佛心 及 菩提愿 的尽头 就是 魔难。
何时魔难 会到尽头 而花开见佛呢 ?
Can see that the historic handshake and body languages are unease - as both sides expectation have still not fully clicked.Reply
But still the meeting is historic and signal a willingness to move forward positively.
This not only spell good for both Countries.
But also for the Asia Pacific region and the World.
Frictions always cause tension and disharmony.
Perseverance to communicate and desire to move forward positively - will help to ease tension and in future can help to resolve difficult issues - in a Win-Win outcome.
This guy is a Satan who is cruel, savage, inhumane and misusing holy religion to justify his cause – and in so doing smear with too many blood on his hands.Reply
No one take pride in killing a life. But if he has indeed killed by the bombns – it is his gross heavy bad karma that come back to exact justice – for reaping his negative karma who has savagely taken so many innocent lives.
His fate is predicted to come to such ending - if it turn out his current fate is confirmed.
The World will have less violent - with such Satan leaving the World.
Hopefully, those misguided followers will realise how foolish they are being misled by this Satan and turn on new leaf and hopefully the IS will be disbanded.
Can humans live in countries of lawlessness - where even the lowest hierarchy of needs - security and survival needs are not even guaranteed?Reply
自度,度人,(上度,横度,下度), 利己,利人, 是大乘之法。
销灾,解难, 灭苦,灭执, (救苦,救难) 是菩提大愿。
Literally translated it means :-
Loving your citizens like your sons and daughters, this is the responsibilities of the Government.
Diligence in administration to provide a conducive environment for your citizen to thrive and live safely and happily, this is the path the Government should partake.
Ensuring Economic Growth to create wealth and prosperity for the Country and create well-paying jobs for the citizens will utilise the Wisdom of the Government to provide.
Without imposing heavy taxes, tax burden, inducing high cost of living on the citizens, is a Compassionate Government.
The Government has always keeping the welfare of the citizens in mind, in whatever policies they formulate.
The Government working for the interest of the Country and their Citizens – in spirit and in mind which is the hallmark of a Selfless, Compassionate and Wise Government.
These words come from the Heart and Mind of a Bodhisattva whose characteristics are:-
Salvage Others,
Salvage Upwards,
Salvage the Peers,
Salvage Downwards,
Benefit Self,
Benefit Others,
------- which are the hallmark of the Mahayana.
Mitigate disaster,
Assist the helpless,
Eradicate sufferings,
Expound the discourse of letting go of Attachment to wrong views, wrong thoughts, wrong speeches, wrong actions to prevent bad karma,
------ are the Bodhi Vows of the Boddhisattva walking the Path of the Mahayana.