10/2024 12:54 PM]

Anyway jokes aside I think it may offset hospital bills lah just that premium increase liao lor. And young people like me need to have more muscle to support our Pioneers lot even though we are not the one using it

REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 2:01 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

Adam, [21/10/2024 2:02 PM]

Where is the money coming from?

Adam, [21/10/2024 2:03 PM]

We pay premiums, but who pays the ofsetting of the rise?

Adam, [21/10/2024 2:04 PM]

Are we raiding the reserves of our young?

Adam, [21/10/2024 2:04 PM]

Young can barely buy hdb and is getting squeezed everywhere

Adam, [21/10/2024 2:05 PM]

Maybe if hdb is a retirement asset as promised, can downgrade to fund healthcare in the golden years

Adam, [21/10/2024 2:05 PM]

I believe everyone is responsible for their own health

Adam, [21/10/2024 2:06 PM]

This is not an ideal world where we can give everyone what they want

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 3:45 PM]

1. There are a few things to note in the healthcare fundings for the population :-

a. The insurance coverage for hospitalisation by Medishield Life has slipped from 90% to 80%.

b. There is a breakthrough of more effective and targeted medical approach to treat previous many incurable illness. But they are very expensive..

c. Overall healthcare inflation has rises - just like inflation of other items in general.

d. More population are aging, and more healthcare intervention will be needed.

2. In light of the above considerations, there is a need to ensure the coverage of Medicare will not deteriorate ie. 90% hospitalisation coverage - as compare to previously and at the same time, ensure every one (not just the rich population) can have access to the new effective targeted treatment and ensure everyone can recover from incurable illness and lengthen our lifespan.

"New drugs may be able to treat multiple problems beyond diabetes".

Super-drug that can treat diabetes, reverse dementia, reverse kidney problem, reverse mental illness among others. 

"Singapore doctors develop new cell therapy that saved patients from treatment-resistant cancer.

Sixteen patients went into complete remission within a month of the treatment. They previously had a less than 10 per cent chance of survival as the cancer did not respond to chemotherapy and other treatments.",and%20other%20treatments.

Hence timely intervention by the Government to ensure the whole population can afford the higher coverage and new treatment is imperative.

3. It is important to note that, critical illness don't just hit the seniors, but could also hit the young in general.

Hence ensuring affordable and effective hospitalisation coverage are important.

4. Having understood the rationale of the needs to ensure larger coverage, affordability and effective treatment - next important question is "where does the Government find the money to cover the higher costs - which is 35% increase in premium for the whole population?"

Understand that the Government will be spending an additional $3.4 billion in Medisave top-ups and $700 million medishield premium subsidies for 3 years.

Does the Government dig into the reserves?

Are the Government raising taxes to cover it?

5. Let us analyse the Economic conditions of Singapore Economy - whereby our Government derive its revenue to fund the Government Spendings for our Economy..

It is important to note that in 2024, due to good Economy Growth, Government is collecting higher government revenue and earning a healthy Sovereign reserves revenue - and hence reaping a higher NIRC for 2024.

"After factoring in the Top-ups to Endowment and Trust Funds of $20.35 billion, NIRC of $23.50 billion, Capitalisation of Nationally Significant Infrastructure of $4.09 billion and SINGA Interest Costs and Loan Expenses of $403.08 million, the projected overall fiscal position for FY2024 is a surplus of $777.51 million."

Source :- Google

In 2024, we have a budget surplus of $777.51 million.

6. Hence, it is reassuring that the Government commitment to fund the Medicare for our population is derived from our healthy fiscal budget from 2023/2024 Government revenue due to healthy Economic Growth.

And not dig into our reserves and deplete our Sovereign Funds to fund this rising healthcare needs for the population.

That means, the operating revenues are able to cover the operating expenses - without digging into our reserves savings to finance the day to day running expenses.

REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 4:02 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 4:09 PM]

The net result of this policy - enhancing the medishield and medisave means - population can live longer and healthier even when contracting many previous incurable illness - at an affordable prices (for 3 years).

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:12 PM]

Imo, its better worth spending more effort tackling the root of the problem

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:12 PM]

Why much a person who eats healthy and work out pay the same premium as someone who doesnt?

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:13 PM]

Prevention is better than cure

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:13 PM]

But it looks like we are shoveling much more money to the cure than preventing it

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 4:17 PM]

Anyway to date, I have not been or able to draw the medishield insurance to pay for my and my wife hospitalisation despite paying a lifetime medishield premium year after year.

All come from my out of pocket expenses.

And I don't know why.

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:18 PM]

If i am not wrong medishield and all other insurance in singapore doesnt completely cover all cost

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:19 PM]

But you are still paying singaporean rates right?

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 4:19 PM]

This is the only consolation.

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:19 PM]

Also, did you ask why the claim got rejected?

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 4:20 PM]

No one can tell me.

Even the hospital staff.

They only say can help me to submit for insurance claim but no guarantee - but everytime not successful.

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:20 PM]

Tbh all these schemes the gov have is so convoluted and confusing. Like hdb i try to help family but somehow they cannot get grant

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:20 PM]

We can barely get a human to talk to now everything online

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 4:30 PM]

But sometimes, not living a healthy lives or focus on prevention means no illness will come.

Eg. My wife always exercise under heathsg 365.

Got hand muscle tear and heel injury.

Still need hospital specialist intervention.

My eye got a tear due to dry eyes and dirt. Also need hospital specialist care.

Hence no one can guarantee we don't need Medicare coverage even for the young ones.

Human bodies are fragile.

We never know what will come.

Having insurance is important.

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:37 PM]

Of course no one can guarentee. I also cannot guarentee i win the lottery. 

But are we getting what we want out of the system? Perhaps even if we dont benefit directly, we can get the peace of mind that we wont end up too bad. Maybe? Like you said somehow your claim got rejected. So at this point im not sure if i will be able to secure my health either. Got to add another point to my list of worries.

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:38 PM]

How about the very existance of the system? Are we ensuring that medical providers arent trying to extract every dollar possible from our country?

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:39 PM]

Why can i get medicine cheaper in malaysia than on singapore? Is the medicine really that different?

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 4:39 PM]


I also want to know.

Why everytime my claims got rejected.

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:40 PM]

If we have a fund exclusively for treatment, dont be surprised if the fund gets depleted as fast as whatever unused department budget a typical singapore organisation has

Adam, [21/10/2024 4:41 PM]

Its either you use it or lose it

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 4:50 PM]

I suggest the government mandate health insurers insert an explanation why claims are rejected when submitted by the hospital on our behalf.

This will ensure transparency and accountability whether the rejection is valid and aboveboard as negotiated by the government with the insurers who are contracted to insure against population healthcare claims.

Else it raises too many questions why population are mandated to pay the medishield premium year after year with bigger increments - and when claims are due, often get rejected and still need to pay out of pocket.

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 4:52 PM]

I thought this should be the customer right to know.

G, [21/10/2024 5:08 PM]

What's the necessity of more and more "subsidies"?

What has the govt done to keep costs low such that there's no need to "subsidies"?

Adam, [21/10/2024 5:08 PM]

Subsidies doesnt make nealthcare and housing cheaper

Adam, [21/10/2024 5:09 PM]

This is what we get from 9% gst

Jun Ming, [21/10/2024 5:14 PM]

That's why strenuous exercise is not the way to go. Choose exercise like tai ji, people can live longer. Most athletes died at a young age.

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 5:18 PM]

Taichi needs alot of discipline and master to teach.

Not easy for my wife.

Actually she is only doing brisk walking.

But sometimes, when bad luck comes, illness just come in.

LCL (Danny 心), [21/10/2024 5:33 PM]

Actually, our Government is taking care of everyone from cradle to grave.

When born, education, healthcare, our housing, good jobs, old age, retirement savings all the way to our grave.

I have not seen any government in the world that do all these end to end.

Eg. Many countries don't do all these end to end.

Notably, majority of government don't provide public housing - leaving to private sectors.

Subsidising healthcare and very effective treatment not many countries do it.

Our pension scheme CPF is one of the best in the world and is sustainable.

2 of our Universities are in the ivy league - top 20 and top 30.

Good value added jobs.

So in retrospect, I think Singaporeans are very fortunate - for all races and residents.

Though not 100% perfection, but the efforts are commendable.

REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 6:02 PM]

📢 Topic 📢

REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 6:45 PM]
Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 6:45 PM]
Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
Adam, [21/10/2024 6:46 PM]
We have 2 megans now
REACH Singapore, [21/10/2024 7:01 PM]
Dear Contributors
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
