Monday, September 16, 2024

REACH (Telegram) 22 - What are your thoughts on these new initiatives? How else can the Government and various stakeholders increase the use of mother tongue languages (MTLs) amongst young people?


16 Sep 2024 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [16/9/2024 9:45 AM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! ๐Ÿ˜Š

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

REACH Singapore, [16/9/2024 10:01 AM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

More students will be allowed to study mother tongue languages – Chinese, Malay or Tamil – at a higher level in secondary schools as part of a series of efforts being rolled out over the next few years to shore up bilingual education. From 2026, students who do well in the subject in the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) will be able to take higher mother tongue languages (HMTLs) in Secondary 1, regardless of their overall PSLE score.

๐Ÿ’ฌ What are your thoughts on these new initiatives? How else can the Government and various stakeholders increase the use of mother tongue languages (MTLs) amongst young people?

Speaking at the Mother Tongue Languages Symposium on Sept 14, Minister of Education Chan Chun Sing acknowledged how English proficiency is necessary, but is on its own not sufficient for Singapore’s society given the importance and benefits of MTLs to Singapore.

He also provided more details on the thrust to improve MTL learning first outlined by Prime Minister Lawrence Wong in his maiden National Day Rally speech in August.

To better tackle the declining proficiencies of mother tongues and preserve bilingualism, MOE will increase efforts to expose students to MTLs earlier in life.

๐Ÿ“Œ  New structured reading programme for primary schools

A structured reading programme, also known as MTL Soar, will be rolled out progressively to all levels in primary schools by 2029 - Primary 1 and 2 pupils will have 30 minutes of their mother tongue curriculum time set aside weekly for reading and library activities. 

It will be differentiated according to the learning needs of students, with those who are stronger reading books that are richer in content and that can stretch their learning. Those who need more support will have books that are more accessible for them.

๐Ÿ“Œ  Scaling up of existing pilot programmes in MOE kindergartens

Minister Chan said that under a pilot programme in two MOE kindergartens – MK@Hougang and MK@Elias Park – the daily curriculum time dedicated to these languages will increase from one hour to 1½ hours from 2025, adding how more must be done to take the use of MTLs out of the classroom and to leverage technology such as artificial intelligence to improve language learning.

๐Ÿ“Œ Benefits of promoting and preserving bilingualism in the long haul

Some pupils are already taking part in a pilot of the MTL Soar programme through an initiative known as Reading Passports, where they are given a document containing fun activities to complete after reading books. Primary 1 pupil Ganeshram Jaikumar is one such student, whose mother noted how the programme has increased his confidence in Tamil as well as motivated him to "start conversations with his grandparents and great-grandparents, by asking them to read the books with him.”

On its wider implications, Minister Chan said that “the ability to speak two languages and understand two cultures enables us to maintain a strong link to our heritage and forge connections with people around the world”. Doing so is also particularly important for Singapore as a multiethnic society to strengthen our internal social fabric and national identity.




REACH Singapore, [16/9/2024 11:00 AM]

[ Poll : I am confident that these initiatives will help to promote bilingualism amongst young people. Please share the reason for your answer in the chats! ]

- Yes

- No

- Maybe

REACH Singapore, [16/9/2024 11:02 AM]

Dear Contributors,

Please take a moment to participate in our polls ๐Ÿ“Š and share your opinion ๐Ÿ’ญ. The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on today’s topic!

Thank you.


REACH Singapore, [16/9/2024 11:50 AM]

Dear Contributors,

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

๐Ÿ’ฌ What are your thoughts on these new initiatives? How else can the Government and various stakeholders increase the use of mother tongue languages (MTLs) amongst young people?

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active! 

Do also share your opinion by participating in our polls! The poll questions are pinned for easy reference. 

Thank you!

Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

Jun Ming, [16/9/2024 12:35 PM]

It depends on what the gov purpose in letting more people to learn MTL. Is it just for daily communication with others? Or is it more for professional settings in work and study

Jun Ming, [16/9/2024 12:46 PM]

Maybe setting mtl as a requirement to uni might help

Jun Ming, [16/9/2024 1:21 PM]

And the chance of applying it in daily life is important too

REACH Singapore, [16/9/2024 2:02 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

REACH Singapore, [16/9/2024 3:16 PM]

Dear Contributors,

Please take a moment to participate in our polls ๐Ÿ“Š and share your opinion ๐Ÿ’ญ. The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on today’s topic!

Thank you.


REACH Singapore, [16/9/2024 3:16 PM]

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [16/9/2024 3:21 PM]

*Merits of learning Mother Tongue Language*

1. Personally, I feel that in addition to English Language as a working language, being proficient in Mother Tongue is equally important.

2. The reasons bbeing :-

a. Mother Tongue is our root and heritage - and speaking, reading and writing in our Mother Tongue will enable ourselves to understand and live our roots, culture better.

b. Mother Tongue enable us to read and understand the ๅ“ฒๅญฆ,the profound philosphy of thousand of years of our cultural civilisation, ไฝ›,้“,ๅ„’ ๆ€ๆƒณ (Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism philosophy)

And how this philosphy eg. ไฝ›ๆณ• influence the research and understanding of ้‡ๅญ็‰ฉ็†  Quantum Physics.


่ตทๅฟƒๅŠจๅฟต ้€ ๅฎ‡ๅฎ™。

26 Aug 2024

"Experiments Prepare to Test Whether Consciousness Arises from Quantum Weirdness",Experiments%20Prepare%20to%20Test%20Whether%20Consciousness%20Arises%20from%20Quantum%20Weirdness,-Researchers%20wish%20to

Researchers wish to probe and prove consciousness has a basis in quantum mechanical phenomena.

c. Mother Tongue enable us to understand the profound employment, deployment of defense - Suntze Art of War ๅญ™ๅญๅ…ตๆณ•。

In which its strategies have been adopted by militaries all over the World today.

The crux of the strategies can also be adapted to the business field, starting, expanding and managing the complex business in a highly competitive business world.

d. Mother Tongue enable us to understand the moral values, ethics of the conduct of human-to-human interaction, human-to-society interaction and how human should wholesomely behave in a society - to enable individual, household, and a society coexist in a harmonious community -- preventing conflict and confrontation that lead to chaos and destruction.

e. Mother Tongue allow us to understand the art, dance, songs, martial arts, gymnastics eg. ๅคชๆž,ๅ…ซๅฆ, ๅฐ‘ๆž— TaiChi, BaQua, Shaolin etc.

f. Mother Tongue enable us to understand how our history and how our civilisation evolve from many dynasties ๆœไปฃ eg. ็งฆๅง‹็š‡,ไธ‰ๅ›ฝ,ๆ˜Žๆœ,ๅฎ‹ๆœ,ๆธ…ๆœ (QingShiWang, Three Kingdoms, Ming dynasty, Sung dynasty, Qing dynasty) - the rise and fall of the community civilisation.

g. Mother Tongue enable us to understand the meaning of different cultural festive celebration eg. ๅ†œๅŽ†ๆ–ฐๅนด,็ซฏๅˆ่Š‚,etc.

h. Of course, able to converse, read and write our Mother Tongue will enable us to conduct professional communication, do business with our business partners eg China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Chinese diaspora in other Countries that converse in the Mother Tongue Language.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [16/9/2024 3:40 PM]

*The Learning Journey*

1. During my time in Primary School, there is only 1st language - English Language - that are conducted in all subjects - English, Math, Science.

All Mother Tongue is conducted as 2nd Language.

There is no Higher Mother Tongue at that time.

2. Armed with 2nd Language Mother Tongue, we can read, write and converse relatively well.

We are able to read books, novels, newspaper and able to write composition and comprehension - all the way to secondary schools and do well in GCE "O" Level Mother Tongue exam.

3. In private time, the Mother Tongue knowledge learn can even able to ่ฏป็ปๆ–‡,ๅ“ฒๅญฆ,ๅ…ตๆณ•,ไบ‹ๅฎž,ๅŽ†ๅฒ - profound scripture, philosophy, Art of War, news, history.

4. And later part, Higher Mother Tongue is introduced (that I missed) - to cultivate business Mother Tongue, media quality Mother Tongue talents.

5. Looking at the current proposed policy to boost the learning of Mother Tongue --- it is many notches up the ladder to cultivate Mother Tongue talents notably:-

a. More students who do well in Mother Tongue at Primary level can study higher Mother Tongue at Secondary level regardless of the overall score in PSLE.

b. Scaling up of pilot Mother Tongue programme in kindergarten.

And other activities.

6. I feel that the Mother Tongue quality will improve quite noticeably with this new policy.

7. But proficiency in a language need alot of lifetime practice. It cannot be learn in a class and then not used it in the daily life.

Hence, using it in everyday context will help to ensure the proficieny of the Mother Tongue as well as the English Language as the working language.

8. My experience is :

a. Speak Mother Tongue at home with parents, among siblings and grandparents or even neighbors as well as in Mother Tongue classes.

b. Speak English Language at work, with colleagues and in professional settings.

9. These will ensure proficiencies in both Mother Tongue and English Language.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [16/9/2024 3:53 PM]

10. Of course watching TV drama mother tongue, sing songs - will reinforce the mother tongue proficiency.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [16/9/2024 4:00 PM]

11. By immersing in Mother Tongue, read and interact with foreign people will help us to understand the nuance, their thinkings, their culture, their underlying subtle inklings of how and why foreign people behave the way they are --- and will be very useful in social interaction, business, politics and geopolitics --- to avoid miscommunication and misreading of situations that arises.

12. In fact as observe, US and China geopolitics tensions - can be better managed if both China and US understand one another culture better - and many confrontations will be unnecessary.

The mistrust at the current level - in many instances - are due to misreading of nuances that escalated into open differences.

REACH Singapore, [16/9/2024 4:03 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Mindfulness application (at unpleasant or challenging moment)

14 Sep 2024

- Mindful 

- Mindful 

- Extra Mindful 

- ๆฒ‰ๆท€

- Analyse 

- Rationalise

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

REACH (Telegram) 21 - What are your views on the proposed Platform Workers Bill? How can we continue to better support platform workers?


10 Sep 2024 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 9:45 AM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! ๐Ÿ˜Š

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 10:01 AM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

The Platform Workers Bill was put up for debate in Parliament on Sept 9. It proposes to place ride-hailing drivers and freelance delivery workers here in a distinct legal category of their own, and afford them greater labour protections.

The Bill proposes to increase the amount of contributions paid into the Central Provident Fund (CPF) accounts of platform workers born after Jan 1, 1995, and older workers who opt in, and also a standardised work injury compensation regime for these workers, with the same level of coverage as employees. 

Additionally, platform workers will be able to bargain collectively through union-like representative bodies.

๐Ÿ’ฌ  What are your views on the proposed Platform Workers Bill? How can we continue to better support platform workers?

๐Ÿ“Œ Why is the Bill needed?

MOM said platform work can be precarious as platform workers are subject to risks, such as uncertain earnings, traffic accidents and limited CPF savings for housing and retirement.

Senior Minister of State for Manpower Koh Poh Koon said platform workers have modest incomes that can fluctuate from month to month, adding that their median monthly earnings were around $1,500 to $2,500.

Also, while platform workers have more flexibility than regular employees in deciding when to work and who to work for, they do not have the full autonomy that other self-employed people enjoy, due to the management controls that platform operators exert. This is why a new distinct category is needed for them, in between employees and self-employed people.

๐Ÿ“Œ Higher CPF contributions

Currently, platform workers are only required to make MediSave contributions of up to 10.5 per cent of their net earnings.

If the Bill is passed, the CPF contribution rate for platform workers will go up in 2025 by up to 2.5 per cent and savings will go into the Ordinary, Special and MediSave accounts.

This will continue to rise over the next four years so that by 2029, platform workers will contribute at the same rate as employees, which today is 20 per cent for those aged 55 and below.

Platform operators will also be required to contribute their share to the CPF savings scheme, starting with 3.5 per cent of net earnings in 2025. This will also go up in steps to reach parity with what employers contribute in 2029.

๐Ÿ“Œ Work Injury Compensation

Under the Platform Workers Bill, it will be mandatory for all platform operators to provide platform workers with work injury compensation insurance with the same level of coverage as employees.

This means reimbursement of up to $45,000 in medical expenses, compensation for income loss due to medical leave or hospitalisation, as well as lump-sum compensation of between $76,000 to $225,000 for death, and between $97,000 and $289,000 for permanent incapacity.

The compensation amount will be calculated based on how much the platform worker had earned in the 90 days prior to the date of the accident.

Under the Bill, platform workers will be eligible for work injury compensation when picking up or delivering a passenger or item. However, they will not be covered while waiting for jobs. They will also be ineligible for compensation if they were unlicensed to operate the vehicle being used or if the injury was directly caused by illegal modification of the vehicle.

MOM said the platform operator that the worker was working for at the point of injury will be responsible for providing compensation.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ [ST]

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ [CNA]

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ [CNA]


REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 11:01 AM]

[ Poll : How supportive are you of the proposed Bill? Share your reasons in the chat! ]

- Very Supportive

- Supportive

- Unsupportive 

- Very Unsupportive 

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 11:03 AM]

Dear Contributors,

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

๐Ÿ’ฌ What are your views on the proposed Platform Workers Bill? How can we continue to better support platform workers?

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active! 

Do also share your opinion by participating in our polls! The poll questions are pinned for easy reference. 

Thank you!

Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

G, [10/9/2024 11:04 AM]

The $335mil memorial is such a big waste of taxpayer money on supposedly prime land. And that is just the cost of developing the site, not including the costs of maintenance and upkeep. How much more taxpayers money is expected to be spent to upkeep this white elephant every year?

Truly a fine example of one-time and continuous profligate spending, and irresponsible and unsustainable plan

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [10/9/2024 11:09 AM]

1. Wish to comment on the CPF contribution to medisave - whereby yearly, an amount will contribute as medishield premium.

2. MOH is trying to revamp the scheme to cover nine in 10 large subsidised bills incurred at public hospitals. 

3. However, I feel there is still a loophole in the proposed revamp because insurance companies will make every effort to push and justify hospital bills as the 10th bill that is not covered under the medishield insurance scheme.

This is very apparent in the current medishield scheme whereby most hospital bills submitted are classified as "not covered" - and patients have to fork out out of pocket money to pay hospital bills.

Then there is no value coming under the mandatory medishield insurance - because insurance companies will try every effort to avoid payout for hospital bills.

4. I suggest a variation to the medishield insurance revamp on the hospital bills coverage.

That's all public hospital bills will be covered under the medishield insurance scheme and insurance companies must pay 90% of all the public hospitals bill.

Patients will co-pay 10% of the hospital bills to prevent abuse.

5. Only then I feel that subscribing to medishield insurance scheme is useful and helpful to the patients.

Else Insurance companies will again exploit the loopholes in the revamp scheme to avoid payout to the detriment of the patients.

G, [10/9/2024 11:40 AM]

Will this supposed new union be politically independent or affiliated?

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [10/9/2024 12:29 PM]

This is especially important for platform workers that may not be compensated under the workman compensation injuries.

With guarantee 90% coverage under the medishield insurance scheme of all public hospital bills, insurance companies will not be able to exploit loopholes not to compensate the platform workers - such as justifying the injuries or illness as fall under the "not covered" categories and refuse to make payout.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [10/9/2024 12:33 PM]

Regarding the platform workers, what matters to me is whether they have been consulted and properly informed about the pros and cons; and do they have further needs but are not heard because the conversation had effectively been concluded.

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 1:00 PM]

[ Poll : How supportive are you of the proposed Bill? Share your reasons in the chat! ]

- Very Supportive

- Supportive

- Unsupportive 

- Very Unsupportive 

Jun Ming, [10/9/2024 1:11 PM]

I would like to revote my vote to supportive

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [10/9/2024 1:14 PM]

Under the Bill, platform workers will be eligible for work injury compensation when picking up or delivering a passenger or item. However, they will not be covered while waiting for jobs. They will also be ineligible for compensation if they were unlicensed to operate the vehicle being used or if the injury was directly caused by illegal modification of the vehicle.

Looking at the written English statement and the above caveat - a high chance the Insurance companies with the assistance of their legal will exploits the caveat and justify no payout to the platform workers under the "not covered" clauses.

Hence I am getting more and more sceptical about how useful health insurance are helping patients.

A few insurance agents approach me to sell me healthcare insurance.

I ask them, is there guaranteed payout to all hospital bills.

Then the insurance agents will come out with all sorts of caveats such as old illness not covered lah, this not covered, that not covered.

Then I asked them, what is the benefits to me for paying yearly premium and so many things not covered - and the insurance companies are just trying to milk free money from me.

So I am never convinced health insurance are designed to help people - but in fact a "con job".

My experience with medishield insurance - with 0 payout for our hospital bills confirm my suspicions.

Jun Ming, [10/9/2024 1:15 PM]

I am not a platform worker but I can imagine if the platform worker is just working it as a part time job, their earning for extra pocket money will need to go to cpf and hence lesser cash on hand.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [10/9/2024 1:15 PM]

You can press the right side of the poll text and select "retract vote".

Then vote again.

G, [10/9/2024 1:20 PM]


Combot, [10/9/2024 1:46 PM]

Total messages:2308

Caleb, [10/9/2024 1:46 PM]

Which bill

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 2:01 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 2:03 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Train and bus fares are going up from Dec 28

Jun Ming, [10/9/2024 2:07 PM]


Jun Ming, [10/9/2024 2:07 PM]

Lucky I am still a student. Nowadays fares are expensive

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 3:00 PM]

[ Poll : How supportive are you of the proposed Bill? Share your reasons in the chat! ]

- Very Supportive

- Supportive

- Unsupportive 

- Very Unsupportive 

G, [10/9/2024 3:01 PM]

After all the taxmoney poured into make the public transports more efficient, adult commuters still have to pay ever rising fares.

Jun Ming, [10/9/2024 3:04 PM]

I am not supportive by the fare increase

Nicholas, [10/9/2024 3:54 PM]

If the CPF contribution rate goes up for both workers and platform operators, assuming the total pay package remains the same, it means the take-home pay of the worker will go down significantly. While helping to save for the future, likely there will be unhappiness from platform workers, as most live from pay cheque to pay cheque with minimal savings.

Hanny, [10/9/2024 4:01 PM]

I support the bill for platform workers. This workers are future liability for the government in the future. Liability to government means liability to everyone. As much as many workers may not like it, we need to implement this. Working for platforms is no longer a temporary stop gap solution. It is becoming full time and lifetime employment.

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 4:01 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

Hanny, [10/9/2024 4:04 PM]

Working for platforms should be taken as temporary thing. Unfortunately, it is no longer the case. People gets comfortable with it and it becomes very hard to move away from this platform.

Hanny, [10/9/2024 4:07 PM]

Platforms should be the one that cut workers commission and contribute to cpf.

Hanny, [10/9/2024 4:08 PM]

We cannot depend on workers to contribute willingly.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [10/9/2024 4:21 PM]

Agree that every jobs, including platform jobs must be self sustainable.

That's it must include full compensation package comprising the contribution to CPF and workman injury coverage.

In so doing, no jobs become a liability to the taxpayers whereby come retirement, housing and medical coverage - certain jobs such as the platform workers need to be cover by taxpayers money - because they fail to contribute to their CPF during their course of work with the platform operators.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [10/9/2024 4:24 PM]

Even cleaners, part time workers also contribute to CPF.

Cannot see why platform workers should be the exception.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [10/9/2024 4:24 PM]

CPF contributions are payable for part-time, casual or temporary employees who are: Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, Engaged under a contract of service, and. Earning total wages of more than $50 per month.

Source:- Google

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [10/9/2024 4:29 PM]

Cleaner, part time workers earn about $1,000 to $1,500 a month and yet they contribute to CPF.

Cannot see why the platform workers earning $1,500 to $2,500 cannot contribute to their own CPF.

The median salary (according to CNA and Straits Times) is $1,925 a month for platform workers.

3.2% earn more than $5,000 - higher than the national median salary of $4,680.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [10/9/2024 4:53 PM]

In 2023, the median gross monthly starting salary of Institute of Technical Education (ITE) graduates in Singapore in full-time employment was 2,450 Singapore dollars.

Source:- Google.

ITE graduates with $2,450 a month also contribute to their CPF.

Hence cannot understand the logic why platform workers who do as well, some higher cannot contribute to their own CPF and provide them a peace of mind in their retirement, medisave and housing loans.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [10/9/2024 5:00 PM]

Notably:- the World Labour Organisation is looking closely at Singapore labour policy in protecting platform workers - a beacon for other countries to follow.

SMOS said that the International Labour Organization has reached out to Singapore to understand the country's considerations and experiences in making the policy changes.

"This signals how important this issue is and shows that we are at the vanguard of developing innovative and sustainable ways to better protect these workers."

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 5:00 PM]

[ Poll : How supportive are you of the proposed Bill? Share your reasons in the chat! ]

- Very Supportive

- Supportive

- Unsupportive 

- Very Unsupportive 

Nicholas, [10/9/2024 5:34 PM]

While supportive of the bill, the platform operators will likely pass on any additional cost to end consumers, so this will result in another round of inflation to us.

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 6:00 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

G, [10/9/2024 6:39 PM]

With this the govt can then now use the CPF contributions as a proxy to claim more income tax from gig workers

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 6:44 PM]

Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

REACH Singapore, [10/9/2024 7:00 PM]

Dear Contributors

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š


Monday, September 9, 2024

*In Buddhism can an enlightened person or being ever lose their enlightened state?*

 10 Sep 2024

*In Buddhism can an enlightened person or being ever lose their enlightened state?*

The answer is no.

Once a person gain Enlightenment, he wouldn't lose it.


The Buddha, who achieved Nirvana at age 40, regularly meditated until he died at age 80.

Why would a supremely enlightened master need to meditate after achieving enlightenment?

The human mind reverts to primal thoughts unless it is constantly tended, cleaned and sorted.

On summer retreats, the Buddha would often go away for days at a time after finishing his teaching sessions in order to declutter his mind. 

Even the Buddha was human. He was known to every human emotion after enlightenment but these emotions were like light fluffy clouds on a vast sky of wisdom.

Vigilant housekeeping is endless in the struggle toward peace.

REACH (Telegram) 20 - Over the course of the day, we will be sharing articles on key issues discussed in Parliament today. Please share with us what areas you might be interested in and let us have your views on the issues raised.


09 Sep 2024 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 11:45 AM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! ๐Ÿ˜Š

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 12pm to 8pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 11:59 AM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

Parliament will sit today (9 September) at 12pm. Of note, parliamentary questions regarding the Mobile Guardian cybersecurity breach, issues relating to the extremist preacher from Bangladesh who delivered a sermon in Singapore, the current mpox situation, the revamped Gifted Education Programme (GEP) will be raised. 

Six Bills are set to be introduced, including the Elections (Integrity of Online Advertising) (Amendment) Bill. The Platform Workers Bill and Casino Control (Amendment) Bill are among the four bills scheduled for second reading. 

๐Ÿ’ฌ Over the course of the day, we will be sharing articles on key issues discussed in Parliament today. Please share with us what areas you might be interested in and let us have your views on the issues raised.

๐Ÿ“Œ Mobile Guardian cybersecurity breach

- Mobile Guardian is a device management app installed on personal learning devices used by students. It enables parents to manage students’ device usage by restricting applications or websites and screen time. 

- The Ministry of Education (MOE) said in August that Mobile Guardian would be removed from all students’ personal learning devices after a global cybersecurity breach affected about 13,000 students from 26 secondary schools in Singapore. 

- MPs have called for updates from MOE on what it is doing to help students who have had their study notes wiped out and how many were unable to recover their data, if “targeted support” is being offered to affected students experiencing distress, if steps are being taken to avoid similar incidents, and if there would be a review of the use of technology by students.

๐Ÿ“Œ Bangladeshi preacher who delivered an illegal and extremist sermon to migrant workers

- Amir Hamza managed to enter Singapore because he used a passport with a name different from what was in the security databases, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said last month. MHA said its Internal Security Department was aware of Amir Hamza’s background, but “did not have his biometrics at the time of his entry”.

- MPs have asked how the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) mitigates the risk of individuals using fraudulent documents to enter Singapore, what are the rules governing the use of foreign worker dormitories for events involving speakers or religious preachers, and what are the penalties in place to deal with dormitory owners when such incidents occur. 

๐Ÿ“Œ Mpox

- MPs called for an update on the virus and the local situation, as well as border and social management measures. 

- Last week, Singapore said that it will offer the mpox vaccine to healthcare workers who are at the highest risk of exposure to the disease as well as close contacts of confirmed cases. The announcement came against the backdrop of growing concern about the clade 1 strain, which prompted the World Health Organization to declare mpox a global public health emergency for the second time in two years.

๐Ÿ“Œ Revamped GEP

- The gifted programme, a curriculum catering to intellectually gifted students, will be overhauled and replaced with a new approach for high-ability learners in all primary schools. This was announced by Prime Minister Lawrence Wong during his maiden National Day Rally.

- MPs have called for more details on the revamped GEP, how it would be implemented, and how MOE would address any potential disparity in resource allocation and learning opportunities between students in the GEP and those in the mainstream programme. 

๐Ÿ“Œ Platform Workers Bill

- The Bill proposes measures to support the housing and retirement adequacy of platform workers.

- It would make provisions for work injury compensation, and strengthen the responsibilities of platform operators and workers to prevent injuries.

- The Bill also calls for creating a legal framework for the representation of platform workers.


REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 12:00 PM]







REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 12:32 PM]

[ Poll : Which issue are you most interested in for today’s Parliament sitting? ]

- Mobile Guardian cybersecurity breach

- Extremist preacher from Bangladesh

- Mpox

- Revamped Gifted Education Programme (GEP)

- Platform Workers Bill

Jun Ming, [9/9/2024 1:29 PM]

I am interested in the full 6 bills

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 1:33 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Personal responsibility is 'cornerstone' of social compact even with unemployment benefits, says Tan See Leng

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 2:30 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข About 2,500 visitors refused entry at Singapore’s checkpoints every month: Shanmugam

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 2:30 PM]

All the topics are relevant to us.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 2:40 PM]

*Bangladeshi preacher who delivered an illegal and extremist sermon to migrant workers*

1. Just wondering, I thought all overseas religious preachers who need to conduct sermons to our religious groups - need endorsement by the respective Religious leaders before the Authorities approved the conduct of the talk?

2. Even though the preacher may disguise himself under different names and passports, the scrutiny by the Religious leaders from MUIS will have reveal his credentials when going through his background and track record.

3. Also, the organisers that arrange the overseas preachers must have know his background before inviting him over. The organisers will have to submit to the respective Religious Leaders for endorsement and the Authority for approval.

4. If all the above steps are done, the foreign extremist preacher will have no chance to sneak in.

Hanny, [9/9/2024 2:45 PM]

I don’t think the preacher came under the legal route.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 2:46 PM]


Then the dorm organiser will be held responsible why they smuggle him in.

Hanny, [9/9/2024 2:47 PM]

I don’t totally agree with the approach of dismissing Legal Guardian. It’s an easy step that only appease public. 

It’s the same as crowdstrike issue. Crowdstrike has the best solution. Are you going to get rid of crowdstrike because of one incident?

Jun Ming, [9/9/2024 3:00 PM]

What is the replacement of mobile guardian

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 3:01 PM]

[ Poll : Which issue are you most interested in for today’s Parliament sitting? ]

- Mobile Guardian cybersecurity breach

- Extremist preacher from Bangladesh

- Mpox

- Revamped Gifted Education Programme (GEP)

- Platform Workers Bill

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 3:02 PM]

*Mobile Guardian cybersecurity breach*

1. When engaging or buying application products from cloud service providers, I feel that we must not only look at the content of the products and services provided, there must be an additional scrutiny - that is how the cloud providers safeguard and secure their cloud infrastructure.

Because no matter how good the content is, if cloud service provider does not do a good job in securing their cloud infrastructure, then services will not be make available during critical time, and the denial of service will impact the functions of the schools.

2. For example, evaluators of the tender should require the cloud service providers to demonstrate how their cloud infrastructure are protected :-

a. Is there a "Security-in-depth" - eg. firewall, proxy, IPS, APT security, MDM security (eg. security posture assessment of firewall, OS version and latest security patches, anti-virus etc, Quarantine VLAN, Isolation VLAN, captive portal etc) - Web-Apps-Db segregation etc.

b. SIEMs (Security Incident Events Management) - proactive monitoring and management of cybersecurity.

c. Password management and cyber hygiene

d. Backup, Recovery procedures, BCP (Business Continuity Plan)

e. Resilient, Redundant and Secondary cloud infrastructure for recovery if cloud infrastructure is compromise.

f. Apps, OS, DB security in addition to cloud infrastructure security

g. DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) security safeguard

3. If the cloud infrastructure security evaluation is also conducted with strict cybersecurity hygiene, then any breaches to the primary infrastructure Mobile Guardian - can be easily isolated and the secondary infrastructure activated to continue to provide service with no downtime to the users.

Conscientious backup of the schools data - can also be recovered and run on the secondary cloud infrastructure.

Similarly, if crowdstrike cloud infrastructure if subjected to similar scrutiny, then crowdstrike software updates failure will not have impacted the users.

Another thing, wonder why Microsoft allows 3rd party developers to plug software upgrades or updates directly into the OS kernel?

This is a very bad apps development practice because any bugs will have trigger a blue screen of death.

I thought API interfaces are always the safest approach to software upgrades. Any bugs won't bring down the OS kernel and trigger the Blue Screen of Death.

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 3:02 PM]

Dear Contributors,

Please take a moment to participate in our polls ๐Ÿ“Š and share your opinion ๐Ÿ’ญ. The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on today’s topic!

Thank you.


Hanny, [9/9/2024 3:05 PM]

I am sure moe has done all the due diligence. Incident happens. We need to respond in a way that is most pragmatic.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 3:11 PM]

Mostly subscribers to cloud services don't do this step.

Because cloud service providers are tough negotiators - and say other customers are involved in the shared infrastructure, cannot disclose how the cloud infrastructure are secured.

If I am not wrong.

Moreover, mobile guardian could only be an apps provider but don't own the cloud infrastructure.

Hence unable to articulate how its cloud infrastructure are secured.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 3:14 PM]

As far as I know, so far have not come across any customers successfully request cloud service providers to provide information how their cloud infrastructure are secured - citing security secrecy to prevent leakage.

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 3:15 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Singapore proposes ban on deepfakes of candidates during elections

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 3:15 PM]

But then customers are at the mercy of the cloud service providers.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 3:21 PM]

Eg. Any business when subscribe to cloud services offer by say Amazon ask how they protect their cloud infrastructure?

Amazon will say, you just subscribe to the cloud service.

Cloud security non of your business (in a nice way).

Adam, [9/9/2024 3:27 PM]

I think this should extend beyond elections

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 3:28 PM]

Unless all government services are built on private cloud and apps service providers reside their apps service on the private clouds provided managed by the government.

Jun Ming, [9/9/2024 3:31 PM]

Agree those deepfake minister should be punished

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 3:32 PM]

*Revamped GEP*

1.I feel that revamping and spreading the GEP programme will have the following benefits :-

a. Don't need talented students to leave their neighborhood schools to congregate in a few elite schools.

b. Remove the stigma of elitism, integrate, interact and accept diversity with other students.

Else if all elite students congregrate into a few elite schools, elitism aptitude will creep into the students - unable to interact well with the larger segments of the students.

c. More students who are late boomers can be identified and push into the GEP programme of the respective schools - as more slots can be made available - slots not limited to the few elite schools.

d.Some students will be more talented in some subjects and not all the subjects. By spreading the GEP programme into all schools, students who are talented in certain subjects can join the GEP in that particular subject to its highest potential possible.

2.The only catch is, talented teachers handling GEP are scarce resources. There must be sufficient talented teachers able to handle GEP students in all the schools.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 3:43 PM]

Eg. If mobile guardian reside their cloud apps on the government private cloud, then all the cloud infrastructure security safeguards will have been in place.

The service won't go down.

Because the security in depth is solid, backup and recovery is conscientiously done and redundant cloud infrastructure is in place.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 3:56 PM]

However by doing so, higher costs will be involved.

Because if mobile guardian cloud apps are shared by global customers, the price is cheaper because of Economies of scale.

If mobile guardian apps reside in our government private cloud, then only Singapore schools are using it. Lack Economies of scale.

Also our IT professionals need to maintain the Private cloud infrastructure. More storage places needed and backup.

So our schools will incur higher costs.

The plus side is, cybersecurity and availability are assured.

So it is Cost versus Service Availability.

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 4:01 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Mpox likely to be more troublesome than disruptive: Ong Ye Kung

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 4:14 PM]

Understand from the Minister respond to MP Patrick query about why $5,000 is the criteria for dishing out the Retrenchment temporary grants to lower and middle income people. But pmet are left out.

The Minister respond is that for a start, this will be the criteria as those above national median salary has a longer runway.

And the grants are finance by the government operating budget - which is the savings - and hence quite limited.

Understand the constraints and hope the government will review the criteria overtime and when budget permit.

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 4:01 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Mpox likely to be more troublesome than disruptive: Ong Ye Kung

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 4:14 PM]

Understand from the Minister respond to MP Patrick query about why $5,000 is the criteria for dishing out the Retrenchment temporary grants to lower and middle income people. But pmet are left out.

The Minister respond is that for a start, this will be the criteria as those above national median salary has a longer runway.

And the grants are finance by the government operating budget - which is the savings - and hence quite limited.

Understand the constraints and hope the government will review the criteria overtime and when budget permit.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 4:28 PM]

But agree that rebounce from retrenchment is a personal responsibility.

No matter how difficult, retrenched workers must seek to recover and find a new jobs either by own efforts or helps from job search government sanction organisations or private job seeking companies.

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 5:07 PM]

[ Poll : Which issue are you most interested in for today’s Parliament sitting? ]

- Mobile Guardian cybersecurity breach

- Extremist preacher from Bangladesh

- Mpox

- Revamped Gifted Education Programme (GEP)

- Platform Workers Bill

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 5:08 PM]

Dear Contributors,

Please take a moment to participate in our polls ๐Ÿ“Š and share your opinion ๐Ÿ’ญ. The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on today’s topic!

Thank you.


REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 5:09 PM]

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 5:20 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข MOH will do more to help people choose the right IP insurance for their needs


LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 5:22 PM]

Ensure medishield insurance can cover 90% of the public hospitals healthcare services - will be a good benchmark.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 5:27 PM]

Currently, quite a number of public hospitals bill cannot be covered by the medishield insurance.

Hence ensuring at least 90% of the hospital bills can be covered by medishield insurance is more important.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 5:59 PM]

Realise that every year, the medishield premium is getting higher.

But most of the time, hospital bills are not covered.

Patients still have to fix out of pocket money to pay for the hospital bills.

Begin to wonder why pay medishield premium when most of the time, medishield insurance don't cover?

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 6:05 PM]

Would it be a better insurance plan under medishield insurance - will cover all public hospital bills co-pay 10% by patients ?

Then medishield insurance will not be abused because of the co payment - yet serving the needs of the patients.

Then paying yearly medishield premium is a more equitable solution.

Else why every year keep paying increasing medishield premium.

But when go public hospital treatment, this don't cover, that don't cover.

Then why do compulsory payment for medishield premium year after year - when only a few people benefits subsidise by majority of the medishield subscribers?

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 6:09 PM]

Hence I feel there is a need to revamp the medishield insurance scheme.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 6:30 PM]

The irony of the current medishield insurance is that it benefits all the insurance companies at the expense of the majority of the patients - where the original intent is to benefit the patients.

Hence I feel that it is overdue to revamp the medishield insurance.

Cover all public hospitals bills but co-pay 10% by patients to prevent abuse.

Then contribution to medishield premium every year is worth it.

Else I don't find any value in the medishield insurance whereby most of the time, medishield cannot claim in public hospitals - this don't cover, that don't cover.

Wonder what is really covered under medishield insurance?

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 6:36 PM]

If medishield insurance are adequate, then patients will less likely to procure private IP.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 6:44 PM]

Public hospitals staff will try to submit patients hospitals bills to the medishield insurance companies.

But they will always say, we try to submit, but no guarantee medishield insurance will be successful.

Most of the time, they are right.

Every time not successful, patients still have to pay own cash.

When ask the staff under what circumstances medishield insurance will definitely cover? 

They say no idea.

Then wonder why make medishield insurance compulsory when it is not design to benefit patients - and yet patients every year got to contribute to medishield premium - compulsory.

It seems to benefit the insurance companies and not the patients.

Adam, [9/9/2024 6:45 PM]

I wonder how it works

Adam, [9/9/2024 6:45 PM]

Do you get treatment not knowing how much it cost off pocket?

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 6:46 PM]

Nobody knows how it works.

Adam, [9/9/2024 6:46 PM]

Can i ask if medisheild will cover before go a&e and tell driver to go causeway if rejected?

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 6:47 PM]

You got to ask MOH.

Even hospital staff can't tell what is covered under the medishield insurance.

Jun Ming, [9/9/2024 6:52 PM]

Actually no one's knows how much you will pay when admit to hospital

Jun Ming, [9/9/2024 6:53 PM]

As you don't know what conditions you are and what treatment they will administer

Nicholas, [9/9/2024 7:01 PM]

Good move by MOH, looking forward to their guidance on which IP is suitable.

Adam, [9/9/2024 7:01 PM]

Cant the doctor give like some quotation before any treatment?

Adam, [9/9/2024 7:02 PM]

Or the price of diagnosis too

Adam, [9/9/2024 7:04 PM]

If they itemise the bill maybe patient can be in a better position to look for better prices

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 7:12 PM]

MediShield Life, the mandatory national medical insurance scheme, is designed to cover nine in 10 large subsidised bills incurred at public hospitals. A comprehensive review is under way, and results are expected to be shared later in 2024.

Ms Rahayu said the review is being done to ensure that MediShield Life continues to protect Singaporeans against large medical bills.

“Coverage may broaden and claim limits may need to go up, to give Singaporeans greater peace of mind should they encounter a major health episode” as a result of the review, she noted.

These patients may not need IPs or riders, because MediShield Life is generally sufficient for such episodes, and will be further enhanced after the major review this year,” she said.

I can't reconcile the above statement.

Because I have not come across any of my family members and relatives - have successfully claim under medishield insurance for hospital treatment.

Am I missing something?

So far, hospital staff have tried submitting, all the time unsuccessful.

Adam, [9/9/2024 7:14 PM]

If you dont mind disclosing, what kind of treatments was it?

Adam, [9/9/2024 7:14 PM]

Was it critical illness?

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 7:14 PM]

Some are day surgery.

Some are critical illness

Adam, [9/9/2024 7:16 PM]

Ive always thought medishield would cover at least some amount

Adam, [9/9/2024 7:16 PM]

Now im scared

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 7:16 PM]

Lately my eye scar in a hospital treatment after referral by a&E - also rejected.

I start to wonder what is the use of medishield insurance when I have zero benefits from it.

Adam, [9/9/2024 7:17 PM]

If they hide like this, i think its inexcusable

Adam, [9/9/2024 7:17 PM]

Why are we paying into an opaque system

Adam, [9/9/2024 7:18 PM]

If a financial institute pitched this plan to the gov it will never be allowed to be sold

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 7:19 PM]

My wife day surgery also rejected.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [9/9/2024 7:31 PM]

What actually happens on the ground and what is reported don't seem to synch.

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 7:45 PM]

Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

REACH Singapore, [9/9/2024 7:59 PM]

Dear Contributors

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mindfulness at every present moment Versus ๆœฌๆฅๆ— ไธ€็‰ฉ

07 Sep 2024

1. ็ฅž็ง€ ๆ—ถๆ—ถๆญๆ‹‚ๆ‹ญ Mindfulness in every present moment - already ไบ†ไธ่ตท。But still not attain ็ฉบ。

2. ๆ…ง่ƒฝ - ๆœฌๆฅๆ— ไธ€็‰ฉ means stray thoughts does not even arise - is actually ็ฉบ(ๅ››ๅคง็š†็ฉบ)(ไบ”่•ด็š†็ฉบ).

This is true Enlightenment.



Friday, September 6, 2024

ๆฏ—ๅข้ฎ้‚ฃไฝ› (ๆณ•่บซไฝ›)

06 Sep 2024

1. ไฝ›ๆœ‰ไธ‰่บซ。

- ๆณ•่บซไฝ›

- ๅŒ–่บซไฝ›

- ๆŠฅ่บซไฝ›

Mirror to quantum physics - quantum entanglement of superposition (3 quibits states).


- ๆณ•่บซไฝ› (ๅคงๆถ…ๆงƒ - The Final Complete Perfect Nirvana - where all infinite Buddhas will return and reside). Dharma Body (้“).

- ๅŒ–่บซไฝ› - Out of Compassion, some Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in ๆณ•่บซไฝ› - ๅŒ–่บซ to be ้‡Š่ฟฆๆ‘ฉๅฐผไฝ›,้˜ฟๅผฅ้™€ไฝ›,่ฏๅธˆไฝ›,ๅผฅๅ‹’ไฝ›,่ง‚ไธ–้Ÿณ่ฉ่จ,ๅคงๅŠฟ่‡ณ่ฉ่จ,ๅœฐ่—็Ž‹่ฉ่จ etc to come to Samsara Universe to ๆ™ฎๆธกไผ—็”Ÿ。

- ๆŠฅ่บซไฝ› - is where the various ไฝ› and ่ฉ่จ have expound to infinite sentinent beings and fulfill their Bodhi Vows through expounding their discourse documented in sutras ็ปๆ–‡ and ๅ…‰ๆ˜Ž็…ง่€€ ๅ…จๅฎ‡ๅฎ™。

3. ๆณ•่บซไฝ› is like ๅœฐ็ƒไบบ (ๅœฐ็ƒไผ—็”Ÿ).

Humans (Chinese, Malay, Indian, Western etc people are called ๅœฐ็ƒไบบ.

Tiger, Lion, monkey, insects, fish etc are called ๅœฐ็ƒไผ—็”Ÿ.

Likewise all Buddhas are called ๆณ•่บซไฝ›, specifically ๆฏ—ๅข้ฎ้‚ฃไฝ› which is ๆ— ้‡ไฝ› (Infinite Buddhas) ็š„ ๆ€ป็งฐ。

Just like all sentinent beings on Earth is called ๅœฐ็ƒไผ—็”Ÿ.

All sentinent beings in Universe is called ๅฎ‡ๅฎ™ไผ—็”Ÿ.

4. Other faiths mistaken ๆณ•่บซไฝ› -  ๆฏ—ๅข้ฎ้‚ฃไฝ› as 1 God, Final Nirvana as 1 Heaven.


ๆฏ—ๅข้ฎ้‚ฃไฝ› - ๆณ•่บซไฝ›。(Which also correspond to "No-Self" in Nirvana).

้‡Š่ฟฆ็‰Ÿๅฐผไฝ› - ๅŒ–่บซไฝ›。(Correspond to Compassion to salvage in Samsara)

ๅŠŸๅพทๅœ†ๆปกไฝ› - ๆŠฅ่บซไฝ›。(Correspond to Panna Wisdom with Dharma Teachings documented in sutras)



Other notes :

'Triad', from Latin: trinus 'threefold') is the central doctrine concerning the nature of God in most Christian churches, which defines one God existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons (hypostases) ...


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

REACH (Telegram) 19 - What are your views on MOH's update on the public health measures for mpox? How can we continue to guard against the spread of mpox?


04 Sep 2024 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 1:24 PM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! ๐Ÿ˜Š

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 1.30pm to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 1:31 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

Health Minister Ong Ye Kung delivered a press conference on 4 Sept on Singapore’s public health measures against mpox.

๐Ÿ’ฌ What are your views on MOH's update on the public health measures for mpox? How can we continue to guard against the spread of mpox?

Singapore has not detected any clade 1 infection to date. All 14 mpox cases in the country so far this year have been of the less severe clade 2 subtype.

๐Ÿ“Œ Vaccination

The vaccine JYNNEOS, which has been used in Singapore for protection against mpox and smallpox, will be offered for free to two groups of people.

1️⃣ Healthcare workers who are at the highest risk of exposure to mpox, such as those working at NCID, can get vaccinated for additional protection, on top of infection control protocols and wearing protective equipment.

2️⃣ As for close contacts of confirmed mpox cases, the Expert Committee on Immunisation has recommended a single dose of the vaccine within 14 days of exposure - this will be administered while they are in quarantine.

Singapore’s current supply of JYNNEOS is expected to be sufficient for the current vaccination strategy, MOH said.

๐Ÿ“Œ Testing, tracing, isolation, and treatment

All suspected adult and paediatric clade 1 cases identified by primary care providers will be taken to NCID and KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital respectively. Families with both adults and children will be conveyed to NUH, MOH said. 

Cases who test positive for clade 1 will continue to be isolated in healthcare facilities until they are no longer infectious to prevent further exposure to the community.

Once a clade 1 case is confirmed, MOH will immediately start contact tracing. Close contacts will be quarantined in a designated government facility.

๐Ÿ“Œ Community measures

In preschools and schools, existing measures for other infectious diseases remain relevant, noting that students will be visually screened for symptoms, MOH said.

With MOM and NEA, MOH is conducting wastewater testing at migrant worker dormitories and the Onboard Centre. 

๐Ÿ“Œ Border measures

Since Aug 23, Singapore started conducting temperature and visual screening at air and sea checkpoints for travellers and crew arriving from places that may be exposed to the risk of mpox outbreaks. 

All travellers must report mpox-related symptoms like fever or rash, as well as their travel history, through the SG Arrival Card.



LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [4/9/2024 1:54 PM]

1. To the common public, those born before 1981 have already vaccinated against smallpox which is also effective in safeguarding against mpox. That means those 43 years old and above are protected.

2. As for those public who are below 43 years old, within 14 days after exposure still can take the vaccine. So no need to vaccinate beforehand like in covid vaccination.

3. So now only left the healthcare staff with close contact to patients undergo mpox treatment. Look like vaccination before hand is a right approach to prevent infection.

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 1:56 PM]

[ Poll : 1. Are you concerned about the mpox situation? ]

- Yes, the developments around the world has been worrying

- No, I am assured that sufficient public health measures are being implemented

- Neutral

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 1:56 PM]

[ Poll : 2. Are you satisfied with the updated measures to guard against the spread of mpox? ]

- I am satisfied. The current measures take a balanced approach towards the situation.

- I am not satisfied and more measures should be taken (please share your views in the chats below)

- I am not satisfied as the measures are unnecessary (please share your views in the chats below)

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [4/9/2024 1:57 PM]

*Closing the loop of the previous topic - Redundancy Temporary Grant for $5,000 and below*

1. By taking this policy in isolation, notably 2 big groups fall off the crack :-

a. Mid career workers >$5,000

b. PME >$5,000

2. If these groups lose their jobs, they and their family members will equally in distress as the month after next, their income will be $0 - and yet their bills and expenses and housing loans will keep piling up.

3. Taking the policy in isolation, these 2 groups will be suffering - as they won't benefit a single cent from the policy to put food on the table for 6 months.

4. However, by looking at the breadth and depth of all the MOM policies in totality - these 2 groups could be covered in another policy, specifically the "SkillsFuture Level Up programme".

5. The SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme is available to all Singaporeans aged 40 and above, with *no income criteria to qualify* ¹. The programme offers a $4,000 SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career) top-up, which can be used to defray out-of-pocket fees for selected courses that have better employability outcomes ². Additionally, mid-career Singaporeans can qualify for mid-career enhanced subsidies when taking another publicly-funded full-time diploma from AY2025, even if they had previously received MOE subsidy or government sponsorship for a diploma or higher qualification ².

6. However, the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Training Allowance, which is part of the programme, is based on 50% of one’s average income over the latest available 12-month period, capped at $3,000 a month, for up to 24 months over an individual’s lifetime ³.

7. Hence for worker's with $5,001 salary, the worker will receive *$2,500.50 cents* every month up to 2 years to put food on the table.

(This will be a more superior programme compare to the Retrenchment Temporary Grant of $6,000 - to be dispense from $1,500, $1,250, $1,000, $750 .... for 6 months).

8.The catch is, this programme caters to mid-career Singaporeans aged 40 years and above.

9. This means 30 years old to 39 years old with salary >$5,000 will not be entitled to the Skillsfuture Level Up Programme.

This is the PME group that fall off the cracks from both "Retrenchment Temporary Grant* and "SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme*.

G, [4/9/2024 2:50 PM]

What's the profile of all those infected?

Previous round of monkeypox fearmongering, and it turns out that the infected were mainly men who engage in gay sex.

If anything, to really stop the spread, then need to stop promiscuous gay sex. Too bad 377A was repealed, else it could be actively enforced to stop the spread

MOH needs to be transparent about the findings and be truthful about who are really at risk. Stop pandering to the woke politically correct cultists

G, [4/9/2024 3:34 PM]

98% of infected are gay men

95% caught monkeypox through sexual activity

Yet "infectious disease experts" still want to "warn against stigmatising"

Contrast this against how those who didn't take the covid jabs were actively stigmatised against. 

Heck RGS even used their alumni in a case study to their students, shedding the alumni in a negative light

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 4:06 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 5:00 PM]

[ Poll : 1. Are you concerned about the mpox situation? ]

- Yes, the developments around the world has been worrying

- No, I am assured that sufficient public health measures are being implemented

- Neutral

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 5:00 PM]

[ Poll : 2. Are you satisfied with the updated measures to guard against the spread of mpox? ]

- I am satisfied. The current measures take a balanced approach towards the situation.

- I am not satisfied and more measures should be taken (please share your views in the chats below)

- I am not satisfied as the measures are unnecessary (please share your views in the chats below)

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 5:02 PM]

Dear Contributors,

Please take a moment to participate in our polls ๐Ÿ“Šand share your opinion ๐Ÿ’ญ. The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on today’s topic!

Thank you.


G, [4/9/2024 5:37 PM]

Why are the poll responses worded like that instead of simple yes/no?

Especially for the "No" response, the reason is assumed to be "sufficient public health measures are being implement". 

Why not leave the reasons for "Yes" and "No" open ended?

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 6:06 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 6:07 PM]

Dear Contributors,

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

๐Ÿ’ฌ What are your views on MOH's update on the public health measures for mpox? How can we continue to guard against the spread of mpox?

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active! 

Do also share your opinion by participating in our polls! The poll questions are pinned for easy reference, and your vote is anonymous.

Thank you!

Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

Adam, [4/9/2024 6:09 PM]

When travellers declare, i wonder what is the consequence of incorrectly declaring. Im pretty sure everyone just put all ok anyway as they dun wan to risk getting sent back or quarantine. If get caught can just act blur and say they dunno they sick.

Adam, [4/9/2024 6:10 PM]

Anyone here declare sick before?

Adam, [4/9/2024 6:11 PM]

If its so serious, put up big posters like how drug smugglers will be punished

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 6:45 PM]

Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

REACH Singapore, [4/9/2024 6:59 PM]

Dear Contributors

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

REACH (Telegram) 18 - What are your views on the Job Seeker Support Scheme? What more can be done to support unemployed Singapore residents as they seek re-employment?


28 Aug 2024 (10am - 7pm)

REACH (Telegram)

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 10:01 AM]

Dear contributors,

Welcome back! ๐Ÿ˜Š

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind:

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited. 

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment. 

4. No need to repeat your comment or in differnet forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time. 

5. Let's protect each other's privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all. 

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies. 

The topic will be posted shortly. 

Thank you. 

Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 10:05 AM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

On Wednesday, 27 August 2024, Minister for Manpower Tan See Leng unveiled the Job Seeker Support scheme’s eligibility criteria during a visit to the Devan Nair Institute for Employment and Employability.

Under this scheme, which was first announced during Prime Minister Lawrence Wong’s National Day Rally, eligible Singapore residents will receive up to $6,000 over six months, starting with $1,500 in the first month, and subsequently tapering down, if they meet the requirements. It will be rolled out in April 2025 and is set to benefit about 60,000 jobless Singapore residents. 

๐Ÿ’ฌ What are your views on the Job Seeker Support Scheme? What more can be done to support unemployed Singapore residents as they seek re-employment?

More details on the Job Seeker Support Scheme:

๐Ÿ“Œ Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the SkillsFuture Jobseeker Support, job seekers must have earned $5,000 or less a month on average for the duration of their previous employment within the last 12 months. They must also have worked for at least six out of the 12 months preceding their application for the scheme, must demonstrate that they are actively seeking a job, and cannot be living in a property with an annual value of more than $25,000. 

The scheme will be open to Singaporeans aged 21 and above at launch, before being extended to permanent residents aged 21 and above from the first quarter of 2026

๐Ÿ“Œ Benefits of the Scheme

Job seekers will receive up to $6,000 over six months, starting with $1,500 in the first month, and subsequently tapering down, if they meet the requirements. However, the monthly payouts are capped at an individual’s previous-drawn monthly salary, and they stop once the job seeker finds work. 

Those who have received payouts will not be able to make another application within three years of their last scheme payout, but there is otherwise no limit on how many times they can be covered by this scheme.

๐Ÿ“Œ Complementing other social support schemes

The Ministry of Manpower and Workforce Singapore said in a joint statement issued on Aug 27 that the payout quantum is not sized to meet the needs of households facing financial distress as a result of a household member becoming involuntarily unemployed. Job seekers can still benefit from social support schemes such as ComCare Short-To-Medium-Term Assistance.

Those who undertake reskilling or upskilling can still receive additional training allowances that they qualify for separately, such as the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Training Allowance



REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 11:04 AM]

[ Poll : 1. Are you satisfied with the Job Seeker Support Scheme? ]

- I am satisfied. The scheme sufficiently supports job seekers as they seek re-employment.

- I am somewhat satisfied. More can be done (please share your views below).

- I am dissatisfied. I feel a lot more can be done (please share your views below).

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 11:04 AM]

[ Poll : 2. How else can job seekers be supported? ]

- Improved career coaching/ job matching services

- Greater support for upskilling/ reskilling

- Increased financial support

- Others (please share your views below)

Adam, [28/8/2024 11:09 AM]

Funny how the problem is framed as the onus is on the jobseekers. Imagine if the rulers understand there are bigger undelying issues making it harder for singaporean employment

Hanny, [28/8/2024 11:12 AM]

This scheme is one of the things that are available for job seekers. 

We need to ensure that the people who really need assistance know their options.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 11:16 AM]

Improve the knowledge of the coaches. Increase the number of coaches.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 11:18 AM]

Increase the visibility of the coaches

G, [28/8/2024 11:48 AM]

How come PRs are included to benefit from this?

Doesn't it cheapen citizenship?

Even if want to include PR, the benefits should be tiered to reflect the value of citizenship

It is also mischievous for this govt to keep using the "Singapore residents" term

G, [28/8/2024 11:56 AM]

There needs to be a stop to lump PRs and Singaporeans together for statistics and benefits

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 12:04 PM]

1. This retrenchment temporary grants is indeed a modest step to provide temporary relief for retrenched as the amount ranging from $1,500, $1,000 step down to $750 for 6 months with a total of $6,000 is not alot.

It dosen't look like a welfare scheme.

2. It can only buy food and probably transport for the retrenched workers to tie through the 6 months to look for replacement jobs or get trained and placement.

3. Notice that the criteria to meet this temporary payout is meant for lower and middle lower income as the salary must be less than $5,000 a month.

4. However, most mid career workers will likely to exceed $5,000 a month.

And these mid career groups are most likely belong to the sandwich class:-

a. Young children still in schools.

b. Elderly parents to take care.

c. Mid career workers are harder to secure a replacement jobs due to their age and higher income.

The only consolation is that they will still receive training allowance if they go for reskilling or upskilling to at least able to put food on the tables.

Adam, [28/8/2024 12:08 PM]

Can we report CNA for pofma? Headline says 40% of singaporeans but in survey is from singaporeans and pr. Why do they keep doing this?

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 12:20 PM]

Thought the scheme will be more inclusive if it also includes:-

Retrenched workers even if salary > $5,000 - as long as they are retrenched.

Because they are no less financially distress after retrenchment - as their financial commitment could be higher as they still need to finance their housing loans, pay daily expenses, children expenses and parents allowance.

At least the temporary grants of $6,000 can relieve their worry of putting food on the tables for 6 months.

xXx.SCAR.xXx, [28/8/2024 12:21 PM]

Good point about the mid-career group of people. At 40 to 55 years old, life is really stressful ๐Ÿ˜”

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 12:25 PM]

60,000 retrenched workers X $6,000 for 6 months is about $360 million set aside for the temporary retrenchment grants.

Assume those mid career retrenched workers are another 60,000, then a total of $720 million is needed.

Fiscal affordability wise, not sure is it too much for our government budget to take?

But at least, retrenched workers will feel a temporary relief - at least food is not a problem for their families members for 6 months.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 12:28 PM]

Because cannot assume > $5,000 salary a month are rich people.

Their financial burden could be higher.

Providing the means to put food on the table temporarily for 6 months, a physiological need - will be a compassionate inclusive move.

G, [28/8/2024 12:39 PM]

๐Ÿ˜‚ but in your calculations, $5,000 per month single income household can afford 5 room bto flat with zero cash payments!

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 12:42 PM]


Assume housing loan a month $2,000 is finance from CPF OA account.

If mid career workers 40 - 55 years old are retrenched - their 20 to 25 years housing loans still need to be serviced.

So upon retrenchment, a mid career worker salary $5,001 will need to set aside $2,000 cash to pay the housing loan instead of deduction from CPF OA.

That means, the retrenched workers will only left with $3,001.

If $1,000 is given as allowance to the parents.

$1,000 to pay the children school expenses.

$1,000 to pay for electricity, water, utilities, handphone bills, conservancy charges etc.

This retrenched worker only left with $1 for food.

And this is the 1st month that the retrenched workers can finance.

If this retrenched workers cannot find jobs in the subsequent month, the whole families will go hungry, cannot finance the housing loan, cannot pay for their daily living expenses.

So at least if got $6,000 retrenchment temporary grants for 6 months, they still can buy food and won't go hungry.

Hence, being inclusive for retrenched workers even if salary > $5,000 - I feel is a necessity, an inclusive compassionate move - until the retrenched workers find a replacement job.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 12:50 PM]

Hence I was quite surprised that the retrenchment temporary grants have a maximum salary cap as the qualifying criteria.

Because regardless of salary, retrenchment is a trauma to the whole family, psychologically and physically.

Next month without jobs, regardless of whatever income the workers received previously, the income is "0" subsequently.

But bills and expenses keep piling up.

Providing temporary relief for food for the retrenched families in "shell shock" - at least is the minimum physiological need and compassionate move to help the family recover.

And a push factor to motivate retrenched workers regardless of past income to actively retrained or seek jobs.

G, [28/8/2024 12:55 PM]

๐Ÿ˜‚ pre retrenchment doesn't 20% of that $5001 goes to CPF?

And $5001 earner will never contribute $2,000 to OA per month to pay off housing loan

Hanny, [28/8/2024 12:55 PM]

I look at this scheme as a surgical scheme to help certain group of people.

Let’s not forget the comprehensive solutions that are available to workers of all type. 

Are the career coaches familiar with all of them?

Hanny, [28/8/2024 12:56 PM]

Make the career coach easily accessible.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 12:57 PM]

I think if register with e2i, career coach is usually available.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 1:00 PM]

Career coaches should go to the heartland to promote their services.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 1:00 PM]

I don’t think many people is familiar with E2I

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 1:00 PM]

[ Poll : 1. Are you satisfied with the Job Seeker Support Scheme? ]

- I am satisfied. The scheme sufficiently supports job seekers as they seek re-employment.

- I am somewhat satisfied. More can be done (please share your views below).

- I am dissatisfied. I feel a lot more can be done (please share your views below).

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 1:00 PM]

[ Poll : 2. How else can job seekers be supported? ]

- Improved career coaching/ job matching services

- Greater support for upskilling/ reskilling

- Increased financial support

- Others (please share your views below)

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 1:01 PM]

Usually career coach in short supply.

They are HR professionals.

Even if register with e2i, I think needs to request for one

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 1:01 PM]


That's true.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 1:01 PM]

Hence the need to increase the number and improve the quality.

G, [28/8/2024 1:04 PM]

PRs should not be included with this certain group of people

Hanny, [28/8/2024 1:05 PM]

I don’t know how difficult it is to recruit hr professional. My feeling is, given the current market. It shouldn’t be difficult.

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:25 PM]

There scheme also excludes people based on annual value of property. So if you live in parent big house probably cannot get

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:27 PM]

I wonder how many underemployed or unemployed singaporeans there are

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:27 PM]

In total, How many % will benefit from this

Hanny, [28/8/2024 1:28 PM]

Gov knows the number. They mentioned how many people will benefit from this scheme.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 1:29 PM]

96,000 unemployed.

Only 60,000 benefits from this scheme.

36,000 are not covered.

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:30 PM]

Read carefully

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:30 PM]

Article says residents

Hanny, [28/8/2024 1:30 PM]

Gov should make it easy for people to understand what schemes are applicable to them. This can be easily calculated.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 1:32 PM]

As long as we don’t replace ourselves properly, I don’t think we rely purely on citizens to be productive. All unproductive residents are burdens to gov n society.

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:34 PM]

However some residents have contributed greatly in the past. Contributions that cannot be measured in dollars and cents. Contributions so great they lag behind their peers in the same age

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 1:34 PM]

PR also pay taxes.

Many PRs have citizens as their families members.

Some citizens cannot work (eg. Studying, NS etc), whereas the PRs in the families work.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 1:37 PM]

Eventually these PRs will become new citizens.

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:37 PM]

Yea i agree some pr should be citizens and entitled to the benefits. But with benefits come sacrifices. They for one need to renounce thier foreign citizenship, and at the very least speak our tongue

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 1:40 PM]

PRs will normally renounce their homeland citizenships only after they get citizenship in Singapore.

They don't do it before they get Singapore citizenship.

I am not sure whether Singapore allows dual citizenship.

I thought PR cannot hold more than 1 citizenship once Singapore award them citizenship?

I need to confirm this from official sources. Now is only based on my assumption.

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:40 PM]

Tbh idk what is going on with citizenship application. From what i heard its ethnic quota

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 1:42 PM]

The position of the Singapore Government is that dual citizenship is not allowed. The laws regarding Singapore citizenship are found in the Constitution of Singapore. A dual citizen may have acquired citizenship by birth in a foreign country, by descent from a foreign citizen parent, or by naturalisation.9 Mar 2024.

Source:- Google

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:42 PM]

Singapore doesnt allow dual citizenship

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 1:45 PM]

And I heard from the PRs that to convert to Singapore citizenship is extremely difficult.

Some of my PR ex-colleagues told me that they have applied for very long (many years) - but the citizenship still not yet approved.

No one got an idea what criteria are needed to get the Singapore citizenship eventually.

And these PRs are highly qualified, many with specialist skillsets.

Some come from rich families.

G, [28/8/2024 1:46 PM]

This is a huge assumption. If being PR is already so attractive, then why need to be citizen?

G, [28/8/2024 1:47 PM]

Why is "PR also pay taxes" a strong enough argument? Like that I can also say non PR foreigners also pay taxes. How come they are excluded?

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:48 PM]

We need an express path to get citizenship. Maybe singapore can boost its citizens and military by doing something like the French Foreign Legion

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 1:48 PM]

What is the criteria of demonstrate actively seeking a job

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 1:48 PM]

Or how gov knows I am actively seeking a job

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:51 PM]

I assume you have to apply in myskillsfuture for whatever listings there are

Adam, [28/8/2024 1:51 PM]

I hope the gov audit the listings. If company reject applicant ask why

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 1:58 PM]

Like I apply job in fast job and yet keep kena rejected that is considered as actively finding a job. And gov will know right

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 1:59 PM]

Or I apply job in fastjob but reject the job offer does that consider actively finding job

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 2:02 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 2:03 PM]

Those receiving payouts will also need to demonstrate that they are actively seeking a job, such as through submitting job applications, attending career coaching, or participating in eligible training courses.

Asked to elaborate on how someone can show he is doing so, a WSG spokesman said: “I think these are details that we are still working on, but very broadly speaking, we do expect applicants to submit some form of documentation, and we will check this documentation.”

He added that more details will be shared closer to the launch date.

Source:- Straits Times

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 2:04 PM]

Still in the process of defining what constitutes - "actively seeking jobs".

I think not so clear cut as of now.

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 2:07 PM]

PRs is the stepping stone to become citizens.

But in Singapore, the process is very arduous and the criteria is not make known.

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 2:09 PM]

Does mlm consider a job in this scenario

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 2:09 PM]

Sorry what is mlm?

G, [28/8/2024 2:11 PM]

It is, but the fact is they are not citizens and so there needs to be a clear enough differentiation between citizens and PRs especially when benefits are pushed through

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 2:11 PM]

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 2:14 PM]

Oh Multi level marketing.

I thought it is not legal in Singapore?

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 2:14 PM]

MLM activities in Singapore are governed by the Multi-level Marketing and Pyramid Selling (Prohibition) Act. In a word, MLM schemes are NOT LEGAL in Singapore, unless they are specifically excluded through meeting specific criteria.

Source:- Google

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 2:15 PM]

It's legal when selling products mah the video above should also explain that

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 2:16 PM]

When selling products you get a commission. Some famous examples Atomy, nefful etc

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 2:17 PM]

Too complicated for me to comprehend.

It somehow fall into the grey line.

Normally I will avoid stepping into such controversial situation to prevent unnecessary trouble.

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 2:19 PM]

It's a 3 min simple video can very easy to understand

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 2:20 PM]

Just asking in such situations is it consider a job

LCL (Danny ๅฟƒ), [28/8/2024 2:30 PM]

Which I guess could be very thorough background check, national service, feedback from bosses and their colleagues, referees, naturalisation and adaptation to local culture, contribution to the society and community, participation in resident activities, number of years staying and working in Singapore etc among others.

Dr. Goh, [28/8/2024 2:53 PM]

The rules would basically eliminate the majority of unemployed and underemployed. As usual, stingy to local born but very generous to foreigners and cronies.

Dr. Goh, [28/8/2024 2:54 PM]

Even people working at these job seeking agencies don't believe in the system.

Dr. Goh, [28/8/2024 2:55 PM]

I've worked in various organisations. Jobs are reserved for foreigners from the same village even in government linked agencies or companies with EDB funding. Just get PR or citizenship to get more perks. Don't even have to take the jobs seriously.

Dr. Goh, [28/8/2024 2:56 PM]

Most of the "talents" I saw were slacking, playing stock market, online shopping, avoiding the hard valuable work, some even fudging data and sabotaging equipment to make sure others fail.

Dr. Goh, [28/8/2024 2:57 PM]

Singapore is doomed with this.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 2:58 PM]

Singapore does not allow dual citizenship. Gov will ask potential citizens to renounce their citizenship before obtaining Singapore citizenship.

Adam, [28/8/2024 2:59 PM]

Cannot be before i think. Otherwise later got some limbo where person is stateless

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:00 PM]

Getting Singapore PR is not easy. 20k salary per month does not guarantee a PR. I work in a foreign bank and I can confirm this.

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:00 PM]

But i think it should be easier for people to get citizen, but if the incentive is so great, there is an expectation for them to pay into the system

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:01 PM]

Gov will only ask if a person assured citizenship.

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:01 PM]

Otherwise we are letting others raid our reserves

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 3:01 PM]

[ Poll : 1. Are you satisfied with the Job Seeker Support Scheme? ]

- I am satisfied. The scheme sufficiently supports job seekers as they seek re-employment.

- I am somewhat satisfied. More can be done (please share your views below).

- I am dissatisfied. I feel a lot more can be done (please share your views below).

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 3:01 PM]

[ Poll : 2. How else can job seekers be supported? ]

- Improved career coaching/ job matching services

- Greater support for upskilling/ reskilling

- Increased financial support

- Others (please share your views below)

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:02 PM]

Interview panel requires at least one Singaporean.

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:04 PM]

Nah i think they need an 3rd party to audit or something

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:05 PM]

I sit in an interview panel before. And the reason is because I’m Singaporean.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:06 PM]

This is for financial industry. I’m not sure about other industries.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:08 PM]

The key to improving employability is skill upgrade. This is something that gov can do.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:08 PM]

Company will employ based on skill.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:10 PM]

All works are disrupted by advances in technology. Everyone must upgrade.

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:11 PM]

Well we keep upgrading our skills  and improving. I am probably much more skilled than labourers of decades ago. Guess who can buy a house with their wage

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:13 PM]

Its not just difficulty in getting job, but a lot of dissatisfaction comes from even an average jobs being insufficent for our standards which we arent asking for much

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:14 PM]

So lets upskill. I can be ai assisted and make 10x more products than my coworker who didn't

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:14 PM]

Will i get 10x more pay?

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:15 PM]

Will my coworker be fired?

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:15 PM]

What if both me and my coworker upskill and the employer dont need more workers?

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:15 PM]

Even then, will i get paid more?

Adam, [28/8/2024 3:16 PM]

Accounting for inflation of course

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:17 PM]

I dont believe advances in tech will replace workers. We will become more productive and justify higher salary.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:17 PM]

The difference is the kind of works that are available.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:18 PM]

Just look at the crane operator that operates from a control room instead of high up on a tower.

G, [28/8/2024 3:18 PM]

People who upskill and enter the workforce with their newly acquired skills. How many of them are entering at entry level jobs and how many of them at more senior roles?

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 3:18 PM]

The problem is our upskill can last relevant in the market and how long

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:19 PM]

upskilling is the only constant

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:20 PM]

There is no such thing as stop upskilling

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:21 PM]

When I moved to a new industry and started a new skill, my salary dropped by 30%.

G, [28/8/2024 3:22 PM]

Yes we hear motherhood statements like this all the time. How does this translate to the person going through this?

We only ever hear feel good stories. For every feel good "success" story of upskills, how many non-feel good stories of upskilling are there?

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:22 PM]

Getting into a new area is never easy

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:22 PM]

I went through this before

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:23 PM]

Your salary will not be like your previous one. But it's not exactly new grad salary.

G, [28/8/2024 3:24 PM]

Not sure. Nowadays new grads earn quite a lot

G, [28/8/2024 3:25 PM]

And if the grad works for some govt bodies (MINDEF / MHA types), they typically earn more

Jun Ming, [28/8/2024 3:27 PM]

The thing is would you upskill vertically or horizontally?

Vertically like going into master and PhD. Sharpen your skills you already have 

Horizontal get into other fields as a newbie. Getting new skills.

Hanny, [28/8/2024 3:38 PM]

I was in a sunset industry when I moved to another industry.

Nicholas, [28/8/2024 3:44 PM]

The eligibility criteria seems quite restrictive, could this be due to a limited budget to cater for this? The lower income group seems to receive a continuous stream of government assistance, whereas middle and higher income groups are left out. Does this encourage the lower income group to remain where they are?

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 4:01 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 5:01 PM]

[ Poll : 1. Are you satisfied with the Job Seeker Support Scheme? ]

- I am satisfied. The scheme sufficiently supports job seekers as they seek re-employment.

- I am somewhat satisfied. More can be done (please share your views below).

- I am dissatisfied. I feel a lot more can be done (please share your views below).

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 5:01 PM]

[ Poll : 2. How else can job seekers be supported? ]

- Improved career coaching/ job matching services

- Greater support for upskilling/ reskilling

- Increased financial support

- Others (please share your views below)

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 6:01 PM]

๐Ÿ“ข Topic ๐Ÿ“ข

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 6:45 PM]

Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š

John Yong, [28/8/2024 6:59 PM]

Just to add that with the criterion for less than $5k, most PMEs are left out.

REACH Singapore, [28/8/2024 6:59 PM]

Dear Contributors

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our Telegram chat and participating actively.


Megan ๐Ÿ˜Š


*Closing the loop of the previous topic - Redundancy Temporary Grant for $5,000 and below*

1. By taking this policy in isolation, notably 2 big groups fall off the crack :-

a. Mid career workers >$5,000

b. PME >$5,000

2. If these groups lose their jobs, they and their family members will equally in distress as the month after next, their income will be $0 - and yet their bills and expenses and housing loans will keep piling up.

3. Taking the policy in isolation, these 2 groups will be suffering - as they won't benefit a single cent from the policy to put food on the table for 6 months.

4. However, by looking at the breadth and depth of all the MOM policies in totality - these 2 groups could be covered in another policy, specifically the "SkillsFuture Level Up programme".

5. The SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme is available to all Singaporeans aged 40 and above, with *no income criteria to qualify* ¹. The programme offers a $4,000 SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career) top-up, which can be used to defray out-of-pocket fees for selected courses that have better employability outcomes ². Additionally, mid-career Singaporeans can qualify for mid-career enhanced subsidies when taking another publicly-funded full-time diploma from AY2025, even if they had previously received MOE subsidy or government sponsorship for a diploma or higher qualification ².

6. However, the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Training Allowance, which is part of the programme, is based on 50% of one’s average income over the latest available 12-month period, capped at $3,000 a month, for up to 24 months over an individual’s lifetime ³.

7. Hence for worker's with $5,001 salary, the worker will receive *$2,500.50 cents* every month up to 2 years to put food on the table.

(This will be a more superior programme compare to the Retrenchment Temporary Grant of $6,000 - to be dispense from $1,500, $1,250, $1,000, $750 .... for 6 months).

8.The catch is, this programme caters to mid-career Singaporeans aged 40 years and above.

9. This means 30 years old to 39 years old with salary >$5,000 will not be entitled to the Skillsfuture Level Up Programme.

This is the PME group that fall off the cracks from both "Retrenchment Temporary Grant* and "SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme*.